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3rd Presidential Debate
First transcript I found.  I cannot say it is 100% accurate but the word "coal" never shows up.

Oil, wind, "smaller windows" (LOL) and everything else...but not coal.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-23-2020, 11:57 AM)PhilHos Wrote: I could be wrong, but I think Trump was talking about saving it from Biden's energy plan.

The coal industry was destroyed by natural gas and fracking.  Alternative "green" energy has nothing to do with killing the coal industry.
(10-23-2020, 11:35 AM)GMDino Wrote:  

Surprised a fly didn't land on that shithead...
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021
(10-23-2020, 09:23 AM)PhilHos Wrote: I'm honestly surprised you're unaware that there is a federal minimum wage which is currently at $7.25, I believe. PA is using the federal minimum wage. Other states are allowed to have higher minimum wage but they cannot have a lower minimum wage.
The talk from Biden is making the federal minimum wage $15 which would then require every state whose minimum wage is lower than $15 to be bumped up to $15.

Actually I am quite aware there is a federal minimum wage. My point was that states are already setting their own, in response to Bfritz contention that was an amazing Trump idea.
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A lot of states with minimum wages higher than the federal was done by voter referendum. Let’s have voters vote on a national minimum wage and see how that goes.
(10-23-2020, 09:20 AM)PhilHos Wrote: My thoughts on the debate:
Both candidates performed well but I don't think either side won or lost the debate. They both had their good moments and bad moments but nothing major to the point that one won/lost.

I thought the moderator was overall pretty fair. There was still some left-leaning biases but for the most part, she treated each candidate fairly, gave them both ample time to respond to each other, didn't interrupt, fact check, nor debate the candidates. Probably the best Trump could've asked for from a non-conservative moderator.

Trump spread a great deal of COVID-19 disinformation and claimed Biden had received millions from Moscow. 

Biden addressed Red and Blue states. Both Biden and the moderator fought to keep the debate on policies and actual problems, and away from conspiracy theories. (Left-leaning bias?) Trump blamed Democrat states for their COVID numbers and addressed a Fox audience that knew all about the laptop Rudy Giuliani gave to the New York Post. (Right-leaning bias?)

Why would we want a president who cannot separate data and knowledge needed to manage pandemic from conspiracy theories, one who is ignorant of how science works, angry, aggrieved, undisciplined and unfocused? If Biden is focused on informing and leading all Americans, listening to medical scientists and not disinforming, why is it difficult to declare him the winner, irrespective of whether one agrees with his policies? 

Or what are the criteria for winning and losing a presidential debate? 
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(10-23-2020, 01:02 PM)Dill Wrote: Actually I am quite aware there is a federal minimum wage. My point was that states are already setting their own, in response to Bfritz contention that was an amazing Trump idea.

Yeah, but you gotta admit that was probably among the greatest 10 million ideas Trump has had that he didn't have anything to do with.  Right?
But he said the WORDS "I take full responsibility" so that's all that matters...right?

Not the context, not what he said in the same breath....just those four words.  So he can never be asked about it again...right?

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-23-2020, 11:29 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Any thoughts on Biden's Hitler comments or is it Cause Trump?

I tend to agree with Biden.

Saying one has a "good relationship" with Kim is the ethical and foreign-policy equivalent of some politician in 1940 claiming he had a "good relationship" with Hitler. Same level of ethical blindness and ignorance of U.S. national interest.

Perhaps a MAGA allusion in there somewhere too?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I find it interesting how Trump seems to get bonus points for not quite behaving like in the first debate. Oh, he's so restrained, good for him...

...well ok, but he still said many outrageous things, made wild claims and lied a lot.

The Covid excess mortaility rate is not "way down" or "lower than almost any other country". There is not a vaccine "within weeks", no one, not even his own officials say nothing even remotely close to that timeline. I'm pretty sure that he does not recieve congratulations from many heads of other countries. The US is not "rounding a corner", the numbers rise, and they rise fast. The recovery rate is not 99%. Now while I expect the occasional spin or lie in such debates, this is about a potentially life and death matter and I find this downplaying and these lies unbearably irresponsible.

He also blatantly misrepresented Fauci's stances and falsely called him a Democrat. Covid's also not generally harmless for children, no matter what his own son went through or didn't went through.

He also made completely baseless accusations against Joe Biden, like that he personally took 3.5 million Dollars from Russia or that he is the "big man" that got 10% of whatever (I couldn't even follow that), or that his family gets ten million dollars a year for introductions. That his own tax returns are under audit for over four years now is incredibly incredible. As is that he had prepaid millons of dollars in taxes and no one had told him that before. Mueller did not go through Trump's tax records and did in no way state there was "nothing wrong". And his China account was not on public record, nor was it closed in 2015.

The farmer subsidies are not paid for by China. Also, no intelligence suggests Russia wants Trump to lose and actively works towards that for he was so tough on them.

When asked anything about healthcare, he only has "I repealed the individual mandate" to say. There is no plan, no idea, no nothing, only wild promises that all kinds of preexisting conditions are protected and that his "beautiful" health care is going to be great and cost way less, same thing he promised four years back without anything substantial behind it. Also Biden is not for terminating 180 million plans and socialized medicine, and a public option is not akin to terminating Medicare and destroying social security.

The children in detention centers have not been brought by coyotes, but were with their parents before getting separated. And responding how he will find the lost parents of over 500 chiildren with pointing out how nice the facilities where they have to stay are is, well, pretty disgusting. And blaming Biden for the separation policy he enforced and the cages his administration put people in is disingenuous at best. Also, not less than 1% show up to their hearing after catch and release, and no known murderers etc. get released. Trump even claimed that only those with the lowest IQ's would show up to their hearing. Welp.

Biden never called the black community "superpredators". That Trump calls himself the least racist person in the room and that he did more for the black community than any other president except maybe Lincoln is just ridiculous.

Also, the climate accord did not demand the US to pay trillions of dollars. The wild number aside, there was no mandate to spend anything really. Windmills do not kill "all the birds". Estimates are it might be up to 300.000 birds a year. In comparison, estimates are that cats alone kill over a billion birds a year. Biden's climate change plan does not cost 100 trillion dollars and was not written by "no idea about the climate" AOC. The idea that Biden wants to tear down the houses and rebuild them with "tiny windows" is laughably absurd.

Overall - still pretty embarrassing to watch, to be blunt embarrassing for the US really. A little less embarrassing than the first desaster of a debate maybe, but still, pretty bad. Also disclaimer, I am well aware that not everything Biden said passes the fact checks too, and I do have some issue with that (I do not mention them and I did not mention many additional falsehoods from Trump either). But what Trump creates there is a whole other dimension.
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All Trump talks about regarding Covid is his China travel ban, but that is like bragging about closing the gate after the horses have already gotten out.

Covid was ALREADY HERE when he instituted the travel ban. At that point the focus had to be on PREVENTING THE SPREAD. And that is where he failed so miserably.

Funny thing is that if he had pushed hard for all the procedures to prevent the spread he then he would possibly be winning this election. He cut his own throat. The economy would have been damaged no matter who was President, but people would have still voted for him if he had rally done what was bets for the country. He wants everything opened back up, but it would be much easier to open everything back up if everyone was WEARING MASKS AND TAKING IT SERIOUSLY, instead of ignoring all the safety measures because "it is no worse than the flu and will be gone soon"
Trump saying he was the least racist person the the room was interesting. I know it is just a statement, but it's still a bizarre way to put it. Everyone in here is more racist than me!
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(10-23-2020, 02:38 PM)fredtoast Wrote: He wants everything opened back up, but it would be much easier to open everything back up if everyone was WEARING MASKS AND TAKING IT SERIOUSLY, instead of ignoring all the safety measures because "it is no worse than the flu and will be gone soon"

I'd attribute that to wishful thinking or ignoring reality. He probably assumed the covid issue would do just that, go away like other news stories go away. Or that he could just tweet "everything is fine, bad media is awful" and enough people would believe that.

Worked for him like a charm before, after all.
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(10-23-2020, 01:54 PM)Dill Wrote: I tend to agree with Biden.

Saying one has a "good relationship" with Kim is the ethical and foreign-policy equivalent of some politician in 1940 claiming he had a "good relationship" with Hitler. Same level of ethical blindness and ignorance of U.S. national interest.

Perhaps a MAGA allusion in there somewhere too?
I know Biden's been around for a while, but I don't think even he was a politician in 1940.
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(10-23-2020, 02:45 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Trump saying he was the least racist person the the room was interesting.  I know it is just a statement, but it's still a bizarre way to put it.  Everyone in here is more racist than me!

Including the black moderator.

Kinda reminded me of when he said "I am the least anti semitic person you have ever seen in your entire life" to a jewish reporter.
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(10-23-2020, 01:54 PM)Dill Wrote: I tend to agree with Biden.

Saying one has a "good relationship" with Kim is the ethical and foreign-policy equivalent of some politician in 1940 claiming he had a "good relationship" with Hitler. Same level of ethical blindness and ignorance of U.S. national interest.

Perhaps a MAGA allusion in there somewhere too?

You and your understanding of rhetorical devices. 
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(10-23-2020, 12:32 PM)fredtoast Wrote: The coal industry was destroyed by natural gas and fracking.  Alternative "green" energy has nothing to do with killing the coal industry.

My response to GMDino was in regards to Trump saving the oil industry. 
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(10-23-2020, 01:02 PM)Dill Wrote: Actually I am quite aware there is a federal minimum wage. My point was that states are already setting their own, in response to Bfritz contention that was an amazing Trump idea.

My bad. I only skimmed his post. Didn't realize he was giving Trump credit for that. 
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(10-23-2020, 02:51 PM)hollodero Wrote: Including the black moderator.

Some may assert that suggesting someone is less racist for no other qualification than the color of his/her skin is in itself racist.

FWIW, does Welker identify as black?
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(10-23-2020, 12:05 PM)GMDino Wrote: First transcript I found.  I cannot say it is 100% accurate but the word "coal" never shows up.

Oil, wind, "smaller windows" (LOL) and everything else...but not coal.

I found this quote to be brilliant:

Quote:Joe Biden: (25:15)

Take a look at what New York has done in terms of turning the curve down, in terms of the number of people dying. And I don’t look at this in terms of the way he does, blue states and red states. They’re all the United States. And look at the states that are having such a spike in the coronavirus. They’re the red states, they’re the states in the Midwest, they’re the states in the upper Midwest.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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