Poll: What will happen at the presidential debate 7-27-24>
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Moderators ask Biden safe questions, while laying the heat on Trump
6 10.00%
Biden has questions pre-screened, Trump gets lambasted questions
5 8.33%
Biden gets juiced before
5 8.33%
Both candidates are asked the same questions fairly
4 6.67%
Biden collapses on stage in order to put the change of the Democratic candidate in motion
1 1.67%
Trump get's angry and makes an ass out of himself
8 13.33%
Joe mentions Beau to garnish sympthy
5 8.33%
Trump attacks and prevents Biden from answering questions making him look like an idiot
6 10.00%
Biden refers to Trump as a felon
7 11.67%
Trump gets hic Mic cut off while speaking in turn
2 3.33%
Both will shake hands before/after the debate
1 1.67%
Trump gets his stuff together and reveals plans to solve national issues without attacks on Biden
1 1.67%
Protestors interrupt debate
1 1.67%
Trumps breathes desperately through his nose
2 3.33%
Trump cries last election stolen
6 10.00%
Total 60 vote(s) 100%
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Biden vs. Trump debate
(06-27-2024, 12:51 PM)hollodero Wrote: And I have a hard time imagining a last minute replacement would fare so much better. This person would face extreme scrutiny over what exactly legitimizes him/her to be the nominee in the first place; such a move probably would tear the party apart and antagonize a lot of voters that still opted for Biden in the primaries.

I have to disagree. America doesn't really care for either candidate. So just about anyone who isn't a bumbling idiot would have a better chance if thrown in late. The GOP could do the same thing and win in a landslide if it was anyone but Trump. Deep down, I'm sure both parties know this. I could almost guarantee you that both have a backup plan in place if needed.
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(06-27-2024, 12:57 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I think he's not far from that point.  My father has dementia, he's much sharper than Biden but he'll forget something literally ten seconds after you tell him.  I don't disagree that replacing him would be a major move and invite tons of scrutiny.  I don't think it's even remotely out of the realm of possibility though.

Oh it's sure possible, but it depends on how Biden does. Personally, I think he's not that impaired as you and many believe him to be, partly based on the fact that he was always weird long before it could have been dementia. I don't quite see him forgetting so many things and talking gibberish quite as often as many others do, but sure my perception could be wrong. We'll see.

(06-27-2024, 01:01 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: I have to disagree. America doesn't really care for either candidate. So just about anyone who isn't a bumbling idiot would have a better chance if thrown in late. The GOP could do the same thing and win in a landslide if it was anyone but Trump. Deep down, I'm sure both parties know this. I could almost guarantee you that both have a backup plan in place if needed.

I think you're right initially, both parties would fare better with different candidates. But replacing one last minute still is a major move that would split the party (both parties), meet a ton of scrutiny and give the impression of a clueless and leaderless bunch. How weak would it look to replace Biden now after letting him go unchallenged for so long? Imho none of your parties could afford that at this point without some major reason.
Hence I doubt it is happening.
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(06-27-2024, 12:56 PM)StoneTheCrow Wrote: Now that the Trump is back on the national stage a hero comes along! Biden’s been winning truth telling contests for years now, I tells ya.


Who fact checked Hunter's laptop may be Russian disinformation and tampered with?

Who fact checked Hunter Biden, or no member of the Biden family made a dime off of China?

Who fact checked Trump's comments about Charlottesville were taken out of context?

3 whoppers during the 2020 debates, unvetted and not 1 was found to be false by these so-called fact checkers at CNN or other liberal news outlets?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-27-2024, 02:42 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Who fact checked Hunter's laptop may be Russian disinformation and tampered with?

Who fact checked Hunter Biden, or no member of the Biden family made a dime off of China?

Who fact checked Trump's comments about Charlottesville were taken out of context?

3 whoppers during the 2020 debates, unvetted and not 1 was found to be false by these so-called fact checkers at CNN or other liberal news outlets?

They were only taken out of context if you agree that people marching alongside avowed White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis are in any way shape or form "fine".  If you believe, as many do, that they aren't fine people, then there was no lie.  

And I do get that this could be a difficult concept for you to grasp, but doing business with Chinese business people is NOT taking money from the country/government of China.  When you ask "Did Hunter take money from China"...the answer is no he did not.  He did business with private 
Chinese businessmen.  You also have NO idea what Joe did or did not know in Oct of 2020 about Huter's business dealings.  Additionally, there is  NO evidence that JOE Biden ever received money from foreign entities

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-27-2024, 06:23 PM)pally Wrote: They were only taken out of context if you agree that people marching alongside avowed White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis are in any way shape or form "fine".  If you believe, as many do, that they aren't fine people, then there was no lie.  

And I do get that this could be a difficult concept for you to grasp, but doing business with Chinese business people is NOT taking money from the country/government of China.  When you ask "Did Hunter take money from China"...the answer is no he did not.  He did business with private 
Chinese businessmen.  You also have NO idea what Joe did or did not know in Oct of 2020 about Huter's business dealings.  Additionally, there is  NO evidence that JOE Biden ever received money from foreign entities

Yes, well put imho. It is just frustrating how utterly pointless it is to point all that out.
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(06-27-2024, 06:23 PM)pally Wrote: They were only taken out of context if you agree that people marching alongside avowed White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis are in any way shape or form "fine".  If you believe, as many do, that they aren't fine people, then there was no lie.  

And I do get that this could be a difficult concept for you to grasp, but doing business with Chinese business people is NOT taking money from the country/government of China.  When you ask "Did Hunter take money from China"...the answer is no he did not.  He did business with private 
Chinese businessmen.  You also have NO idea what Joe did or did not know in Oct of 2020 about Huter's business dealings.  Additionally, there is  NO evidence that JOE Biden ever received money from foreign entities

I'm not bashing you here. I'm not. But did you ever think that the main reason Joe was quick to support Ukraine with American tax dollars and weapons was to keep the facts of Burisma quiet and keep his son Hunter's dealings under wrap? Demanding the firing of the prosecutor investigating his sons case was insanely wrong. Bragging about it on national television was even more damning. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Imagine tomorrow morning when America wakes up with new candidates for POTUS from both major parties under their Christmas tree.

I’d recommend getting black out drunk if you are going to watch tonight.
And then there's this:

Quote:What are the betting odds for 1st Donald Trump-Joe Biden debate?

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have agreed to participate in 
two presidential debates. The first one will take place June 27 at CNN’s studios in Atlanta.[Image: 19199478_web1_Election-2024-Trump-Economy.jpg]
The betting line on which candidate will win the first debate opened at pick’em at BetOnline.ag, an offshore sportsbook that operates illegally in the U.S. The two were each listed at -120.

Heavy action on Trump caused the book to make him a -140 favorite, with Biden becoming an even-money underdog.

“Obviously, the majority of America believes Biden stands no chance against Trump in a debate,” BetOnline.ag political oddsmaker Paul Krishnamurty said. “And we’re seeing that play out with these odds as 100 percent of the money wagered so far is on Trump. We’ll keep moving the odds based on action, but Trump could end up a heavy favorite by the time June rolls around.”
A negative number represents how much a person would need to bet to win $100. In this case, a bettor would need to wager $140 to profit $100 on Trump to win the debate. The result at BetOnline.ag will be determined by “any poll co-sanctioned by CNN.”

There is also a prop bet on whether or not the debate will be postponed or canceled. No is a -500 favorite, while yes is a 3-1 underdog.

The second debate is scheduled for Sept. 10 and will be hosted by ABC.

“It is my great honor to accept the CNN Debate against Crooked Joe Biden,” Trump posted on his Truth Social site. “Likewise, I accept the ABC News Debate against Crooked Joe on September 10th.”
Biden said he’d done the same.

“Trump says he’ll arrange his own transportation,” Biden wrote on X. “I’ll bring my plane, too. I plan on keeping it for another four years.”
According to electionbettingodds.com, Trump has a 52.4 percent chance, which equates to -110, of winning the election over Biden. Biden has a 40.1 percent chance, which equates to +149.
A positive number represents how much a bettor would profit on a $100 wager. A $100 bet on Biden would net a profit of $149 in this case.

Betting on politics isn’t permitted at U.S. sportsbooks.
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(06-27-2024, 07:56 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: I'm not bashing you here. I'm not. But did you ever think that the main reason Joe was quick to support Ukraine with American tax dollars and weapons was to keep the facts of Burisma quiet and keep his son Hunter's dealings under wrap? Demanding the firing of the prosecutor investigating his sons case was insanely wrong. Bragging about it on national television was even more damning. 

1. Biden--i.e., the US and its European allies--demanded the firing of Shlokin because he was protecting patrons, not investigating. 

2. Joe was acting in line with US foreign policy and the president's goals. When trump withheld aid to get an investigation of Biden going,
he was abusing his office for private gain and, again, disrupting US foreign policy.

3. Supporting Ukraine with US tax dollars has nothing to do with keeping anyone quiet. It follows the same rationale as Bush I's defense of Kuwait. 
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(06-27-2024, 09:03 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Imagine tomorrow morning when America wakes up with new candidates for POTUS from both major parties under their Christmas tree.

I’d recommend getting black out drunk if you are going to watch tonight.

Working on it. Also, it would be great to have the second choice.
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(06-27-2024, 06:23 PM)pally Wrote: They were only taken out of context if you agree that people marching alongside avowed White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis are in any way shape or form "fine".  If you believe, as many do, that they aren't fine people, then there was no lie.  

And I do get that this could be a difficult concept for you to grasp, but doing business with Chinese business people is NOT taking money from the country/government of China.  When you ask "Did Hunter take money from China"...the answer is no he did not.  He did business with private 
Chinese businessmen.  You also have NO idea what Joe did or did not know in Oct of 2020 about Huter's business dealings.  Additionally, there is  NO evidence that JOE Biden ever received money from foreign entities

The evidence we currently have is that Trump has profited from China, not Joe Biden. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2020/10/23/forbes-estimates-china-paid-trump-at-least-54-million-since-he-took-office-via-mysterious-trump-tower-lease/

The real issue is--why are we even arguing whether Joe Biden profited from his son's dealings when--

Trump lied about the election being stolen--a lie which cost lives--and continues to so lie. 

And the "weaponization of the DOJ" conspiracy depends on that previous lie, damaging trust in government,
legal process, and the courts. (No one thinks the DOJ is "weaponized" if it is charging criminals for actual
criminal activity.) 

And the passing of laws in battleground states which insure that the legislature can choose electors if it doesn't like
what the voters wanted. 

The biggest Biden lie he's told in his life does not measure up to the death, mayhem, and disruption which have followed from 
a Trump lie which is now upheld by his party--HIS PARTY I emphasize-- or to many other Trump lies (where was Obama born? 
3-5 million illegals voted in 2016; Obama tapped my wires!) 

Claiming Biden "lied" about knowing of his son's business dealings is partly distraction from the really damaging politics of 
Trump and party to normalize his behavior with some "both sidesing."  The Biden impeachment failed because there
was no evidence; The Trump impeachments failed because his party broke the Congressional check on his power.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-27-2024, 07:56 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: I'm not bashing you here. I'm not. But did you ever think that the main reason Joe was quick to support Ukraine with American tax dollars and weapons was to keep the facts of Burisma quiet and keep his son Hunter's dealings under wrap? Demanding the firing of the prosecutor investigating his sons case was insanely wrong. Bragging about it on national television was even more damning. 

Well, I can not be the arbiter of truth here. But there's strong indication that this was not what happened. Investigations into Burisma were described as dormant at the time and allegedly slow-walked by Shokin himself, and as far as I know there was no case against Hunter personally. And Mr. Shokin had a grim reputation as leading an overtly corrupt department, whose leading employees literally stashed diamonds and whatnot and still were protected from investigations. Shokin's ouster was also requested by the European Union and many other governments, and they most likely did not think about Hunter Biden.

So, to me there's just no solid indication that your version of events is accurate. Still might be, but there's no real proof.
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Joe is being butchered and exposed as mentally enfeebled.

I am ashamed for our leader.
I shouldn't have turned this on.

America loses. Neither of these two deserve to be president.
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I don’t think this is a good showing for Biden. This was an opportunity for him to really earn swing voters and bolster his chances. Instead, he seems fairly low energy in comparison to Trump. Trump has been active and energetic, even if people don’t like what he is saying. Optically, he is just performing better.
(06-27-2024, 11:07 PM)KillerGoose Wrote: I don’t think this is a good showing for Biden. This was an opportunity for him to really earn swing voters and bolster his chances. Instead, he seems fairly low energy in comparison to Trump. Trump has been active and energetic, even if people don’t like what he is saying. Optically, he is just performing better.

This is a horrid showing for Biden. But you are very correct, Trump spouts his nonsense confidently and energetically, and that sticks with people. Biden is stumbling and being just as nonsensical at times.

I like the format at least. If we had two competent candidates this would actually be incredible. 
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Joe is old and Donald is batshit

I'll vote for the sane old one

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-27-2024, 11:13 PM)pally Wrote: Joe is old and Donald is batshit

I'll vote for the sane old one

It is embarrassingly  how babbly gibberish he is. 

He doesn't know where he is, he is exposed on the world stage. 

Let people still support him?!?

(06-27-2024, 11:25 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: It is embarrassingly  how babbly gibberish he is. 

He doesn't know where he is, he is exposed on the world stage. 

Let people still support him?!?


Which geriatric are we referring to here?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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