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Are We Going To Keep Ignoring Biden Being Insane?
(06-29-2021, 04:51 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Yea, Trump is a textbook scumbag. That was just an example off the top of my head. If I actually went looking for examples, I can only imagine what I'd find.

I don't want him to be president, but part of me likes that he continuously does stuff like this.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-29-2021, 04:53 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I don't want him to be president, but part of me likes that he continuously does stuff like this.

I'd be lying if I didn't say it wasn't a little satisfying to see far right wing "champions of the people" scamming the gullible and misguided people they claim to champion.

I also feel bad for those people though.

They're caught in a web of conspiracies and lies that are, literally, designed to prevent them from escaping. Any attempt to save them is met with accusations of "fake news" or being "sheep."

They're self-perpetuating victims of their own "heroes."
(06-29-2021, 04:33 PM)Nately120 Wrote: In Ohio at a rally recently Trump was reading from a teleprompter and said that we sent a man from Ohio to a plant.  He eventually corrected himself and said planet...which the moon is not, and blanked on the name of the man who walked on the moon. 

Uh, I'm pretty sure it replaced Pluto. 

In order:  Mars, Earth, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Moon, Jupiter, Youranus, Sun
(06-29-2021, 04:33 PM)Nately120 Wrote: In Ohio at a rally recently Trump was reading from a teleprompter and said that we sent a man from Ohio to a plant.  He eventually corrected himself and said planet...which the moon is not, and blanked on the name of the man who walked on the moon.  I'm sure in 3.5 years when he's running for president he'll make more sense.

Oh, and he's the president of law and auto.  That'll be nice when my insurance rates get too high.

I mean you could've stopped after saying Trump read off a teleprompter. In Brad's eyes, that's textbook dementia - or at least that was his go to excuse to prove that Biden didn't have all the cognitive functions required to be president (while ignoring all precedent set by every president ever reading prepared statements except for 45).

Not that he'll admit it, or he'll have me go through his 6000 posts since last August to find out where he said it and I just realized why he posts so much nonsense.
(06-29-2021, 04:56 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: I'd be lying if I didn't say it wasn't a little satisfying to see far right wing "champions of the people" scamming the gullible and misguided people they claim to champion.

I also feel bad for those people though.

They're caught in a web of conspiracies and lies that are, literally, designed to prevent them from escaping. Any attempt to save them is met with accusations of "fake news" or being "sheep."

They're self-perpetuating victims of their own "heroes."

If someone you admire takes advantage of you, I can feel some sort of bad for you, yes.  

If your hero is your hero because he is a rich, unapologetic, rule-breaking, money-grubber and he takes advantage of you then I think you may as well be flatted to be his victim. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-29-2021, 05:04 PM)Nately120 Wrote: If someone you admire takes advantage of you, I can feel some sort of bad for you, yes.  

If your hero is your hero because he is a rich, unapologetic, rule-breaking, money-grubber and he takes advantage of you then I think you may as well be flatted to be his victim. 

Not to Godwin's Law this whole thing, but I view Trump supporters the same way I view the people who voted for the Nazis in Germany.

They were desperate people who felt like the world was crashing down on them and/or does not care about them and Hitler (and Trump) offered these people someone who could "fix all their problems."

Sure, people can tell you that the man who claims he will save your country is gassing Jewish people by the thousands every day...But that is fake news. That is the elitists trying to take him down because they're afraid of the good he will do for us.

Trump supporters refuse to believe any of the bad things said about Trump because the people spreading those bad things (the media) have bad intentions (in their minds). Trump will make America Great Again!!! (with no specificity as to when that was, because then we'll realize that we are looking at the past through rose tinted glasses).

Desperation can make a person do some pretty crazy things.

Now, I don't think it's a perfect comparison because I don't think Trump is as bad is Hitler. But I also don't think that Trump supporters were in as dire straits as Nazi voters were post-Treaty of Versailles. So I think it balances out a little bit.

It's really easy to say "they got what's coming to them" in the case of both Nazis and Trump supporters. Especially when their own leaders screw them over, as they do.

But I'm much more interested in the answer to the question "How do we get them to see through the lies that have been presented to them?"

Deradicalization is much better than condemnation, in my opinion. I know people who are Trump supporters and I don't think they're bad people.

They just got caught up in the lies and paranoia that Trump is intentionally spreading in order to gain power.
4 pages of this tripe!?! C'mon man, don't feed the troll.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-29-2021, 05:12 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: But I'm much more interested in the answer to the question "How do we get them to see through the lies that have been presented to them?"

People who are still in on Trump aren't going to snap out of it.  The reason Trump lost in 2020 when he won in 2016 was moderates who were curious to see what Trump could do rather than a career politician had their question answered and voted for a career politician and/or people who didn't want Trump to be president didn't vote because they "knew" he couldn't win took the time to vote because they knew Trump could win.

53% of republicans believe that Trump won the election, which means 47% of republicans either think Biden won fairly, or they admit they don't know or don't care.  That may be a sign that a lot of his supporters have seen through the lies.  He's going to claim it was rigged without proof 4 that a slam-dunk campaign strategy?  Time will tell.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-29-2021, 04:58 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: I mean you could've stopped after saying Trump read off a teleprompter. In Brad's eyes, that's textbook dementia - or at least that was his go to excuse to prove that Biden didn't have all the cognitive functions required to be president (while ignoring all precedent set by every president ever reading prepared statements except for 45).

Not that he'll admit it, or he'll have me go through his 6000 posts since last August to find out where he said it and I just realized why he posts so much nonsense.


Only when he reads from the teleprompter but has no clue what he's even reading.  

Trump would read from a teleprompter but would at least have a grasp of what was going on, even if he misspoke a few times.

Why do you think Biden made so few (or no) public appearances while he was "campaigning"?

Why do you think his team rushes him off whenever he finishes before anyone can ask him questions?  

Why do you think he said that he's going to get in trouble with staff if he doesn't do it the right way and call on a pre-planned list of reporters at the G-7 summit?  What kind of grown man that knows what's going on around him lets that kind of thing happen and then, even worse, admits it out loud?

Textbook dementia is having to have his wife lead him everywhere and having no clue what is going on around him.
(06-29-2021, 11:15 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Ha.  

Only when he reads from the teleprompter but has no clue what he's even reading.  

Trump would read from a teleprompter but would at least have a grasp of what was going on, even if he misspoke a few times. Sure. A few. Let's go with that

Why do you think Biden made so few (or no) public appearances while he was "campaigning"? I don't know if you've heard, but during the campaign there was this pandemic going on. It's actually still happening.

Why do you think his team rushes him off whenever he finishes before anyone can ask him questions? Other engagements I imagine. Or he could be throwing a temper tantrum like Trump liked to do and storming out before questions are asked. But you never had a problem with that, did you?

Why do you think he said that he's going to get in trouble with staff if he doesn't do it the right way and call on a pre-planned list of reporters at the G-7 summit?  What kind of grown man that knows what's going on around him lets that kind of thing happen and then, even worse, admits it out loud? He had handlers for a reason. Just because he listens to them doesn't mean it's an issue. Just because the last clown shoe president didn't listen doesn't mean it'san issue

Textbook dementia is having to have his wife lead him everywhere and having no clue what is going on around him. I'd love to see your PhD in neurological disorders to make claims like this. And no, Google isn't a qualifier for a PhD.

Answers in bold. Not that it'll matter.
(06-30-2021, 08:49 AM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Answers in bold. Not that it'll matter.

Millions of other people seemed to get out during the pandemic.  Trump campaigned.  Why couldn't Joe?

Trump addressed what people were asking.  Biden's team hustles him away because they know he'll snap or say something stupid, which he acknowledged.

No President before Biden has ever had handlers tell him what he could and couldn't do or feared answering questions.

Ha.  Then what is it?  I don't see normal people who aren't suffering from things like dementia being led around like that.

Answers above, not that it'll matter.
(06-30-2021, 02:01 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Millions of other people seemed to get out during the pandemic.  Trump campaigned.  Why couldn't Joe?

Because inciting large gatherings of people was a bad idea and endangered lives, very much including yours. 

I have a hard time grasping your stances in general, and stopped addressing them long time ago, but this one is still particularly puzzling. You were rightfully afraid of covid. Yet you celebrate the candidate who did not care one iota and held large rallies with masses of people standing close to each other, while you scold the candidate who did the reasonable thing and enforced social distancing by avoiding creating such crowds.

Why is that?

(PS I know I strongly suggested to leave these threads be some time back, but since this doesn't happen anyway I might as well forget all about it)
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-30-2021, 02:01 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Millions of other people seemed to get out during the pandemic.  Trump campaigned.  Why couldn't Joe?

From a marketing standpoint, Biden making a point to NOT ask people to gather in large crowds likely played well with his base of voters who were likely more inclined to see social distancing as a logical measure.  If Biden tried to hold large rallies like Trump people would talk about what a hypocrite he is for saying covid is dangerous and we need to minimize contact BUT it's ok as long as people are showing up to praise and support him. 

 I can see why Trump did big ol' campaign rallies because the style and the overall "We ain't afraid of covid" message plays well with his base.  When it comes to this you seem to be asking why Biden didn't do what Trump did and Biden and Trump don't want to act like each other for obvious reasons.

Additionally, the world is changing and becoming more internet-based (I say as I spend too much time talking sports and politics with people whom I have never met) and the idea of making in-person campaign stops when you can reach more people from home may look like yesterday's protocol.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-30-2021, 02:01 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Millions of other people seemed to get out during the pandemic.  Trump campaigned.  Why couldn't Joe?

Trump addressed what people were asking.  Biden's team hustles him away because they know he'll snap or say something stupid, which he acknowledged.

No President before Biden has ever had handlers tell him what he could and couldn't do or feared answering questions.

Ha.  Then what is it?  I don't see normal people who aren't suffering from things like dementia being led around like that.

Answers above, not that it'll matter.

Millions of people are idiots and gathering during a pandemic is evidence of that (see also: MAGA rallies). You're shitting on people for doing what experts told them to do. I bet you like to stick forks in light sockets, huh?

Trump babbled responses and never kept a train of thought going for longer than a few sentences AT BEST. And he often stormed out of press conferences when the questions got too hard or - as he put it - mean and nasty. Trump also stopped holding Covid-19 press conferences once word got out how badly he humbled the US response because he didn't like answering questions like 'why did you shit the bed so hard here' or 'why aren't you listening to scientists'.

Presidential handlers are literally there to tell the president when he has to go and where. Just because 45 couldn't be out of the spotlight didn't mean that his handlers weren't doing the same - he was just too damn egotistical to listen.

This is pointless.
(06-30-2021, 02:32 PM)Nately120 Wrote: If Biden tried to hold large rallies like Trump people would talk about what a hypocrite he is for saying covid is dangerous and we need to minimize contact BUT it's ok as long as people are showing up to praise and support him.

And rightfully so.

That's one of the amazing aspects of argueing against someone with no concern for merit. It would not have mattered what Biden did. There'd be a line of stark critizism (or 'evidence that he is mentally gone') in any case.

This "he was hiding in his basement" stuff just is particularly odd.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-30-2021, 02:09 PM)hollodero Wrote: Because inciting large gatherings of people was a bad idea and endangered lives, very much including yours. 

I have a hard time grasping your stances in general, and stopped addressing them long time ago, but this one is still particularly puzzling. You were rightfully afraid of covid. Yet you celebrate the candidate who did not care one iota and held large rallies with masses of people standing close to each other, while you scold the candidate who did the reasonable thing and enforced social distancing by avoiding creating such crowds.

Why is that?

(PS I know I strongly suggested to leave these threads be some time back, but since this doesn't happen anyway I might as well forget all about it)

Aside from large gatherings, why was Joe locked in his basement with no public appearances?

Why didn’t he host small gatherings?
(06-30-2021, 02:43 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Aside from large gatherings, why was Joe locked in his basement with no public appearances?

Why didn’t he host small gatherings?

He did though... Here are some fact checks on that.
(06-30-2021, 02:43 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Aside from large gatherings, why was Joe locked in his basement with no public appearances?

Why didn’t he host small gatherings?

Biden didn't have to host anything, plus he would have been ridiculed for being a hypocrite if he held any sort of gathering.  Nancy Pelosi went out and got her hair done during the pandemic and she was called a giant hypocrite by the right...not one of them declared that she was a patriot for supporting the economy or that she was refusing to live in fear like the rest of the liberal wimps.

Unless you buy that the election was rigged you have to ask yourself why you are questioning the campaign choices of a candidate who won the election.  Why didn't the guy who won do stuff that the guy who lost did?  Why didn't Troy Aikman throw 2 INTs in the 1995 super bowl like Neil O'Donnell did?

Actually a better question would be why didn't Trump actually take covid seriously?  He already had his die hard followers, if he would have actually shown some concern about large gatherings he may have kept some of the swing voters he had over Hillary and lost to Biden.  When you LOSE you're supposed to wonder where you went wrong.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-30-2021, 02:40 PM)hollodero Wrote: And rightfully so.

That's one of the amazing aspects of argueing against someone with no concern for merit. It would not have mattered what Biden did. There'd be a line of stark critizism (or 'evidence that he is mentally gone') in any case.

This "he was hiding in his basement" stuff just is particularly odd.

It's almost as if someone here is arguing in bad faith.
(06-30-2021, 02:53 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Biden didn't have to host anything, plus he would have been ridiculed for being a hypocrite if he held any sort of gathering.  Nancy Pelosi went out and got her hair done during the pandemic and she was called a giant hypocrite by the right...not one of them declared that she was a patriot for supporting the economy or that she was refusing to live in fear like the rest of the liberal wimps.

Unless you buy that the election was rigged you have to ask yourself why you are questioning the campaign choices of a candidate who won the election.  Why didn't the guy who won do stuff that the guy who lost did?  Why didn't Troy Aikman throw 2 INTs in the 1995 super bowl like Neil O'Donnell did?

Actually a better question would be why didn't Trump actually take covid seriously?  He already had his die hard followers, if he would have actually shown some concern about large gatherings he may have kept some of the swing voters he had over Hillary and lost to Biden.  When you LOSE you're supposed to wonder where you went wrong.

Biden won because he stayed as hidden as possible and didn't let people see his mental decline.

A lot of the snowflake public also was offended by Trump because he would say things like the "Chinese virus" when, in fact, it did come from China.  

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