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5/30 ruling against Trump
(06-01-2024, 03:43 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: You may be the one needing to use critical thinking skills.

The overthrow is BS. just a lib talking point that has been rebuffed over and over, never charged with it,it is liberal propaganda. Once that fake claim is dismissed,  the rest of your BS goes away.

Please prove Trump caused the riot. You can’t because it is huge lie. Only Biden loyalists blame Trump.

Democrats have no respect for our constitution and the body appointed to protect it,the Supreme Court. Same liberals bashing Trump for going after a corrupt judge do not respect the decisions of the Supreme Court.

It is hypocrisy on full display for all with good critical thinking skills to see. Why don’t you see it?

[Image: giphy.gif]
"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell directly blamed former President Donald Trump for fomenting last month’s riot but voted Saturday to acquit him anyway of inciting an insurrection. "

McConnell and Republicans found a cowardly loop hole to dodge their duty. Their fault. If enough of them had the courage back then we wouldn't be here. Doesn't help McConnell's major career accomplishment is rigging the supreme court. You guys used to love him, then he talked bad about dear leader and you hated him, now he is talking nice again. So im guessing... as long as dear leader gets on board you guys will love him again.
Here's all you need to know about the followers. I think it's fair to refer to them as "followers" now, as we are dealing with a legit personality cult. They aren't voters or citizens or a party. They are incapable of forming any thought not fed to them by their right wing media rage machine. They literally go online daily as a rule and see what they're supposed to be mad about on a given day. They have a quota for using the word woke on a daily basis. If they don't say it about 800 times before lunch, they get ass-raped by the ghost of Roy Cohn as penance.

Here are the facts: both Meatball Ron and Haley were beating the shit out of Biden in polling throughout the primaries. Only Trump has a shot of being beaten by grandpa Joe. All these disingenuous celebrity-worshippers had to do was pick someone other than this guy. DeSantis was arguably more right-wing than DJT himself, and had a solid working knowledge of government as a bonus. Haley was a slightly more moderate option if that was the desire.

But no. It was never going to be anyone but the messiah. They are incapable of doing anything but his bidding. He is the only one who they actually believe. Even in their party they will attack longtime bulwarks for the sin of offending their new god. Ask Mitch McConnell. They guy basically took the Supreme Court and gave GOP power it hadn't seen in almost a half-century. He says a couple of sideways thing about the false idol and he's just as bad as any lib out there.

So no, it wasn't ever about being a choice between Trump or Biden. It was basically anyone they wanted vs Biden and they picked him. Any follower that tells you otherwise is a lying bag of shit.

It isn't about the country it's about him. Trump's well being is their only concern, period.
(06-01-2024, 04:05 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: I'm pretty sure they want this as much as he does. 

Truth is they hate you more than they love USA. 

They do.  It was Tucker Carlson, I believe, the other day, that told his followers that anyone that supports this verdict is a threat to you and your family.
(06-01-2024, 04:12 PM)samhain Wrote: Here's all you need to know about the followers.  I think it's fair to refer to them as "followers" now, as we are dealing with a legit personality cult.  They aren't voters or citizens or a party.  They are incapable of forming any thought not fed to them by their right wing media rage machine.  They literally go online daily as a rule and see what they're supposed to be mad about on a given day.  They have a quota for using the word woke on a daily basis.  If they don't say it about 800 times before lunch, they get ass-raped by the ghost of Roy Cohn as penance.

Here are the facts: both Meatball Ron and Haley were beating the shit out of Biden in polling throughout the primaries.  Only Trump has a shot of being beaten by grandpa Joe.  All these disingenuous celebrity-worshippers had to do was pick someone other than this guy.  DeSantis was arguably more right-wing than DJT himself, and had a solid working knowledge of government as a bonus.  Haley was a slightly more moderate option if that was the desire.  

But no.  It was never going to be anyone but the messiah.  They are incapable of doing anything but his bidding.  He is the only one who they actually believe.  Even in their party they will attack longtime bulwarks for the sin of offending their new god.  Ask Mitch McConnell.  They guy basically took the Supreme Court and gave GOP power it hadn't seen in almost a half-century.  He says a couple of sideways thing about the false idol and he's just as bad as any lib out there.  

So no, it wasn't ever about being a choice between Trump or Biden.  It was basically anyone they wanted vs Biden and they picked him.  Any follower that tells you otherwise is a lying bag of shit.  

It isn't about the country it's about him.  Trump's well being is their only concern, period.

[Image: giphy.gif]
(06-01-2024, 04:24 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: [Image: giphy.gif]

So which statement was incorrect?  Another with no capability for original thought. You post this crap because you have no leg to stand on.
(06-01-2024, 04:31 PM)samhain Wrote: So which statement was incorrect?  Another with no capability for original thought.  You post this crap because you have no leg to stand on.

[Image: giphy.gif]
(06-01-2024, 04:36 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: [Image: giphy.gif]

Have you own' sum libz today Durrr Durrr. Wokefart.
Guys, I know it's not very popular out there but if you have to play rugby, wear a helmet.

Concussions can be nasty for your brain.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(06-01-2024, 04:36 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: [Image: giphy.gif]

My kidz ur ternin trans cus Biden likes Mexicans libz woke durr durr.

Trump mad now Trump smash libz more dis time durrr.
(06-01-2024, 04:44 PM)samhain Wrote: My kidz ur ternin trans cus Biden likes Mexicans libz woke durr durr.

Trump mad now Trump smash libz more dis time durrr.

[Image: giphy.gif]
(06-01-2024, 04:44 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: Guys, I know it's not very popular out there but if you have to play rugby, wear a helmet.

Concussions can be nasty for your brain.

This is how you tell people you have never played rugby, without telling them you have never played rugby...
(06-01-2024, 02:04 PM)BIGDADDYFROMCINCINNATI Wrote: Today I viewed a poll where 60% of  Independent voters think convicted felon Trump should call it quits and 17% of GOP registered voters say there's no way they're voting for a convicted felon.  The MAGA extremist base will always be 100% behind him b/c to them this is a race war and the convicted felon Donald Trump makes them feel normalized in their racist views to hate black and brown people.  

The MAGA base wants to scream about the southern border, but when the VERY MOST Conservative member of the Senate,  James Langford-OK, wrote an immigration bill last month, and the Democrats agreed to give him everything he asked they voted against their own self-interests.  Lindsay Graham and McConnell said this was the most conservative bill they had ever seen and the Rs would never get this good of a deal ever again.  What happened, the Rs all in lockstep voted against their own bill b/c the Convicted Felon Donald Trump didn't want them to fix it under the Biden Admin.  

That's just it, Convicted Felon Trump and the MAGA base have no solutions, voted against their own immigration bill, and do not want things fixed b/c then it would remove one of their reason to hate black and brown people, and we just can't have that now can we?!?!?!

About that bill,
Neither the Dem's or the R's were in lock step. There were some R's that voted for it and several D's that voted against it and enough that didn't vote that could have changed the outcome. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-01-2024, 05:12 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: About that bill,
Neither the Dem's or the R's were in lock step. There were some R's that voted for it and several D's that voted against it and enough that didn't vote that could have changed the outcome. 


It was defeated in a bi-partisan effort.

No idea why people complain when the country comes together in agreement?
(06-01-2024, 05:05 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: This is how you tell people you have never played rugby, without telling them you have never played rugby...

Ah rugby.  The contact sport for dudes who aren't good at football.  At least in this country.

Also, solid sport for dudes with alcoholic tendencies.
(06-01-2024, 05:15 PM)samhain Wrote: Ah rugby.  The contact sport for dudes who aren't good at football.  At least in this country.

Also, solid sport for dudes with alcoholic tendencies.

[Image: giphy.gif]
(06-01-2024, 04:08 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: [Image: giphy.gif]
"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell directly blamed former President Donald Trump for fomenting last month’s riot but voted Saturday to acquit him anyway of inciting an insurrection. "

McConnell and Republicans found a cowardly loop hole to dodge their duty. Their fault. If enough of them had the courage back then we wouldn't be here. Doesn't help McConnell's major career accomplishment is rigging the supreme court. You guys used to love him, then he talked bad about dear leader and you hated him, now he is talking nice again. So im guessing... as long as dear leader gets on board you guys will love him again.

You love to post irrelevant info. Please show me where a court of law and not a political body indicted Trump for insurrection,

The info you provide from Mitch says riot, again you make up the insurrection part. I keep hearing the same liberal propaganda over and over with zero evidence Trump committed the crime.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-01-2024, 05:00 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: [Image: giphy.gif]

That is what happens when you try to reason with maga.
My critical thinking skills and common sense tell me the liberals saying Trump can’t beat Biden due to the conviction should be jumping with joy and encouraging Trump to be the nominee.

Yet,I see lot of noise and acting like the GOP should replace Trump. It makes no sense if they are so certain Biden beats Trum easily in November.

I am rooting for Biden to be the.nominee. I think he loses to a political prisoner.

If I thought Trump will lose in November, I would quit donating money to the various pacts and call for him to step down.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-01-2024, 05:26 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: That is what happens when you try to reason with maga.

Swing and a miss with another label.

At least you are consistent in your failure and trying to use the label as a slur against my political beliefs.

[Image: giphy.gif]
(06-01-2024, 05:15 PM)samhain Wrote: Ah rugby.  The contact sport for dudes who aren't good at football.  At least in this country.

Also, solid sport for dudes with alcoholic tendencies.

I know rugby. I'm french. We're one of the top5 nation at it. It's a real decent sport. We have a beef with the brits and their islands every year. 

But yes, better put a helmet on. A leather one. At least for your ears. 

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.


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