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Black History Month: An Alternative
(02-15-2016, 12:55 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Oh, man, this is pure gold.

First of all it was not my argument, it was yours.  then you provide a link that says this

On October 6, 2014, Queen Elizabeth II named Bloomberg an honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire for his "prodigious entrepreneurial and philanthropic endeavors, and the many ways in which they have benefited the United Kingdom and the U.K.-U.S. special relationship." Since Bloomberg is not a citizen of the United Kingdom, he cannot use the title "Sir", but Bloomberg may, at his own discretion, still use the post-nominal letters "KBE"

The way you make up stuff I am starting to think that you just made up the term "*****"

I am not allowed calling anyone *****.  I know that you didn't have anything to do with it, because no matter what we discuss, you at least seem to take it on the chin and bounce back.  I don't peg you as a reporting kinda guy.  Now, I don't know if I was reported or if it was just seen, but I was told to stop and given a verbal warning. 

I am currently debating on continuing on these boards, I know some would think it a victory, but it would be more like silencing a guy because you are afraid of what he is saying.  However, I don't think I want to associate with people that don't want to use the ignore button if they can't take any offense they may come across.  I prefer stronger minded people.  I am not rash though, I will give it some time to see how it goes.  If you don't see me, you will either see banned by my name or I will just stop posting.  Not a threat to anyone, just practicing what I preach.

I assure you I didn't invent the term *****.  NSFW, but google it.  So WTS, let us move on from the word, since it offends people.

However to the rest of your comment:

This is the part you missed:

"Michael Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in the Brighton neighborhood of Boston, on February 14, 1942.[2] His family is Jewish."

He is also American.  However, he is been know to heavily support and fund US policies that are for the protection and advancement of Israel.  Israel has been suspected of meddling in the policies of many western countries and has even been suspected of rigging some of our own elections.  WTS, these go more into conspiracy theories, but one thing that is fact, is that a lot of our political leaders have some connection to Israel, even Trump. Hollywood and the MMSM is also heavily run by people of Jewish background and claim Israel as a country that they are connected to.  New York is commonly referred to as Jew York.  None of this means anything, however I am very skeptical that it is totally without merit.  I look at is as "where there is smoke, there is fire".  I don't see the fire, but based off of some research that I have done, I do see compelling evidence.

That is why I said don't put anyone of Jewish background in the mix.  Bill Gates and the Walton family sure.  Zuckerberg, not so much.  Soros?  Definitely not.
(02-15-2016, 01:31 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Because whites make up such a larger portion of the population the difference is much smaller when you look at the percentages.  13.3% percent of violent crime against whites is committed by blacks while 9.9% of violent crime against blacks is committed by whites.

You are missing a vital piece of information here.  If you actually look at the tables you will see an asterisk (*) next to numbers for BOTH black-on-white rape/sexual assault (7.6%) and white-on-black (0.0).  This asterisk means that the "estimate was based on ten or fewer sample cases."  The DOJ only ask a sample of about 77,000 people or about i in 4,000 citizens.  And among the sample they found 10 or fewer cases of both white-on-black sexual assault AND 10 or fewer cases of black-on-white sexual assault.  No where does it say that there was not a single white-on-black sexual assault.

You are just not smart enough to understand the tables and what they really say.

So black are fewer in number but commit 8 times the attacks on whites and you disregard the information?  I am not sure you read the information correctly.

I didn't say there was non a single case, I even admitted that the comment was not my own, the comment came from a site called Quora, the guy who posted the comment gave the link. 

No where in my post do I say that there was not a single case of white on black.  I am also not saying that it doesn't ever happen.  I am saying that from the statistics there seems to be less whites oppressing blacks as you are imagining.  I also find it odd, if true, that they DoJ isn't keeping this statistic anymore.  Why do you think that is?
(02-15-2016, 01:54 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: I am not allowed calling anyone *****.  
Call them:
White Supremacists

Cause those labels are OK, but don't dare call them *****.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-15-2016, 01:30 AM)CKwi88 Wrote: And here I am still trying to figure out what difference European or Israel makes when the guy is as white as friggin Wonderbread. Confused

Do some research.  You might be surprised at what you find out.  Funny how Jesus was a Jew, we picture him as a white guy, but then all of a sudden we have Black Jesus.

So are Jews white or black?  Is Jesus white or black?

Or are they something else entirely?  I read an Israeli paper once that actually stated that all Jews are genetically linked in DNA and that this separates them from all other races.  Add in the God's Chosen people and you might start questioning other things.

The reason I am skeptical is because in Europe, it is illegal to ask questions about the Holocaust.  I find that to be odd.  Why is it illegal to ask questions about this event?

Notice that I am not saying that the Holocaust didn't happen.  NOPE.  I am making that clear right now.  I believe it did happen.  However, I am curious as to WHY, asking about the Holocaust is illegal in most European countries, not just Germany?

For me, it makes me a little less trusting of information given to me.
(02-15-2016, 01:31 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Because whites make up such a larger portion of the population the difference is much smaller when you look at the percentages.  13.3% percent of violent crime against whites is committed by blacks while 9.9% of violent crime against blacks is committed by whites.

You are missing a vital piece of information here.  If you actually look at the tables you will see an asterisk (*) next to numbers for BOTH black-on-white rape/sexual assault (7.6%) and white-on-black (0.0).  This asterisk means that the "estimate was based on ten or fewer sample cases."  The DOJ only ask a sample of about 77,000 people or about i in 4,000 citizens.  And among the sample they found 10 or fewer cases of both white-on-black sexual assault AND 10 or fewer cases of black-on-white sexual assault.  No where does it say that there was not a single white-on-black sexual assault.

You are just not smart enough to understand the tables and what they really say.

God the white guilt is so thick around here, and your spin so clever. More evidence that lawyers cannot be sincere and genuine.

This is not the 1850's. I'll even give you the 1960's, but interracial rape today is overwhelmingly black on white.

Typically if rape is white on black it makes the news.

[Image: 23rrdol.jpg][Image: 23rrdol.jpg]

Oh wait, no she wasn't.
(02-15-2016, 12:16 AM)GMDino Wrote: Oh I'm playing...indeed.

[Image: giphy.gif]

How can I be mad at someone that post such funny pictures? And this one moves!

Maybe you will answer that question, since you can't answer my request to show quotes of me oppressing black people or saying that we should oppress black people.
(02-14-2016, 11:46 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Discrimination based on race by lenders, realtors, police, all-white country clubs, etc, etc.

Home buyers in predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhoods in New York City were more likely to get their mortgages last year from a subprime lender than home buyers in white neighborhoods with similar income levels, according to a new analysis of home loan data by researchers at New York University.

The analysis, by N.Y.U.’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, illustrates stark racial differences between the New York City neighborhoods where subprime mortgages — which can come with higher interest rates, fees and penalties — were common and those where they were rare. The 10 neighborhoods with the highest rates of mortgages from subprime lenders had black and Hispanic majorities, and the 10 areas with the lowest rates were mainly non-Hispanic white.

The analysis showed that even when median income levels were comparable, home buyers in minority neighborhoods were more likely to get a loan from a subprime lender.

[url=][/url]. Department of Housing and Urban Development shows that real estate and leasing agents do not show minority homebuyers and renters as many available properties as they do to white customers.

"Although we've come a long way from blatant, in-your-face housing injustice, racial discrimination still exists," said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. "Just because it's become less obvious doesn't mean that it's less harmful."

In the study, black, Hispanic, Asian and white home seekers called up housing agents and asked to set up an appointment to see advertised properties. These testers were all the same gender, the same age and all equally well-qualified to rent or own the properties. At this step, nearly every tester managed to get an appointment.

But after that, not everyone was treated the same. The testers met with their agents, who told them about and then showed them properties. As it turns out, the number of properties some agents have available depends on who you are.

In nearly all cases, whether renting or buying, minorities were told about and shown fewer properties than white people. Blacks were told about and shown about 17 percent fewer homes than whites, while Asians were told about 15.5 percent fewer homes and shown nearly 19 percent fewer properties.

When real estate and rental agents don't allow minorities to hear about or see all properties available to them, they may wind up assigning their kids to worse schools, reducing their overall safety and limiting their job opportunities, Donovan said.

At the heart of the Floyd case are statistics showing that the city conducted an astounding 4.4 million stops between January 2004 and June 2012. Of these, only 6 percent resulted in arrests and 6 percent resulted in summonses. In other words, 88 percent of the 4.4 million stops resulted in no further action — meaning a vast majority of those stopped were doing nothing wrong. More than half of all people stopped were frisked, yet only 1.5 percent of frisks found weapons. In about 83 percent of cases, the person stopped was black or Hispanic, even though the two groups accounted for just over half the population.

O'Neil's anonymousmous letters, which began arriving in the chief's office in December, alleged that Hayes ordered officers to arrest blacks in and around the South County Shopping Center as well as a nearby Walmart. Both Hayes and O'Neil are white.

O'Neil said he waited months before coming forward through anonymous letters because Hayes often boasted of his connections to top commanders.

"I had no intention to take the police department down," O'Neil said. "But these things had to be stopped. When a black person can't go shopping at a mall, it's wrong. ... This isn't 50 years ago."

Other officers corroborated O'Neil's claims during the internal investigation, which determined Hayes violated department policies when using “inappropriate racial references” while issuing the orders. He was fired May 13.

OK, I can finally get to this one.  Man, I am glad that my job is so easy.

To the 1st, I will research this study to make sure the study was done correctly.  However, all studies are not without flaws and even then can be done in a way to reach confirmation bias.  

I know that HUD is not a reliable way to go to get information.  Not only that, but from my experience with Realtors they tend to ask A LOT of questions.  How you answer those questions will depend on what they will show you.  So unless everyone was following the same script and went to the exact same Realtors it is hard to accurately state that racial bias might be at play. 

For instance, if the Realtor ask what type look are you going for and the couple answers modern, while another couple answers traditional.  Then depending on the area, you might not have as many choice for one over the other.  So again, there are some things that need to be addressed before I take the study as 100% reliable.  

To the Stop and Frisk.  OK, I am just going to say this.  The neighborhood is a big time factor in this.  If you think for a moment that officers are going to go into a gated community to conduct this procedure then you are kidding yourself.  No they are going to go to other areas.  Not only that, but what was the time frame?  Did they stop people all day, or is there a certain number that each officer is suppose to do before the end of their shift?  I would also like to know if they base the information on ethnicity based on name or is it physical features?  This is very important when discussing Hispanics.  Since a person with the last name Lopez doesn't necessarily mean they look Hispanic. 

Basically an officer sees someone, walks up and stops them.  The officer asks for ID and conduct his search.  The person's ID reads Lopez.  The person looks White (maybe the person is from Spain, eh?).  Is the name the factor of deciding ethnicity?  If so, then Mr. Hispanic Lopez was stopped, even if the Officer originally thought he was stopping a white man.  If it is based on the officers perception, then this would be more in line with proving something, since the officer is filling out the report based on his perception, but even then the name can influence the perception.  Penelope Cruz is from Spain, yet, every time her name is mentioned or you listen to her speak, you don't think Espana.  Good movie recommendation... Banditas,  Hayek and Cruz.

To the 3rd.  This is the easiest.  Come on Lawyer.  Alleged? 
(02-15-2016, 02:24 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: How can I be mad at someone that post such funny pictures? And this one moves!

I've been around these boards for a while and very little surprises me> But the day the meme poster and self-proclaimed communications major told me visual was not an important aspect of communication,I damn near.........

actually I didn't damn near do anything I just found it absolutely hilarious,  
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-15-2016, 01:54 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: This is the part you missed:

"Michael Bloomberg was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, in the Brighton neighborhood of Boston, on February 14, 1942.[2] His family is Jewish."

He is also American.  However, he is been know to heavily support and fund US policies that are for the protection and advancement of Israel.  Israel has been suspected of meddling in the policies of many western countries and has even been suspected of rigging some of our own elections.  WTS, these go more into conspiracy theories, but one thing that is fact, is that a lot of our political leaders have some connection to Israel, even Trump. Hollywood and the MMSM is also heavily run by people of Jewish background and claim Israel as a country that they are connected to.  New York is commonly referred to as Jew York.  None of this means anything, however I am very skeptical that it is totally without merit.  I look at is as "where there is smoke, there is fire".  I don't see the fire, but based off of some research that I have done, I do see compelling evidence.

That is why I said don't put anyone of Jewish background in the mix.  Bill Gates and the Walton family sure.  Zuckerberg, not so much.  Soros?  Definitely not.

I didn't miss any of that.  I asked for a link where he said he was not white.

Zuckerberg is not white?  Really?
(02-15-2016, 02:56 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I've been around these boards for a while and very little surprises me> But the day the meme poster and self-proclaimed communications major told me visual was not an important aspect of communication,I damn near.........

actually I didn't damn near do anything I just found it absolutely hilarious,  

Well did you know that if you are paraphrasing someone that you must quote them exactly?

Not only that but you can't use quotation marks in paraphrase to separate that person's thoughts from your own?

Did you know when asked by someone  to show where they said something that you were paraphrasing and it is on the same page and only a few post above, that you can't say the quote is literally on the same page?  Literally doesn't mean exactly or precisely, like I learned.  Though to be fair it is probably my teacher's fault, since I am an autodidact.  After looking up the definition it has been a point to bring up to prove something or other.

My absolute favorite was this...

Government should be in charge of schools! 

While posting this George Carlin meme:

[Image: heartland-carlin.png?1398528920]

Evidently that isn't ironic.
(02-15-2016, 02:24 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: How can I be mad at someone that post such funny pictures? And this one moves!

Maybe you will answer that question, since you can't answer my request to show quotes of me oppressing black people or saying that we should oppress black people.

Dino  tells you you're upset, he tells you you're a racist, he tells you that you are privileged. Sooooo smart these libs are eh?

Then he posts a stereotypical black dude strutting around just like him.
(02-15-2016, 02:52 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: To the 3rd.  This is the easiest.  Come on Lawyer.  Alleged? 

Confirmed by fellow police officers.

Seems to me there was someone else in this thread who tried to make a point by claiming a police officer told him something.  But of course that person could never supply a name or a place or anything else to prove that it was bnot just something he made up.
(02-15-2016, 03:27 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I didn't miss any of that.  I asked for a link where he said he was not white.

Zuckerberg is not white?  Really?

Yep Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg was raised Jewish and had his bar mitzvah when he turned 13.

Again, Jewishness is not something that is easily defined evidently.

Is it a religion or an ethnicity?

Again, Zuckerberg is white.... but Jesus is black.  Both are Jewish.

White skin doesn't always make you white.  Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, albinos.
(02-15-2016, 03:31 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Confirmed by fellow police officers.

Seems to me there was someone else in this thread who tried to make a point by claiming a police officer told him something.  But of course that person could never supply a name or a place or anything else to prove that it was bnot just something he made up.

I have never said you can't question me or where I got my information.  However, that doesn't mean what I posted is false either.  It is up to you to take what was stated as being true or not.  If you don't take my word for it, then fine.  In fact I encourage you to do your own research.  It might enlighten you.  Of course you could just get research that supports your views.  You know Confirmation bias.

So if an allegation is made and other people concur with the allegation, then that is enough for a guilty verdict?

Basically, the allegation is this officer did something wrong.  Other officers side with the allegation.  That is enough to get a guilty verdict in a court of law?
(02-15-2016, 02:24 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Maybe you will answer that question, since you can't answer my request to show quotes of me oppressing black people or saying that we should oppress black people.

You don't have to be in favor of oppression to be a racists.  all you have yo do is think that another race is inferior.  and all you have talked about is how black people are all schemers who use false claims of racial profiling to get what they want.  And how they are all stupid rubes who have been tricked by the schools into believing they are victims. And how they are unable to govern or control any area without it being a total failure.  And how much better South Africa was when the white people were running it.  Ans how they are unable to compete with white people.

Pretty much all you have done is denigrate the entire race and then squeal about how offended you are at being called a racist, 
(02-15-2016, 03:27 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Well did you know that if you are paraphrasing someone that you must quote them exactly?

Not only that but you can't use quotation marks in paraphrase to separate that person's thoughts from your own?

Did you know when asked by someone  to show where they said something that you were paraphrasing and it is on the same page and only a few post above, that you can't say the quote is literally on the same page?  Literally doesn't mean exactly or precisely, like I learned.  Though to be fair it is probably my teacher's fault, since I am an autodidact.  After looking up the definition it has been a point to bring up to prove something or other.

My absolute favorite was this...

Government should be in charge of schools! 

While posting this George Carlin meme:

[Image: heartland-carlin.png?1398528920]

Evidently that isn't ironic.

Once you embrace their hypocrisy, it is quite amusing.  
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-15-2016, 03:38 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Basically, the allegation is this officer did something wrong.  Other officers side with the allegation.  That is enough to get a guilty verdict in a court of law?

Yes, direct eyewitness testimony is plenty of evidence to get a conviction.
(02-15-2016, 03:39 AM)fredtoast Wrote: You don't have to be in favor of oppression to be a racists.  all you have yo do is think that another race is inferior.  and all you have talked about is how black people are all schemers who use false claims of racial profiling to get what they want.  And how they are all stupid rubes who have been tricked by the schools into believing they are victims. And how they are unable to govern or control any area without it being a total failure.  And how much better South Africa was when the white people were running it.  Ans how they are unable to compete with white people.

Pretty much all you have done is denigrate the entire race and then squeal about how offended you are at being called a racist, 

Care to show me where I said ALL black people?

If it helps.  White people are schemers and have made false claims to get what they want. 

SA was running beautifully before the white government was removed.  I have also spoken with Afrikaners and have been told very similar things.  So forgive me if I think that SA was doing alright under white influence.

When did I say they couldn't control or govern any area without being a total failure?  I would love to see the quote that gave you that idea.

I have named plenty of black people, that I would hang out with, discuss and even look up to.  Allen West, Ali, Thomas Sowell, Stacey Dash, Tommy Sotomayor, Colion Noir, Nine Pound Sledge, Alphonso Rachel and many more.  So this notion that I think blacks are inferior is inaccurate.  Probably that strawman thingy again.

Oh no, I haven't squealed about being called a racist.  Not at the least.  No, sir, I have actually laughed at the cries of racist!  That Dino, you and Oncemore has supplied.  I am just pointing out that none of my post ever put down the entire race of black people or called for the oppression of blacks, nor have I actually oppressed any black people.

I was called racist for defending white culture and being proud of my heritage.  I wonder will you actually put in White Pride in your signature? 

I have said that the only reason you call me a racist is because I am white.  Your post, sir make you look like an Anti-White.  
(02-15-2016, 03:33 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Again, Zuckerberg is white....

So you admit that Zuckerberg is white yet you say I can not use him as an example of a white person who controls a lot of wealth and power?

I am really getting confused here.

If a black person commits a crime against Zuckerberg does that count as black-on-white crime or not?  
(02-15-2016, 03:56 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Yes, direct eyewitness testimony is plenty of evidence to get a conviction.

I have heard it all....  Not shocked, but a lawyer just told me that just because a group of people agree that they saw something is enough to get a conviction on an alleged incident.

No wonder you are outrage that Officer Wilson didn't get sent to trial.

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