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Coronavirus Information...who do you trust?
(08-22-2021, 07:20 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Still no follow up from the zoopiracy theorist

It was a once in a lifetime performance of mental gymnastics.
Pfizer vaccine has been granted full FDA approval.
(08-23-2021, 10:50 AM)KillerGoose Wrote: Pfizer vaccine has been granted full FDA approval.

Bring on the mandates!
Customer, 50 years old, just died of Covid.  Wouldn't get vaccinated...didn't believe it was "that bad".

Cousin's father in law going fast...same thing.  That cousin is vaccinated but doesn't want to make it known because she is in Florida and everyone around her would attack her for it.

Sad times man.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
I saw the clip of Trump suggesting people get the vaccine and then backpedaling as soon as sentiment turned against him.  I used to think his followers believed whatever he said, but it seems pretty clear now that he's just better at telling them what they want to hear.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-25-2021, 11:03 AM)GMDino Wrote: That cousin is vaccinated but doesn't want to make it known because she is in Florida and everyone around her would attack her for it.

That seems odd.  Florida ranks 22nd (out of 50 of course) in % of population vaccinated.  The narrative that talking about getting the vaccine there will get you "attacked by everyone" doesn't seem to align with the numbers.

Even looking at California, or Colorado, two places I can't imagined getting attacked at all for sharing you're vaccinated, they're not that much higher in percentages.  Colorado is 56.25%, California is 55.08%, and Florida is 51.59%.  This doesn't seem like a big enough difference where people in one state are viewed completely differently when sharing their vaccination status.

Did you mean to list a more specific area of Florida, like a particular city or county?  
(08-25-2021, 11:53 AM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: That seems odd.  Florida ranks 22nd (out of 50 of course) in % of population vaccinated.  The narrative that talking about getting the vaccine there will get you "attacked by everyone" doesn't seem to align with the numbers.

Even looking at California, or Colorado, two places I can't imagined getting attacked at all for sharing you're vaccinated, they're not that much higher in percentages.  Colorado is 56.25%, California is 55.08%, and Florida is 51.59%.  This doesn't seem like a big enough difference where people in one state are viewed completely differently when sharing their vaccination status.

Did you mean to list a more specific area of Florida, like a particular city or county?  

It's probably a specific area. We have a good percentage here, but I know a guy who doesn't want his mother to find out he's vaccinated. LOL
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-25-2021, 11:03 AM)GMDino Wrote: Customer, 50 years old, just died of Covid.  Wouldn't get vaccinated...didn't believe it was "that bad".

Cousin's father in law going fast...same thing.  That cousin is vaccinated but doesn't want to make it known because she is in Florida and everyone around her would attack her for it.

Sad times man.

Guy I sort of grew up with just died from it (parents were friends and he was older than me). Even his sister isn't that broken up about it at this point. Personally I can't even be bothered to fake sympathy at this point.
(08-25-2021, 12:48 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: It's probably a specific area. We have a good percentage here, but I know a guy who doesn't want his mother to find out he's vaccinated. LOL

My mother in law was apparently surprised to hear that someone that seems intelligent and aware as me would be vaccinated.  It's all in perspective, I guess.  

I seem to reasonable to fall for the vaccination lies.  Oh well.  I guess I should be flattered in a sense.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-25-2021, 01:49 PM)Nately120 Wrote: My mother in law was apparently surprised to hear that someone that seems intelligent and aware as me would be vaccinated.  It's all in perspective, I guess.  

I seem to reasonable to fall for the vaccination lies.  Oh well.  I guess I should be flattered in a sense.

This dude's mother is a unit head in an academic department, meaning she is a tenured professor. She's also full-on Q-Anon. It's concerning.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-25-2021, 02:30 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: This dude's mother is a unit head in an academic department, meaning she is a tenured professor. She's also full-on Q-Anon. It's concerning.

Oh man, time to finally battle back against all that liberal brainwashing that goes on at the university level.

Who was Jean Piaget, and how did his psychological studies prove that 9/11 was either fake and/or caused by mole people? Don't provide reasons for your argument...spies are everywhere.

Here is my Works Cited page
- did my own research
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Common sense would indicate this virus originated from the lab at Wuhan that actually studies the kind of viruses that we are now encountering. As opposed to a jump originating at a market hundreds of miles away that incidentally did not affect any other cities they would presumably ship to.
I'm not saying this to discourage vaccination, I am vaccinated. Normally I would say it's unimportant HOW we got here, we're here, and the vaccine is the best weapon we have to fight this thing
most of the people I know who aren't vaccinated have extreme distrust of the media and the government. Really, whether it's aerial phenomena, denied for decades, the source of this virus, obvious and apparent agendas contained within the "narratives " of various news agencies ( God I despise that word, how about the ***** truth!), how about just LEVELING with US? That would go a long way with many people....
Go Benton Panthers!!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I bet if someone who had been in a coma since 2019 and woke up and saw antivax protests all over The place he'd assume Jenny McCarthy was the president.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
So I have a general question and wonder if somebody has an answer. Seems like a booster is going to be needed more than likely. Do you get the shot from the same if you got a Pfizer shot, do you get the Pfizer booster...same company?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-26-2021, 10:40 AM)Goalpost Wrote: So I have a general question and wonder if somebody has an answer.  Seems like a booster is going to be needed more than likely.  Do you get the shot from the same if you got a Pfizer shot, do you get the Pfizer booster...same company?

TLDR: the CDC recommends you get the same shot as before. However, if that is unavailable you can get a different mRNA shot.
I don't think it can be understated just how much of a role the media has played in creating some of the confusion, distrust, skepticism, etc. I've known for awhile now that they've become more and more focused on views and clicks and less and less on delivering the actual news. But it's really been on display these past 18 months.

A couple of days ago I was on Yahoo and came across two articles about the Delta Varient in Israel. I read the first one in the morning. It was doom and gloom and the headline was something like "Why Covid in Israel Spells Disaster for US." The gist of the article was that even though 80% of Israel is vaccinated, and a high percentage of those have been vaccinated for some time now, the Delta Varient is reeking havoc on the country, and cases were higher than they were pre-vaccine.

Not but 4 hours later I came across another article on Yahoo, linked from the same publication as the previous one, with a headline that said something like "Israel Shows Vaccines Work". This article was largely the same as the previous one (a lot of the same numbers shared, same subject matter, etc.) but with a twist. The takeaway from this was that depsite a lot of cases occuring in Israel very few were dying.

So, if you just read article number one or you just saw the headline you'd come away thinking things are going to get very bad and even if you're vaccinated you're not safe. You'd most likley be a little scared. But if you read only the 2nd article, you'd come away thinking the vaccine will most likely protect you and you need not worry so much about the total cases. And if you read both articles like me, you'd be left wondering "what in the hell is going on here?"

This is really just one example. I've seen so many. I remember reading similar to things when Delta first showed up in the UK. One article would be doom and gloom (Delta is deadlier, Delta is more contagious) while another would be more hopeful (While Delta is more contangious,it is less deadly, and Delta cases in the UK are already going down.)

You couple all of these conflicting reports that are occuring in real-time with the messages that seem to change from month to month and it's hard to know who or what to believe. Our own leadership here hasn't exactly been the most consistent in their messaging either.

Fwiw, I got the vaccine as soon as I could. I've pretty much quarantined the best I've could throughout the past year limiting trips to Kroger and a couple of other errands. I'd rather be safe than sorry. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't understand some of those who are skeptical of a lot of things we read or hear. This has been an absolute shit-show from the very start. I can definitely understand not trusting anyone at this point. Either some of the world's leaders and experts have lied from time to time, or they haven't been totally honest or upfront, or they're not nearly as smart as we thought they were. Take your pick.
(05-22-2021, 01:13 AM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Sorry to hear about your loss.  But you are spot on and I’m at the point where I think there need to be long term consequences for science deniers.   Make them pay more for healthcare.   Very simple.  

It’s easy everyone.  You want to enjoy the benefits of an advanced society?  Jump on board.   If you don’t, we have an island with your sisters name on it.

Reprogramming, then? Or will work make them free? Will the island have otherwise equal amenities, at least insofar as the essentials go? You know. Separate But Equal? What happens when the folks who are on board need More Living Room? Mexico looks handy. Will the island's population be disproportionately poor/minority by design, or is that just a happy coincidence?

A guy named Dill in another thread wants to know how authoritarianism starts in a liberal democratic society....
Go Benton Panthers!!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-20-2021, 10:25 AM)GMDino Wrote: Hey Florida! Don't mess with Texas!



I'd love for someone to break down how that poll was done.  How many people did they survey?  Where did they survey for "urban," "suburban", and "rural?"  How many people refused to answer? 

Right off the bat, looking at it at first glance, something is SCREAMING to me that this is an absolute nonsense and garbage poll... Why did they poll for Evangeliical Christians but no other religions?  I'm not exactly sure what the purpose is of having so many different categories is if you're trying to draw a meaningful conclusion but ok, I'll play along, they wanted religion.  Except they only did one, which means it really doesn't tell us much.

Why didn't they poll Muslims?  Or Jews?  Or Hindus? Or Budhists?  I mean, seriously, what does this tell us?  Why would you only poll one specific religion when you have a chart of 25 categories?

I see they polled White people.  I see they polled Black people.  I see the polled Hispanic people.  Why didn't they poll Asian people?  What about Native Americans or Pacific Islanders?  Again, they've taken the time to poll for TWENTY-FIVE different categories.    But they decided to just leave out these groups.

Maybe it's just me, but this poll is coming off as extremely fishy.  Maybe there was actually more to it and someone chose to present it this way.  But right now I have to say this comes across as complete agenda driven BS, probably with an embarrassingly low sample size.  
(08-26-2021, 03:44 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: I'd love for someone to break down how that poll was done.  How many people did they survey?  Where did they survey for "urban," "suburban", and "rural?"  How many people refused to answer? 

Right off the bat, looking at it at first glance, something is SCREAMING to me that this is an absolute nonsense and garbage poll... Why did they poll for Evangeliical Christians but no other religions?  I'm not exactly sure what the purpose is of having so many different categories is if you're trying to draw a meaningful conclusion but ok, I'll play along, they wanted religion.  Except they only did one, which means it really doesn't tell us much.

Why didn't they poll Muslims?  Or Jews?  Or Hindus? Or Budhists?  I mean, seriously, what does this tell us?  Why would you only poll one specific religion when you have a chart of 25 categories?

I see they polled White people.  I see they polled Black people.  I see the polled Hispanic people.  Why didn't they poll Asian people?  What about Native Americans or Pacific Islanders?  Again, they've taken the time to poll for TWENTY-FIVE different categories.    But they decided to just leave out these groups.

Maybe it's just me, but this poll is coming off as extremely fishy.  Maybe there was actually more to it and someone chose to present it this way.  But right now I have to say this comes across as complete agenda driven BS, probably with an embarrassingly low sample size.  

Or they decided to ask all those other groups but didn't or couldn't get a large enough pool to answer and so the results were meaningless to the overall point of the survey.

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