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Birth control, abortion and unwanted pregnancies.
(08-16-2016, 12:09 PM)PhilHos Wrote: It's not talking about the LARC's being effective in the future, it's talking about if the PROGRAM that provides them will still be effective in the future after the initial LARC's expire.

Phil, let's just go back to my original point regarding the level of stupidity. If you want to determine if the program decreases unwanted pregnancies you need a start point and and end point for your study and a control. (To be fair, she did point out limitations with their control groups.)  However, she points out one of the study's faults is that it doesn't answer how effective is the program after the study ends until infinity. No study in the history of studies, can determine the effectiveness of anything after the study ends until infinity. That criticism is completely without merit. I guess you either get it or you don't. 

Also, I have noted from the beginning that she has some valid criticism, however the flawed criticism outweighs the valid criticism. That doesn't mean I'm throwing her whole criticism out, because I recognized the valid criticism. When I weigh her criticism and her credibility vs the study and the researchers credibility I'm more inclined to believe the study and its authors while recognizing the study does have some problems. Albeit less problems than her critique. Even with those problems there seems to be enough evidence to meet the level of effectiveness you believe is worthy of tax payer funding. 

I'm a Pro Choice guy with biology background providing healthcare and as such I would like to see more unwanted pregnancies. I don't understand the mentality of the conservative anti-abortion crowd who look at this program and think, "Gee, I don't want to give away free stuff to prevent abortions."  Bearing in mind these low income women will probably get an abortion at a Planned Parenthood clinic . . . which the ant-abortion group will complain about. Or if they decide to have the child will most likely receive government benefits far in excess of the cost of the LARCs . . . which the conservatives will also complain about. 

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