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Biden 50 million dollar ad buy labeling Trump a criminal
(06-17-2024, 03:30 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Then I'm sure that you'll be completely alright when the ads portraying Biden as a senile, old coot, along with a string of footage from his many and numerous public examples of being frozen, staring off into space, and wandering off from the group?  Because it won't be labeling to portray Joe Biden for what he is, a mentally declined individual incapable of functioning at a high level.

I prefer they focus on the pedophilia, the crimes, the effects of his border policy, his racism and ties with the KKK along with his anti-integration racial jungle opinions. I want them to focus on "The Real Joe Biden." I hope they leave HUnter out of it. But if they don't, include the fact he doesn't recognize Hunter's child. I want the laptop info out there and I want Epstein's list out there because I can guarantee you Biden is on there as a client, not just a visitor.

I want the testimonials from all the women who were put in the uncomfortable positions of grabbing, touching, and smelling. I would like commercials about how he failed the minority communities and the democratic broken promises to them. I want commercials about the border crisis and the executive orders which turned our country into an uncomfortable place to live by so many. I also want commercials on how much the country is paying for it and the crimes committed. Show them hotel/motel rooms that most people can't afford to stay one night in, that they are living in rent-free. SHOW IT ALL.

Show the military and how we armed a terrorist organization with our arsenal but leaving abruptly. Let the soldiers give their opinions. Interview the families of those we made promises to if they helped America and how we left them to die. Show the people falling off the airplanes departing Kabul in the Middle East because they knew they were going to be dead anyway once we pulled out. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-17-2024, 07:30 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: I prefer they focus on the pedophilia, the crimes, the effects of his border policy, his racism and ties with the KKK along with his anti-integration racial jungle opinions. I want them to focus on "The Real Joe Biden." I hope they leave HUnter out of it. But if they don't, include the fact he doesn't recognize Hunter's child. I want the laptop info out there and I want Epstein's list out there because I can guarantee you Biden is on there as a client, not just a visitor.

I want the testimonials from all the women who were put in the uncomfortable positions of grabbing, touching, and smelling. I would like commercials about how he failed the minority communities and the democratic broken promises to them. I want commercials about the border crisis and the executive orders which turned our country into an uncomfortable place to live by so many. I also want commercials on how much the country is paying for it and the crimes committed. Show them hotel/motel rooms that most people can't afford to stay one night in, that they are living in rent-free. SHOW IT ALL.

Show the military and how we armed a terrorist organization with our arsenal but leaving abruptly. Let the soldiers give their opinions. Interview the families of those we made promises to if they helped America and how we left them to die. Show the people falling off the airplanes departing Kabul in the Middle East because they knew they were going to be dead anyway once we pulled out. 

Do not forget the children he did the same to in the public square, with many obviously opposing to his touching and smelling via their behavior.

It is in plain sight.
(06-17-2024, 07:30 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: I prefer they focus on the pedophilia, the crimes, the effects of his border policy, his racism and ties with the KKK along with his anti-integration racial jungle opinions. I want them to focus on "The Real Joe Biden." I hope they leave HUnter out of it. But if they don't, include the fact he doesn't recognize Hunter's child. I want the laptop info out there and I want Epstein's list out there because I can guarantee you Biden is on there as a client, not just a visitor.

I want the testimonials from all the women who were put in the uncomfortable positions of grabbing, touching, and smelling. I would like commercials about how he failed the minority communities and the democratic broken promises to them. I want commercials about the border crisis and the executive orders which turned our country into an uncomfortable place to live by so many. I also want commercials on how much the country is paying for it and the crimes committed. Show them hotel/motel rooms that most people can't afford to stay one night in, that they are living in rent-free. SHOW IT ALL.

Show the military and how we armed a terrorist organization with our arsenal but leaving abruptly. Let the soldiers give their opinions. Interview the families of those we made promises to if they helped America and how we left them to die. Show the people falling off the airplanes departing Kabul in the Middle East because they knew they were going to be dead anyway once we pulled out. 

I agree, great post. Trump has shown empathy towards Hunter after his conviction. Trump lost a brother to addiction, so he understands how it impacts not just the individual, but the family. I hope he takes the high road at the debate on Hunter's addiction to crack cocaine, but if he brings it up, I hope it is i context of how Biden and all Democrats open border polices enable drug dealers to get the drugs into the US a lot easier and that results in not only addiction, but death for loved ones.

Biden is most likely spending a lot of time on his response if Trump attacks Hunter, ley him waste his debate prep. Go after on high taxes and all the things you mentioned in ads and in the debate.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-17-2024, 07:47 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I agree, great post. Trump has shown empathy towards Hunter after his conviction. Trump lost a brother to addiction, so he understands how it impacts not just the individual, but the family. I hope he takes the high road at the debate on Hunter's addiction to crack cocaine, but if he brings it up, I hope it is i context of how Biden and all Democrats open border polices enable drug dealers to get the drugs into the US a lot easier and that results in not only addiction, but death for loved ones.

Biden is most likely spending a lot of time on his response if Trump attacks Hunter, ley him waste his debate prep. Go after on high taxes and all the things you mentioned in ads and in the debate.

Please direct us to ANY statement of Donald Trump showing empathy to Hunter Biden.

You still haven’t learned that Trump is mentally incapable of taking the high road

Joe will respond to any attack on Hunter with some form of “I love my son and am proud that he has worked so hard to finally achieve sobriety. I know that many American families have had to face adduction just as we have had. They know how difficult the struggle is”

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-17-2024, 07:30 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: I prefer they focus on the pedophilia, the crimes, the effects of his border policy, his racism and ties with the KKK along with his anti-integration racial jungle opinions. I want them to focus on "The Real Joe Biden." I hope they leave HUnter out of it. But if they don't, include the fact he doesn't recognize Hunter's child. I want the laptop info out there and I want Epstein's list out there because I can guarantee you Biden is on there as a client, not just a visitor.

I want the testimonials from all the women who were put in the uncomfortable positions of grabbing, touching, and smelling. I would like commercials about how he failed the minority communities and the democratic broken promises to them. I want commercials about the border crisis and the executive orders which turned our country into an uncomfortable place to live by so many. I also want commercials on how much the country is paying for it and the crimes committed. Show them hotel/motel rooms that most people can't afford to stay one night in, that they are living in rent-free. SHOW IT ALL.

Show the military and how we armed a terrorist organization with our arsenal but leaving abruptly. Let the soldiers give their opinions. Interview the families of those we made promises to if they helped America and how we left them to die. Show the people falling off the airplanes departing Kabul in the Middle East because they knew they were going to be dead anyway once we pulled out. 

Just turn on Fox. The Australian born GOP kingmaker who just married a Russian knows his audience and loves to serve up the sensationalized outrage you seek.
(06-18-2024, 02:37 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Just turn on Fox. The Australian born GOP kingmaker who just married a Russian knows his audience and loves to serve up the sensationalized outrage you seek.

I'm not looking to be outraged. That tank is pretty much empty. 

I find it strange you will ridicule a person for marrying a foreigner, but defend a man who showers with children. Lockstep at all costs.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-18-2024, 01:00 AM)pally Wrote: Please direct us to ANY statement of Donald Trump showing empathy to Hunter Biden.

The lack of statements is what you seek. He hasn't been focusing om Hunter. If he was, you would hear his name every other sentence.

Quote:You still haven’t learned that Trump is mentally incapable of taking the high road

Oh, you mean that high road Hilary Clinton spoke about while she was trying to frame DJT with the Russia Dossier?

Quote:Joe will respond to any attack on Hunter with some form of “I love my son and am proud that he has worked so hard to finally achieve sobriety.  I know that many American families have had to face adduction just as we have had.  They know how difficult the struggle is”

He's a father. He should be proud. Yet don't think Americans will be as sympathetic as you hope. Not because they lack compassion, but because most still put a high value on personal accountability. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-18-2024, 01:00 AM)pally Wrote: Joe will respond to any attack on Hunter with some form of “I love my son and am proud that he has worked so hard to finally achieve sobriety.  I know that many American families have had to face adduction just as we have had.  They know how difficult the struggle is”

That's about two sentences too many for old Joe to string together coherently.

Maybe even three too many...
(06-18-2024, 01:00 AM)pally Wrote: Please direct us to ANY statement of Donald Trump showing empathy to Hunter Biden.

You still haven’t learned that Trump is mentally incapable of taking the high road

Joe will respond to any attack on Hunter with some form of “I love my son and am proud that he has worked so hard to finally achieve sobriety.  I know that many American families have had to face adduction just as we have had.  They know how difficult the struggle is”

He did in a 3 part interview conducted at Mar-A- Lago with Hannity after Hunter was convicted.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-18-2024, 09:57 AM)HarleyDog Wrote: I'm not looking to be outraged. That tank is pretty much empty. 

I find it strange you will ridicule a person for marrying a foreigner, but defend a man who showers with children. Lockstep at all costs.

Right. Lockstep. Coming from the guy demanding to see the Epstein files because you just know Joe will be in there. While totally ignoring two decades worth of Trump paling around with him with video and photo evidence.

Is it unheard of for a parent to shower with their kid?

I know when I was little I took a shower with my Dad.

And my Mom used to wipe poop off my butt.

“Furthermore, in her letter to the judge, Ashley Biden wrote that others had "once-grossly" misinterpreted her "once-private" writings and thrown "false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love."

Biden also said that her "innermost thoughts" recorded in the diary had been "constantly distorted and manipulated," and assumed that the point of the theft was to "peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts."

Crucially, while Snopes stated the content published online was authentic, the meaning and significance of what Biden wrote has been interpreted without her consent, without additional context, and, as has been proved in court, was made public as part of a scheme to enrich the people who stole it.”
50 millions $ for an ad ?

What a waste of money.

You can do much for people with that money.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(06-18-2024, 08:36 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: 50 millions $ for an ad ?

What a waste of money.

You can do much for people with that money.

I agree, which is why many would like to limit campaign spending. 

But that goes against the big money on both sides...

We are a wasteful country.
(06-18-2024, 08:32 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Is it unheard of for a parent to shower with their kid?

After a certain age, yes. She felt weird about it. Why didn't he?

Quote:I know when I was little I took a shower with my Dad.

Most of us probably did. But at 8-10-12-14yrs old? Heck, even 5yrs old is wrong. Once a child is able to shower or bath on their own, it's wrong, unless there is a medical reason which requires it. And, usually, that would come from a mother. 

Quote:And my Mom used to wipe poop off my butt.

I'm sure that stopped when you were able to do it yourself. 

You're not going to get it. Your belief is yours. You're not going to ask questions. Only defend. Why not ask why? Why not question? It's one thing to stay out of your neighbor's business (which if I thought my neighbor was doing such a thing, CPS would get a call), but this is the leader of the free world. 

Before you bring Trump into this and any comments he's accused of making about his daughter (since you referenced Snopes, they said the reported comment couldn't be confirmed or denied) . I don't approve of that either so save your steam. You can't blindly defend all the time. I mean, you can, but it's toxic.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-18-2024, 08:40 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: I agree, which is why many would like to limit campaign spending. 

But that goes against the big money on both sides...

We are a wasteful country.

I hate what it’s become.

I blame the 5 conservative justices on the SCOTUS for that Citizens United ruling.
(06-18-2024, 08:54 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: I hate what it’s become.

I blame the 5 conservative justices on the SCOTUS for that Citizens United ruling.

Different topic for a different thread.

Too much to unpack here.
(06-18-2024, 08:53 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: After a certain age, yes. She felt weird about it. Why didn't he?

Most of us probably did. But at 8-10-12-14yrs old? Heck, even 5yrs old is wrong. Once a child is able to shower or bath on their own, it's wrong, unless there is a medical reason which requires it. And, usually, that would come from a mother. 

I'm sure that stopped when you were able to do it yourself. 

You're not going to get it. Your belief is yours. You're not going to ask questions. Only defend. Why not ask why? Why not question? It's one thing to stay out of your neighbor's business (which if I thought my neighbor was doing such a thing, CPS would get a call), but this is the leader of the free world. 

Before you bring Trump into this and any comments he's accused of making about his daughter (since you referenced Snopes, they said the reported comment couldn't be confirmed or denied) . I don't approve of that either so save your steam. You can't blindly defend all the time. I mean, you can, but it's toxic.

There are people in Africa and South America who run around with the goods out their whole lives. There are nudist colonies here.

It’s wrong for Joe to shower with his kid but if I go to the ymca it’s ok for a bunch of old strangers to get naked in the locker room with other peoples kids?

And do you know how old she was when it happened?

You can’t blindly buy in to every right wing smear tactic. I mean you can. But if you go to any Trump rallies don’t do any interviews because you will probably end up on YouTube getting made fun of.
(06-18-2024, 08:32 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Right. Lockstep. Coming from the guy demanding to see the Epstein files because you just know Joe will be in there. While totally ignoring two decades worth of Trump paling around with him with video and photo evidence.

Is it unheard of for a parent to shower with their kid?

I know when I was little I took a shower with my Dad.

And my Mom used to wipe poop off my butt.

“Furthermore, in her letter to the judge, Ashley Biden wrote that others had "once-grossly" misinterpreted her "once-private" writings and thrown "false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love."

Biden also said that her "innermost thoughts" recorded in the diary had been "constantly distorted and manipulated," and assumed that the point of the theft was to "peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts."

Crucially, while Snopes stated the content published online was authentic, the meaning and significance of what Biden wrote has been interpreted without her consent, without additional context, and, as has been proved in court, was made public as part of a scheme to enrich the people who stole it.”

No, I did not take a shower in the nude with my mother when I was 12 years old. The mere fact you attempt t normalize this behavior is creepy. I have 3 adult daughters and never came close to being near them naked, or in a shower or bathtub. I say that is very normal for a parent who respects their child's privacy and is not a pervert.

Maybe Trump should 50 million sharing this news in the swing states. It happened and is confirmed by Ashley. Just as liberals dismiss the circumstances surrounding Trump being convicted, they should also dismiss any circumstances surrounding Biden taking naked shower(s) with his daughter. Yes, not one-time occurrence, more the norm for Joe and Ashley.

Trump should mention it during teh debate in one of his 90 second responses.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-18-2024, 09:16 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: No, I did not take a shower in the nude with my mother when I was 12 years old. The mere fact you attempt t normalize this behavior is creepy. I have 3 adult daughters and never came close to being near them naked, or in a shower or bathtub. I say that is very normal for a parent who respects their child's privacy and is not a pervert.

Maybe Trump should 50 million sharing this news in the swing states. It happened and is confirmed by Ashley. Just as liberals dismiss the circumstances surrounding Trump being convicted, they should also dismiss any circumstances surrounding Biden taking naked shower(s) with his daughter. Yes, not one-time occurrence, more the norm for Joe and Ashley.

Trump should mention it during teh debate in one of his 90 second responses.

Sure. James O keefe is such a stand up guy. He made a living preying on people like you. Sensationalized right wing misinformation for the gullible GOP base. You guys are a gold mine.

See post #30 for where Ashley debunked your bullshit.
(06-18-2024, 09:53 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Sure. James O keefe is such a stand up guy. He made a living preying on people like you. Sensationalized right wing misinformation for the gullible GOP base. You guys are a gold mine.

See post #30 for where Ashley debunked your bullshit.

This is typical Hunter laptop is Russian disinformation crap by the left. She wrote it and also wrote she was afraid of her dad for doing this. Her words, words she wrote as a young teenager (12) and now wants to back track. First Snopes said it was a lie> Why? Based on what information did they jump to Biden's defense.

"Ashley Biden’s diary confessing a ‘hyper-sexualized’ youth and inappropriate showers with her dad as a young girl was found to be real by her own admission, triggering the fact-checking site Snopes to change the rating of this fact check from ‘Unproven’ to ‘True’."

Again, I think great thing for Trump t bring up during the debate, it is true and not a good look for Joe Biden.

But, let Biden attack him first, then counter with a left hook knockout punch.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-18-2024, 10:06 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Again, I think great thing for Trump t bring up during the debate, it is true and not a good look for Joe Biden.

But, let Biden attack him first, then counter with a left hook knockout punch.

Oddly, I agree with you on this.  

I hope Trump brings up the Ashley showers in detail during the debate,
and goes back to it after a break.

And accuses Biden of "racism" and "ties" to the KKK. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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