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Another London Terrorist Attack
(06-05-2017, 11:51 AM)Vlad Wrote: And its more a damn shame we have to tell educated people to be wary of horseshit the MSM is selling. Trump does exactly what the MSM does to him.The bias is glaring, so evident it slaps you in the face.
Paybacks are a *****. Carry on Trump.

(06-04-2017, 03:07 AM)Vlad Wrote: That Trump colluded with the Russians? Yes.

Of course people believe Trump is doing what he promised. How could you not?
Whether or not Trump has accomplished what he set out to do is not the same thing.

Each of these issues Trump promised the American people during his campaign he has taken on as president, and each of these are at various stages of progress.

The President has signed 66 executive orders, memoranda and proclamations as of April 19th, including:
* Notifying Congress of a strike on Syria after it was reported that the country used gas on its citizens.
* Dismantling Obama’s climate change initiatives.
* Travel bans for individuals from a select number of countries embroiled in terrorist atrocities.
* Enforcing regulatory reform.
* Protecting Law enforcement.
* Mandating for every new regulation to eliminate two.
* Defeating ISIS.
* Rebuilding the military.
* Building a border wall.
* Cutting funding for sanctuary cities.
* Approving pipelines.
* Reducing regulations on manufacturers.
* Placing a hiring freeze on federal employees.
* Exiting the US from the TPP

Then there is the "Trump effect" ...positive news that Trump had little or nothing to do with directly.
For example just by the mere fact that he was elected president,  illegal immigration dropped 40% after the first month, and the stock market shot upward...

* The DOW daily closing stock market average rose more than 15% since the election on November 8th.  (On November 9th the DOW closed at 18,332 – on March 1st the DOW closed at 21,115).

* Since the Inauguration on January 20th the DOW rose 6.5%.  (It was at 19,827 at January 20th and reached 21,115 on March 1st.)
* The DOW took just 66 days to climb from 19,000 to above 21,000, the fastest 2,000 point run ever.  The DOW closed above 19,000 for the first time on November 22nd and closed above 21,000 on March 1st.
* The DOW closed above 20,000 on January 25th and the March 1st rally matched the fastest-ever 1,000 point increase in the DOW at 24 days.
* The US Stock Market gained $2 trillion in wealth since Trump was elected!
* The S&P 500 broke $20 Trillion for the first time in its history.
* In the history of the DOW, going back to January 1901, the DOW record for most continuous closing high trading days was set in January of 1987 when Ronald Reagan was President. The DOW set closing highs an amazing 12 times in a row that month.  On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
President Trump decreased the US Debt in his first 100 days by $100 Billion.  (President Obama increased the US debt in his first 100 days by more than $560 Billion.)
The US Manufacturing Index soared to a 33 year high in this period which were the best numbers since 1983 under President Reagan.
President Trump added 298,000 jobs in his first month alone (after President Obama said jobs were not coming back!).
Housing sales are red-hot.  In 2011, houses for sale were on the market an average 84 days. This year, it’s just 45 days.
Illegal immigration is down 67% since President Trump’s Inauguration.
NATO announced Allied spending is up $10 Billion because of President Trump.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
More Islam Terror - What a surprise.

Need to get those travel bans in place to keep this freak show from coming over here.

Activist judges bought and paid for helping to weaken and harm the US. (Wonder how much they are getting paid ?)

But the Muslims running the protests seem so nice. And gosh darn it they really like us. Group hug for everybody.

Getting harder and harder for the Main Stream Propaganda Outlets to hide the constant Islam Terror and mass murders.

We need to keep it out before we become what these other countries are becoming.

Ounce of prevention.

God Bless America.
Lol ..Good try there Dill with the 'gotcha' post (#41), but that info wasn't obtained by any MSM outlet.

You being a liberal should have already realized that.
(06-05-2017, 09:58 PM)tigerseye Wrote: More Islam Terror - What a surprise.

Need to get those travel bans in place to keep this freak show from coming over here.

Activist judges bought and paid for helping to weaken and harm the US. (Wonder how much they are getting paid ?)

But the Muslims running the protests seem so nice. And gosh darn it they really like us. Group hug for everybody.

Getting harder and harder for the Main Stream Propaganda Outlets to hide the constant Islam Terror and mass murders.

We need to keep it out before we become what these other countries are becoming.

Ounce of prevention.

God Bless America.

a travel ban wont stop terrorists if they are born in the country they are attacking...

why didnt trump add SA after he lambasted hillary about them over their treatment of homosexuals, but what does he do? he goes over, bows (like he mocked obama), melania didnt wear the headgear (trump mocked michelle for not doing it) and then signed a 100 million dollar arms deal with the country that supplied most of the attackers for 9/11
People suck
Wow, so this is sounding like a rather large amount of incompetence by British Intelligence now that the identity of the three attackers is known.

One was born in Pakistan, neighbors had called police for his attempts to radicalize local children, and he was in a documentary called The Jihadis Next Door posing in front of an ISIS flag.

Another was born in Morocco and had been stopped trying to get into Syria.

Only one of the three didn't have big red flags.. but the one who was in a freaking documentary getting away with this is just embarrassing and seems criminally negligent.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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