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CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi"
(04-17-2019, 08:36 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Nothing you're saying here is wrong, but it all woefully misses the point.  A major network put out, what is essentially a PSA, that says using violence against someone because you don't like their opinions, however abhorrent, is not only OK, but justified.  This is effing frightening and what's even worse is there's a large number of people actually defending this.  CBS should be ashamed and castigated for this, it's unacceptable, is Un-American and it's flat out wrong.

I didn't miss your point, but I thought the real responses to the actor himself were far more abhorrent and were more noteworthy than fiction taken in a vacuum. 
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(04-17-2019, 09:05 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Were they well known before reporters started using their tweets for the basis of articles? Because I do try to avoid the extremes of both sides on general principle, but I haven't heard of these people. I also think social media is a cess pit and avoid it other than browsing Twitter (but not using it) for sports news.

Granted, I also lean towards the "shun and do not engage or mention until they fade away" method of dealing with white supremacists and the like. The thing they want the most is attention and validation. The current system of reporting (and social media as a whole) gives them both. The attention just fuels them and makes their attempts grow.

It's like that crazy girl just recently who was being hunted for by the police because she was obsessed with the Columbine shooter and got a gun and made threats (she was on the run and later shot herself it seems). By continuing to give so much coverage to shitheads of society like the Columbine shooter, sure you're condeming them, but you're also putting them up on a pedestal. You're making them special and remembered, rather than their memory having faded away like it needs to be. That's honestly my belief on why there's the school shootings these days. Angry unknown loser turns into the country's most talked about person for weeks/months, and immortalized in memory. A different angry unknown loser sees that and thinks that isn't so bad compared to their sad little life.

It's not good to reward acts of being a horrible human being, and the attention is indeed a reward. They're basically providing them with a free bullhorn to spread their horribleness and thinking that it's "helping".

- - - - - - - - - -

As for people worried that Conservatives will be lumped with Nazi, it's already happening. Racist, Bigot, and Nazi have basically just come to mean anyone right of Bill Clinton these days. Shit, even on P&R if I don't agree with the left and toe the company line, I get called a Trump supporter/voter, and people have decided to expand the term white supremacist to seemingly all Trump supporter/voters (because apparently half the voters and a third of the Hispanic vote are white supremacists).

I refuse to even wear a full-red Cincinnati Reds hat, because it's not worth the potential hassle of some jackass thinking they're doing a "good deed" seeing someone wearing a red hat from behind. (I am sure someone will come in here in a bit and post a "Won't someone think of the white people?" meme or something in response to play down the issue.)

I guess my use of "well known" should be "prominent leaders". They absolutely aren't household names unless you live with white supremacists.

 You either ignore them and do clue others into the fact that this is happening and needs to stop or you report on them and spread their views to new people who are susceptible to them. I don't discredit your view and I think it's valid, I just feel like more good than harm is done by shedding a light on them. Exposure does them more harm in my opinion. 

I don't think people lumping all conservatives in with them is as prominent as you're suggesting, but I can only speak from my experiences. I remember there was a lot of pushback initially with Charlottesville, and I told people point blank that they were defending Nazi's when they defended those individuals, using evidence to show the march was populated by Neo Nazi's and that their chants were Nazi chants. Those people were the ones who can could absolutely label as racists and white supremacists, and they have been banned here. There certainly were people who were hesitant to call them out at first, assuming they weren't all Nazis/White Supremacists, and having the leading member of the GOP suggest some of them were "good people" didn't help. 
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(04-17-2019, 09:46 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Pat, it's great to feel negatively about NAZI's and White Supremacists, I don't much care for them myself.  Are you as equally revolted by hate groups on the other side of the coin?  Groups like Antifa or BLM?

I've called out Antifa. BLM itself isn't a hate group. 
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(04-17-2019, 09:54 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I didn't miss your point, but I thought the real responses to the actor himself were far more abhorrent and were more noteworthy than fiction taken in a vacuum. 

I agree, that kind of response is abhorrent.  It also does nothing to mitigate the fact that CBS advocated violence based one people's opinions.  It honestly saddens me that there are attempts to minimize this.  I guess we're in worse shape than I thought.
(04-17-2019, 10:17 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I agree, that kind of response is abhorrent.  It also does nothing to mitigate the fact that CBS advocated violence based one people's opinions.  It honestly saddens me that there are attempts to minimize this.  I guess we're in worse shape than I thought.

I can't get on board with calling them airing that episode as advocating for violence. It's not the news. It's not a PSA. It's not even an opinion/talk show. It's a serial drama. 
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(04-17-2019, 10:25 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I can't get on board with calling them airing that episode as advocating for violence. It's not the news. It's not a PSA. It's not even an opinion/talk show. It's a serial drama. 

I just find that odd as that's exactly, precisely, what the show is doing.  It wasn't even in the context of the show, it was a fourth wall breaking narrative.
(04-17-2019, 10:25 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I can't get on board with calling them airing that episode as advocating for violence. It's not the news. It's not a PSA. It's not even an opinion/talk show. It's a serial drama. 

Quick question: Have you watched the series or the episode in question? 
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(04-17-2019, 11:04 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Quick question: Have you watched the series or the episode in question? 

No, I had no clue this show existed until this thread was made. Has anyone here watched it?
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lolz at the snowflakeyness of this complaint.

Step back and analyze your train of thought here.

omg a tv show with actors mentioning fighting nazis. my wittle feelings are sooo hurt they need to face repercussions for the stuff they said in this fictional tv show.

What joke.

Defend nazis and advocates limiting the fight against them.......................................................................................
Level of respect for the current right wing thought process just went down another level.
(04-17-2019, 11:13 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: No, I had no clue this show existed until this thread was made. Has anyone here watched it?

I have not, but you seemed to have a good grasp of it's agenda and dismissing its message.

As for me: I've simply read the OP and the links and cannot say I'm a fan; nor do I choose to excuse it, because others have done worse.
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So I have to share a little history with some folks on here. I thought it was common knowledge. But apparently not. This may shock some of you.

The ones we as Americans call the "greatest generation" actually killed nazis. Yep. Its true. True patriots. American heroes. I know this is probably stunning. But they took it even further than punching nazis in the face. They actually killed them. They knew dangerous dumb ass bullshit that wasn't right was horseshit and did what had to be done. They didn't patty cake around like little cowards. They fought evil. Like true righteous people do.
A fictional show advocates punching Nazis and that's a bad thing?

Semantics can be argued about if the label is applied too easily (it is), but anti-Jewish reports are up 40% according to the FBI (Trump's FBI, the numbers are less than a year old). Nazi and Neo-Nazi groups are experiencing swelling numbers.

Should we be nice to Nazis, as RedState and others are alleging? No. Why? Because they're Nazis.

Should we be nice to childhood cancer? No. Why? Because it's childhood cancer.

Should we be nice to bungholes who drive slow in the left lane? No. Why? Because THAT LANE IS FOR PASSING.
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(04-17-2019, 09:31 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Seems like a case of this is ok because this is wronger. Either you have issue with the content of the storyline or you don't. As I have stated the OP's title is misleading and perhaps he doth protest too much. But none of that changes the message this show especially given it's title of "The Good Fight" is trying to convey and it clearly advocates violence with 0 ambiguity. 

I must say I appreciate the majority of the posts since I posted this supporting my assertion.
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(04-18-2019, 12:44 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I must say I appreciate the majority of the posts since I posted this supporting my assertion.

Your assertion is that people will say it's ok to punch Nazis because Nazis are worse.

That is correct. Nazis are worse. Glad you appreciate that.
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(04-18-2019, 12:41 AM)Benton Wrote: A fictional show advocates punching Nazis and that's a bad thing?


Quote:Semantics can be argued about if the label is applied too easily (it is), but anti-Jewish reports are up 40% according to the FBI (Trump's FBI, the numbers are less than a year old). Nazi and Neo-Nazi groups are experiencing swelling numbers.

So you agree that the "Nazi" label is applied too easily, but you don't think the advocating violence against "Nazis" is a problem?

Quote:Should we be nice to Nazis, as RedState and others are alleging? No. Why? Because they're Nazis.

No, we should not be nice to them.  We also shouldn't physically assault them because we don't like their words or thoughts.

Quote:Should we be nice to childhood cancer? No. Why? Because it's childhood cancer.

Interesting analogy, one must ask why you thought to made it.

Quote:Should we be nice to bungholes who drive slow in the left lane? No. Why? Because THAT LANE IS FOR PASSING.

Should we physically assault them for their rudeness?  Smirk

I'll be completely honest, I at least expected universal condemnation for the concept of advocating physical violence against people we disagree with, regardless of how vehemently.  I must say, this thread has been a real eye opener.
(04-18-2019, 12:50 AM)Benton Wrote: Your assertion is that people will say it's ok to punch Nazis because Nazis are worse.

That is correct. Nazis are worse. Glad you appreciate that.

Feel free to suggest it's OK to punch as many people as you want because they are worse than you. 

You do you and I'll do me, but I cannot condone that. 
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(04-18-2019, 12:24 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I have not, but you seemed to have a good grasp of it's agenda and dismissing its message.

As for me: I've simply read the OP and the links and cannot say I'm a fan; nor do I choose to excuse it, because others have done worse.

I simply called it a television drama and not a PSA or news program. 
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I know a couple people who are super against anyone or anything promoting violence, kind of like some comments here. I couldn't believe their reaction when the president of America was threatening his political opponents with his biker gang... Boy them two flew off the hinges!! You could tell that when the leader of the free world and highest ranking official in our country acted like a shithead in a middle school locker room trying to intimidate his opponents with violence... that it was a major line that was crossed. Seeing it coming from such a prominent figure and supposed leader it really changed them. They used to complain about stuff like broadcast tv violence with a group of other nuns and alter boys. But they really had an awakening and decided to focus on stuff that actually matters.
(04-18-2019, 12:54 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I'll be completely honest, I at least expected universal condemnation for the concept of advocating physical violence against people we disagree with, regardless of how vehemently.  I must say, this thread has been a real eye opener.

My experiences with Nazis are confined (mostly) to history books. 

But (there had to be one but) because of geography, I'm pretty familiar with white supremacist violence/actions. Burning crosses in my neighbors yard because she babysat a black kid, Klan rallies because some kid at Wendy's refused to serve black people and got fired, etc. Nature of living in a Klan capital. But one trend I've seen more and more is the folks aren't joining the Klan and "heritage groups" like they did 20 years ago, they're moving towards more active Neo-Nazi groups.

Granted, that's my area. Maybe you have nicer Nazis there.
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