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Past presidential elections and your votes
I was talking about past elections as my daughter is 18 this year and can vote for the first time.

My first Presidential election to vote in was 1988 (I was 19).

Thinking back I thought I voted for Bush Sr., but I'm a little hazy about it.  I remember thinking that Dukakis was getting a bad rap and not nearly as awful when compared to Bush so I may have switched at the last moment.

Same with 1992.  I *think* I voted for Perot, but I remember really liking Clinton and cannot remember what I settled on!  

In 1996 I voted for Clinton.  2000 was Bush...although I told my conservative friends that the best thing that could happen for them would be a Democrat elected because the economy was due for a bad downturn and if there was a Democrat in when it happened they may never get another in for decades.   I voted for the Republican because after eight years I liked change and was not sold on Gore at all. That was also the year I wanted to vote for McCain but Bush won the primaries in the end.

2004 I voted for Kerry, that was an actual protest vote because of the Iraq War which I was totally against from day 1.  Never really thought Kerry could win but I didn't think he would do a bad job either.  He suffered from Turd Blossom's attack machines.

2008 I held my nose and voted for McCain because of 2000 and in spite of my complete horror at the thought of Sarah Palin being that close to the Oval Office.

2012 Was for Obama.

2016....what a mess.

Anyone else?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Have only voted for Obama in my lifetime.  This go around I intend to vote for Stein.
I voted for Romney in 2012 because 1.) No 3rd party candidates were on the ballot in PA 2.) He (technically) was not Obama and ran against Obamacare. Don't waste your time telling me the logical fallacies in my reasoning.

I'll probably never bother to register to vote again and if I do it will probably be for a local election. I think that last sentence is a sufficient explanation of how I feel about the first sentence.
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1988- Bush Sr. (Still flying high on the Reagan fanfare)
1992- Perot (The man was honest and knew what was coming)
1996- Perot (Nobody else thrilled me and I figured Perot was like giving the finger)
2000- Bush Jr. (Gore was a chump)
2004- Bush Jr. (Kerry seemed untrustworthy, but I liked Nader a little)
2008- No Vote (Gave up, everybody sucked)
2012- No Vote (Rolled eyes, they all still sucked and Johnson wasn't really getting with it)
2016- Looks like Johnson, unless he bombs for some reason
2004: Badnarik
2008: Nader
2012: Johnson
2016: Not sure. I will be at the voting booth because there are local and state elections as well as some constitutional amendments on our ballot this year, but I'm not certain about the POTUS candidate I am voting for at this point.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
2000 Gore
2004 Kerry
2008 Obama
2012 Johnson
2016 Johnson

I guess I went from voting against what I saw as insultingly pandering and unqualified/compromised Republicans to just going all the way to *GASP* voting for the person I like the best!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
1980 - Could not vote, but was stunned when Reagan was elected. Predicted after 4 years of him buttfucking the middle class he would be voted out.

1984 - Voted Mondale. Stunned when Reagan was reelected. Thought, wow, the average America is so much dumber than I ever realized. They are cheering this result? FML... Surely, I thought, 4 more years of getting shit on will mean the tide turns back in favor of the middle class and away from the total sell out to the corporations and the wealthiest Americans.

1988 - Voted Dukakis. Exclaimed, "Holy Flamingtesticles Batman!" It is like this country has a death wish. Bush was elected. We are going to get 4 more years of voodoo economics. This country is on the highway to hell, and it wishes it could stomp the accelerator harder.

1992 - Voted Perot. Cringed when "Slick Willie" Clinton won. I thought he was a self-serving bastard who could not be trusted and had little faith he would do anything for the America that had been virtually destroyed over the previous 12 years.

1996 - Voted Clinton, grudgingly. The slide into oblivion had been at least been slowed, and going back to a Republican president would have been anathema.

2000 - Voted Gore, thinking, hell would have to freeze over for this country to elect another Bush. OMG, America really does want a violent revolution or just to destroy the middle class completely, we got another economic train wreck.

2004 - Voted Kerry. Bush destroyed the economic gains under Clinton and started an illegal war in a country that had no connection to 9-11 and well, 9-11, he can pack his - OMG, you have got to be kidding me. Are they putting something in the water? How ***** dumb can people be...

2008 - Voted Obama, thinking, well, this is the second coming of Ronald Reagan, but at this point that is a step in the right direction. We abandon the path to oligarchy/fascism and at least steer back to extreme conservatism.

2012 - Voted Obama, Again, at least we are listing away from oligarchy/fascism.

2016 - Voted Sanders in the primary. He was the first serious presidential candidate to talk about what I had been talking about since 1980 -how for decades the middle class of America had been sold out. For the previous decade more and more economists and some politicians and some citizens had been figuring this out, too. Bernie was finally giving voice to the truth, and in a way where large numbers of people could grasp it. In November will vote for Clinton, and hope like I have never hoped before she wants to end the insanity of the last 35 years and we see a move back toward the economic America of the 1950's and 1960's. Middle class long over due for a real champion. Realize she could be another Conservative Lite ala Obama, but hoping she really is an old school Democrat (FDR) or at least an old school Republican (Eisenhower.)
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
'04- Was 17.5, couldn't vote. Lame. Would have voted Bush in those days.

'08- Wrote in Fred Thompson. I liked him. Started evolving from Republican to "Federalist".

'12- Johnson. More of a libertarian leaning Republican in those days.

'16- Johnson. More of a libertarian leaning independent now.
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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