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Coronavirus Information...who do you trust?
(10-27-2020, 06:06 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: That's why I wrote Trump claimed it was "the Democrat's new hoax" and not "a hoax."

He didn't call Covid "The Democrat's new Hoax". He called the democrats "unfairly" (you guys can argue if it was fair or not) criticizing him a hoax.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-27-2020, 06:20 PM)Brownshoe Wrote: He didn't call Covid "The Democrat's new Hoax". He called the democrats "unfairly" (you guys can argue if it was fair or not) criticizing him a hoax.

Criticizing him for what?
(10-27-2020, 07:26 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Criticizing him for what?

Criticizing him for his response. First he was a xenophobic for closing the borders (Biden saying exactly that, and Pelosi telling people to go to Chinatown), and then saying he didn't do enough.

Edit: Basically saying him not doing anything is a hoax
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-27-2020, 07:33 PM)Brownshoe Wrote: Criticizing him for his response. First he was a xenophobic for closing the borders (Biden saying exactly that, and Pelosi telling people to go to Chinatown), and then saying he didn't do enough.

Edit: Basically saying him not doing anything is a hoax

His response to what?
(10-27-2020, 08:38 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: His response to what?

The coronavirus? I don't see your point. You said "the coronavirus is the Democrats new hoax". Maybe if you would say "the coronavirus response is the Democrats new hoax" I would see your point. 

My two cents on that is that he did follow what Fauci said to do. "I didn't see any discrepancies between what he told us and what we told him and what he ultimately came out publicly and said," Fauci, the country's top infectious diseases expert and head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said.

He really didn't say anything different than we discussed when we were with him," Fauci said.

Trump also got manufacturing companies like Ford to produce ventilators, and masks because people were worried about those. The United States is a federal republic democracy, so that's all he could do. It's up to the governors to ask for federal help and put mask mandates and lockdowns.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

The White House science office lists "ending the Covid-19 pandemic" as one of the top accomplishments of the Trump administration's first term despite the fact that new coronavirus cases are rising precipitously throughout the country, resulting in many hospitals nationwide approaching maximum capacity.
[Image: 960x0.jpg?cropX1=0&cropX2=2900&cropY1=0&...ropY2=1631]
In a press release and report released Tuesday touting the Trump Administration’s “Science and Technology Accomplishments from First Term”, the White House science office listed ending the pandemic as the top accomplishment, with laudatory quotes from Ivanka Trump and the office’s director, Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier.

The United States reported more than 83,000 new coronavirus infections Friday, the highest single-day total ever recorded in the U.S., and over the past week, there has been an average of 71,092 new cases per day (an increase of roughly 40% from the daily average just two weeks earlier). 

Hospitalizations and Covid-related deaths (often a lagging indicator) are also on the rise in most states, with more than 800 Americans dying per day over the last week.

Yet, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy asserted in the report that the Trump Administration has taken "several actions to engage scientists in academia, industry, and government to understand and defeat this disease."

The report declares that the president has "solidified America's standing" as the most scientifically advanced nation "the world has ever known" and that the 56-page document summarizes "only a small fraction of the many achievements" made during four years Trump has been in office.

Despite the alarming increase in cases that are greatly concerning to health experts nationwide, President Trump has continued to downplay the pandemic's severity. Last Friday, at an event in Florida, the president told his supporters that the coronavirus pandemic was going to "end quickly" and that "we're rounding the turn, we're rounding the corner, we're rounding the corner beautifully." At a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Monday, Trump claimed, "It's ending anyway. We are rounding the turn. It's ending anyway." On Saturday, he stated, "We're rounding the turn. We're doing great. Our numbers are incredible." The president also continues to argue that Americans are "tired" of hearing about Covid-19 and that media outlets are spending too much time covering outbreaks and resulting fatalities. "Until November 4th, Fake News Media is going full on Covid, Covid, Covid. We are rounding the turn," Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. 

"More than 225,000 people in this country are dead. More than 100,000 small businesses have closed. And what's his closing argument? That people are too focused on Covid," former President Barack Obama said of Trump on Tuesday. "Covid, Covid, Covid, he's complaining. He's jealous of Covid's media coverage. If he had been focused on Covid from the beginning, cases wouldn't be reaching new record highs across the country this week."

Earlier this month, Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the government's top infectious disease specialists, said it is "absolutely essential" that the U.S. government is fully transparent with its citizens regarding the severity of the pandemic and that a lack of transparency leads to a loss of confidence within the citizenry. "If you're going to make scientific-based public health recommendations, everything has got to be transparent," Fauci stated. Last week, Trump attacked Fauci, calling him "a disaster," and alleged that Americans are "tired of hearing Fauci and these idiots." 

8.8 million: As of Tuesday afternoon, more than 8,816,700 people in the U.S. have tested positive for Covid-19, according to a New York Times database.

Dr. Fauci: Not Being Transparent About Covid-19 Because 'You Don't Want To Alarm People' Is 'Totally Nonsense' (Forbes) 
Fauci: National Mask Mandate May Be Needed Amid Covid-19 Spike (Forbes)
White House science office takes credit for 'ending' pandemic as infections mount (Politico)
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-27-2020, 11:12 PM)Brownshoe Wrote: The coronavirus? I don't see your point. You said "the coronavirus is the Democrats new hoax". Maybe if you would say "the coronavirus response is the Democrats new hoax" I would see your point. 

My two cents on that is that he did follow what Fauci said to do. "I didn't see any discrepancies between what he told us and what we told him and what he ultimately came out publicly and said," Fauci, the country's top infectious diseases expert and head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said.

He really didn't say anything different than we discussed when we were with him," Fauci said.

Trump also got manufacturing companies like Ford to produce ventilators, and masks because people were worried about those. The United States is a federal republic democracy, so that's all he could do. It's up to the governors to ask for federal help and put mask mandates and lockdowns.

The Democrat's criticism of Trump's response to the pandemic isn't and wasn't a hoax.  He was definitely criticized.  He is still be criticized.  I think we can both agree the criticism actually happened and is still ongoing.

Trump's so called “travel ban” isn't a hoax. I think we can also both agree that he did restrict Chinese nationals from entering the country while still allowing thousands of travelers from China to enter the US.   That's a fact, not a hoax.

Both the World Health Organization and Dr. Fauci didn't recommend travel bans because of their economic impact and lack of efficacy before Trump announced his travel restrictions.  Recent history has born out both the WHO and Fauci were correct.

During Trump's rally speech in North Charleston, SC he claimed they were "totally prepared" and the pandemic hadn't "spread widely at all in the United States" because of his early action. At some other point he claimed we had 15 cases soon to be down to zero.  Trump told Bob Woodward he had always down played the pandemic. 

If we were totally prepared why did we have and still have shortages of PPE?  Why did it take months to get a test? Why did Trump have to invoke the Defense Production Act to produce needed supplies if we were totally prepared?  Why did states have to bid against each other and the federal government for needed supplies and needlessly drive up the price?

A hoax is a falsehood deliberately fabricated to masquerade as the truth. If there is any hoax here, it is Trump's response to the pandemic.  Not the Democrat's criticism of Trump's response.
(10-28-2020, 07:22 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: The Democrat's criticism of Trump's response to the pandemic isn't and wasn't a hoax.  He was definitely criticized.  He is still be criticized.  I think we can both agree the criticism actually happened and is still ongoing.

Trump's response to the pandemic isn't a hoax. I think we can also both agree that he did restrict Chinese nationals from entering the country while still allowing thousands of travelers from China to enter the US.   That's a fact, not a hoax.

Both the World Health Organization and Dr. Fauci didn't recommend travel bans because of their economic impact and lack of efficacy before Trump announced his travel restrictions.  Recent history has born out both the WHO and Fauci were correct.

During Trump's rally speech in North Charleston, SC he claimed they were "totally prepared" and the pandemic hadn't "spread widely at all in the United States" because of his early action. At some other point he claimed we had 15 cases soon to be down to zero.  Trump told Bob Woodward he had always down played the pandemic. 

If we were totally prepared why did we have and still have shortages of PPE?  Why did it take months to get a test? Why did Trump have to invoke the Defense Production Act to produce needed supplies if we were totally prepared?  Why did states have to bid against each other and the federal government for needed supplies and needlessly drive up the price?

A hoax is a falsehood deliberately fabricated to masquerade as the truth. If there is any hoax here, it is Trump's response to the pandemic.  Not the Democrat's criticism of Trump's response.

This is such a spin to what I was saying and the tone of your first post to PhilHos. I never said that their criticism is a hoax. Let me try to break it down for you. Trump did stuff for the coronavirus. Democrats said Trump did nothing. Trump saying "the Democrats new hoax" is that he did nothing against the coronavirus, because he did.

PhilHos was saying we should all agree that we should all mask up and social distance and it really looks like you were saying that Trump said the coronavirus was a hoax. Then you change your stance to this.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-29-2020, 05:28 AM)Brownshoe Wrote: This is such a spin to what I was saying and the tone of your first post to PhilHos. I never said that their criticism is a hoax. Let me try to break it down for you. Trump did stuff for the coronavirus. Democrats said Trump did nothing. Trump saying "the Democrats new hoax" is that he did nothing against the coronavirus, because he did.

PhilHos was saying we should all agree that we should all mask up and social distance and it really looks like you were saying that Trump said the coronavirus was a hoax. Then you change your stance to this.

Trump said this is their new hoax. What’s “this”? The coronavirus. Why was it the Democrat’s new hoax? Because it wasn’t widely circulating, they were totally prepared, they had it totally under control, and it was 15 people and soon would be down to zero. All of which we know is totally false. Again, the criticism wasn’t a hoax. All the shit Trump has been telling us from hydroxychloroquine to disinfectant injections to powerful lights to it will go away like a miracle to the heat will kill it to herd immunity and including all I listed above is a hoax.
I'm sure Biden/Harris would have just waved their magic wand and the virus would have magically disappeared.

Biden's plan is do the same stuff Trump already did or is doing plus paint a very dark, doom and gloom message for the future coupled with tanking our economy even more by locking us down again.  

Speaking of pandemic responses, let's not forget the awesome job Obama/Biden did with H1N1.

It's laughable how people think Biden would have done better.
(10-29-2020, 09:21 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I'm sure Biden/Harris would have just waved their magic wand and the virus would have magically disappeared.

Biden's plan is do the same stuff Trump already did or is doing plus paint a very dark, doom and gloom message for the future coupled with tanking our economy even more by locking us down again.  

Speaking of pandemic responses, let's not forget the awesome job Obama/Biden did with H1N1.

It's laughable how people think Biden would have done better.

One thing with the H1N1 is that after that the Obama administration worked hard on preparing the country in case it would happen again...because they knew it would happen again.

Trump CHOSE to ignore all of that and say "it will go away like a miracle" or "go away with the heat" or whatever he parroted due to his lack of attention to detail at the time.

Biden went through it and would be prepared to handle it without "playing it down".
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-27-2020, 11:12 PM)Brownshoe Wrote: The coronavirus? I don't see your point. You said "the coronavirus is the Democrats new hoax". Maybe if you would say "the coronavirus response is the Democrats new hoax" I would see your point. 

My two cents on that is that he did follow what Fauci said to do. "I didn't see any discrepancies between what he told us and what we told him and what he ultimately came out publicly and said," Fauci, the country's top infectious diseases expert and head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said.

He really didn't say anything different than we discussed when we were with him," Fauci said.

Trump also got manufacturing companies like Ford to produce ventilators, and masks because people were worried about those. The United States is a federal republic democracy, so that's all he could do. It's up to the governors to ask for federal help and put mask mandates and lockdowns.

Trump has admitted that he lied to American citizens about the dangers of covid.  He said it was no worse than the flu and that it would just disappear.  That is why his followers refused to wear masks or practice social distancing.  And that has made things much worse on this country.

But criticizing him for lying is a "hoax"?

C'mon man, this is getting ridiculous.
(10-29-2020, 09:21 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: It's laughable how people think Biden would have done better.

Biden would have been honest about the dangers of the virus.  He would not have lied and said "it is no worse than the flu," or "it will just disappear.  That way more people would have been more careful, worn masks, and practiced social distancing.

What is laughable is defending a president who admitted that he lied to your face and made things worse.
(10-29-2020, 09:21 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I'm sure Biden/Harris would have just waved their magic wand and the virus would have magically disappeared.

Biden's plan is do the same stuff Trump already did or is doing plus paint a very dark, doom and gloom message for the future coupled with tanking our economy even more by locking us down again.  

Speaking of pandemic responses, let's not forget the awesome job Obama/Biden did with H1N1.

It's laughable how people think Biden would have done better.

Do you think covid is to Republicans as Vietnam was to democrats?  Both sides would have botched it but Nixon wasn't  a democrat so he just showed up and acted like he could have handled things better and people trusted his political affiliation more than they trusted him?

I will say Trump choosing not to even attempt to use covid as a uniting event ala 9/11 and instead doubling down on everything being about how unfair life is to him probably factors into why he's never had majority support. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Like I said, Biden would have crashed and burned.

I'm glad trump is being positive and not painting this "dark winter" doom and gloom, more lockdown BS.

Enjoy the "dark winter" doom and gloom. We are having Thanksgiving with family as normal and we are going to enjoy and have a great Holiday season!
(10-29-2020, 09:36 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Like I said, Biden would have crashed and burned.

I'm glad trump is being positive and not painting this "dark winter" doom and gloom, more lockdown BS.

Enjoy the "dark winter" doom and gloom.  We are having Thanksgiving with family as normal and we are going to enjoy and have a great Holiday season!

Reality is hard.  I apologize for that.

But apparently so is having a conversation with you because you just willfully ignore anything that disagrees and treat it as wrong.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-29-2020, 09:36 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Like I said, Biden would have crashed and burned.

I'm glad trump is being positive and not painting this "dark winter" doom and gloom, more lockdown BS.

Enjoy the "dark winter" doom and gloom.  We are having Thanksgiving with family as normal and we are going to enjoy and have a great Holiday season!

In all fairness I think both Trump and Biden are hitting the doom and gloom heavy as it applies to the other guy winning in 2020.  If biden wins your family could be enjoying Thanksgiving at a homeless shelter. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-29-2020, 09:36 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Like I said, Biden would have crashed and burned.

Would he have? I think we would've been better off with a president that didn't scrap the pandemic response plan left by the previous administration and dismantled the infrastructure that was in place for just such a thing. I don't think Biden would've done that, or Clinton for that matter. Hell, I doubt any of Trump's Republican challengers from 2016 would've done it. We would've been better off with any competent president, but that's not what we got.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-29-2020, 09:21 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I'm sure Biden/Harris would have just waved their magic wand and the virus would have magically disappeared.

That is literally Trump speak.

(10-29-2020, 09:21 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: It's laughable how people think Biden would have done better.

There are quite a few things they would have done better and I'm fairly certain about that. For one, they would not make fun of people wearing masks. They would not call for their supporters to liberate their states from restrictions. They would not have held big rallies and large gatherings without any masks or social distancing. In short, they'd be better role models.

Also I'm pretty sure they would not have followed the strategy of downplaying the threat to the people, they would not have cast doubt on the things experts like Fauci said, they would not have called him an "idiot", if any of them caught it they would not have called an experimental antibody cocktail they got a "cure for everybody" and would not have used their recovery as proof that it isn't all that scary. They would not have lied about recovery rates, infection numbers, trajectories of the infection curve, a soon to come vaccine, or that they "turned a corner" or even defeated the virus while that demonstrably isn't so. They would not have touted some totally unproven medication.

And then some, a lot more actually, and that is without addressing any policies. But all these things have an effect.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-29-2020, 09:21 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I'm sure Biden/Harris would have just waved their magic wand and the virus would have magically disappeared.

Biden's plan is do the same stuff Trump already did or is doing plus paint a very dark, doom and gloom message for the future coupled with tanking our economy even more by locking us down again.  

Speaking of pandemic responses, let's not forget the awesome job Obama/Biden did with H1N1.

It's laughable how people think Biden would have done better.

Countries all around the world have handled the pandemic much better than the Trump administration. It’s not hard to imagine when all you have to do is look at South Korea to see their government handled the pandemic much better than our government.

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