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Are We Going To Keep Ignoring Biden Being Insane?
(06-30-2021, 03:13 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: It's almost as if someone here is arguing in bad faith.

The strategy of Trump and the current GOP is to simply convince people that democrats are completely invalid, unreasonable, and untenable as candidates and a political party.  Trump set it up that Biden was the weakest candidate ever, was demented, hiding in his basement, and had absolutely no shot to beat him in 2020. 

If you buy into Trump's rhetoric about Biden you expected a landslide of the 1972 or 1984 variety which is why Trump was able to convince these same people that the election simply HAD to be rigged.  If you accept that Biden can't win, then when he wins you will accept that the contest must have been rigged.

It'd be like before a Bengals vs Steelers game Burrow says to the media "The Steelers are the worst team ever.  They're not even an NFL team, they have no chance, they are a junior high team and their QB can't win and their coach always punts on 1st down.  When you count the legal points we won 77-0."
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(06-30-2021, 03:38 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Biden won because he stayed as hidden as possible and didn't let people see his mental decline.

Ok, so there is your answer as to why Biden didn't hold big rallies. That's how you can look at it. Biden won and did something right, so we have to find a reason that it was a bad/wrong/devious thing.
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(06-30-2021, 02:50 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: He did though... Here are some fact checks on that.

You're proving my point:

When Biden did try and host events, no one showed up.  

People voted for him because he wasn't Trump and liberals are offended by everything.
(06-30-2021, 03:43 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: You're proving my point:

When Biden did try and host events, no one showed up.  

People voted for him because he wasn't Trump and liberals are offended by everything.

Your point was he didn't even host small events, but he did.
(06-30-2021, 03:43 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: People voted for him because he wasn't Trump and liberals are offended by everything.

So you're saying Trump lost, more than Biden won?

(06-30-2021, 03:38 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: A lot of the snowflake public also was offended by Trump because he would say things like the "Chinese virus" when, in fact, it did come from China.  

That makes Trump an idiot, then.  If the public is offended by something and you want to actually win the election you should stop saying it.  Sounds like Trump would rather be offensive than win an election.  That doesn't seem very smart to me.  The guy is the Vontaze Burfict of politics.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-30-2021, 03:44 PM)Nately120 Wrote: So you're saying Trump lost, more than Biden won?

That makes Trump an idiot, then.  If the public is offended by something and you want to actually win the election you should stop saying it.  Sounds like Trump would rather be offensive than win an election.  That doesn't seem very smart to me.  The guy is the Vontaze Burfict of politics.

Trump lost by not pandering to the public.  What made this country great was being bold and holding onto core values, which is something Biden is erasing.
(06-30-2021, 03:43 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: You're proving my point:

When Biden did try and host events, no one showed up.  

People voted for him because he wasn't Trump and liberals are offended by everything.

That's him literally sinking your point of 'he hid in his basement and didn't host events'. 
(06-30-2021, 04:02 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Trump lost by not pandering to the public.  What made this country great was being bold and holding onto core values, which is something Biden is erasing.

So Trump had the opportunity to win and he chose to stick to his guns and lose?  Again, seems stupid but at least he has his principles.  Who are the GOP planning to run in 2024, again?

Also, why did Trump win in 2016 if America is too soft to vote for him?  Was America strong enough in 2016 to vote for a man who doesn't pander to the public?  What was it that happened under 4 years of president Trump that made America get so soft?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
You're arguing with someone who thought you could only get COVID if someone coughed or sneezed around you indoors and only became 'freaked out' about the situation when a HS soccer game was cancelled in October.

Keep that in mind.
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(06-30-2021, 04:03 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: That's him literally sinking your point of 'he hid in his basement and didn't host events'. 
OK.  He hosted a few events where almost no one showed up.  

Also, how many events did he host closer to the election?  I remember Kamala Harris having to call him to tell him that he won.  Wouldn't he be out in public with her if he was mentally able?  Wouldn't he have known they won without her having to tell him?
(06-30-2021, 04:05 PM)Nately120 Wrote: So Trump had the opportunity to win and he chose to stick to his guns and lose?  Again, seems stupid but at least he has his principles.  Who are the GOP planning to run in 2024, again?

Also, why did Trump win in 2016 if America is too soft to vote for him?  Was America strong enough in 2016 to vote for a man who doesn't pander to the public?  What was it that happened under 4 years of president Trump that made America get so soft?

Because he was running against Hillary, who was a joke, and this election saw a record number of voters who turned out just to vote against Trump, no matter who was running.  
(06-30-2021, 04:17 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Because he was running against Hillary, who was a joke, and this election saw a record number of voters who turned out just to vote against Trump, no matter who was running.  

Hillary is a joke, and according to you Biden is a joke, therefore Trump has run against 2 joke candidates, only managed to win once, and lost because America got softer and less great while he was president.  The GOP needs to move on from him.

TRUMP 2016 - Make America Soft Enough to Vote Me Out in 2020
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(06-30-2021, 03:44 PM)Nately120 Wrote: That makes Trump an idiot, then.  If the public is offended by something and you want to actually win the election you should stop saying it.  Sounds like Trump would rather be offensive than win an election.  That doesn't seem very smart to me.  The guy is the Vontaze Burfict of politics.


Trump was his own worst enemy.  He couldn't get out of his own way.  I don't know if it's because the manner in which he commonly spoke essentially won him the the nomination (and the election of course), or if that's just so much of his personality that no amount of coaching or advice could change it.

People can point to unfair media coverage all they'd like, and that may be true to an extent.  But it's also true that if he was aware of this, which he clearly was, he should have tailored his approach and refined his messaging.  Basically, he should have done everything he could not to give them ammo.  Instead he chose to change nothing, and ultimately suffered as a result.

Like it or not, "pandering" to the public is part of the gig.  That's how elections are won.  And there's a big difference between standing up for your stance or your beliefs, and almost going out of your way to alienate huge chunks of the population.  Even if people don't believe a lot of what he said was wrong, I can not imagine not understanding that some would.  Whether that's fair or unfair is irrelevant.

What I'm anxious to see is what happens in 2024.  Are Republicans smart enough to run a polished candidate that understands the game, (Ex: Desantis), who can run a campaign with similar policy proposals, or are there enough people left that want this dog and pony show again.
(06-30-2021, 03:43 PM)BFritz21 Wrote:  and liberals are offended by everything.

To be fair, so are conservatives. We're a nation of offended people. 
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(06-30-2021, 05:01 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: To be fair, so are conservatives. We're a nation of offended people. 

I'm offended you said that.
(06-30-2021, 05:01 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: To be fair, so are conservatives. We're a nation of offended people. 

The right wing is way better at disguising things that offend them as being wrong or bad, and therefore being offended by them doesn't make you a thin-skinned wimp, it makes you a defender of morality.

Liberals are offended by stuff like racist or sexist "jokes" because they're wimps

Conservatives are offended by women's liberation, immigration, multi-cultural neighborhoods, interracial marriage, gay marriage, and transgender equality because those things are morally, religiously and ethically wrong, will lead to the decay of the traditional family, and put women and children in danger.

It's the classic case of feeling/doing the same thing and yet explaining why your actions are right and OK and the other side is doing it for the wrong reason.  Both sides are anti-freedom on various issues, but the right wing again is much better at convincing people that the freedoms they are against are bad, so they aren't really against freedom...just bad freedom and that isn't freedom at all, really.

Liberals say America isn't great because they aren't patriotic.  Conservatives say America isn't great because they are patriotic and the country needs tough love or else it's going to decline.  I could go on, but the bottom line is that people are full of crap, especially me.  The biggest safespace on earth is the space between your ears. 

Oh and remember when we as a people had to support and rally behind a president, even if he wasn't our first choice, because showing disdain for the president emboldens our enemies?  Dig the slobbering grandpa we've got in office, what a shithole joke of a country we must be to let him run the show.
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(06-30-2021, 04:17 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: OK.  He hosted a few events where almost no one showed up.  

Also, how many events did he host closer to the election?  I remember Kamala Harris having to call him to tell him that he won.  Wouldn't he be out in public with her if he was mentally able?  Wouldn't he have known they won without her having to tell him?

And he still won. It's almost as if those massive spreader events Trump hosted were only there to stoke his massive ego.

Prove Harris had to call him to tell him he won because he didn't know. Using your logic, everyone i know has dementia because I call them on New Years to tell them 'Happy New Year'.
(06-30-2021, 05:01 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: To be fair, so are conservatives. We're a nation of offended people. 

I'm pretty damn liberal and I'll sit here and tell you jokes and say things that'll make every conservative around us punch me in the mouth, and I won't once make fun of political leanings.
(06-30-2021, 06:34 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Conservatives are offended by women's liberation, immigration, multi-cultural neighborhoods, interracial marriage, gay marriage, and transgender equality because those things are morally, religiously and ethically wrong, will lead to the decay of the traditional family, and put women and children in danger.

Please don't use such a broad brush to paint such a large group of people.

I know a number of people who are rather conservative that don't care about any number of these things, save maybe transgender equality depending on what your definition of that is.  (Ex: One of my best friends from school almost always votes Republican and his wife is black, his children are mixed.)

I know it may shock some people, but there's plenty of people who vote Republican, or who are "conservative", who could give two shits about things like gay marriage. Same goes for issues like abortion. And some of these other things lsited (women's lib, multi-cultural neighborhoods, interractial marriage, etc.), it sounds like you're describing the whole lot of conservatives from 1960.

Also, the mention of "immigration"reads very similar to the CRT is equal to teaching history that I took exception to earlier.  It's seems to be a dumb-downed description of a positon, made only to make an opposing side look ignorant or their stance flawed.  Most conservatives are against "illegal immigration", and that's a very important distinction that needs to made. 

Hopefully I'm misreading this post and there's sarcasm I missed (I don't see any absurdity in examples for the left though), because reading stuff like this is so depressing.  It shows how divided everyone is.  It reads no different than someone on the right who accuses liberals (as a whole) of being for things like no police, no gasoline cars, drag shows in preshool, waiting to have a super late-term abortion for fun, and having zero sense of humor.  Neither are accurate descriptions, and neither do anything to actual understand the positions some people actually hold.

Like I said, hopefully I read this wrong, you'll clarify and I'll feel stupid for wasting my time and getting bent out of shape about the descriptions you used.
I'm not offended by a lot because I don't read a lot of political rhetoric. I only occasionally, become involved in a thread here, and usually it's a mistake when I do because politics and religion are two areas where you'll not change 95% of the peoples minds.

Brad is right about one thing though. People didn't really vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. It's the same reason why Trump "won" (lost the popular vote) in 2016.....they voted against Hillary. On a side note, I voted for neither of them in 2016, I wrote in Montgomery Brewster.

The country does not want Trump. He's lost the popular vote twice, the Electoral in 2020. He's a lying, pig'ish, dishonest, misogynistic, bigoted, hypocritical, narcissistic, egocentric, sexual deviant who has mother load of charisma. And none of this is speculation....all you had to do was read his twitter. His 4 years were an embarrassment to the country, and he will go down as the worst president in history.

He did not make America Great again. He made us a laughing stock. And yes Biden only got elected because people voted AGAINST Trump. America does not want Trump. Period. And the Republican Party's refusal to separate themselves from Trump, for fear of political reprisal from him is a cowardly, ballless, disgrace.
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(06-30-2021, 07:51 PM)Stewy Wrote: Brad is right about one thing though.  People didn't really vote for Biden, they voted against Trump.  It's the same reason why Trump "won" (lost the popular vote) in 2016.....they voted against Hillary.  On a side note, I voted for neither of them in 2016, I wrote in Montgomery Brewster.

I 100% agree with this.  People think Trump turned a near 50% of American into MAGA loving mouth breathers, when in reality Hillary was just such a terrible candidate that it allowed him to eke out a win.  On the flip side, a lot of people think Biden has this huge group of voters who love him, when in reality he was the lesser of two evils, and Trump's schtick had long worn out it's welcome.

Here's to hoping both parties can nominate a better candidate in 2024, preferably ones who are under 65.

PS Fwiw, I did the same as you, I sat out that election (I sat 2020 out as well).  I stuck to only local.  I did not do a write-in though, but I really should have.  I should have had fun with that.

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