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5/30 ruling against Trump
(06-02-2024, 08:09 AM)hollodero Wrote: Well, I probably have to agree to a point, as much as I don't want to. Biden sure gets defended more often than I would deem justified. Which, to an extent, is the logical consequence of a two party system, where every critizism more or less automatically is seen as a favorable point for the other guy. But they are not like the MAGA people, for the latter actually worship Trump while no one really worships Biden. If Biden said that he could shoot someone and not lose votes, it would be untrue. No one (well, say hardly anyone, except some whataboutism artists) would defend Biden on stuff like that.

Biden is a massive liability.  I doubt much of anyone on the Dem side feels inspired or hopeful about having 4 more years of that guy as president.  It's 2 terrible options.  

Biden's only appeal is that he's not the other guy.  

Again, it would be nice if both of these guys crossed the rainbow bridge before October in the most comfortable, peaceful, and nonviolent way possible.

And I say that knowing full well that a matchup between R and D would likely favor the GOP much more heavily if the figureheads of Trump and Biden were removed.
(06-02-2024, 01:31 PM)samhain Wrote: Biden is a massive liability.  I doubt much of anyone on the Dem side feels inspired or hopeful about having 4 more years of that guy as president.  It's 2 terrible options.  

Biden's only appeal is that he's not the other guy.  

Again, it would be nice if both of these guys crossed the rainbow bridge before October in the most comfortable, peaceful, and nonviolent way possible.

And I say that knowing full well that a matchup between R and D would likely favor the GOP much more heavily if the figureheads of Trump and Biden were removed.

Yeah, I guess running for a second term might be Biden's greatest historical failure. Especially since it would have been so easy for anyone else, who all of a sudden would have been the fresh face running against old and depleted Trump. Instead, the Dems now run possibly the only person that is even more old and depleted. How very progressive of them.

I still can't quite wish death upon anyone. I do sometimes wonder what your 25th amendment is for though.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-02-2024, 01:22 PM)samhain Wrote: The most hilarious part with pretend RINOs like you is the dishonesty.

"MAGA people".  Right.  Like there's a secret and small niche of hardcore Trump followers that are just so crazy that even sensible conservatives (such as yourself, of course) couldn't possibly share their views in lockstep. 

It' must be quite convenient to be able to cast the MAGA "slur" upon others to elevate yourself while you continue to harbor the exact same beliefs that these poor, mindless (according to you) MAGA folk espouse.

And you guys say we are unfair to the followers.  

Maybe you could provide some solid reasons as to why you're so much better than the lowly MAGA?  Other than "Trump says stuff I don't like"? 

Are you a closet LIBROLLL????

I consider them both pretty much equal in terms of being idiots, the biggest differences to me is Immigration and their preferred energy policies.
Obviously Trump is much harder on Immigration even with just using EO's, 

While i understand we need to move to a cleaner carbon footprint, Dems are just tossing money at it with out any type of Regulation. Which makes it extremely difficult for both auto makers and charging stations as everyone is developing their own proprietary technology. Standardize that shit, and let people continue to R&D better on their own and adjust the standards every few years as Technology grows. Otherwise we get 7 $1B charging stations. 

Trump needs to stop shooting himself in the foot, if he could learn tact, he'd likely be a shoo in, but it's not who he is. 

(06-02-2024, 01:31 PM)samhain Wrote: Biden is a massive liability.  I doubt much of anyone on the Dem side feels inspired or hopeful about having 4 more years of that guy as president.  It's 2 terrible options.  

Biden's only appeal is that he's not the other guy.  

Again, it would be nice if both of these guys crossed the rainbow bridge before October in the most comfortable, peaceful, and nonviolent way possible.

And I say that knowing full well that a matchup between R and D would likely favor the GOP much more heavily if the figureheads of Trump and Biden were removed.

I don't wish death to either one, but i don't realistically see either finishing their terms. So i'm really watching to see who Trump picks. 
I think Kamala is worse than Biden and they should have went with a stronger contender to set themselves up for the next election. I doubt she could even win the Dem convention as the next Presidential Nominee. 

Still waiting to see Trunp's pick. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-01-2024, 08:09 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I called the take naive, not you individually. There is a difference. I focus on the action or statement and not the individual when I make statements like that for a reason. Someone making a naive statement does not make them inherently naive, just that particular statement.

Here is the Marist poll those numbers come from (which I didn't remember exactly correct because I was just basing it on recall memory from a summary article on the polling):

Here is also a poll that Reuters/Ipsos did over the past couple of days on the topic:

My apologies for getting back to this so late.

Your poll numbers seem to indicate in the manner of what I said of little to no difference in voting for DJT, with 17% of voters less likely to vote for him in the case of a conviction and 15% being more likely.

I appreciate the nothing-burger and your sources.

You have to look at both sides of the data, not just the side you want to see.

As Joe Dirt would say, that's day one stuff.
(06-02-2024, 05:47 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: My apologies for getting back to this so late.

Your poll numbers seem to indicate in the manner of what I said of little to no difference in voting for DJT, with 17% of voters less likely to vote for him in the case of a conviction and 15% being more likely.

I appreciate the nothing-burger and your sources.

You have to look at both sides of the data, not just the side you want to see.

As Joe Dirt would say, that's day one stuff.

You see, the difference here lies in the breakdowns, not the toplines. When you start digging into the statistics based on things like 2020 recall votes and other demographics, it tells you more than just looking at the registered voters. You can't just rely on the most basic statistics to guide your conclusions. There are also some basic assumptions used in interpreting these sorts of polls that require a little more depth of understanding.

But that is like day three or four stuff when dealing with applied statistics in the social sciences.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(06-02-2024, 08:29 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: You see, the difference here lies in the breakdowns, not the toplines. When you start digging into the statistics based on things like 2020 recall votes and other demographics, it tells you more than just looking at the registered voters. You can't just rely on the most basic statistics to guide your conclusions. There are also some basic assumptions used in interpreting these sorts of polls that require a little more depth of understanding.

But that is like day three or four stuff when dealing with applied statistics in the social sciences.

It's in your own data sets.

Negligible difference, more so when you consider the margin of error in polling and the small sample size.

Day one stuff.
(06-02-2024, 08:34 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: It's in your own data sets.

Negligible difference, more so when you consider the margin of error in polling and the small sample size.

Day one stuff.

Whatever helps you feel better about yourself.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(06-02-2024, 09:14 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Whatever helps you feel better about yourself.

Ignore your own data.

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