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All Things Not Islamaphobia/Terrorism/open borders/Anything French
(11-15-2015, 01:26 PM)GMDino Wrote: I don't have time to point out the fear mongering in the entire thing...its propaganda.  Period.

You are taking the "men 18-40" line from Donald Trump.

Same LIE you shared in the the second link.

Stop it.

Actually they Hungarian PM said that...

Quote:Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban has described the refugees entering Europe as “looking like an army” as he defended his hardline stance against migrants.

Speaking at a gathering in Madrid of conservative parties from across the continent, Orban said: “What he have been facing is not a refugee crisis.

“This is a migratory movement composed of economic migrants, refugees and also foreign fighters. This is an uncontrolled and unregulated process,” he told the European People’s party congress.

“Right to human dignity and security are basic rights. But neither the German nor the Hungarian way of life is a basic right of all people on the Earth.

“Does it comply with the freedom of information and speech that media usually show women and children while 70% of the migrants are young men and they look like an army?
(11-15-2015, 01:33 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Actually they Hungarian PM said that...


Or more fear mongering?

Or just another LIE?

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Sorry, but the first video has my attention.
I'll have to watch it again, but it would seem tough to fake some of that.
I somewhat dismiss the kids talking about whipping ass, as they could just be blowing off.
(11-15-2015, 01:45 PM)GMDino Wrote: Proof?

Or more fear mongering?

Or just another LIE?


Google Hungarian PM migrant he makes his position quite clear.
(11-15-2015, 02:12 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Sorry, but the first video has my attention.
I'll have to watch it again, but it would seem tough to fake some of that.
I somewhat dismiss the kids talking about whipping ass, as they could just be blowing off.

You can not fake these migrants assaulting border guards in Croatia and Hungary.

You can't fake Muslims in Luton chanting UK go to hell.

You can't fake the massive movement of the invading migrants sweeping through European towns .

Nor can you fake the news reports of a series of rapes that follow the migrants movement.

What about when the Germans put them into a luxury hotel ....... Then they complained about the slow internet an demanded money to send home. Not sure the German benefit system is supposed to be funding costs in Syria.

Google any of these and you have multiple stories .
Unless you just aren't willing to admit that this is a European invasion. Which just means you are putting your head in the sand.
It's the waves of people that worry me.
That was the same thing that happened on our southern border, with all the "kids" from Central America.
It's the new tactic, FLOOD.
It's not like anyone is going to open fire on a crowd like that, no official personnel anyway.
(11-15-2015, 02:31 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: It's the waves of people that worry me.
That was the same thing that happened on our southern border, with all the "kids" from Central America.
It's the new tactic, FLOOD.
It's not like anyone is going to open fire on a crowd like that, no official personnel anyway.

Yes they are using that against us. Hungary had to turn on water cannons on them after they were breaking down a gate and destroying a building. Eventually they got through because Hungarian soldiers couldn't do what was necessary to keep the peace.

The only hope is that these countries get people in power who will close their borders and rethink the EU role in Europe.
(11-15-2015, 02:43 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Yes they are using that against us.   Hungary had to turn on water cannons on them after they were breaking down a gate and destroying a building.   Eventually they got through because Hungarian soldiers couldn't do what was necessary to keep the peace.  

The only hope is that these countries get people in power who will close their borders and rethink the EU role in Europe.
I guess Belgium clamped down their borders. 
They're a lead seat in the EU, right ?
(11-15-2015, 10:08 PM)Rotobeast Wrote:

This should be a glaring wakeup call......will anyone pay attention?

"Better send those refunds..."

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-15-2015, 11:38 PM)Wyche Wrote: This should be a glaring wakeup call......will anyone pay attention?

I was willing to believe that this was all propaganda, but the more I read, the more I feel something larger could be afoot.
I do think that at this point, a freeze on the Syrian migrants should be put in place in this country until we put in place strict guidelines for acceptance. No, I do not believe all of them are terrorists whatsoever, but ISIS predictably is going to use the situation to their advantage. Anyone unwilling to be screened is not welcome as far as I'm concerned.
(11-16-2015, 12:28 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: I do think that at this point, a freeze on the Syrian migrants should be put in place in this country until we put in place strict guidelines for acceptance. No, I do not believe all of them are terrorists whatsoever, but ISIS predictably is going to use the situation to their advantage. Anyone unwilling to be screened is not welcome as far as I'm concerned.

A pause until we get some things worked out.
Perhaps convert Gitmo into the new Ellis Island ?
Make It more accommodating, have them stay for observation/evaluation, and possibly continue down the path to citizenship.
(11-15-2015, 01:26 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Btw here is where the uk go to hell video came from.  

Very interesting video. The people marching included Anjem Choudary: 

On 5 August 2015, Choudary was charged with one offence under section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000 for inviting support of a proscribed organisation, namely Islamic State, between June 2014 and March 2015. An expected trial date of 11th January 2016 has been given.

Good. He was on British welfare too. What a horrible, dishonorable person. 

And the guy at the end of the video makes an interesting point. 'They encourage others to go fight their battles for them, but they won't go themselves -- they're cowards.' 

Back to Syria: Here's some data on who the Syrian refugees are, but not all of them are being taken. Are only males 18-40 intentionally being accepted for asylum in Western countries? I feel like I'm missing some piece of information about what is going on. Maybe there is a terrorist plot or something, but I'm still not getting the whole story here.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-16-2015, 12:28 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: I do think that at this point, a freeze on the Syrian migrants should be put in place in this country until we put in place strict guidelines for acceptance. No, I do not believe all of them are terrorists whatsoever, but ISIS predictably is going to use the situation to their advantage. Anyone unwilling to be screened is not welcome as far as I'm concerned.

Totally agree here. This should be the same way in Europe as well. The people obviously want some limits and if they don't at least meet them halfway they will keep electing far right leaders who take more drastic measures.
(11-15-2015, 02:46 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: I guess Belgium clamped down their borders. 
They're a lead seat in the EU, right ?

Yes . Unelected leaders are able to control EU member countries borders, make laws, without approval by the countries.

It's quite ridiculous what they push on their members.
(11-16-2015, 06:29 AM)BoomerFan Wrote: Very interesting video. The people marching included Anjem Choudary: 

On 5 August 2015, Choudary was charged with one offence under section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000 for inviting support of a proscribed organisation, namely Islamic State, between June 2014 and March 2015. An expected trial date of 11th January 2016 has been given.

Good. He was on British welfare too. What a horrible, dishonorable person. 

And the guy at the end of the video makes an interesting point. 'They encourage others to go fight their battles for them, but they won't go themselves -- they're cowards.' 

Back to Syria: Here's some data on who the Syrian refugees are, but not all of them are being taken. Are only males 18-40 intentionally being accepted for asylum in Western countries? I feel like I'm missing some piece of information about what is going on. Maybe there is a terrorist plot or something, but I'm still not getting the whole story here.

Glad you watched the video. It was an eye opener for me as well and put a lot of this into perspective.

I think we are purposely left in the dark and if we knew the whole story we would demand closer borders immediately. This mass immigration will be what eventually takes us to another world war. It will be about border control.
I don't speak French, so hopefully there is no language that offends someone that understands.

Here is a small example harassment endured by some French peoples.
(allegedly, as I was not their to witness it)
Seen anything like this Arturo ?

Families first, followed by children, women then men.
This men first thing, is not going to fly with me.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-16-2015, 02:26 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: I don't speak French, so hopefully there is no language that offends someone that understands.

Here is a small example harassment endured by some French peoples.
(allegedly, as I was not their to witness it)
Seen anything like this Arturo ?

While I cannot discredit the video.

I can say that the person who posted this (and the others on their YouTube page) is using the name "Dr. WLP".

Dr. WLP was William Pierce.

Quote:William Luther Pierce III (September 11, 1933 – July 23, 2002) was an American Neo-Nazi leader, white nationalist, and political activist. He was one of the most influential ideologues of the white nationalist movement for some 30 years before his death. A physicist by profession, he was also an author under the pseudonymAndrew Macdonald of the novels The Turner Diaries and Hunter. Pierce founded the National Alliance, a major White nationalist organization, which he led for almost thirty years.

Quote:William Pierce, 69, Neo-Nazi Leader, Dies

William Luther Pierce, an ascetic physics professor who built an organization of young supporters for George Wallace for president into the nation's largest neo-Nazi group, and whose novel ''The Turner Diaries'' was credited by Timothy J. McVeigh with inspiring the Oklahoma City bombing, died yesterday. He was 69.

Four weeks ago, Dr. Pierce, as he preferred to be called, learned that he had terminal cancer and began preparing for others to continue the work of his organization, the National Alliance, said Kevin Strom, editor of its magazine, The National Vanguard.

Dr. Pierce died at noon in the trailer home where he had lived in Hillsboro, W.Va., for 20 years, said Roger DeMarais, another associate.

He died as the leader of another racist group, Richard Butler of the Aryan Nations, is seriously ill, leaving a leadership void in the small but violent world of racist organizations. That may benefit the Rev. Matt Hale, a former law school student in East Peoria, Ill., in expanding his World Church of the Creator, a religion that has no deity.

Dr. Pierce was a tenured professor at Oregon State University in 1965 when he grew concerned about the success of the civil rights movement and the rise of a counterculture. He became a follower of George Lincoln Rockwell, the neo-Nazi leader who was shot to death in 1967.

In 1970, Mr. Strom said, Dr. Pierce ''severed his ties with Rockwell's National Socialist White People's Party and he became one of the founding members of the National Youth Alliance, which was an outgrowth of Youth for Wallace.''

Mr. Strom insisted last night that Dr. Pierce was not a heartless racist who sought to provoke others to violence against Jews and racial minorities, but a caring man who believed that America should be home only to people who came from Europe and were not Jews.

''Dr. Pierce was very different from the caricature of him that one sees in the media,'' Mr. Strom said. ''He was not a man motivated by hatred or dislike of other races or other cultures, but by a love for his own people, a deep and profound understanding of the danger that people of European descent are in and by a vision of what we could be in the future.''

Throughout nearly 40 years as a promoter of white supremacy, Dr. Pierce argued on his radio program, in his newspaper and in books that just whites should live in the United States, because ''white people must have living space exclusive to ourselves if the white race is to survive.''

He also said that Jews controlled all the major news media and that therefore no honest reporting was ever done about him.

Mark Pitcavage, the national director of fact-finding for the Anti-Defamation League, which tracks racist groups, described Dr. Pierce as ''a cold and calculating racist who openly urged a white revolution and who with his books urged people to take violent acts.''

Mr. Pitcavage said Dr. Pierce was a successful businessman, creating a racist-book-publishing venture, National Vanguard Books, and running Resistance Records, the largest publisher of hate records in the world.

''The Turner Diaries'' started as a serial in Dr. Pierce's newspaper, Attack, as what Mr. Strom called ''an adventure story he thought would cause people to want to read the next issue.''

It was self-published in 1978, under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald, then later reprinted by Lyle Stuart's Barricade Books.

Mr. McVeigh cited the novel as the inspiration for his bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in 1995 in Oklahoma City. When interviewed by mainstream news organizations, Dr. Pierce was noncommittal about the influence that the book might have had on Mr. McVeigh, as well as whether his book had influenced the assassination of Alan Berg, a the host of a radio talk show in Denver, or a Brink's armored-car robbery in California, both crimes carried out by white supremacists.

Dr. Pierce also wrote ''Hunter,'' about a man who kills interracial couples to foment a race war and has to contend with an organized group with the same goal, if not the same strategies. ''Hunter,'' which has sold more than 500,000 copies, was dedicated to Joseph Paul Franklin, a serial killer whose victims included two white women who said they would date black men.

According to Mr. Strom, Dr. Pierce was born in Atlanta in 1933, grew up in the South and attended a military academy in Texas. He was a graduate of Rice University and had master's and doctoral degrees in physics from the University of Colorado.
Dr. Pierce had children. Mr. Strom said he did not know their names. At his death, Mr. Strom said, Dr. Pierce was not married.

So you might want to take those videos and views with a grain of salt...
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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