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Alt-right rallies in Charlottesville, VA
(08-14-2017, 02:19 PM)GMDino Wrote: Yep.  Probably took that long to get him to agree to read a statement and not ad-lib.

But at least it was the right statement this time.

edit:  Of course from this point forward he will never say it again.  He and his supporters will say he already said it so nothing else will matter.

I wonder who logged onto Stormfront for him and told them not to worry, he didn't mean it. Gorka, Bannon, or Miller?
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(08-14-2017, 02:10 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: One of the things that makes it hard to discuss this without coming off as excusing the behavior one particular violent group is that partisan conservatives tend to equate all against the Nazis as Antifa while partisan liberals tend to ignore any Antifa presence. 

Conservatives believe liberals have failed in the past to distance themselves from or disavow Antifa. It's almost like they want that to be a condition for any disavowing of Nazis/White Nationalists/Supremacists. Unfortunately in this case, the result is that a lot of people are writing off peaceful victims as Antifa, condoning the violence as "well, I'm not saying Nazis are good but was it self defense?"

And of course, some, on both sides, are so utterly unaware of the sources of their information that I still see people pushing that 4chan bullshit that the Ohio Nazi wasn't the killer.

No one has excused white supremecists. It's possible to call out antifa and white supremecists at the same time.
(08-14-2017, 02:25 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I wonder who logged onto Stormfront for him and told them not to worry, he didn't mean it. Gorka, Bannon, or Miller?

Did they find a new host, for it? I hear GoDaddy told them to **** off.

(08-14-2017, 02:30 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: No one has excused white supremecists. It's possible to call out antifa and white supremecists at the same time.

It is, but when peaceful protesters are the victims of the white supremacists and white supremacists were the instigators, continuously retorting with "but Antifa" comes across as being a Nazi sympathizer.

Good stuff there laying it out on the conservative perspective. If you are interested in honest debate the. You will enjoy.
(08-14-2017, 02:31 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Did they find a new host, for it? I hear GoDaddy told them to **** off.

It is, but when peaceful protesters are the victims of the white supremacists and white supremacists were the instigators, continuously retorting with "but Antifa" comes across as being a Nazi sympathizer.

Talking about the larger issue of why we are here is not condoning white supremecists. This is why I made the comment about the virtue signaling. It's pretty obvious white supremecists are bad...... no need to repeat that over and over..... it's like telling someone water is wet. But this is the type of stuff virtue signalers love, so they can show out.

Discussing the larger issue and why these groups and the alt right have been empowered is rather interesting and pertinent to today's tone.

None is which is defending white supremecists.
(08-14-2017, 02:30 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: No one has excused white supremecists.    It's possible to call out antifa and white supremecists at the same time.

You literally said it was ok to run over protestors in the streets and suggested the driver was acting in self defense. 
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(08-14-2017, 02:37 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: You literally said it was ok to run over protestors in the streets and suggested the driver was acting in self defense. 

I didn't suggest this driver was acting in self defense. I did say protestors blocking roads and highways accept a certain amount of risk. Especially when they are as violent as antifa and BLM.
(08-14-2017, 02:33 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:

Good stuff there laying it out on the conservative perspective.  If you are interested in honest debate the. You will enjoy.

There's a proper place for jokes, just as you lectured Gmdino on earlier
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(08-14-2017, 02:10 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: One of the things that makes it hard to discuss this without coming off as excusing the behavior one particular violent group is that partisan conservatives tend to equate all against the Nazis as Antifa while partisan liberals tend to ignore any Antifa presence. 

Conservatives believe liberals have failed in the past to distance themselves from or disavow Antifa. It's almost like they want that to be a condition for any disavowing of Nazis/White Nationalists/Supremacists. Unfortunately in this case, the result is that a lot of people are writing off peaceful victims as Antifa, condoning the violence as "well, I'm not saying Nazis are good but was it self defense?"

And of course, some, on both sides, are so utterly unaware of the sources of their information that I still see people pushing that 4chan bullshit that the Ohio Nazi wasn't the killer.

This is a spot on post. Antifa was there, they show up, and they are violent, extremist assclowns. This is coming from someone that would pretty much fall in line with their political ideology. But they weren't the only counter-protesters there, and they weren't the ones that were victimized in a terrorist attack on Saturday, they weren't the ones beaten with flaming tiki torches. When people continuously bring up "but Antifa" when talking about Charlottesville, they are ignoring that. We can talk about the events leading up to it, how there has been an escalation for months, fine. But blaming Antifa for the actions of Nazi shit stains like at least one individual in this forum has done does nothing to further the conversation.

I'm a pacifist, and I would find it difficult not to punch that individual in the face right at this moment.
(08-12-2017, 05:03 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: The road travels through there, however it is a situation where pedestrians have the absolute right of way on the mall and the speed limit is something like 15 mph. There are also side streets amidst those people, and parking along that street for businesses facing that street, etc. So, while it is a place you can drive, it is considered to be "no through traffic" and has a very low speed limit. Considering just about every business downtown was closed today, there was no reason to be on that street.

Edit to add: confirmed that the driver of this car did, in fact, kill someone with their actions.

(08-12-2017, 05:08 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So it could be safe to assume a potential out of town driver wouldn't be familiar with the local driving customs?  

We have similar areas down here and snowbirds are always in there when they come down.   But everyone is aware that it happens.

(08-12-2017, 07:50 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Yeah I am horrible....  I do not want to see mobs pulling people from cars
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(08-14-2017, 02:38 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I didn't suggest this driver was acting in self defense. I did say protestors blocking roads and highways accept a certain amount of risk. Especially when they are as violent as antifa and BLM.

Except that is not who they were. They were not a violent group. They were local, peaceful counter-protesters.
(08-14-2017, 02:37 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Talking about the larger issue of why we are here is not condoning white supremecists.     This is why I made the comment about the virtue signaling.     It's pretty obvious white supremecists are bad...... no need to repeat that over and over..... it's like telling someone water is wet.    But this is the type of stuff virtue signalers love, so they can show out.  

Discussing the larger issue and why these groups and the alt right have been empowered is rather interesting and pertinent to today's tone.    

None is which is defending white supremecists.

All people who defend civil rights and condemn racism and genocide love "virtue signals."

Their opponents do not.
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(08-12-2017, 05:20 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I have been In favor of running protesters down who block the roads and highways.   Doesn't matter coior of issue, you block a road you are in trouble.   We have jaywalking for a reason, so people cross the road where they are supposed.

sorry, forgot to add this one to the string
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(08-14-2017, 02:43 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Except that is not who they were. They were not a violent group. They were local, peaceful counter-protesters.

Matt..... that Faith Goldy live stream shows they were not peaceful counter protesters. I'm sure there were plenty of protestors doing it the right way and some got injured in sure.

But we are here today because of the tone and tenor of the groups I have listed. White supremecits have been being idiots for years and we all just ignore them and move forward. Now we have BLM and Antifa attacking people, blocking roads/interstates, etc.

This has blossomed from the Wall Street protestors who failed into BLM and antifa which have gone to violence.

The alt right has grown in response to pushing back from leftists who refuse to acknowledge what is right In front of them. 8 years of refusing to utter the words Islamic terrorism. Blaming police for everything. Etc.

I imagine I am wasting my time typing all this since no one seems willing to acknowledge that we have so many issues that divide us and we are losing others (like sports) that bring us all together.

You can only call regular decent people racist/islamaphobe/sexist/etc for so long until they finally push back. The alt right is pushing back. This is he result of identity politics since the 80's.
(08-14-2017, 02:55 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: The alt right has grown in response to pushing back from leftists who refuse to acknowledge what is right In front of them.   8 years of refusing to utter the words Islamic terrorism.   

And in response refusing to utter the words nazi terrorism, refusing to acknowledge what is right in front of you. You repeat the exact same behaviour you so feverishly critizise.

Ad the alt right doesn't grow as a response to left wing terms. It does grow because of hatred initiated by nazis, supremacists and demagogues. These aren't conservatives, this isn't your team. At least it shouldn't be.

I give you much benefit of the doubt here, but some of the things you say are really troubling. Would you be willing to call intentionally driving into a group of people, killing one and injuring many, an act of domestic terrorism. If you are not willing to do so and instead blame identity politics and whatnot for this heinous act, you really are a bigot.
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(08-14-2017, 02:38 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I didn't suggest this driver was acting in self defense.   I did say protestors blocking roads and highways accept a certain amount of risk.    Especially when they are as violent as antifa and BLM.


(08-12-2017, 04:13 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Haven't we seen countless videos of black lives matter and antifa people attack people in cars who they thought were trump voters?   Any stopped car is at risk especially if a white person is driving when among leftist "protest" mobs.  

I have been all for cars not stopping when protest mobs block roadways.

(08-12-2017, 04:20 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Protesting is fine.   Do not block the roads.   Car vs human is not one a human will win.    Protestors do not get to shut down roadways and stop people's ability to go about their day.

(08-12-2017, 04:24 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Agreed.    You and I are obviously on the same page.    

The protestors shouldn't be blocking roads.   The only way to stop them from blocking roads is for this stuff to happen more frequently.    Without a doubt I would drive through a mob of protestors before stopping and getting swamped.  

Who knows what will happen when they catch up to them but I can't see it trouble for him unless he says he was hunting leftists.     Common sense says it's probably just someone scared.... and really who could blame them...

(08-12-2017, 04:27 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So you would stop your car if surrounded by a black lives matter mob who was their typical violent selves attacking cars with white people in them?   Or would you punch the gas and get the heck out of there?

(08-12-2017, 04:34 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: They couldn't possibly be going faster because they were scared of the leftist mobs?  

Come on man, if this was a dude targeting people with his car then arrest and charge him.   But we won't know until that happens.... why are you and others here jumping the gun?

(08-12-2017, 04:50 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I would hope he was arrested given the front end of his car was wrecked.  

Let's see what shakes out.   If it's as you say then allow the legal system to work.   If he was fleeing something then we go from there....  

Do you think these groups should be allowed to block traffic and stop people who are not involved with the protest  from getting where they need to go?

(08-12-2017, 04:58 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Actually I am just asking you a question.  The guy needs no justification.   If he was scared then he did what he had to do....  if he was trying to deliberately kill people then the legal system has to do what it has to do.    I am willing to see what comes out of the police reports.    

On a side note:  this is the type of stuff that will just push self driving cars on us all.    Thank you Muslims and the idiots who copied them for bringing this to the forefront I can't wait to go 50 down the highway and all my appointments taking 30% longer.

(08-12-2017, 05:08 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So it could be safe to assume a potential out of town driver wouldn't be familiar with the local driving customs?  

We have similar areas down here and snowbirds are always in there when they come down.   But everyone is aware that it happens.

(08-12-2017, 05:13 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Maybe....   I guess we will find out what the police find out.   I have seen enough leftist mobs and what they do with people in cars to know they aren't innocent victims.    

It's probably an attack but the presence of antifa typically escalates violence and mob thuggery.    with them around anything is possible.

(08-12-2017, 05:20 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I have been In favor of running protesters down who block the roads and highways.   Doesn't matter coior of issue, you block a road you are in trouble.   We have jaywalking for a reason, so people cross the road where they are supposed.

(08-12-2017, 06:24 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Where have I advocated for running anyone down?  

If you are protesting in a roadway then it's on you to yield to cars.  If you refuse to yield to cars then that's on you.  

If I see people blocking the road I calm the police to remove the block in the road.   If they attack then i gun it and run em over.

(08-12-2017, 07:50 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Yeah I am horrible....  I do not want to see mobs pulling people from cars

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-14-2017, 02:55 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Matt..... that Faith Goldy live stream shows they were not peaceful counter protesters. I'm sure there were plenty of protestors doing it the right way and some got injured in sure.

How so? What violence were they engaging in when that car plowed into them? I would also like to point out, again, that the group she was a part of actually met up with another group. The group they met up with was the one that was run over. They were peaceful locals. I'm not sure how many times I have to point this out before you stop victim blaming.

(08-14-2017, 02:55 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: But we are here today because of the tone and tenor of the groups I have listed. White supremecits have been being idiots for years and we all just ignore them and move forward. Now we have BLM and Antifa attacking people, blocking roads/interstates, etc.

No, there have been plenty of counter-protests against white supremacists that have turned violent. The reason we hear more about it now is because white supremacy has come more acceptable in society and because what used to just be hicks in the countryside are now white collar suburban jagoffs that have been legitimized by politicians that have given them more of a voice than they deserve. Those white collar suburban jagoffs are more savvy than their hick brethren and so are able to make sympathizers out of people more easily and gain more attention.

(08-14-2017, 02:55 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: This has blossomed from the Wall Street protestors who failed into BLM and antifa which have gone to violence.

The alt right has grown in response to pushing back from leftists who refuse to acknowledge what is right In front of them. 8 years of refusing to utter the words Islamic terrorism. Blaming police for everything. Etc.

I imagine I am wasting my time typing all this since no one seems willing to acknowledge that we have so many issues that divide us and we are losing others (like sports) that bring us all together.

BLM grew out of what was perceived as injustices against the black community by law enforcement. Whether the specific instances were, or not, is difficult to determine. But the systems in this country are unfairly weighted against minorities. They have been since its founding. Occupy is about economic inequalities. Antifa is the only group out of the bunch that is inherently violent. They have infested the others, making people perceive them as violent, but lumping them all in together is wrong. There are definitely things that divide us, but some people don't recognize the systemic issues that exist to create those divisions.

(08-14-2017, 02:55 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: You can only call regular decent people racist/islamaphobe/sexist/etc for so long until they finally push back. The alt right is pushing back. This is he result of identity politics since the 80's.

I typed several responses to this, deleting each one. I want you to know that this comes across as you calling these Nazi shitstains decent people.
Reap what you sow academia.
Berkley prof constructs $9000 escape hatch in case students decide they're gonna get violent because they're pissed about something.
And these students aren't white supremacists.
(08-14-2017, 03:45 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I typed several responses to this, deleting each one. I want you to know that this comes across as you calling these Nazi shitstains decent people.

[Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-12-2017, 05:20 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:  Where have I advocated for running anyone down?  


(08-12-2017, 06:24 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I have been In favor of running protesters down who block the roads and highways.   

Insanity. People like this are scary....legitimately.  You cannot trust the kind of unstable mind that says things like this.  They're the kind of people that end up actually doing things like this.

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