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5/30 ruling against Trump
Today I viewed a poll where 60% of  Independent voters think convicted felon Trump should call it quits and 17% of GOP registered voters say there's no way they're voting for a convicted felon.  The MAGA extremist base will always be 100% behind him b/c to them this is a race war and the convicted felon Donald Trump makes them feel normalized in their racist views to hate black and brown people.  

The MAGA base wants to scream about the southern border, but when the VERY MOST Conservative member of the Senate,  James Langford-OK, wrote an immigration bill last month, and the Democrats agreed to give him everything he asked they voted against their own self-interests.  Lindsay Graham and McConnell said this was the most conservative bill they had ever seen and the Rs would never get this good of a deal ever again.  What happened, the Rs all in lockstep voted against their own bill b/c the Convicted Felon Donald Trump didn't want them to fix it under the Biden Admin.  

That's just it, Convicted Felon Trump and the MAGA base have no solutions, voted against their own immigration bill, and do not want things fixed b/c then it would remove one of their reason to hate black and brown people, and we just can't have that now can we?!?!?!
Don't mock kids who believe in Santa, while adults still believe in Fox News.  

(06-01-2024, 01:57 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: Mate, every country in the world only have crappy choices. Do not think it's an american thing especially in 2024.

Yeah sure, that is somewhat true. But even the worst choices my country had still easily beat Trump vs. Biden. I mean, like Macron or not, but he is a miles better choice than these two are, at least he's smart and does not talk about cannibals. I probably would even distinctly prefer Le Pen over Trump. And you even have some more folks, admittedly some pretty weird ones too, but in comparison to America's everlasting choice of two corrupt party molochs, it's still way better hands down.

And if someone really is deemed too crappy to rule, he gets the Hollande fate of totally crashing. There's no such fate to be had for Americans.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-01-2024, 02:07 PM)hollodero Wrote: Yeah sure, that is somewhat true. But even the worst choices my country had still easily beat Trump vs. Biden. I mean, like Macron or not, but he is a miles better choice than these two are, at least he's smart and does not talk about cannibals. I probably would even distinctly prefer Le Pen over Trump. And you even have some more folks, admittedly some pretty weird ones too, but in comparison to America's everlasting choice of two corrupt party molochs, it's still way better hands down.

And if someone really is deemed too crappy to rule, he gets the Hollande fate of totally crashing. There's no such fate to be had for Americans.

What a timeline we're living ! 
The chance we have is that we are not limited to 2 parties so we can vote for other people at least at the 1st round.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(06-01-2024, 11:22 AM)samhain Wrote: I hope people who do not support Trump are paying attention here.

You might think that there is some iota of reason left in the people who remain as his supporters.  That they are your next door neighbors, friends and family members and will not pick the worship of a celebrity over your life.  

You are likely wrong.  

What we will likely find out after this verdict is that things are going to get violent.  it will probably be sporadic terrorism and seemingly random.  His followers have desired political violence since Jan 6.  Some more extreme followers have wanted it long before.  The old "we have a lot of guns so you better do what we say" narrative looms large.  

My suggestion is that anyone, even conservative (lol) that do not view themselves as unquestioning Trump lickspittles had better pay attention to their surroundings.  Mind work conversations and discussions at family gatherings.  Watch what you say to your neighbors.  

What they are telling you right now is that even a small degree of accountability on Trump's behalf is unacceptable.  How do you think they feel about the election?  If DJT wins, he will be much too busy punishing his enemies to govern at any real level.  If he authorizes police or military to deal with immigrants and gangs, how far off do you think we are from you being next on the list as political enemies?  

If Biden wins, the violence might be even worse.  They are making it known that there is only one acceptable outcome for them, or else.  It will be them shirtless with buffalo horns screaming at the top of their lungs at various federal buildings about QAnon, only this time many more will be willing to kill.    

In short, get ready for the followers to do his bidding.  They are no longer the GOP as we have known it.  They were given a chance to replace him against a very weak Democrat incumbent and overwhelmingly declined.  They are his to command, unquestioned, and without regard to their previous moral code or religious beliefs.  

Listen to them when they tell you what they are going to do to us.  We're getting very close.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Is it really all that crazy?

[Image: trump-or-death-flag-new-york-198060.jpg?r=1717173965920]
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(06-01-2024, 02:35 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Is it really all that crazy?

[Image: trump-or-death-flag-new-york-198060.jpg?r=1717173965920]

Might ask them again in november. 

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(06-01-2024, 01:43 PM)hollodero Wrote: No he is not. This starts with Biden not rage-tweeting every other day about all kinds of personal enemies, that really goes a long way. That was embarrassing beyond belief, how the leader of the most powerful nation called people dogs, dumb as rocks and all that on an almost daily basis. Also, Trump said so much flat-out ignorant, uneducated and dumb stuff that even Mr. Cannibal does not quite match it. Please cast doubt on that, I could easily make a list lasting several cilometers, or miles as you metric system-denying folks would say, of mind-boggingly moronic stuff Mr. Trump has said. For many people, it's the most incomprehensible thing of all, how someone so demonstrably unintelligent could ever persuade anyone of anything.

Biden also is not making lewd comments about other leader's wives, does not shake their hand until they are visibly shaken, doesn't push them out of the way to be in photos, the formal things. He did an ok job in uniting the western front against Putin and was instrumental in getting Sweden into NATO. Sure, some other stuff, not so great. And also sure, quite many people including me are taken aback by the democrats having nothing better to offer than a visibly aging man that can't quite be defended against allegations of a mental decline any more. But Trump, he was something else and his apparently inevitable return is much feared, not welcomed.
I could make a similar list about Joe Biden shaking invisible hands, being deemed mentally incompetent to stand trail as he is forgetful (bur remains President), talking to dead people, falling up stairs, level floors, off bikes, talking to like a hostage is in the room, making racist remarks, being buddies with klansmen, botched withdrawing of troops, terrible on border control, record inflation, childish cue cards he cannot understand (pause, repeat the line), garbled speeches, and more. 
Trump acts like a jerk at times and broadcasts it. Is is a terrible choice for President. Fortunate for him, he is running against Joe Biden, and that is likely all it takes to get the win. Many people out there are not voting for DJT because they love him as a candidate, but because they know he is a better option than Joe Biden.
(06-01-2024, 02:42 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: I could make a similar list about Joe Biden shaking invisible hands, being deemed mentally incompetent to stand trail as he is forgetful (bur remains President), talking to dead people, falling up stairs, level floors, off bikes, talking to like a hostage is in the room, making racist remarks, being buddies with klansmen, botched withdrawing of troops, terrible on border control, record inflation, childish cue cards he cannot understand (pause, repeat the line), garbled speeches, and more. 
Trump acts like a jerk at times and broadcasts it. Is is a terrible choice for President. Fortunate for him, he is running against Joe Biden, and that is likely all it takes to get the win. Many people out there are not voting for DJT because they love him as a candidate, but because they know he is a better option than Joe Biden.

What you're missing here, though, is that he and Arturo are coming from an international perspective. They are going to have a better understanding of how Trump and Biden are viewed globally, especially by our NATO allies, than most Americans. We could all make a long list of things that suck about both of them, but the fact remains that the international community would much rather see Biden at the helm of our foreign policy than Trump because Biden has a proven record as a rational actor. Trump lacks that.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(06-01-2024, 02:51 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: What you're missing here, though, is that he and Arturo are coming from an international perspective. They are going to have a better understanding of how Trump and Biden are viewed globally, especially by our NATO allies, than most Americans. We could all make a long list of things that suck about both of them, but the fact remains that the international community would much rather see Biden at the helm of our foreign policy than Trump because Biden has a proven record as a rational actor. Trump lacks that.
I am aware.

Similarly, they may have some partisan bias, as has been noted before.

A simple size of two means nothing unless it is something extremely rare. 
(06-01-2024, 02:57 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: I am aware.

Similarly, they may have some partisan bias, as has been noted before.

A simple size of two means nothing unless it is something extremely rare. 

Everyone has biases. If we use that as an excuse to be dismissive of people's opinions then there is no opinion we can ever trust. Period.

An I agree that a sample size of two means nothing, but I also know that what they are saying is the prevailing thought in other western nations. There are of course exceptions, but they are the exceptions for a reason.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
I see 2 contrasts looking at the 2 candidates.

Biden and Democrats stopped respecting our country a long time ago. Trump respects our country and loves all Americans.

I believe we live in the greatest country in the world. Liberals believe the opposite.

So I see one Patriotic choice Trump who puts America first and is proud of her. Then I see Biden’s liberal base that wan to turn the USA into a 3rd world country..A base that wants to wipe all Jewish people off the earth.

I have seen more chaos under Biden and a lot of it was orchestrated by his followers.Those same followers created chaos during Trump’s presidency. Liberals are the common denominator of death and destruction.I witnessed a few hours of rioting in one place on Jan 6 from Trump supporters. We saw months of rioting from liberals.

Who are the real culprits of chaos? I said hands down liberals.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-01-2024, 02:57 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: I am aware.

Similarly, they may have some partisan bias, as has been noted before.

A simple size of two means nothing unless it is something extremely rare. 

I've never hidden the fact that I might be the most leftist dude out there ( it's not that hard though ... ) but I'm old and sane enough to recognize a frakking idiot when I see one and believe me Trump is one of a kind. He was our laughing stock for 4 years  ( apart for the creepy COVID period where it was just a pathetic showing  )

If he wasn't born a billionnaire son that dude would pack wallmart shit all day long. 

He's just a rich Biff Tannen. 

I've not a real opinion on Biden. He can die tomorrow, I won't take a second round of mussels nor mourning. I would just don't care. 

And I'm not going to vote for someone who's motto is : I don't take any responsability at all. You are elected to do this. Endorse full responsibility. 

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(06-01-2024, 03:02 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Everyone has biases. If we use that as an excuse to be dismissive of people's opinions then there is no opinion we can ever trust. Period.

An I agree that a sample size of two means nothing, but I also know that what they are saying is the prevailing thought in other western nations. There are of course exceptions, but they are the exceptions for a reason.

[Image: giphy.gif]
(06-01-2024, 03:06 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I see 2 contrasts looking at the 2 candidates.

Biden and Democrats stopped respecting our country a long time ago. Trump respects our country and loves all Americans.

I believe we live in the greatest country in the world. Liberals believe the opposite.

So I see one Patriotic choice Trumpwho puts America first and is proud of her. The Isee Biden’s liberal base that wan to turn the USA into a 3rd world country..A base that wants to wipe all Jewish people off the earth.

I have seen more chaos under Biden and a lot of it was orchestrated by his followers.Those same followers created chaos during Trump’s presidency. Liberals are the truecoon denominator of death and destruction.I witnessed a few hours of rioting in one place on Jan 6 from Trump  supporters. We saw months of rioting from liberals.

Who are the real culprits of chaos? I said hands down liberals.

Detached from reality. How is orchestrating a plot to overthrow the will of the American people and talking shit about how terrible our country is on a daily basis showing he respects and loves this country?

Two of the main reasons I know Biden and the Democrats didn't stop respecting this country long ago. Infrastructure bill and the Chips & Science bill. And they tried to get us an immigration bill.

Think, think, think. Use those critical thinking skills. Analyze the facts. And form your own opinions.
(06-01-2024, 03:32 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Detached from reality. How is orchestrating a plot to overthrow the will of the American people and talking shit about how terrible our country is on a daily basis showing he respects and loves this country?

Two of the main reasons I know Biden and the Democrats didn't stop respecting this country long ago. Infrastructure bill and the Chips & Science bill. And they tried to get us an immigration bill.

Think, think, think. Use those critical thinking skills. Analyze the facts. And form your own opinions.

You may be the one needing to use critical thinking skills.

The overthrow is BS. just a lib talking point that has been rebuffed over and over, never charged with it,it is liberal propaganda. Once that fake claim is dismissed, the rest of your BS goes away.

Please prove Trump caused the riot. You can’t because it is huge lie. Only Biden loyalists blame Trump.

Democrats have no respect for our constitution and the body appointed to protect it,the Supreme Court. Same liberals bashing Trump for going after a corrupt judge do not respect the decisions of the Supreme Court.

It is hypocrisy on full display for all with good critical thinking skills to see. Why don’t you see it?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-01-2024, 02:30 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: [Image: giphy.gif]

Revenge tour!  Smashing' libz!
(06-01-2024, 03:06 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I see 2 contrasts looking at the 2 candidates.

Biden and Democrats stopped respecting our country a long time ago. Trump respects our country and loves all Americans.

I believe we live in the greatest country in the world. Liberals believe the opposite.

So I see one Patriotic choice Trump who puts America first and is proud of her. Then I see Biden’s liberal base that wan to turn the USA into a 3rd world country..A base that wants to wipe all Jewish people off the earth.

I have seen more chaos under Biden and a lot of it was orchestrated by his followers.Those same followers created chaos during Trump’s presidency. Liberals are the common denominator of death and destruction.I witnessed a few hours of rioting in one place on Jan 6 from Trump  supporters. We saw months of rioting from liberals.

Who are the real culprits of chaos? I said hands down liberals.

Have you ever had a single original thought in your life?
(06-01-2024, 02:42 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: I could make a similar list about Joe Biden shaking invisible hands, being deemed mentally incompetent to stand trail as he is forgetful (bur remains President), talking to dead people, falling up stairs, level floors, off bikes, talking to like a hostage is in the room, making racist remarks, being buddies with klansmen, botched withdrawing of troops, terrible on border control, record inflation, childish cue cards he cannot understand (pause, repeat the line), garbled speeches, and more. 
Trump acts like a jerk at times and broadcasts it. Is is a terrible choice for President. Fortunate for him, he is running against Joe Biden, and that is likely all it takes to get the win. Many people out there are not voting for DJT because they love him as a candidate, but because they know he is a better option than Joe Biden.

Oddly, he didn't have it in him to beat Biden in 2020, so if he wins it will be a first for that.

Secondly and most importantly, this campaign is no longer about the economy, inflation, or even geopolitics.  

It's about avenging the GOP's big dumb orange puppy that just got kicked in the ribs about 34 times on national TV.  It's a revenge tour and it's all about 1 guy.  Not a swing state, and most certainly not about the country.  

You can hear it in all of the replies from the right wingers here.  They'll get someone for this.  That's all we'll hear from here until November.
(06-01-2024, 03:57 PM)samhain Wrote: Oddly, he didn't have it in him to beat Biden in 2020, so if he wins it will be a first for that.

Secondly and most importantly, this campaign is no longer about the economy, inflation, or even geopolitics.  

It's about avenging the GOP's big dumb orange puppy that just got kicked in the ribs about 34 times on national TV.  It's a revenge tour and it's all about 1 guy.  Not a swing state, and most certainly not about the country.  

You can hear it in all of the replies from the right wingers here.  They'll get someone for this.  That's all we'll hear from here until November.

[Image: giphy.gif]
(06-01-2024, 03:57 PM)samhain Wrote: Oddly, he didn't have it in him to beat Biden in 2020, so if he wins it will be a first for that.

Secondly and most importantly, this campaign is no longer about the economy, inflation, or even geopolitics.  

It's about avenging the GOP's big dumb orange puppy that just got kicked in the ribs about 34 times on national TV.  It's a revenge tour and it's all about 1 guy.  Not a swing state, and most certainly not about the country.  

You can hear it in all of the replies from the right wingers here.  They'll get someone for this.  That's all we'll hear from here until November.

I'm pretty sure they want this as much as he does. 

Truth is they hate you more than they love USA. 

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.


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