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82 shot, 14 fatalities, over the 4th of July weekend
(07-10-2015, 09:34 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Strict registration laws have no effect in Chicago because it is such a limited area.  It would like like making possession of heroine only illegal in one city.  It has no effect on that small of a scale.

Why are people so opposed to gun registration laws.  It just doesn't make any sense.  They don't stop to think of the logic of the argument.  They just have a knee jerk anti-gun reaction.

They refuse to acknowledge that registering cars to owners is very effective.  They refuse to acknowledge that many drug dealers are in jail because they got caught possessing the drug when they were not actually using it.

And the fantasy that everyone would be safer if everyone had guns has been proven wrong by the abundance of gang related killings, and also the level of violence in the 19th century western territories.  They cling to a fantasy that has been proven wrong.

And when all else fails they post one anecdotal story that proves nothing.  There are many more children killed by their parents guns than people killed by the guns of federal agents, but they somehow feel that one random story proves they are right.

It is silly.

No the silly thing is to think you could just regulate things away.

You mention children killed by their parents' guns. What is your answer; parents cannot own guns?

I think all weapons should be registered (I have no idea of any law abiding citizen that would be opposed to this), but as I said earlier: I'm not so naive to think that an additional restriction will keep guns out of the hands of criminals that want them. 
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(07-10-2015, 09:55 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I think all weapons should be registered (I have no idea of any law abiding citizen that would be opposed to this), but as I said earlier: I'm not so naive to think that an additional restriction will keep guns out of the hands of criminals that want them. 

The NRA and most of the 2nd Amendment fanatics strongly oppose any registration of guns.

And it absolutely would make it much more difficult for criminals to get guns.  And it would make many of them subject to arrest when they were not using their illegal weapons.

the argument that a law won't end criminal behavior is ridiculous if you think about it. If you use that logic then there should be no laws against anything. Laws against murder don't eliminate all murders, but I don't see many people arguing that we should not have laws against murder.
(07-10-2015, 10:13 PM)fredtoast Wrote: The NRA and most of the 2nd Amendment fanatics strongly oppose any registration of guns.

And it absolutely would make it much more difficult for criminals to get guns.  And it would make many of them subject to arrest when they were not using their illegal weapons.

the argument that a law won't end criminal behavior is ridiculous if you think about it.  If you use that logic then there should be no laws against anything.  Laws against murder don't eliminate all murders, but I don't see many people arguing that we should not have laws against murder.

I think the simple thing you are missing is the laws don't deter folks; it is the punishment. 

Do you think  those that wish to do ill don't commit crimes because there is a law against it or because of the punishment they will receive if found committing it?

Society A: There is a law against murder and the punishment is a $50 fine
Society B: There is a law against murder and the punishment is hanging you from the gallows.

Which society do you think would have fewer murders?

I have already said one of the answers is to severely punish anyone caught committing a crime with an illegal weapon.  There should also be more intrusive measure to get the illegal guns that are already out there off the streets; but we might violate someone's rights while doing it. 
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Gun laws don't do shit (should be obvious to even the simplest of morons because criminals don't follow laws)....You've got to change the culture...Create jobs and reduce poverty.

If gun laws were the problem, the issue wouldn't be concentrated in the poor hoods dominated by gangs.
(07-11-2015, 05:15 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Gun laws don't do shit (should be obvious to even the simplest of morons because criminals don't follow laws).

Why does this logic not apply to every other law?

Are you saying we should not have laws against theft, assault, rape, etc?

Quote:Gang conflicts and retaliatory violence drove the "unacceptable" increase in homicides, the police department said in a statement. But the rise in violence also notably comes as the Chicago Police Department faces increased scrutiny following the court-ordered release of a police video showing a white police officer fatally shooting a black teenager 16 times, and as the department implements changes in how it monitors street stops by officers.

BLM. Where is the protest?
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(02-02-2016, 10:54 PM)bfine32 Wrote:

BLM. Where is the protest?

Rahm is asking them to keep it on the down-low.
Can't have the Obamatopia looking bad in an election year, dragging down the party.
(02-02-2016, 10:54 PM)bfine32 Wrote:

BLM. Where is the protest?

Quote:Do you really believe that African-Americans are content watching a generation of their young people self-destruct?

Do you think African-Americans are OK with the daily shootings in their neighborhood, the constant fear that an errant bullet might come crashing through their bedroom window or the terror that one day their own child might not make it home?

Are you saying that African-Americans are so immune to violence that their hearts don't break every time a black boy is shot down in an alley by someone who looks like him, lives like him and who probably one day will die just like him?

The assumptions are ludicrous. Yet you insist that African-Americans only rally against gun violence when a white police officer is involved. Maybe that's because you aren't paying attention.

Did you hear about the men of Alpha Phi Alpha, the nation's oldest black Greek-letter fraternity, marching down 79th Street last month to protest shootings in Chatham? How about the army of mothers in Englewood who gather at the scene of every shooting and patrol the streets of their neighborhood on foot? And what about the annual peace march in Grand Crossing that draws hundreds of South Siders onto the streets at the start of the school year?

This is a sample of what you overlooked while you were busy keeping tabs on the weekly death count. You need those numbers when spouting off that blacks kill more blacks than white cops do.

Sometimes it takes locking arms at the doorway of Neiman Marcus or blocking the entry to Water Tower Place to get people to pay attention.

Don't get me wrong: White people aren't the only ones guilty of spreading the lie. There's an appalling number of African-Americans and other minorities who repeat the same rhetoric. Skin color doesn't protect anyone from getting sucked in by the hype.

In the midst of the suffering, you who say African-Americans don't care about black-on-black crime tell those who live in violence-torn communities that their inability to stop the killings in their backyard makes them different from other people. Most important, they are different from you.

Shifting the responsibility for the violence onto those who live in the midst of it relieves others of responsibility. It allows you to sleep well at night, convinced that a murder in North Lawndale, Englewood, Roseland or Auburn Gresham is "their" problem, one that can only be solved by "them."

What happens over there, you tell yourself, has nothing to do with decent people who live in safe middle-class or working-class neighborhoods.

Many have become too comfortable with the notion that there are two Chicagos — one for the privileged and another for the poor and disadvantaged. But you're wrong to think that what happens on one side of town won't eventually affect the quality of life on the other side. Unchecked violence has a way of slipping across borders.

African-Americans, perhaps more than anyone, want to see an end to the shootings, regardless of who pulls the trigger. Some of you say the answer is simple: Just stop killing each other. But it will take social and economic investments in their neighborhoods to get kids to put down the guns.

What we all know for sure is that whenever a child is murdered, it's a tragedy.

Quote:And in short, it’s easy to find examples of marches and demonstrations against crime. In the last four years, blacks have held community protests against violence in Chicago; New York; Newark,New Jersey; Pittsburgh; Saginaw, Michigan; and Gary, Indiana. Indeed, there’s a whole catalog of movies, albums, and sermons from a generation of directors, musicians, and religious leaders, each urging peace and order. You may not have noticed black protests against crime and violence, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t happened. Black Americans—like everyone else—are concerned with what happens in their communities, and at a certain point, pundits who insist otherwise are either lying or willfully ignorant.

Quote:1. The movement doesn’t care about black-on-black crime. The idea that black-on-black crime is not a significant political conversation among black people is patently false. In Chicago, long maligned for its high rates of intraracial murder, members of the community created the Violence Interrupters to disrupt violent altercations before they escalate. However, those who insist on talking about black-on-black crime frequently fail to acknowledge that most crime is intraracial. Ninety-three percent of black murder victims are killed by other black people. Eighty-four percent of white murder victims are killed by other white people. The continued focus on black-on-black crime is a diversionary tactic, whose goal is to suggest that black people don’t have the right to be outraged about police violence in vulnerable black communities, because those communities have a crime problem. The Black Lives Matter movement acknowledges the crime problem, but it refuses to locate that crime problem as a problem of black pathology. Black people are not inherently more violent or more prone to crime than other groups. But black people are disproportionately poorer, more likely to be targeted by police and arrested, and more likely to attend poor or failing schools. All of these social indicators place one at greater risk for being either a victim or a perpetrator of violent crime. To reduce violent crime, we must fight to change systems, rather than demonizing people.

Quote:This is an interesting question. It's also one that Juan Williams, who's been writing about race for almost three decades, should be able to answer. Moreover, Williams is an award-winning journalist. Should he not know the answer, it would suit him to do his job and find out.  

No matter. 

This is Chicago in 2010:

This is New York last September:

Quote:HARLEM -- New York public leaders, community organizations and residents gathered Sunday to celebrate the 42nd annual African American Day Parade in Harlem. One focal point of the march was to attenuate the looming violence in neighboring and citywide communities. 

The march took place on Adam Clayton Powell Blvd., extending from 111th St. to 135th St., summoning New York dignitaries such as Rev. Al Sharpton, U.S. Congressman Charles Rangel, New York Police Department Commissioner Kelly Raymond, city council members Robert Jackson, Inez Dickens, and assemblyman Keith Wright. The NAACP, the National Action Network, and other organizations joined leaders in celebrating the achievements of the African American community, and reflect on its culture in the 21st century America... 

The stream of consciousness regarding violence in the community permeated the street. A banner from State Senator Bill Perkins read, "Drop The Guns! Stop The Violence"--which evoked passionate responses from onlookers.

This is Newark in 2009:

This is Pittsburgh last September:

Quote:[The] Stop the Violence rally was a peaceful, entertaining and uplifting event that felt like a family reunion. The message of stopping the violence was loud and clear throughout the whole day and the Thomas family wants everyone to take that message home every day, not just for one day out of the year. 

This was the 10th annual rally Loaf and Cynthia Thomas have sponsored and hosted every September 11 in response to the attack on America and the senseless acts of violence that occur in the Hill District and other "hoods" in the city of Pittsburgh and throughout the country.
This is Saginaw, Michigan in 2010:

Quote:A year after his death, the memory of 9-year-old Devin Elliott and other victims of violence in Saginaw continues to motivate residents to take back their streets, the Rev. Larry D. Camel says. 

"We're not going to tolerate kids getting killed in our streets any longer," said Camel, co-founder of faith-based anti-violence community organization Parishioners on Patrol. Camel said he hopes at least 500 people participate in a second Stop the Violence March at 10 a.m. Saturday in Saginaw. 

 Last fall, Parishioners on Patrol organized a Stop the Violence rally and march that attracted 150 people, a response to 22 shootings in Saginaw resulting in three deaths.
This is Gary last month:

Quote:Dorie Miller Housing Development residents were reluctant to join a protest march Saturday afternoon, but eventually, more than 50 people congregated in front of a makeshift memorial where 19-year-old Andre Blissitt of Indianapolis was shot and killed Tuesday night. 

Blissitt was visiting his mother, Timiko Blissitt, and sister, Nakita Muex, when he was caught in a shooting spree in the complex. Muex, 21, didn't have the words to describe the pain she and her mother feel. 

"This was my only brother," she said quietly into the megaphone. "Now, it's just me and my momma, and it hurts."
This is Brooklyn, yesterday:

Quote:Hundreds of protestors marched through Fort Greene on Palm Sunday to protest three shootings in the Ingersoll and Whitman Houses that resulted in two deaths last month. "It needs to stop," said Linda Simpson, resident of the nearby Farragut Houses, and one of the marchers. 

Residents of the housing developments blame drugs and disconnected youth for a body count in the 88th Precinct that's already equal to the number of murders reported in all of 2011. "It's black-on-black crime," said Monique Richardson, who grew up in the Farragut Houses. "It's been a downfall for the past 15 years. Now, you have to be in doors by 5 p.m. [to be safe]."
That's just a sample.

Quote:Let's please put an end to the vicious meme going around in many conservative circles that black Americans don't protest or are otherwise unconcerned about black-on-black crime in their neighborhoods. That is just plain untrue. But it gets repeated over and over again by folks who keep asking "Well, where's Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton when blacks kill other blacks?" Well believe it or not, black people don't need Jesse or Rev. Al to protest black-on-black crime. We are quite capable of doing it on our own -- and we do it frequently too. It took me maybe 20 minutes to Google all the protests against community violence I've posted below, and the list could be much longer if I wanted to. 

People aren't aware of this stuff I think because so much of it never hits the national news outlets, which only care when the victims of black-on-black crime are deemed worthy -- like Hadiya Pendleton in Chicago, who was killed in a shoot-out after being in Obama's inauguration parade. But reports of protests, large and small, against community violence are often in local media outlets. But to know that you'd have to actively look for them, and many folks who point to black-on-black crime don't want to look. They prefer at best, willful ignorance, and worst, plain old racism, to support the idea that we somewhere don't care what happens in our own communities. 

We care and always have and here are many demonstrations of that over the years and from around the country: 

Why Don't Black People Protest 'Black-on-Black Violence'?

‘Stand Up To Violence’ rally protests shooting in Allerton • Bronx Times

'Stop the violence' rally held in response to surge in Tampa shootings | Tampa Bay Times

Joliet residents and leaders urge community to stop the violence | The Herald-News

Newark Anti-Violence Coalition | on the move to politicize and awaken the consciousness of Newark, one community, one home and one mind at a time.

Detroit Rally to Protest Violence Across Community

Houston leaders rally to stop black-on-black crime - Houston Chronicle

Want more?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-02-2016, 11:16 PM)GMDino Wrote: [url=][/url]

Want more?

Yes. Where is the BLM march condemning this violence in Chicago?

I understand that you are a Democrat and the motive is to keep blacks dependent and beholding in exchange for votes. 

But just as most say the answer to radical Islam is to have Islamic leaders publicly condemn it the answer to black on black crime is to have Black leaders publicly condemn it and not forcing the Dinos of the world to quote 4 year  old articles to try and prove that they are.

If a white man killed 6 blacks in Chicago this  past weekend and 51 this past month, do you think the usual suspects would be making this front page news in a attempt to divide and incite.  
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(07-11-2015, 12:09 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Why does this logic not apply to every other law?

Are you saying we should not have laws against theft, assault, rape, etc?

Wtf are you babbling about now? Make some goddamned sense.
(02-02-2016, 11:28 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Yes. Where is the BLM march condemning this violence in Chicago?

I understand that you are a Democrat and the motive is to keep blacks dependent and beholding in exchange for votes. 

But just as most say the answer to radical Islam is to have Islamic leaders publicly condemn it the answer to black on black crime is to have Black leaders publicly condemn it and not forcing the Dinos of the world to quote 4 year  old articles to try and prove that they are.

If a white man killed 6 blacks in Chicago this  past weekend and 51 this past month, do you think the usual suspects would be making this front page news in a attempt to divide and incite.  

Considering its lack of real organizational leaders and focus on the police and justice system, they're probably not the best group to call "black leaders" or expect to respond to street crime.

Unfortunately, I'm not very knowledgable of the leadership within the black community to offer you others to call to for a response to this.
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(02-02-2016, 11:28 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Yes. Where is the BLM march condemning this violence in Chicago?

I understand that you are a Democrat and the motive is to keep blacks dependent and beholding in exchange for votes. 

But just as most say the answer to radical Islam is to have Islamic leaders publicly condemn it the answer to black on black crime is to have Black leaders publicly condemn it and not forcing the Dinos of the world to quote 4 year  old articles to try and prove that they are.

If a white man killed 6 blacks in Chicago this  past weekend and 51 this past month, do you think the usual suspects would be making this front page news in a attempt to divide and incite.  

Why would you care?

I posted multiple links with examples of protests against black on black crime.  Including one from BLM explaining their position.

You don't care.

You just wanted to make a "point".


Solid post.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-02-2016, 11:49 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Unfortunately, I'm not very knowledgable of the leadership within the black community to offer you others to call to for a response to this.

Hell, I can think of one off the top of my head. He may have even had a son that looked like one of the murdered this past weekend. 
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(02-02-2016, 11:49 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Considering its lack of real organizational leaders and focus on the police and justice system, they're probably not the best group to call "black leaders" or expect to respond to street crime.

Unfortunately, I'm not very knowledgable of the leadership within the black community to offer you others to call to for a response to this.

He doesn't care.  As long as he can use that line to offset any other acts of violence.

I provided a link to BLM explaining itself.  It was ignored.  

Color me shocked.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-03-2016, 12:06 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Hell, I can think of one off the top of my head. He may have even had a son that looked like one of the murdered this past weekend. 

I know you are a Republican and all you want is to keep up the race war to garner votes for your you'll ignore any truth.

Quote:Obama Emphasized Importance Of Black Role Models To Combat Pervasive Violence In 2013 Morehouse College Speech. In his May 2013 commencement speech at the historically black, all-male Morehouse College, Obama explained the importance of having black male role models and addressed poverty and violence in black communities (emphasis added):

Quote:OBAMA: But that doesn't mean we don't have work -- because if we're honest with ourselves, we know that too few of our brothers have the opportunities that you've had here at Morehouse.  In troubled neighborhoods all across this country -- many of them heavily African American -- too few of our citizens have role models to guide them.  Communities just a couple miles from my house in Chicago, communities just a couple miles from here -- they're places where jobs are still too scarce and wages are still too low; where schools are underfunded and violence is pervasive; where too many of our men spend their youth not behind a desk in a classroom, but hanging out on the streets or brooding behind a jail cell.
OBAMA: So be a good role model, set a good example for that young brother coming up.  If you know somebody who's not on point, go back and bring that brother along -- those who've been left behind, who haven't had the same opportunities we have -- they need to hear from you.  [White House, 5/19/13]
Speaking At Chicago School, Obama Addressed Gun Violence. In a February 2013 speech at Hyde Park Academy in Chicago, Obama addressed the problem of gun violence in the city and reflected on his own experience growing up:
Quote:President Barack Obama offered a personal reflection on gun violence here Friday, tackling the issue not as a policymaker or parent, but as a black man himself who knew how close he'd come to a very different fate.
Speaking of the economic struggles and broken homes that he identified as the root causes, Obama talked about his own experiences as a young African-American man, causing trouble and, later, trying to affect change on the streets here.
"Don't get me wrong, as the son of a single mom ... I turned out OK ... but at the same time I wish I had a father who was involved, around," Obama said. [Politico2/15/13]
Obama Referenced Chicago Violence In Speech On Gun Policy. In a January 2013 address, Obama referenced violence in Chicago while introducing "the most sweeping gun policy reform in a generation," alluding to the "'too frequent' shooting deaths of 'kids on street corners of Chicago.'" [Huffington Post, 1/16/13]
Obama Created "My Brother's Keeper" Initiative "To Help Young Men Of Color." In July, Obama announced an expansion of his "My Brother's Keeper" initiative, aimed at "bolstering the lives of young minority men and boys":
Quote:The goals of My Brother's Keeper are broadly to help young men of color at critical moments of their lives, including early literacy, high school and in the teens and early 20s when so many are sucked into the so-called school-to-prison pipeline.
"We want fewer young men in jail, we want more of them in college," Obama said on Monday. "We want fewer young men on the streets, we want more of them in the boardrooms. We want everybody to have a chance to succeed in America." [, 7/21/14]
Michelle Obama Addressed Violence In Chicago At Funeral Of Teenager Hadiya Pendleton. First lady Michelle Obama spoke out against violence in Chicago at the funeral of Hadiya Pendleton, killed days after performing at President Obama's 2013 inauguration. From the speech:
Quote:"But I got to grow up and go to Princeton and Harvard Law School and have a career and family and the most blessed life I could ever imagine. And Hadiya? Oh we know that story. Just a week after she performed at my husband's inauguration, she went to a park with some friends, and got shot in the back. Because some kid thought she was in a gang. Hadiya's family did everything right, but she still didn't have a chance. And that story, the story of Hadiya's life and death, we read that story day after day, month after month, year after year In this city and around this country. I'm not talking about something that's happening in a war zone halfway around the world. I'm talking about what's happening in the city we call home. The city where we're raising our kids."[Slate, 4/10/13]
Civil Rights Groups Have Also Addressed Violence In Black Communities 
NAACP Met With Chicago Mayor To Address Gun Violence. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People met with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel in November 2013 "to discuss ways to fight gun violence in the city." [NAACP, 11/20/14]
National Action Network Called For Action On Chicago Violence. In July, the National Action Network called for action on violence in Chicago and planned "to convene an anti-violence summit of national civil rights leaders" in the city. [ABC 7 Chicago, 7/10/14]

Quote:Speaking to police chiefs in Chicago, the president affirmed the distrust between people of color and law enforcement, but argued cops bear too much blame for it.

Quote:Baltimore Pastor Jamal Bryant, who delivered a eulogy for Freddie Gray, said Thursday that President Obama was guilty of “black-on-black crime” for calling the city’s rioters “thugs.”

Mr. Bryan told Fox’s Megyn Kelly that both Mr. Obama and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake committed “black-on-black crime” for referring to looters and arsonists as “thugs.”
“They have committed black on black crime by using that word against people who look just like them. Absolutely,” the Empowerment Temple AME Church pastor said.

Mr. Obama said during an April 28 White House press conference: “You’ve got some of the same organizers now going back into these communities to try to clean up in the aftermath after a handful of criminals and thugs who tore up the place.”

“I don’t know, I might be wrong, but I see Barack Obama, and he doesn’t strike me as a racist guy,” “The Kelly Factor” host said, Mediaite reportedThursday.

Quote:Why does the black community raise a ruckus when a white person kills a black person, which is rare, but not when a black person kills a black person, which is far less rare?

It's a complaint perennially lodged by conservative commentators. Jason Riley, an African-American editorial writer for The Wall Street Journal, criticized the Rev. Al Sharpton's appearance in Ferguson, Mo. "The problem is not cops shooting blacks but blacks shooting each other," he asserted. Yet "so-called black leaders are much more interested in making excuses for this behavior than they are in denouncing it unequivocally."
"What about black-on-black violence?" demanded Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum, who is white. "Where is Al Sharpton on that? Where is the president on that?"
Funny you should ask. Sharpton made a publicized trip to Chicago in November to focus attention on the city's chronic violence. Last year, Michelle Obama attended the funeral ofHadiya Pendleton, a 15-year-old black honor student who was shot, allegedly by a black gang member.

The first lady later returned to Chicago to converse with students at a school that is nearly 100 percent African-American. "In choosing Harper High School for the visit, the White House noted that 29 current or former students there had been shot in the last year, eight of them fatally," reported the Tribune.
The president also came here, meeting with kids involved in a mentoring program for at-risk adolescent boys, bemoaning gun violence and telling a crowd on the South Side, "Our streets will only be as safe as our schools are strong and our families are sound."

I gotta tell ya Larry...just because it sounds good in your head doesn't mean it is true.

But at least it gives me the opportunity to point out that you are not only wrong, but that you won't admit it.

Rock On
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
The real point, which is never honestly addressed, is not gun control. Most gun control targets long guns that are used in such a minuscule amount of crimes as to be almost statistically insignificant. It's a lame, pandering, attempt to score points with frightened voters. The real issue is the inane war on drugs. The failed attempt to replicate the exact circumstances of prohibition, only with different substances and an identical result. Every politician looking to promote themselves with their latest bullshit gun control legislation and every lobbyist attempting to curb them are only addressing a symptom of the disease. Until we, as a nation, acknowledge that criminalizing most drugs only perpetuates violence and funnels money, by the truckload, into the black market this is all a bunch of pissing in the wind. You could ban all guns tomorrow and it would do jack shit to the murder rate. You could legalize all, I'd prefer most, drugs tomorrow and the murder rate would plummet.

Keep fixating on the symptom kids, not the disease.
(02-03-2016, 12:06 AM)GMDino Wrote: He doesn't care.  As long as he can use that line to offset any other acts of violence.

I provided a link to BLM explaining itself.  It was ignored.  

Color me shocked.

It wasn't ignored; it was dismissed, there is a difference.

The BLM "explaining itself" article was nothing more that hyperbole supported by examples of obscure movements by folks not tied to BLM to try to show they stand for something that they have proved time and again that they care nothing about. 
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(02-03-2016, 12:18 AM)bfine32 Wrote: It wasn't ignored; it was dismissed, there is a difference.

The BLM "explaining itself" article was nothing more that hyperbole supported by examples of obscure movements by folks not tied to BLM to try to show they stand for something that they have proved time and again that they care nothing about. 

It went against your talking ignored it.

You made a claim, were proven wrong and so..."dismissed" the truth.

Thanks for your contribution.

Solid post.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-03-2016, 12:15 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: The real point, which is never honestly addressed, is not gun control.  Most gun control targets long guns that are used in such a minuscule amount of crimes as to be almost statistically insignificant.  It's a lame, pandering, attempt to score points with frightened voters.  The real issue is the inane war on drugs.  The failed attempt to replicate the exact circumstances of prohibition, only with different substances and an identical result.  Every politician looking to promote themselves with their latest bullshit gun control legislation and every lobbyist attempting to curb them are only addressing a symptom of the disease.  Until we, as a nation, acknowledge that criminalizing most drugs only perpetuates violence and funnels money, by the truckload, into the black market this is all a bunch of pissing in the wind.  You could ban all guns tomorrow and it would do jack shit to the murder rate.  You could legalize all, I'd prefer most, drugs tomorrow and the murder rate would plummet.  

Keep fixating on the symptom kids, not the disease.

I'm all for legalizing certain drugs, like marijuana, but how would legalizing these certain drugs bring down the violent crime rate among inner city youths?

I would think that the crime rate would rise and more innocent people would die if you take a poor kids money away from them. They would then turn their attention towards the neighborhood rather than each other and their "Clients".

It's not like these poor kids are going to go out and find a job if their means of income is taken away especially when there are many good paying jobs out there to get.
Song of Solomon 2:15
Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.
(02-03-2016, 12:14 AM)GMDino Wrote: I know you are a Republican and all you want is to keep up the race war to garner votes for your you'll ignore any truth.

I gotta tell ya Larry...just because it sounds good in your head doesn't mean it is true.

But at least it gives me the opportunity to point out that you are not only wrong, but that you won't admit it.

Rock On
I know how important it is to you to think you've done this; so roll with that. 

I read everyone of those articles and nowhere did I see a theme of blacks killing black at an alarming rate is a problem.

I did see a theme of minority youths not getting enough opportunities to excel. 

So I suggest BLM cares more abut whites and cops rarely killing blacks that they do blacks killing black at an incredible number and your proof that "I'm wrong" is pointing to obscure articles that truly do not address the issue.

Quick, tell yourself that I am wrong again; because if you don't even you may start to doubt it. 
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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