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Teams aren't sending scouts to pro-days? Sounds like we may have an even playing field all of a sudden.

There is absolutely no reason to have a live draft this year. The turn out in LV will be horrendous. The individuals who would decide to attend are not the type of people who politely cough into their elbow, 90% of attendees will be infected from the jump.

Someone please tell Joe to stay at home, get drafted from the safe confines of his bubble he should already be inside.
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(03-12-2020, 01:00 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: Look, before this thread goes completely off the rails, or is dismissed due to perceived over-reaction keep in mind it is a real issue that will affect the coming weeks.

This entire situation seems to get worse by the hour. You can attribute this to the media coverage or you can believe the threat is real, or anything and everything in between. It's really besides the point in relation to this thread.

The reality is the response to this is almost like dominos. Once one organization or institution reacts then others are forced to follow. There are libality concerns that business and employers open themselves up to. There are substantial PR and optic risks.

It just came out that Redskins are not sending any emoloyees to pro days. Again, like a game of dominos, look for other franchisss to follow suit.

So there's a very good chance that you'll see pro days outright canceled, or sparsley attended.

There's reports multiple teams are shutting down training facilites.

Free agency is set to open next week. I would not at all be surprised to see this date pushed back.

This situation could greatly affect scouting and free agency, as both depend on a significant amount of travel. It could affect the draft as far as attendance, both by fans and players. It may get pushed, or teams may draft remotely (meaning not held in NY, no podium, no cards turned in, no live show)

I just figured this topic deserved it's own thread, and could be a catch-all for developments.  I suspect there will be significant ones over the next couple of weeks. Whether or not you think the response or coverage is warranted this looks to greatly affect a number of NFL offseason activities.

Well it is serious given what the NBA did.  For sure some actions will be over the top.  Pro days within driving range ought to remain.  I know the big jetliners all have hepa filters that clean the air many times an hour so airline travel ought to be fairly safe.
I can see not attending indoor events, but outdoor events would seem to me to be entirely safe, even with a couple hundred people.

But we are in the panic stage of COVID-19, just like the infection rate isn't peaked, nor has the panic rate.
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(03-12-2020, 01:30 PM)Goalpost Wrote: I'd have considered going but a couple of weeks ago the hotels had their room rates jacked up about triple the normal for that week.

that is not the case any longer.  Wynn is $76 on the 23rd. 

Enjoy the virus!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Just pisses me off, this panic is ruining our sports and the economy, sucks.

Their wasn't a panic in 2009-2010 with the swine flu for some reason...
(03-12-2020, 12:09 PM)GMDino Wrote: My wife and I went out to dinner last was packed.

401K took a hit.  I have time to build it back up, others do not.

It's hard to understand big things like this in real time but I'm hoping it's not as bad as it seems to be heading both for people's lives and livelyhoods.

Well you shouldn't really have a lot in stocks as you get closer to retirement.  
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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(03-12-2020, 01:00 PM)jason Wrote: That was last week before an adult finally got in his ear yesterday... In that somber look on his orange face, you could tell that he realized all his bluff and bullshit is useless now.

some people have said, 'how does he know so much?'  
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looking forward to daddy being incapacitated by the little flueybug and mothers hubby having to step in.
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(03-12-2020, 01:33 PM)Nate (formerly eliminate08) Wrote: Just pisses me off, this panic is ruining our sports and the economy, sucks.

Their wasn't a panic in 2009-2010 with the swine flu for some reason...

Twitter also wasn't as rampant as it is now.
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I think it's very likely teams suspend all operations for the next few weeks.

I understand free agent interviews and negotiations can be done remotely, but it's far from ideal. There's physicals and meetings with various staff.

At this point I can't see playes and agents flying all over, and I can't see multi-million dollar investments being made, and deals getting done via video conferencing.

Then you consider the amount of staff in a NFL facility (Front office, coaches, scouts, medical and training staff, ticket sales, administrative) many coming and going, I think they just shut down league-wide until this situation is better understood.

Couple all that with the new CBA tbrowing a wrench in things, I think we're looking at no free agency starting next week.
(03-12-2020, 01:30 PM)fredtoast Wrote: It is all just wild speculation at this point.  No one has a clue what will happen.  We've never seen steps like this taken before.

Right. So what does mike brown have to do with it?

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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 01:39 PM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: Twitter also wasn't as rampant as it is now.

Yeah, I know the reasons guess I was just being an ass cause this pisses me off.

Still, when 60 million Americans were infected by the swine flu it wasn't a big deal, this isn't even close to that.
(03-12-2020, 01:41 PM)BenZoo2 Wrote: Right. So what does mike brown have to do with it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It was tongue-in-cheek.
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(03-12-2020, 12:25 PM)fredtoast Wrote: This may shock you but there are other people in the world besides white country boys who never went to college.

And those people still don't care about the NBA regular season.

The NBA only averages 400 more people attending per game than the NHL, and 11,000 less people than MLB despite MLB having 80 more games in their regular season.

9 of the last 10 teams to play in the NBA Finals were the Warriors and Cavaliers. The entire rest of the season is pointless if it's just going to boil down to 2 teams.

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(03-12-2020, 01:43 PM)Nate (formerly eliminate08) Wrote: Yeah, I know the reasons guess I was just being an ass cause this pisses me off.

Still, when 60 million Americans were infected by the swine flu it wasn't a big deal, this isn't even close to that.

Not being an ass at all; I agree the hysteria is overblown and ridiculous.

Just live your lives normally, people; if you get it, you get it.

Over the age of 60? Be careful and wary, but if you're a young or middle-aged healthy adult, just go about your business; still attend events, still go out to dinner, ENJOY YOURSELVES.

The amount of people that will use this as an excuse to get out of work or something for the next 6 months+, will be insanely high.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
[Image: Truck_1_0_1_.png]
(03-12-2020, 01:43 PM)Nate (formerly eliminate08) Wrote: Yeah, I know the reasons guess I was just being an ass cause this pisses me off.

Still, when 60 million Americans were infected by the swine flu it wasn't a big deal, this isn't even close to that.

There was adequate testing during all other outbreaks (swine/eboli) in recent history. It's likely far more than 60 million already infected/exposed. That's why this reaction is so different. Twitter and the media wouldn't cause what we are seeing now with the cancellations and economic crash. The issue is no one knows how much this has spread because they have only tested 10K total since February.

As comparison most countries are testing 10k daily.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(03-12-2020, 11:32 AM)michaelsean Wrote: A lot of people have 401Ks and IRAs in mutual funds that are invested in the market.

I know, I'm one of those people. The majority of people with those also don't realize any real gain or loss based on short-term market instability. Gallup, based on a survey, estimates about 55% of the American public being invested in the market, and the vast majority of those folks aren't even looking at it. They are ones with IRAs (which I won't even get into the pile of horse shit they are) who just know it is steadily accumulating funds as they work. It does not affect their daily lives in any way.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
Why is this in Jungle Noise?
(03-12-2020, 01:46 PM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: Not being an ass at all; I agree the hysteria is overblown and ridiculous.

Just live your lives normally, people; if you get it, you get it.

Over the age of 60? Be careful and wary, but if you're a young or middle-aged healthy adult, just go about your business; still attend events, still go out to dinner, ENJOY YOURSELVES.

The amount of people that will use this as an excuse to get out of work or something for the next 6 months+, will be insanely high.

I would not suggest this...there are two strains of the coronavirus and you can actually have both at the exact same time. Also even if you recover from both you can turn around and get them again.

There are reasons they are shutting down events and quarantining towns.
I have the Heart of a Lion! I also have a massive fine and a lifetime ban from the Pittsburgh Zoo...

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 01:46 PM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: Not being an ass at all; I agree the hysteria is overblown and ridiculous.

Just live your lives normally, people; if you get it, you get it.

Over the age of 60? Be careful and wary, but if you're a young or middle-aged healthy adult, just go about your business; still attend events, still go out to dinner, ENJOY YOURSELVES.

The amount of people that will use this as an excuse to get out of work or something for the next 6 months+, will be insanely high.

Completely agree. 
(03-12-2020, 02:15 PM)Synric Wrote: I would not suggest this...there are two strains of the coronavirus and you can actually have both at the exact same time. Also even if you recover from both you can turn around and get them again.

There are reasons they are shutting down events and quarantining towns.

Are you going to shut down your life cause of this? Serious question?

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