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If you flatten the curve it also gives time for medical advances to occur. Maybe not vaccines, but better treatment options.
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(03-16-2020, 11:45 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: What would you recommend to stop the spread ?

Nothing to stop the spread.  They aren't even saying they are going to stop the spread.  So you protect the vulnerable and let the disease run its course.  
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-16-2020, 11:55 AM)michaelsean Wrote: Nothing to stop the spread.  They aren't even saying they are going to stop the spread.  So you protect the vulnerable and let the disease run its course.  

Canceling events such as March Madness prevents large numbers of people getting infected at congregations then further spearing the virus elsewhere.

Think of it as a disease hub like the Atlanta airport is a hub for Delta airlines.

It’s social distancing to stop person to person spread. That protects those at high risk from getting infected by preventing the healthy from becoming contagious and infected those at high risk while still asymptomatic.
(03-16-2020, 11:29 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: If this is successful, it’ll seem like an overreaction. We’d rather have that than more deaths.

Fox will pivot back to "Dem hoax."   Let's hope. 

Our local university, IUP, has cancelled face to face classes for the rest of the semester.

That's a killer for the Music Department, where so many grades depend on one-on-one instruction and end-of-the-year performances.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-16-2020, 10:25 AM)michaelsean Wrote: I have a question. Everything seems to be predicated on flattening the curve. That's the response to everything. What if you flatten it too much? What happens if in three weeks Ohio only has 1000 people with it. You can't lift these bans because you will be right back where you started.

Possible. But, this is a new virus and we are still collecting data to determine how bad it really is. In two weeks we have more data from the countries where this new virus is more prevalent to inform our decision making. If the mortality rate is closer to that of the flu then the restrictions probably don’t need to be renewed. If the mortality rate is closer to 2-4% then somewhere we need to have a death panel to determine the acceptable number of dead we are willing to sustain so MLB games aren’t disrupted. The last sentence is facetious, but you get the idea.

You’ve heard the idiom about the horse gettin’ out of the barn? Well, so it is with stopping a pandemic. Easier to keep the house in the barn because once the horse is out of the barn it’s a helluva lot harder to get the horse back in. Same with genies, but I have no experience with them like I do with horses.
(03-16-2020, 10:58 AM)michaelsean Wrote: No doubt people will say that, but that's not the point I was making.  I'm saying what if it works too well?  If it barely moves through the population, then in a few weeks you are still where you were before.  

Maybe. Maybe not. Flu season started out awful this year. Large numbers almost as bad as two years ago which was easily the worst flu season in a decade. Then the schools had Christmas break and we saw a decrease in the flu. Until about two weeks after Christmas break ended and the flu numbers started to rise again, but not as bad as before Christmas break.
(03-16-2020, 12:35 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Possible. But, this is a new virus and we are still collecting data to determine how bad it really is. In two weeks we have more data from the countries where this new virus is more prevalent to inform our decision making. If the mortality rate is closer to that of the flu then the restrictions probably don’t need to be renewed. If the mortality rate is closer to 2-4% then somewhere we need to have a death panel to determine the acceptable number of dead we are willing to sustain so MLB games aren’t disrupted. The last sentence is facetious, but you get the idea.

You’ve heard the idiom about the horse gettin’ out of the barn? Well, so it is with stopping a pandemic. Easier to keep the house in the barn because once the horse is out of the barn it’s a helluva lot harder to get the horse back in. Same with genies, but I have no experience with them like I do with horses.

Try this for your horses: 1 gal. empty coffee can--> fill 1/4 with oats--> stand at the barn door and shake. 

Don't worry about the genie. After three wishes they have to go back in.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Jesus people don't even know how to horde correctly. Eggs, milk and produce wiped out today.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-16-2020, 12:50 PM)Dill Wrote: Try this for your horses: 1 gal. empty coffee can--> fill 1/4 with oats--> stand at the bard door and shake. 

Don't worry about the genie. After three wishes they have to go back in.

We had a metal scoop. They could hear ‘em rattle around in it. But, where were you in the ‘80s when I needed that advice?

Also, works for dogs when they bust a hole in the fence.
(03-16-2020, 11:23 AM)michaelsean Wrote: No I get that.  Let's say I agree with everything that has been done.  What if in three weeks, due to these actions, a relatively few amount of people have it.  Say 1000.  If you lift all the restrictions you are right back where you were, so you then have to extend all the restrictions.  

The thinking is that you slow the spread long enough so that medical services and supplies keep up. Also, it's not likely that people who have it are going to recatch it any time soon.

Weather plays a role here too. Just like the flu typically subsides in warmer months, covid likely will too.

So you spread out the growth rate so services can keep up, let people build up natural immunities and let mother nature take its course.

It's unlikely that if this goes on until May there will be many cases.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-16-2020, 12:57 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Jesus people don't even know how to horde correctly.  Eggs, milk and produce wiped out today.

Tuna (I found 3 cans, but had to get on my knees and reach back to get it), Soups (apparently not many others like Clam Chowder either), Bread (got stuck buying that cinnamon-Raison kind), spaghetti (pasta overall but plenty of sauces), water, Fresh Veggies, fresh meats (Kroger was hit hard near where I live).
I went at 430 pm on Friday. This morning I went before work and got everything that I couldn't get on Friday and one that pissed me of, Chicken Wings! Dammit.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-16-2020, 12:57 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Jesus people don't even know how to horde correctly. Eggs, milk and produce wiped out today.

Probably because your schools are closed and families needed to do their grocery shopping based upon that development. Schools in our county announced they were closing for the next two weeks on Saturday after the governor announced a state of emergency after the president announced a state of emergency.

After three days I was able to find some hamburger meat, milk, eggs, and bread today.

Still no toilet paper.

Shit almost got real when I didn’t see my coffee creamer and almost went Kevin Costner post-apocalypse Postman on my fellow shoppers.
(03-16-2020, 03:00 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Probably because your schools are closed and families needed to do their grocery shopping based upon that development. Schools in our county announced they were closing for the next two weeks on Saturday after the governor announced a state of emergency after the president announced a state of emergency.

After three days I was able to find some hamburger meat, milk, eggs, and bread today.

Still no toilet paper.

Shit almost got real when I didn’t see my coffee creamer and almost went Kevin Costner post-apocalypse Postman on my fellow shoppers.

I hear you.  No Diet Coke, Diet Dr Pepper or even Coke Zero.  Had to get Diet effing Pepsi.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-16-2020, 03:22 PM)michaelsean Wrote: I hear you.  No Diet Coke, Diet Dr Pepper or even Coke Zero.  Had to get Diet effing Pepsi.

Stay strong my friend...

I'm 3 days away from scooting my ass across the yard like a dog with worms.
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021
(03-12-2020, 11:19 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: CT scans consistent with Covid-19? I’m really skeptical they had CT scans consistent with one specific type of virus. Especially a novel virus that is new. In order for a CT scan to be “consistent with” something you need to have seen that finding over and over and over and over . . . I doubt they’ve seen that volume of patients infected with the coronavirus to make such an association.

Added: God, I’m glad I don’t do Twitter. I clicked on that tweet and saw Andrew Goldman’s tweets. God, he is a bit of a drama queen. Is everyone one Twitter a drama queen? I think if they have the need to tweet out every thought that enters their head because they believe everyone else is interested in knowing every thought that enters their head then they gotta be a drama queen by default.

So Andrew Goldman tweeted he eventually tested positive for Covid-19 about 4-5 days after becoming ill.

But, here’s the thing. The initial medical advice was to stay home until he wasn’t sick any more and supportive measures which is the standard of care for viral respiratory infections when it is mild. Once he received his positive test result the treatment was EXACTLY THE SAME. So in his need to get tested rather than follow medical advice and stay home until he was well (or return for re-evaluation of worsening symptoms) he continued to expose other patients and healthcare workers to Covid-19 even though the test result didn’t affect his treatment or his contagiousness to others.

He also claimed the way to stop the spread is testing. No! The way to stop the spread is social distancing when you’re sick. In his case, as in most cases of healthy patients, it doesn’t really matter which respiratory virus is making you sick because the course of the illness, prognosis, treatment, and contagiousness are the same and his immune system would get rid of the infection given time to run its course. If you’re getting worse, of course seek additional care. But, this is an example of a patient making a mountain out of a molehill.

This isn’t to say testing isn’t important when indicated, but rather to stress the importance of social distancing when you’re sick regardless with a viral respiratory infection whether it is the flu or Covid-19.

So as I suspected “ground glass” appearance is a non-specific finding which has multiple causes and isn’t consistent with one specific virus. So this is an example of a reporter not understanding the medical information she was given which is very common among patients. Not poor reporting, just a poor understanding of the subject material.
I went to Krogers and Meijers earlier this morning. Both meat departments were basically shutdown. Only Meijers had porkchops which the butcher was putting out when I was there and being snatched up.

No toilet paper. Even laundry detergent running low so I would get that if you can.
Luckily eggs, oj, bananas, and milk was there.
Ended up buying about $140 worth of groceries total, including some Ibuprofren, Tide, plenty of coffee, but mainly non-perishable goods that with what I already have should last about 3 monts if I stretch it & if it worse gets to worse. Rice, spaghetti & sauce, beans, etc.

If any of you that havnt already, I would try to stock up to 3 months of stuff that you like to eat and will eat eventually. Its a spiral effect right now of stuff flying off the shelves increasing daily. What you may saw last week and thought nothing to worry about, that entire section could be gone next time you to the store.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

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I need to buy some ibuprofen. At least one bottle. I believe I have some at home still. I picked up water while everyone else was freaking out about toilet paper. I also grabbed plenty of antibacterial soap since hand sanitizer and such was gone. I regret not picking up bottles of Alcohol. Could have made my own hand sanitizer and I thought nothing of it.

Going to head to my Walmart after work and see if I can find anything else. Maybe grab some soup cans.
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On a side note if this lasted into the football season and they cancel it do we get the #1 overall pick for next year as well?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Stuck at home mostly myself. TV is generally boring but glad I got cable anyway. I've been doing a lot of painting....walls and ceilings. I've had lasagna noodles in my cupboard for a couple of months. It's time to break out a couple of casserole dishes and make a few days worth. I get up early and avoid the crowds mostly hitting 24 hr convenience stores when I need to. I'm retired. Took down some old curtain rods and bought some Kirsch wooden ones on line. So in a couple of days I will have another project.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-17-2020, 06:12 AM)CarolinaBengalFanGuy Wrote: On a side note if this lasted into the football season and they cancel it do we get the #1 overall pick for next year as well?

I thought I saw yesterday that the draft is going on without an audience.
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