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Coronavirus Information...who do you trust?
"America First", eh?

Leave it to Trump to cut corners with the vaccine.

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(12-08-2020, 08:01 PM)GMDino Wrote: Oof.  Keep an eye on that for sure.  The virus apparently can hit other things differently.

I had to do a tele visit and while I was talking tot hem I had them send paperwork for my bloodwork.  Hopefully it all checks out.

I did test positive, as did my wife.

I've been quarantining since last Monday (except for when I went for the test).

Worst of it was a stuffy nose, some drainage and a little annoying cough that gave me a sore throat.  The vast majority of that is gone now.  I did lose my sense of smell for about four days.

Everyone exposed to the first person tested positive even if they didn't show symptoms EXCEPT his wife who also showed no symptoms. work until Monday and all Christmas plans are cancelled but if this is all we have to deal with I'll take it as a win.

You were fortunate like me with the taste and smell thing being so short.

I pointed the kidney thing out to my Dr and she's like "Drink more water."  I don't think the numbers even registered because I'm sure they are used to dealing with people with far worse numbers, but I pointed out the differences from six months ago so she switched it to "Drink more water and we will check again in six months."  (Which I get a blood test every six months anyway. LOL)  I'm pretty sure they hate that we get our test results before our appointment.

We are probably going to be on our own this year for Christmas. I'm looking forward to making a fancy Christmas or Christmas Eve dinner on a really nicely decorated table. Something you don't get when there are twenty+ people.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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(12-09-2020, 10:27 AM)michaelsean Wrote: You were fortunate like me with the taste and smell thing being so short.

I pointed the kidney thing out to my Dr and she's like "Drink more water."  I don't think the numbers even registered because I'm sure they are used to dealing with people with far worse numbers, but I pointed out the differences from six months ago so she switched it to "Drink more water and we will check again in six months."  (Which I get a blood test every six months anyway. LOL)  I'm pretty sure they hate that we get our test results before our appointment.

We are probably going to be on our own this year for Christmas.  I'm looking forward to making a fancy Christmas or Christmas Eve dinner on a really nicely decorated table.  Something you don't get when there are twenty+ people.

I'm glad you shared that.  I only did some reading and saw how others had the longer term effects with different things.  I'll now know to compare my numbers.  Our doctor recently switched insurances (was better for us) so I can't access my old number on line yet and will need to let her know.

Christmas is going to be really weird.  Don't know what we plan on doing yet other than we will NOT be going to my parents for the first time ever and we might see my mother in law in shifts for a few minutes.  I suggested a porch drop off for gifts on my side of the family and they want to wait until we can actually get together...hopefully in the spring.

I'm one of those lucky ones that never got to host a big holiday dinner.  That's why I have a big Christmas party for the family and neighborhood every year (not this year).  So I'm gonna have to figure out what to do with Christmas.  Just me, my wife and son unless we let our daughter and her husband in!   Cool
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(12-09-2020, 12:13 PM)GMDino Wrote: I'm glad you shared that.  I only did some reading and saw how others had the longer term effects with different things.  I'll now know to compare my numbers.  Our doctor recently switched insurances (was better for us) so I can't access my old number on line yet and will need to let her know.

Christmas is going to be really weird.  Don't know what we plan on doing yet other than we will NOT be going to my parents for the first time ever and we might see my mother in law in shifts for a few minutes.  I suggested a porch drop off for gifts on my side of the family and they want to wait until we can actually get together...hopefully in the spring.

I'm one of those lucky ones that never got to host a big holiday dinner.  That's why I have a big Christmas party for the family and neighborhood every year (not this year).  So I'm gonna have to figure out what to do with Christmas.  Just me, my wife and son unless we let our daughter and her husband in!   Cool

I was thinking of going to my parent's house when they weren't home (but they know about it) and setting up a webcam and hook it to their big screen in their living room and then setting up a similar setup at our house. It's a little better than facetime just because it gives you a better view of the room and the size makes it a little more "normal". Our kid is still really young so I know they want to see him open his presents and feel like they are there. 
(12-09-2020, 12:17 PM)Au165 Wrote: I was thinking of going to my parent's house when they weren't home (but they know about it) and setting up a webcam and hook it to their big screen in their living room and then setting up a similar setup at our house. It's a little better than facetime just because it gives you a better view of the room and the size makes it a little more "normal". Our kid is still really young so I know they want to see him open his presents and feel like they are there. 

That's a great idea!

We will probably have a video meeting of some sort.  All our kids are older now (22-15) so the Christmas morning extravaganza ain't what it used to be.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Typically it matters to (usually republican) politicians only when it happens to them.  

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Rough sledding moving forward in NH.  It's a shame when anyone dies, let along of a disease they can at least try to avoid.

You can be careful and get sick (Wolfe in PA) and you can not be careful.

I think being careful is the way to go to reduce spread, but I live in a fantasy world.

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Newly revealed emails show that Paul Alexander, a former advisor installed in HHS by a deputy secretary, pushed for millions of Americans to get infected to create herd immunity. This included keeping schools open to spread the virus.

Alexander and his boss Michael Caputo had spent months pressuring career scientists in the department and related agencies to adopt point of views supported by the administration and worked to silence those with differing views. Alexander sought to pressure Fauci into not publicly supporting masks or testing for school children, and was caught trying to manipulate data. He left his post days after Politico broke the story about his attempts to control mortality reports.

The former chief of staff for the CDC said that it was assumed by staff that Alexander spoke for Caputo who spoke for the White House.
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(12-16-2020, 02:35 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote:

Newly revealed emails show that Paul Alexander, a former advisor installed in HHS by a deputy secretary, pushed for millions of Americans to get infected to create herd immunity. This included keeping schools open to spread the virus.

Alexander and his boss Michael Caputo had spent months pressuring career scientists in the department and related agencies to adopt point of views supported by the administration and worked to silence those with differing views. Alexander sought to pressure Fauci into not publicly supporting masks or testing for school children, and was caught trying to manipulate data. He left his post days after Politico broke the story about his attempts to control mortality reports.

The former chief of staff for the CDC said that it was assumed by staff that Alexander spoke for Caputo who spoke for the White House.

Yea, this could be a problem.
Just have to love shitting the bed up to the last minute.

Quote:Officials in multiple states said they were alerted late Wednesday that their second shipments of Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine had been drastically cut for next week, sparking widespread confusion and conflicting statements from Pfizer and federal officials about who was at fault.

The reduction prompted concern in health departments across the country about whether Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration’s vaccine accelerator program, could distribute doses quickly enough to meet the target of delivering first shots to 20 million people by year’s end.

A senior administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal plans, said the revised estimates were the result of states’ requesting an expedited timeline for locking in their allocations for the following week; notification of how many doses they could order each week was consequently advanced from Friday to Tuesday. Since Pfizer is producing doses daily, the official said, fewer doses were available Tuesday than will be available on Friday.

But Pfizer released a statement Thursday that seemed to contradict that explanation, saying the company faced no production difficulties and had many more doses immediately available than were being distributed.

“We have millions more doses sitting in our warehouse but, as of now, we have not received any shipment instructions for additional doses,” the statement read.

The clashing accounts came as Pfizer and the Trump administration negotiate over additional vaccine doses for the United States. Pfizer, which has already committed to providing the government 100 million doses, said that as recently as October, federal officials had turned down its entreaties to lock in another 100 million doses. When those officials sought to buy those doses later, the company said its supplies were already committed to other countries. Now the pharmaceutical giant and the administration are nearing an agreement that would provide the United States with more than 50 million doses, but fewer than 100 million, probably spread over the second and third quarters of 2021, according to people knowledgeable about the negotiations who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
I'm glad I wasn't peer-pressured into feeling badly for Trump when he got covid after seeing this combined intentionally and unintentionally botching.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-16-2020, 02:35 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote:

Newly revealed emails show that Paul Alexander, a former advisor installed in HHS by a deputy secretary, pushed for millions of Americans to get infected to create herd immunity. This included keeping schools open to spread the virus.

Alexander and his boss Michael Caputo had spent months pressuring career scientists in the department and related agencies to adopt point of views supported by the administration and worked to silence those with differing views. Alexander sought to pressure Fauci into not publicly supporting masks or testing for school children, and was caught trying to manipulate data. He left his post days after Politico broke the story about his attempts to control mortality reports.

The former chief of staff for the CDC said that it was assumed by staff that Alexander spoke for Caputo who spoke for the White House.

What could possibly go wrong with this guy on the job

[Image: 124118990-e1515006058559.jpg?w=560&h=316&crop=1]
It was my understanding that along with the Covid Relief Bill congress also passed an Omnibus Bill to find the government that has all this stuff Trump is whining about.

But it's nice of him to still think he has a chance for a second term.  Really makes me believe anything else he says.

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(12-22-2020, 10:47 PM)GMDino Wrote: Hilarious


They ignored the House bill for 4 months, fought against larger stimulus checks, and now Trump agrees...
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-23-2020, 12:43 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: They ignored the House bill for 4 months, fought against larger stimulus checks, and now Trump agrees...

And the GOP are

Trump would rather shut the government down.  

He's a lunatic.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(12-23-2020, 12:09 PM)GMDino Wrote: Mellow

Everything in this post is my fault.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Breaking news:  Jim Jordan is an uneducated partisan hack.

Quote:Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) went down in flames Tuesday after claiming that the Founding Fathers wouldn't have approved restrictions, lockdowns and mask orders to protect against the COVID-19 crisis. Historians had another take.

Tweeting their responses, historians recalled the Smallpox outbreak that prompted the exact same precautions taken the year of America's birth.




Jordan, who earned his master's degree in education at Ohio State University appears to have ignored the education he could have garnered by googling "pandemics" during the early years of the United States.
See some of the other comments at Jordan below:
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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