Poll: What will happen at the presidential debate 7-27-24>
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Moderators ask Biden safe questions, while laying the heat on Trump
6 10.00%
Biden has questions pre-screened, Trump gets lambasted questions
5 8.33%
Biden gets juiced before
5 8.33%
Both candidates are asked the same questions fairly
4 6.67%
Biden collapses on stage in order to put the change of the Democratic candidate in motion
1 1.67%
Trump get's angry and makes an ass out of himself
8 13.33%
Joe mentions Beau to garnish sympthy
5 8.33%
Trump attacks and prevents Biden from answering questions making him look like an idiot
6 10.00%
Biden refers to Trump as a felon
7 11.67%
Trump gets hic Mic cut off while speaking in turn
2 3.33%
Both will shake hands before/after the debate
1 1.67%
Trump gets his stuff together and reveals plans to solve national issues without attacks on Biden
1 1.67%
Protestors interrupt debate
1 1.67%
Trumps breathes desperately through his nose
2 3.33%
Trump cries last election stolen
6 10.00%
Total 60 vote(s) 100%
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Biden vs. Trump debate
(06-22-2024, 10:11 PM)samhain Wrote: That's some Chuck Norris shit, there, guy.

Speaking of Chuck Norris, my cousin and I were talking the other day about Chuck Norris karate for the Atari 2600 that we played on a double ender cartridge.  We were too young to realize how hilariously wrong it was to admit you were playing with a double ender.

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The Adderall talking point is pretty interesting. It's more or less considered fact in GOP MAGA influencer circles.

I wouldn't be surprised if he were on it. Or something else, or nothing.

To me it's pretty irrelevant. If people believe that the use of cognitive enhancers is cheating or unusual in any walk of life, then they are horribly naive. I'd be shocked if less than 30 percent of all public-speaking politicians don't at least take something intermittently. Hell, I work behind a computer most of the day and almost half of the people in my work group are on Provigil or Adderall. A couple get TRT as well.

These types of non-street drugs are in damn near every profession in the country, maybe on the industrialized planet. Are we to believe that people with egos like presidents and the power to get anything aren't getting in on it?
(06-22-2024, 10:26 PM)samhain Wrote: The Adderall talking point is pretty interesting.  It's more or less considered fact in GOP MAGA influencer circles.  

I wouldn't be surprised if he were on it.  Or something else, or nothing.

To me it's pretty irrelevant. If people believe that the use of cognitive enhancers is cheating or unusual in any walk of life, then they are horribly naive.  I'd be shocked if less than 30 percent of all public-speaking politicians don't at least take something intermittently.  Hell, I work behind a computer most of the day and almost half of the people in my work group are on Provigil or Adderall.  A couple get TRT as well.  

These types of non-street drugs are in damn near every profession in the country, maybe on the industrialized planet.  Are we to believe that people with egos like presidents and the power to get anything aren't getting in on it?

Pretty much how I see it, either way.  Let he who is free of pharmaceuticals (or will be as you border or cross the age of 80) cast the first stone.  Modern day American pearl-clutching about this stuff is silly even for us.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-22-2024, 03:08 PM)pally Wrote: The bar is low because that's where the loudest voices place it.  Blame right-wing media and the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party for screaming abut Biden's potential problems since he started running and highlighting everything negative since.  

it is so much a part of the campaigns from the right that you all have people expecting Biden to be pushed out on stage in a wheelchair with AI providing his voice.  Thus when he overperforms, you all have to change the narrative to being drugged.

I think it is the opposite, it is the Democrats who feel the need to put Joe on a pedestal and the fake news media will do like they did the SOTU address, say it was Joe's best speech ever. 

Biden is running for the highest position in the world as is Trump. It won't be good enough to say Joe made it through 1.5 hours of one debate. It will come down to how each candidate delivers their message. Joe Biden calling Trump a con will solidify some of his base but will turn off the black voters who understand persecution. Joe will use it, the questions become what else he has on the inflation being 20% on his watch when it was 1.4% when he took office. What is his immigration plan for the asylum seekers who are committing major crimes?

Trump will make it a policy debate and will remind people under his 4 years inflation was under 5%? He will discuss the border. If I were prepping Trump, I would have him use the first 2- to 30 seconds to answer questions about him being a felon or anything on Jan.6. Then, I would tell him to focus the rest of his time on Trump's economy, Trump's inflation, Trump's border security and Trump's tax cuts. I would talk until the mike was muted, then rinse and repeat.

Trump does not have to go after Joe in a mean manner, use jokes to get under his skin about the lies he talked about Hunter's laptop last debate.

Of course, Trump is Trump, so I am sure he has a great plan to win the debate.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
Now they'll say all these stories are terrible. Well, these stories have, you know, you heard my story in the boat with the shark, right? I got killed on that. They thought I was rambling. I'm not rambling. We can't get the boat to float. The battery is so heavy. So then I start talking about asking questions. You know, I have an, I had an uncle who was a great professor at MIT for many years, long, I think the longest tenure ever. very smart, had three different degrees and you know, so I have an aptitude for things. You know, there is such a thing as an aptitude. I said, well, what would happen if this boat is so heavy and started to sink and you're on the top of the boat. Do you get electrocuted or not? In other words, the boat is going down and you're on the top, will the electric currents flow through the water and wipe you out? And let's say there's a shark about 10 yards over there. Would I have to immediately abandon or could I ride the electric down and he said, sir, nobody's ever asked us that question. But sir, I don't know. I said, well, I want to know because I guarantee you one thing, I don't care what happens. I'm staying with the electric, I'm not getting over with it. So I tell that story. And the fake news they go, he told this crazy story with electric. It's actually not crazy.

It's sort of a smart story, right? Sort of like, you know, it's like the snake, it's a smart when you, you figure what you're leaving in, right? You're bringing it in the, you know, the snake, right? The snake and the snake. I tell that and they do the same thing.

Can't wait for the battery / shark think on live TV.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(06-22-2024, 10:26 PM)samhain Wrote: The Adderall talking point is pretty interesting.  It's more or less considered fact in GOP MAGA influencer circles.  

I wouldn't be surprised if he were on it.  Or something else, or nothing.

To me it's pretty irrelevant. If people believe that the use of cognitive enhancers is cheating or unusual in any walk of life, then they are horribly naive.  I'd be shocked if less than 30 percent of all public-speaking politicians don't at least take something intermittently.  Hell, I work behind a computer most of the day and almost half of the people in my work group are on Provigil or Adderall.  A couple get TRT as well.  

These types of non-street drugs are in damn near every profession in the country, maybe on the industrialized planet.  Are we to believe that people with egos like presidents and the power to get anything aren't getting in on it?

It is rather depressing if that many people in your circle need drugs to be productive at work, but I suppose others abuse different drugs as well in their lives.

I think the issue many have is that in daily life Joe Biden in mentally and physically enfeebled, and accepted by the left as fine to run the country. He only gets juiced up for a 90 minute spot on TV. The rest of the time he is as mentally fit as a jar of apple sauce. If he were "juiced up Joe" all the time, I do not think there would be much of an issue.

But the left has no issue with his mental liabilities, addressing who really is in charge, and preventing the man from being further abused and robbed of his dignity on a world stage. I think it is because a number of people have immense power with a muppet like Joe Biden being placed out there, as opposed to a candidate who has full control of their faculties.

Amazingly disgusting and corrupt when you think about it.
(06-22-2024, 11:13 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I think it is the opposite, it is the Democrats who feel the need to put Joe on a pedestal and the fake news media will do like they did the SOTU address, say it was Joe's best speech ever. 

Biden is running for the highest position in the world as is Trump. It won't be good enough to say Joe made it through 1.5 hours of one debate. It will come down to how each candidate delivers their message. Joe Biden calling Trump a con will solidify some of his base but will turn off the black voters who understand persecution. Joe will use it, the questions become what else he has on the inflation being 20% on his watch when it was 1.4% when he took office. What is his immigration plan for the asylum seekers who are committing major crimes?

Trump will make it a policy debate and will remind people under his 4 years inflation was under 5%? He will discuss the border. If I were prepping Trump, I would have him use the first 2- to 30 seconds to answer questions about him being a felon or anything on Jan.6. Then, I would tell him to focus the rest of his time on Trump's economy, Trump's inflation, Trump's border security and Trump's tax cuts. I would talk until the mike was muted, then rinse and repeat.

Trump does not have to go after Joe in a mean manner, use jokes to get under his skin about the lies he talked about Hunter's laptop last debate.

Of course, Trump is Trump, so I am sure he has a great plan to win the debate.

if you truly believe that, you really would drink the kool-ade

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-23-2024, 09:05 AM)pally Wrote: if you truly believe that, you really would drink the kool-ade

I don't believe, I know Biden took over an economy with a trailing twelve months of 1.4% inflation, not the 9% he lied about. I know Trump had overall inflation for 4 years a little of 5%, Biden in less than 4 years is at almost 20% and going up each month. Biden think inflation being 3% is a great outcome. Trump believes inflation being 1.30% is a great outcome.

As for my suggestions for Trump to debate, I said Trump is Trump. I said I don't think he needs to men to win the debate. But does not mean je loses the debate if he does go after Joe either.

Will Trump make Biden own up to his past lies or behavior?
1. Hunter Laptop was Russian disinformation?
2. Trump said white Supremist were fine people discussing Charlottsville.
3. Biden said his son was innocent and he had no contact with Hunter's foreign business partners.
4. His uncle was eaten by cannibals.
5. He knew Putin when he was a KGB agent for Russia.
6. Why did he take nude showers with his teenage daughter?
7. Why did he say inflation was 9% when he took office in Jan. 2021?
8. Why did he say you aint black if you vote for Trump?
9. Why did he not want his children going to school with black students?
10. What has he down to unite all voters since he took office?
11. Why did he use the DOJ to attempt to put him in jail?
12. When did he say the border was secure until 4 months ago?

Trump will have a lot of ammo, but again, I don't think he needs it. I hope he just debates policy and policy outcomes (results).

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
Trump has NEVER debated policy and he lives for personal attacks so what makes you think he is even capable of changing things up for this one.

All the moderator has to do is ask about 2020 and he will be off on his conspiracy lies again and he will never focus on the future

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-23-2024, 11:59 AM)pally Wrote: Trump has NEVER debated policy and he lives for personal attacks so what makes you think he is even capable of changing things up for this one.  

All the moderator has to do is ask about 2020 and he will be off on his conspiracy lies again and he will never focus on the future

The difference between Trump and Biden is Trump can muti task. Also, Biden has a lousy record to run on and does not appear to have the mental acuity to keep up once Trump starts stating his accomplishments.

I am glad you have high hopes for Biden and feel Trump will do horribly. 

If I were you, I would hope Biden shows up. Then, won't make one mistake during a 90-minute debate with no prepared notes. Biden as a tendency to make up stories when off and on a teleprompter. Maybe, he can elaborate on his uncle being eaten by cannibals or how over allowing 10 million illegal immigrants into the US is securing our border.

As for the moderators, no doubt they will attempt a 3 on 1 to disrupt Trump's debate performance. If he wins, it makes it all the more impressive.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-23-2024, 02:33 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote:
The difference between Trump and Biden is Trump can muti task.
Also, Biden has a lousy record to run on and does not appear to have the mental acuity to keep up once Trump starts stating his accomplishments.

I am glad you have high hopes for Biden and feel Trump will do horribly. 

If I were you, I would hope Biden shows up. Then, won't make one mistake during a 90-minute debate with no prepared notes. Biden as a tendency to make up stories when off and on a teleprompter. Maybe, he can elaborate on his uncle being eaten by cannibals or how over allowing 10 million illegal immigrants into the US is securing our border.

As for the moderators, no doubt they will attempt a 3 on 1 to disrupt Trump's debate performance. If he wins, it makes it all the more impressive.

OMG...that is the funniest thing you may have ever said.  His presidency PROVED he is incapable of multi-tasking.  Have you listened to him speak...he can't even stay on a single subject for a paragraph when he is reading off a teleprompter.  Tele-prompters he claims he doesn't use even when everyone can see it right in front of him

Can you elaborate on how Trump's uncle being a professor somehow makes Trump an expert on every subject?  He brings that up in every speech.  

It will take no effort to distract Trump from his debate technique.  His technique is to yell over people while insulting them.  Maybe you haven't watched his previous debates...I have.

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-23-2024, 03:17 PM)pally Wrote: OMG...that is the funniest thing you may have ever said.  His presidency PROVED he is incapable of multi-tasking.  Have you listened to him speak...he can't even stay on a single subject for a paragraph when he is reading off a teleprompter.  Tele-prompters he claims he doesn't use even when everyone can see it right in front of him

Can you elaborate on how Trump's uncle being a professor somehow makes Trump an expert on every subject?  He brings that up in every speech.  

It will take no effort to distract Trump from his debate technique.  His technique is to yell over people while insulting them.  Maybe you haven't watched his previous debates...I have.

I have watched every Trump debate, to those neutral he is one of the best debating Presidents of all time. Look it up, I know you hate the man, but he is a well-respected debater known to be quick on his feet and counter punch effectively.

This is 2024, take a good look at both candidate's demeanors heading into the debate. Trump just spent 6 weeks locked up in a courtroom, yet I have never seen him calmer. He is having fun like he did in 2016.

On the other hand, Biden was the one shouting through most of the SOTUS address and appearing very angry. Let's see how calm he is when Trump asks him why he showered naked with his teenage daughter. Or was that your cocaine they found in the WH or was it, Hunter's?

I can't wait for the fun, although I won't see it live.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-23-2024, 03:47 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I have watched every Trump debate, to those neutral he is one of the best debating Presidents of all time. Look it up, I know you hate the man, but he is a well-respected debater known to be quick on his feet and counter punch effectively.

This is 2024, take a good look at both candidate's demeanors heading into the debate. Trump just spent 6 weeks locked up in a courtroom, yet I have never seen him calmer. He is having fun like he did in 2016.

On the other hand, Biden was the one shouting through most of the SOTUS address and appearing very angry. Let's see how calm he is when Trump asks him why he showered naked with his teenage daughter. Or was that your cocaine they found in the WH or was it, Hunter's?

I can't wait for the fun, although I won't see it live.

DJT will turn it into the Jerry Springer show with all the ammunition there is to bring to bear on Joe Biden.

What happens when DJT mentions Joe would be on trial currently if he wasn't deemed a forgetful, well meaning, old man?  Is Joe going to argue he is mentally fit to stand trial for decades on mishandling of top secret documents?

It will be interesting to watch.
(06-23-2024, 05:08 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: It will be interesting to watch.

Arrrrrrrrrrrrre You Ready.
[Image: OIP.VQkccX7B1G5YjWGFK1hslQHaEL?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain]
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-23-2024, 11:27 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I don't believe, I know Biden took over an economy with a trailing twelve months of 1.4% inflation, not the 9% he lied about. I know Trump had overall inflation for 4 years a little of 5%, Biden in less than 4 years is at almost 20% and going up each month. Biden think inflation being 3% is a great outcome. Trump believes inflation being 1.30% is a great outcome.

As for my suggestions for Trump to debate, I said Trump is Trump. I said I don't think he needs to men to win the debate. But does not mean je loses the debate if he does go after Joe either.

Will Trump make Biden own up to his past lies or behavior?
1. Hunter Laptop was Russian disinformation?
2. Trump said white Supremist were fine people discussing Charlottsville.
3. Biden said his son was innocent and he had no contact with Hunter's foreign business partners.
4. His uncle was eaten by cannibals.
5. He knew Putin when he was a KGB agent for Russia.
6. Why did he take nude showers with his teenage daughter?
7. Why did he say inflation was 9% when he took office in Jan. 2021?
8. Why did he say you aint black if you vote for Trump?
9. Why did he not want his children going to school with black students?
10. What has he down to unite all voters since he took office?
11. Why did he use the DOJ to attempt to put him in jail?
12. When did he say the border was secure until 4 months ago?

Trump will have a lot of ammo, but again, I don't think he needs it. I hope he just debates policy and policy outcomes (results).

LOl You like the "far leftists" at Snopes now, right?  According to them, Biden never said his uncle was eaten by cannibals. FALSE!

But once again you and I are pretty close on what we'd like to see Trump discuss. 

I hope he goes down every item in that list and does not let the far left moderators steer him back to policy. 

Hope he gets to the shark/electricity problem in there somewhere too.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-23-2024, 03:47 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I have watched every Trump debate, to those neutral he is one of the best debating Presidents of all time. Look it up, I know you hate the man, but he is a well-respected debater known to be quick on his feet and counter punch effectively.

Ok, I did.

[Image: CvLoGyVXgAI1WJZ?format=jpg&name=small]


Lot of "multi tasking" in the first Biden Trump debate. What a MESS for the moderators. International embarrassment. MAGA pride.

1st debate: A post-debate CNN/SSRS poll found that 60% of debate-viewers thought that Biden had won and 28% thought Trump had, with a margin of error of six points.[55][56] According to a CBS News poll taken following the debate, 48% of people thought Biden won, 41% of people thought Trump won, while 10% considered it a tie, with a margin of error of three points. In the same poll, 83% of the respondents believed the tone of the debate was negative, while 17% believed it was positive. The debate was largely seen negatively across the political spectrum.[57][58]

2nd:  A post-debate CNN/SSRS poll found that 53% of debate-viewers thought that Biden had won and 39% thought Trump had, with a margin of error of 5.7 points.[179] The debate was generally praised for its less hostile nature and for the candidates being prompted to go into more detail about their proposals.[180][181][182] FiveThirtyEight opined that the debate did not have a major impact on either candidate's favorability, polling numbers, or likelihood of winning.[183] The second and final presidential debate was watched by 63 million people, an estimated 10 million fewer people than the amount who watched the first debate, and 8.6 million fewer than the number who watched the final debate of 2016. This was likely due to the debate being broadcast concurrently with Thursday Night Football, which accumulated a total of 7 million viewers on FOX.[184][185]
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I've seen Snopes referred to a lot here lately. Are we trusting that now?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-23-2024, 07:40 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: I've seen Snopes referred to a lot here lately. Are we trusting that now?

As much as one would trust a CNN poll...
Any thoughts on CNN not allowing any kind of live political commentary during the debate? I'm assuming using the video live while doing it I suppose?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-26-2024, 12:41 AM)CarolinaBengalFanGuy Wrote: Any thoughts on CNN not allowing any kind of live political commentary during the debate? I'm assuming using the video live while doing it I suppose?

They want people watching the debate itself not watching a carefully edited clip show with Hannity’s play by play on Fox.

It is a normal business practice for live events. Even the NFL only allows a limited number of game clips to be shown on the day of the game

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.


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