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Democratic delimma after the debate
(10 hours ago)StoneTheCrow Wrote: Left, right, and center should ALL be livid about what the “They” in your post have done.
Haven’t seen much outrage on here, or at all, about it outside of one of those three.

Voters are probably getting used to how Party Politicians and the portion of the Media that supports a given Party

sensationalize virtually everything.

Not surprising that "they" were just recently hell bent on saying that Biden was alert & sharp leading up to the debate.

Post debate, these same "they" may become hell bent on pressuring Biden to step aside while publicly pointing out his signs of decline


If Biden decides to keep running then "they" will double down on Biden's alertness & sharpness again leading up to the election.

*Voters are just waiting to see which Narrative "they" are forced to support.  (Biden staying on the ticket or Biden off the ticket)

Maybe an October surprise will put the Republican Party in a pickle but the Democrats are the Party in a pickle right now.
This article states an opinion on how Biden's campaign can be used if he steps aside. Kamala MAY be able to use it, but it appears with restrictions. Other new candidates would have no access to campaign funds.

If true, the DNC may be begging Michelle Obama to run, she is polling ahead of Trump and already has name recognition.

Uncharted territory: Could campaign finances keep Biden on the ballot?
An FEC commissioner said there are 'too many hurdles' to replacing Biden as the nominee

While calls to replace President Biden as the Democratic nominee continue to plague his re-election efforts, campaign finance experts believe financial roadblocks could prevent another Democrat from stepping into the role.

The Biden-Harris campaign brought in a huge cash haul this cycle, reporting $127 million raised in June alone. But if Biden were to be replaced or step down as the nominee, there are serious questions about whether another candidate would be able to inherit these funds.

While there are several candidates being floated as a Biden replacement, a political fundraiser with knowledge of presidential campaign finance told Fox News Digital that, as of right now, the money "is only accessible if your name is Joe Biden or Kamala Harris."
Election law experts told Fox News Digital Vice President Harris could likely use the campaign funds given that her name is on the Biden-Harris ticket. However, even the vice president could face hurdles with the money.

Trainor, speaking on "The Josh Hammer Show" Wednesday, said given the financial roadblocks, he believes Democrats "have no choice but to continue forward with President Biden as their nominee because there are just too many hurdles."

Democratic governors Gavin Newsom of California and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg have been floated as potential Biden replacements, but the experts do not believe other candidates would be able to easily obtain the funds.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(07-01-2024, 05:24 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: The Goldwater rule applies to medical professionals.  A you correctly point out, none of us are medical professionals.  As we are pointing out, being a medical professional isn't necessary to notice Biden's severe cognitive decline.  Your strenuous denial of the obvious isn't convincing anyone and only makes you look partisan and stubborn.

Sure.  There are people on this board who can't even muster a comment on Biden's performance.  It's not hard to find.

The most telling thing is the damage control.  He could possibly float a narrative blaming a cold or a busy schedule IF he came out within the last week and answered questions off the cuff.  

There's a zero percent chance he's dealing with the press corps on his own, and they are right down the hall.  It's nowhere near out of the ordinary for the president to conduct a  2 hour press conference.  

I give him 2 weeks max.  They've botched every optic spectacularly since the debate.  Sooner or later, the donors and down ticket candidates will start getting more forceful.
(10 hours ago)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: They hid that we had a dementia riddled POTUS for year and expect us to the believe he's been great right up to that debate?  Sleazy isn't even the word for it.

Except they didn't really hide it, just able to deceive people who wanted not to believe what their eyes were seeing.  Nothing but cheap fakes videos on Fox News.  If you've watched any clips or events with Biden over the last few years, you've seen multiple instances and the 90 minutes Thursday would not have surprised you.

More "sleazy" is a media that straight-up lied to its readers/viewers.  Nothing really new there, but WSJ had an article about a week before the debate citing several insiders and foreign leaders.  The usual propagandists lined up to EXCORIATE the WSJ for that article, and defending Biden as "sharp" and "in command".  Then just hours after the debate we learn the usual propagandists had been hearing this for months.  Not only did they not report it, when the WSJ did THEY CALLED IT A LIE.

More than a few are even admitting they all knew.  That's a pretty astonishing admission, maybe if their only real audience left wasn't just people that need the echo chamber for therapy.  I'm old enough to remember merely getting a big story wrong could be negatively career altering.  They ignored the story, then lied to the audience, and now admit they did it.  I can't figure out if that's feigned respect for their audience, or they just have such little respect that they know the sheeple will always tune in.

(10 hours ago)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: He won't be pushed out, he'll have a "change of heart."  Everything points to it, the "leaked" poll that shows him underwater everywhere.  His standing firm is just building plausible deniability that this was the plan all along and has been for years.  They even refused to have a primary so none of their candidates could damage each other.  This way they can slip in a "reluctant" candidate with a basically clean slate, at least nationally.  The Democratic party is playing the US electorate for fools in a manner far more sinister and cynical than anything the GOP has been accused of, maybe ever.

They hid that we had a dementia riddled POTUS for year and expect us to the believe he's been great right up to that debate?  Sleazy isn't even the word for it.

I’m pretty disgusted how badly Americans have been deceived.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(8 hours ago)samhain Wrote: I give him 2 weeks max.  They've botched every optic spectacularly since the debate.  Sooner or later, the donors and down ticket candidates will start getting more forceful.

I don't see what they're going to do tho?  Joe says he running. He had his weekend at Camp David with his family, then I thought, yes, they are going to convince him to stand down. Nope, he says he's fit for the job and will drive on (so to speak). If things continue, you're probably looking at Dems losing the House and Senate. Personally, I think it's that bad.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(5 hours ago)HarleyDog Wrote: I don't see what they're going to do tho?  Joe says he running. He had his weekend at Camp David with his family, then I thought, yes, they are going to convince him to stand down. Nope, he says he's fit for the job and will drive on (so to speak). If things continue, you're probably looking at Dems losing the House and Senate. Personally, I think it's that bad.

I see the party who says they will save Democracy destroying it by dumping their own nominee and replacing him. They will do this because they are willing to destroy Democracy to win. It as simple as that. History will not be kind towards Joe Biden, his DOJ and the DNC going after a political opponent with lawfare. 

I think Independents are smart and will see how the left liberal media lied to them all the way up to the debate that Biden was sharp and focused. The left media was exposed and not have to clean a lot of egg off their face. The Democrats love the left media and won't care they attempted to carry a deeply compromised POTUS over the finish line to win in 2024. They will alibi it saying the Trump alternative justifies their lies to the viewers.

Joe has made it clear; he wants to fight until the end. Let's see if the DNC and delegates support his mission or put on a full court press (use left media) to get him to drop out in the coming days or weeks.

I say they replace him even though he has secured the delegates for the Democratic nomination. Democrats could care less about Democracy, and they will show the voters they lied about that among other things as well.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(4 hours ago)Luvnit2 Wrote: I see the party who says they will save Democracy destroying it by dumping their own nominee and replacing him. They will do this because they are willing to destroy Democracy to win. It as simple as that. History will not be kind towards Joe Biden, his DOJ and the DNC going after a political opponent with lawfare. 

I think Independents are smart and will see how the left liberal media lied to them all the way up to the debate that Biden was sharp and focused. The left media was exposed and not have to clean a lot of egg off their face. The Democrats love the left media and won't care they attempted to carry a deeply compromised POTUS over the finish line to win in 2024. They will alibi it saying the Trump alternative justifies their lies to the viewers.

Joe has made it clear; he wants to fight until the end. Let's see if the DNC and delegates support his mission or put on a full court press (use left media) to get him to drop out in the coming days or weeks.

I say they replace him even though he has secured the delegates for the Democratic nomination. Democrats could care less about Democracy, and they will show the voters they lied about that among other things as well.

The thirst for power.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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