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Coronavirus Information...who do you trust?
(03-19-2021, 04:46 PM)GMDino Wrote: What if they arrange to have a statue taken down legally?

Legal is legal.  Doesn't mean I don't think they are a bunch of whinny b!@#$es.
(03-19-2021, 04:52 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Legal is legal.  Doesn't mean I don't think they are a bunch of whinny b!@#$es.

Does it mean they are wrong? What if the majority wants it down and YOU are being whiney about it?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-19-2021, 04:31 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I didn't say canceled,  I said have a problem with.  In other words, being a bunch of little whinny, p!@#$y b!@#$es with their poor wittle feelers bent.

Everybody has failed at immigration for decades because they are either to damn emotional or they use it as a political tool.

That's cool.  Committing certain Federal crimes is ok if you are doing it to better yourself or your family.  They are overcrowding some schools and making it much harder for American children to learn.  A lot of those areas already are depressed and have issues.  Illegals should have access to absolutely nothing and be deported immediately.  The flow would dry up FAAAAAAST!!!!  Short term pain, long term gain.

Except literally nobody has anything negative to say about Dr. Seuss except some of the artwork is dated and could be construed as racist. But at the end of the day, nobody put a gun to the publisher and made them pull any books. They did of their own free will as a business. The only people I see whining about Dr. Seuss are the talking heads on the right and a couple of posters here (who undoubtedly get their news from said talking heads).

If you're upset about illegals overcrowding schools (which they aren't, but who am I to poke holes in a rant like yours) then maybe we should start funding schools. But then again, schools are bastions for liberal indoctrination, so that wouldn't be good either. Maybe the church can do something about it (helping the poor is supposed to be their gig, right)?

I'm curious - did you know there is an engraving on the Statue of Liberty? If you are aware of that, do you know what it says?
(03-19-2021, 04:31 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I didn't say canceled,  I said have a problem with.  In other words, being a bunch of little whinny, p!@#$y b!@#$es with their poor wittle feelers bent.

You mean like the way Conservatives acted when Kaepernick knelt during the anthem?

Or when same-sex marriage was going to be legalized?

Or when people said "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"?

Or when high schools were stopped from forcing Christian prayers on all students or people attending football games?

You all are the masters of getting your wittle feelings hurt and pitching a squealing fit over it.  Bunch of weak little thin-skinned babies.
Question for illegal immigrants:  Why do you risk the federal offense of coming here illegally when coming here legally is so much easier?

Question for white trash:  Why do you waste your money on lottery tickets when you can just work hard and make millions?

Question for NFL coaches:  Why would you kick a field goal for 3 points when a touchdown is worth 7 points?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-19-2021, 06:29 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You mean like the way Conservatives acted when Kaepernick knelt during the anthem?

Or when same-sex marriage was going to be legalized?

Or when people said "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"?

Or when high schools were stopped from forcing Christian prayers on all students or people attending football games?

You all are the masters of getting your wittle feelings hurt and pitching a squealing fit over it.  Bunch of weak little thin-skinned babies.

Are you directing this at me, cause i'm not in any box.  I would take each one of those things you listed and decide what I felt about it.

Great gig on Saturday!  Lot's of people, lots of fun, lots of rockin' out!
(03-22-2021, 11:14 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Are you directing this at me, cause i'm not in any box.  

Your comments were about liberals. Mine are about conservatives. And if you actually believe the propaganda about covid being some kind of hoax being used by the liberal media to control people then it is very clear which box you are in.
(03-22-2021, 12:24 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Your comments were about liberals. Mine are about conservatives. And if you actually believe the propaganda about covid being some kind of hoax being used by the liberal media to control people then it is very clear which box you are in.

My comments were not about liberals.  I said it was blown out of proportion to use as a political tool.  

All you have to do is look at the stats over 16 months to see that the lockdowns, school closings and crushing our economy were overblown. reactions.
(03-22-2021, 01:04 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: All you have to do is look at the stats over 16 months to see that the lockdowns, school closings and crushing our economy were overblown. reactions.

Do you have the background in public health, education, public policy, and economics that would allow for you to have expertise in all of these areas to the point of being able to make that sort of assessment?
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-19-2021, 05:10 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Except literally nobody has anything negative to say about Dr. Seuss except some of the artwork is dated and could be construed as racist. But at the end of the day, nobody put a gun to the publisher and made them pull any books. They did of their own free will as a business. The only people I see whining about Dr. Seuss are the talking heads on the right and a couple of posters here (who undoubtedly get their news from said talking heads).

If you're upset about illegals overcrowding schools (which they aren't, but who am I to poke holes in a rant like yours) then maybe we should start funding schools. But then again, schools are bastions for liberal indoctrination, so that wouldn't be good either. Maybe the church can do something about it (helping the poor is supposed to be their gig, right)?

I'm curious - did you know there is an engraving on the Statue of Liberty? If you are aware of that, do you know what it says?

Actually they do lend to the problem of overcrowding in some schools, but whatever. 

Ya, but I must have missed the part where it said flood in across the border illegally and take resources from actual American citizens.  I'll have to read it again.
(03-22-2021, 01:13 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Do you have the background in public health, education, public policy, and economics that would allow for you to have expertise in all of these areas to the point of being able to make that sort of assessment?

Nope, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

You don't need any of those things to have common sense.
(03-22-2021, 01:19 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Nope, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

You don't need any of those things to have common sense.

Common sense doesn't allow you to understand the nuances of those sorts of things. Common sense would allow you to say that there are experts in these fields that are saying something contrary to my layperson opinion, and it is highly likely that their views on the matter carry more weight. Common sense is understanding when you don't have the knowledge in a topic someone else does and deferring to their expertise.

I work in public policy, which is a social science in which we are expected to be Jacks and Jills of all trades. However, we rely on subject matter experts because while we may have a surface level knowledge of a matter, someone else will still know more. I know a lot about water and fisheries because of my recreational experience and some work I have done on policies, but I still have a handful of fisheries biologists that I am constantly asking questions of to inform things.

Common sense is applying common knowledge. The information about this sort of thing is far from common knowledge. Common sense is knowing to trust experts in those situations.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-22-2021, 02:31 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Common sense doesn't allow you to understand the nuances of those sorts of things. Common sense would allow you to say that there are experts in these fields that are saying something contrary to my layperson opinion, and it is highly likely that their views on the matter carry more weight. Common sense is understanding when you don't have the knowledge in a topic someone else does and deferring to their expertise.

I work in public policy, which is a social science in which we are expected to be Jacks and Jills of all trades. However, we rely on subject matter experts because while we may have a surface level knowledge of a matter, someone else will still know more. I know a lot about water and fisheries because of my recreational experience and some work I have done on policies, but I still have a handful of fisheries biologists that I am constantly asking questions of to inform things.

Common sense is applying common knowledge. The information about this sort of thing is far from common knowledge. Common sense is knowing to trust experts in those situations.

The greatest help to mankind's quest for knowledge has been the internet. The issue, however, is that people have become convinced that their cursory research on a topic makes them qualified to have strong positions on complex topics, with the exaggerated confidence that they are "educated" on it. Knowing and understanding are different things but often get used interchangeably in very complex topics.
(03-22-2021, 02:31 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Common sense doesn't allow you to understand the nuances of those sorts of things. Common sense would allow you to say that there are experts in these fields that are saying something contrary to my layperson opinion, and it is highly likely that their views on the matter carry more weight. Common sense is understanding when you don't have the knowledge in a topic someone else does and deferring to their expertise.

I work in public policy, which is a social science in which we are expected to be Jacks and Jills of all trades. However, we rely on subject matter experts because while we may have a surface level knowledge of a matter, someone else will still know more. I know a lot about water and fisheries because of my recreational experience and some work I have done on policies, but I still have a handful of fisheries biologists that I am constantly asking questions of to inform things.

Common sense is applying common knowledge. The information about this sort of thing is far from common knowledge. Common sense is knowing to trust experts in those situations.

Actually, the experts have flip flopped on numerous things covid.  Look at Fauci or the WHO.  You are assuming the experts are actually getting it correct. 

Common sense is also knowing when you are being mislead or to know the experts may not be as "expert" as they may claim.  Questioning is good vs blindly believing the experts are always correct.  Not everything has to be complicated even when it appears to be. 

(03-22-2021, 03:08 PM)Au165 Wrote: The greatest help to mankind's quest for knowledge has been the internet. The issue, however, is that people have become convinced that their cursory research on a topic makes them qualified to have strong positions on complex topics, with the exaggerated confidence that they are "educated" on it. Knowing and understanding are different things but often get used interchangeably in very complex topics.

All I'm saying is if covid was the scourge people are making it out to be to the point of convincing people to be human lab rats, we would have a crap ton more than 500k elderly/people with underlying conditions dead over 16 months.
(03-22-2021, 04:05 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Actually, the experts have flip flopped on numerous things covid.  Look at Fauci or the WHO.  You are assuming the experts are actually getting it correct. 

Common sense is also knowing when you are being mislead or to know the experts may not be as "expert" as they may claim.  Questioning is good vs blindly believing the experts are always correct.  Not everything has to be complicated even when it appears to be. 


Things change as new information comes in.  We are barely a year into all of this.  

Mistakes can be made, but if you want to say because there were any mistakes then we have thrown everything out you are not using common sense.

(03-22-2021, 04:09 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: All I'm saying is if covid was the scourge people are making it out to be to the point of convincing people to be human lab rats, we would have a crap ton more than 500k elderly/people with underlying conditions dead over 16 months.

Still not sure why we should not as a nation care about those who are riskier.  Not everyone got polio but the nation got their vaccines (and there were problem with that roll out too) to help protect everyone...not just themselves.

There is such a 4th grade "I don't wanna and you can't make me" toe to these types of "takes" that makes me sad for the selfishness in this country.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-22-2021, 04:09 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: All I'm saying is if covid was the scourge people are making it out to be to the point of convincing people to be human lab rats, we would have a crap ton more than 500k elderly/people with underlying conditions dead over 16 months.

There would have been way more deaths had we taken no precautions.  This has already been explained to you. 
(03-22-2021, 04:23 PM)GMDino Wrote: Things change as new information comes in.  We are barely a year into all of this.  

Mistakes can be made, but if you want to say because there were any mistakes then we have thrown everything out you are not using common sense.

Still not sure why we should not as a nation care about those who are riskier.  Not everyone got polio but the nation got their vaccines (and there were problem with that roll out too) to help protect everyone...not just themselves.

There is such a 4th grade "I don't wanna and you can't make me" toe to these types of "takes" that makes me sad for the selfishness in this country.

We should.  We should have protected the at risk......nursing homes (Cuomo huge fail), hospitals, healthcare practices, etc, and let everyone else keep on living.

Right, cause there is nothing selfish about crushing our economy, keeping kids out of school and making people feel like they should be human lab rats when the vaccine doesn't even keep you from getting or passing covid.  Meanwhile, over 16 months of covid and 1/38th of NYC (500k) has passed and those are mostly elderly and people with underlying conditions.

Say whatever you want.  You cannot change the total dead over x amount of time and who covid effects.  No reason to be shut down and schools closed.
(03-22-2021, 04:23 PM)GMDino Wrote: Things change as new information comes in.  We are barely a year into all of this.  

Mistakes can be made, but if you want to say because there were any mistakes then we have thrown everything out you are not using common sense.

Still not sure why we should not as a nation care about those who are riskier.  Not everyone got polio but the nation got their vaccines (and there were problem with that roll out too) to help protect everyone...not just themselves.

There is such a 4th grade "I don't wanna and you can't make me" toe to these types of "takes" that makes me sad for the selfishness in this country.

Very much so. I was thinking more like a 4 year old who can't understand why they are not able to eat skittles for breakfast. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-22-2021, 04:38 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: We should.  We should have protected the at risk......nursing homes (Cuomo huge fail), hospitals, healthcare practices, etc, and let everyone else keep on living.

Right, cause there is nothing selfish about crushing our economy, keeping kids out of school and making people feel like they should be human lab rats when the vaccine doesn't even keep you from getting or passing covid.  Meanwhile, over 16 months of covid and 1/38th of NYC (500k) has passed and those are mostly elderly and people with underlying conditions.

Say whatever you want.  You cannot change the total dead over x amount of time and who covid effects.  No reason to be shut down and schools closed.

I'm curious who you think the party responsible for blocking any relief bills were?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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