Poll: Is it okay for Christian conservatives to steal?
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Are Illegal TV Streams Compatible with Conservative/Christian Values?
(09-28-2015, 12:24 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Why don't you send an email over to the FBI if it bothers you so much .    They like you big gov types.

Hey man, you don't have to worry about that. It's Gawd you need to worry about.

Quote:1 Corinthians 6:9-10  Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
(09-28-2015, 12:30 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: Hey man, you don't have to worry about that. It's Gawd you need to worry about.

Thanks for being concerned about my salvation.  But I'm good.   Besides the the guy who hates God is probably the last person to be questioning anyones Faith or their salvation.  

But please carry on, this petty thread is hilarious.     Not only did you attempt to hijack the game day chat with nonsense but you held the grudge long enough to bring it here lol.   ... And your still going ....  Hahaha
(09-28-2015, 12:18 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: Because my username is a joke, which is exactly where the word "god" belongs.

Come on man. I know we all go through that "god is dead" phase, but there is more to life.
(09-28-2015, 12:29 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Sure I have .... Poor black people.   Then poor Hispanics.   Right where planned parenthood and progressives put their clinics.  

I was talking about the fact that about 65 percent of people who get abortions in this country are Christians.

Quote:But what's that have to do with your crusade of watching bengals games?

Oh, great. As usual with you and your cohort bfine32, I now have to go back and explain the series of posts that you just participated in.

You said you "can't believe" I brought this issue of your hypocritical use of  illegal streaming up. Using the magical method of reading the sentence right before my abortion, you can identify why I brought it up. Here, I'll quote it for you:

Quote:Conservatives are usually shocked to find that people expect them to actually practice the same rules that they demand everybody else to. Ever heard about who gets the most abortions in this country?

For the record, not a single atheist on the planet "hates god", for the same reason you don't "hate" Santa, the Easter Bunny or leprechauns.
(09-28-2015, 02:25 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: I was talking about the fact that about 65 percent of people who get abortions in this country are Christians.

Oh, great. As usual with you and your cohort bfine32, I now have to go back and explain the series of posts that you just participated in.

You said you "can't believe" I brought this issue of your hypocritical use of  illegal streaming up. Using the magical method of reading the sentence right before my abortion, you can identify why I brought it up. Here, I'll quote it for you:

For the record, not a single atheist on the planet "hates god" because they don't believe in his existence, for the same reason you don't "hate" Santa, the Easter Bunny or leprechauns.

If God doesn't exist then why is there so much time spent by atheists on proving him non existent?

I don't see you making threads about the existence of the Easter bunny. If it's all the same then why do you spend so much time on God?
(09-28-2015, 02:33 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: If God doesn't exist then why is there so much time spent by atheists on proving him non existent?  

I don't see you making threads about the existence of the Easter bunny.    If it's all the same then why do you spend so much time on God?

The second a single person on here posits that the Easter Bunny exists, I'll be happy to refute them.

Same if anybody who believes in the Easter Bunny ever runs for political office or tries to get involved in questions of peoples rights.
(09-28-2015, 02:35 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: The second a single person on here posits that the Easter Bunny exists, I'll be happy to refute them.

Same if anybody who believes in the Easter Bunny ever runs for political office or tries to get involved in questions of peoples rights.

According to you he doesn't exist so ....   There is no need to comment.     Just like the Easter bunny.  

Obama has an Easter egg hunt every year and the Easter bunny comes out on the White House lawn.     Yet you never comment on that .... Mixing politics and the Easter bunny
(09-28-2015, 02:45 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: According to you he doesn't exist so ....   There is no need to comment.     Just like the Easter bunny.  

Obama has an Easter egg hunt every year and the Easter bunny comes out on the White House lawn.     Yet you never comment on that .... Mixing politics and the Easter bunny

There is a need to comment on non-existent things that people nevertheless cite as an authority or justification for anything.

Obama talks about Jesus, too. I'm against both activities and think that any promotion of irrational thought, whether to adults or children, is ultimately more harmful than beneficial.

Now, if he ever tries to get "In The Easter Bunny We Trust" on the dollar bill, then I'll raise a real fuss.
(09-28-2015, 02:50 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: There is a need to comment on non-existent things that people nevertheless cite as an authority or justification for anything.

Obama talks about Jesus, too. I'm against both activities and think that any promotion of irrational thought, whether to adults or children, is ultimately more harmful than beneficial.

Now, if he ever tries to get "In The Easter Bunny We Trust" on the dollar bill, then I'll raise a real fuss.

So there is a problem with your analysis. If God, Santa, and the Easter bunny are the same. Then explain why we grow out of believing in Santa and the Easter Bunny yet still believe in God....

Maybe because God isn't the same as those. And that's what scares you. That's why you make such a fuss.
(09-28-2015, 03:11 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So there is a problem with your analysis.   If God, Santa, and the Easter bunny are the same.   Then explain why we grow out of believing in Santa and the Easter Bunny yet still believe in God....  

Maybe because God isn't the same as those.  And that's what scares you.   That's why you make such a fuss.


Since I have to expound on every simple sentence I construct in order for you to understand it (just like bfine), I will do it once again.

I never said "God, Santa and the Easter Bunny are the same". I said that we, atheists, do not "hate" God, for the same reason that you (presumably) do not "hate" Santa or the Easter Bunny.

Now, before the big reveal, read that sentence a few times and see if its meaning doesn't become apparent with a little reflection and thinking...

Couple more...

One more....

Still no luck? Mkay. The reason that people do not "hate" the Easter Bunny and Santa is because they do not believe that the Easter Bunny or Santa exists. The same reasoning applies for those who do not believe in God/s. They do not "hate" god, because they do not believe god exists. Nobody I've ever met hates things that they don't even think exists.

This does not mean all three characters "are the same". Only that people who do not believe in Santa/Easter Bunny do not hate Santa/Easter Bunny for the exact same reason atheists do not hate God.

Now that I've made it as exceedingly, redundantly clear as possible for you, do you think the average person should have gotten that point the first time they read my sentence, without needing the huge exposition I just provided to explain it? Is it time to look into improving your reading comprehension? I ask that sincerely, for the record, because I feel like it's kind of mean for me to keep accusing you and your bud of being deliberately obtuse.
(09-28-2015, 02:25 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: I was talking about the fact that about 65 percent of people who get abortions in this country are Christians.

Well duh, no kidding since 83% of Americans identify themselves as Christians...and I'd venture to say that most of those don't even practice their faith, sre Christian in name only.
(09-28-2015, 04:56 AM)Blutarsky Wrote: Well duh, no kidding since 83% of Americans identify themselves as Christians...and I'd venture to say that most of those don't even practice their faith, sre Christian in name only.

You mean like the kind of Christians who claim Christianity but then turn around and steal without repenting? (See: this thread)

If not, you're gonna need to explain what this "true Christian" test is so we can perform it on all the professed believers.
Are we talking about streaming a game that is free over the airs but maybe just not in your market? The ability to watch out of market games is offered for a price through Sunday Ticket, so I'm going to have to say it is stealing.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-28-2015, 10:04 AM)michaelsean Wrote: Are we talking about streaming a game that is free over the airs but maybe just not in your market? The ability to watch out of market games is offered for a price through Sunday Ticket, so I'm going to have to say it is stealing.

It's pretty common knowledge that online streaming of out of market games is theft and is illegal. But for some reason I don't think that was really the point of this thread. 
(09-28-2015, 02:50 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: There is a need to comment on non-existent things that people nevertheless cite as an authority or justification for anything.

Obama talks about Jesus, too. I'm against both activities and think that any promotion of irrational thought, whether to adults or children, is ultimately more harmful than beneficial.

Now, if he ever tries to get "In The Easter Bunny We Trust" on the dollar bill, then I'll raise a real fuss.

So, this is admission that you worship money ?
Does money really exist ?
I mean, it doesn't really represent anything truly tangible.
It's only paper.
How can you worship something created BY man ?
How can you let yourself be manipulated by this construct ?
(09-28-2015, 10:20 AM)CKwi88 Wrote: It's pretty common knowledge that online streaming of out of market games is theft and is illegal. But for some reason I don't think that was really the point of this thread. 

actually, it's not really that simple. From this article in the International Business Times:

Quote:Streaming currently exists in a sort of legal gray area in the United States. It’s illegal to reproduce copyrighted content - - meaning downloading commercial entertainment or broadcasting streams to thousands of people is explicitly prohibited - - but viewing one of those streams seems to be okay.

Steaming is kind of weird.  The person providing the stream is obviously on the wrong side of the law.  But the person watching said stream isn't really doing anything that is technically illegal. 
(09-28-2015, 11:11 AM)Donnyho Wrote: actually, it's not really that simple. From this article in the International Business Times:

Steaming is kind of weird.  The person providing the stream is obviously on the wrong side of the law.  But the person watching said stream isn't really doing anything that is technically illegal. 


Feel free to take a look at the report from the DMCA itself. It certainly is a gray area, but more towards the illegal side. When you load the stream onto your computer or whatever, you are creating and viewing an unauthorized copy of their property. It certainly is gray area, and I personally think there are bigger fish to fry, but we shouldn't act as if it's fully legal. 
(09-28-2015, 05:00 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: You mean like the kind of Christians who claim Christianity but then turn around and steal without repenting? (See: this thread)

If not, you're gonna need to explain what this "true Christian" test is so we can perform it on all the professed believers.

No, those would be hypocrites.
I'm talking about the millions like me. A CINO...Christian In Name Only. Unconcerned and non practicing, Christian only because I was raised Catholic.
And as law abiding, and virtuous as you claim atheists are....that said I will defend Christianity, especially against Islamic sympathizers like you.

As a nation with a Christian majority, your eye opening 63% of abortions are performed on Christians stat remains idiotic.
And 90% of all arrests in the NFL are of black players! Shocking!
You loathe Christianity for what reason? Because Christians believe marriage is between a man and abortion is murder?

You do realize that Muslims also believe that there lives a Wizard in the sky and with his magic wand created the universe, and inspired the writing of a book of fairy tales called the Koran?
Except unlike Christians, Muslims believe gays should be put to death, and that marrying under aged girls is proper and legit.

You are a Christiophobe. Instead of directing some of your energies against Islam you would rather cry "Islamophobe" defending this religion.
See the Irony there?

GodHatesBengals is a Christiophobe LOL.  You're worse than Gino and his beef against cops.
(09-28-2015, 11:11 AM)Donnyho Wrote: actually, it's not really that simple. From this article in the International Business Times:

Steaming is kind of weird.  The person providing the stream is obviously on the wrong side of the law.  But the person watching said stream isn't really doing anything that is technically illegal. 

As I said in my first response, nothing is being "stolen" by streaming a free broadcast; regardless how hard the OP tries to make it appear so. Sometimes, you just have to recognize who you are dealing with and just disengage.

Now if a person streams premium content or rebroadcasting for profit; then you can consider that person to be stealing.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
This is not a Christian issue, but a human race issue. It is seen often in religion when deciding which rules to follow and which to explain away, but the reality is it happens to everyone in every day life. Reasoning is one of mans greatest traits, but also one of our biggest downfalls. The idea of moral relativity is alive and well with pretty much everyone as every day people who consider themselves law abiding citizens speed, or text and drive, or maybe don't claim everything on a tax form they should, or lie about their kids age at a restaurant. Most will explain away these offenses as petty, but the reality is they are laws that are being broken. I am by no means a religious person, but I am not sure it makes someone with "Conservative Christian Values" any worse than you or me, as we should all strive to follow all laws.

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