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"I don't take responsibility for anything" ~ Donald John Trump, President of the United States

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-17-2020, 03:29 AM)CarolinaBengalFanGuy Wrote:  I also grabbed plenty of antibacterial soap

Covid 19 is a virus.  No bacteria involved.
(03-17-2020, 08:58 AM)GMDino Wrote: I thought I saw yesterday that the draft is going on without an audience.

He’s saying if they don’t play, do the Bengals stay #1 in 2021.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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(03-17-2020, 09:26 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Covid 19 is a virus.  No bacteria involved.

Yup. No better than plain soap.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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(03-17-2020, 09:34 AM)michaelsean Wrote: He’s saying if they don’t play, do the Bengals stay #1 in 2021.


No Bengals will always be a "number two".  Ninja
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-10-2020, 08:48 AM)GMDino Wrote: Meanwhile the racists have started to push their agenda because they are one trick ponies.

And this will be HARD to believe but it happened under the watchful eyes of Tucker Carlson... Cool


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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:Trump boasts to governors that his pandemic response system will be ‘the talk of the world’: leaked recording

President Donald Trump spoke with several governors from around the country on Monday and took the opportunity to once again brag about his widely panned response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The New York Times, which obtained a recording of the call, reports that Trump once again falsely claimed that America’s pandemic response system was “broken” under former President Barack Obama, when in reality Trump shuttered the National Security Council’s pandemic response team and never replaced it with anything comparable.

“We broke down a system that was broken, very badly broken,” Trump said to the governors, and then added that his team is creating a new one that “I think is going to be the talk of the world.”

The United States has fallen far behind other nations in terms of testing capabilities, and many sick Americans still say they’re being denied access to tests even though Trump claimed more than a week ago that there were enough tests available for anyone who wanted one.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday held a press conference in which he laid out the dire situation that America’s health care system will face if the federal government does not step up to increase hospital capacity and medical equipment that will be needed to care for patients in intensive care units.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-17-2020, 06:12 AM)CarolinaBengalFanGuy Wrote: On a side note if this lasted into the football season and they cancel it do we get the #1 overall pick for next year as well?

Now that my friend is a serious question.

Also what happens to the year if the players don't play? Do they still accrue a year of service? I'm thinking they just get frozen and then resume.
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(03-10-2020, 08:48 AM)GMDino Wrote: Meanwhile the racists have started to push their agenda because they are one trick ponies.

And this will be HARD to believe but it happened under the watchful eyes of Tucker Carlson... Cool

Yeah, well, one of Trump’s earliest actions was to threaten to close the southern border. Because, you know, Mexicans. Gotta speak to his base.
So good news some are beginning to wake up to the fact the POTUS is a known liar and con and even better to see many of you calling him out on it. I really hadn't expected that on this board. I'm proud of some of you and glad to be associated with you at this point.
It's now time to back and elect someone who may not be the perfect candidate, but who will at least attempt to bring some sense of stability back to the government and who will work with out old allies and make new ones. I like to believe that person will be Joe Biden. He's far from perfect, but he does bring a sense of decency to the job and at least some sense of truthfulness. The current occupant offers none of that, just selfishness with no sense of decency nor honesty.
In the immortal words of my old man, "Wait'll you get to be my age!"

Chicago sounds rough to the maker of verse, but the one comfort we have is Cincinnati sounds worse. ~Oliver Wendal Holmes Sr.

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Today was my first day back to work since Thursday. Nine coronavirus updates in my email inbox waiting for me first thing in the morning. Which means the update we get in the morning is already outdated by the time we leave for home in the evening.
Kevin Durant and three of his teammates tested positive for Covid-19 and because the Nets played the Lakers a week ago the Lakers announced they will be tested tomorrow.

If you go to the ER and aren’t sick enough to be admitted you can’t get tested.

Apparently, we need to ration the low number of tests so asymptomatic professional athletes and politicians can get tested.
(03-12-2020, 08:56 PM)Nate (formerly eliminate08) Wrote: I don't know if that data is true but I think it is more than just chicken little this time.

I have never heard the media go out of their way to make a President look this bad, regardless of political affiliation.

38 people have died from this and all of this happens? This is beyond chicken IMO.

We need to look at this as something we need to research, take into account and control. Never panic.

People are panicking like Dalton in the pocket! J/K love Andy, he good man. Smirk 

People just listen to the media too much evidently. I never wanted to comment about all of this until now as I hate talking P&R.

The completely miserable sad media has forced me to speak about this and I don't like it and really dislike that people still listen 
to this stuff like it is the pure truth. Everything is slanted now a days and it isn't just the sports media which I highly dislike except
a few guys. This is affecting all of us and should not be used as political gain, this is disgusting to me and lots of Americans I am 
sure. This is just another thing that will backfire while the main stream media clearly is out of bounds.

I would never wish for a virus to hit while Obama was in Office for political gain, never on my life.

Some of this media honestly seem they are wishing for this. I am paying attention, I hope everyone is.

I am hearing Utahn's panicking all over the place right now on the radio. Stores are filled with people just going nuts to boot.

This is the most embarrassing time to be a journalist of all time in my opinion if you are affiliated with any of this.

Regardless of political affiliation.

A lot has changed. Trump has gone from this is a media driven hoax to make him look bad to he thought it was a pandemic before it was a pandemic even though he had a hunch the World Health Organization’s numbers were wrong. In France, the number of cases doubles every 3 days. Here in Georgia we have went from 2 cases to 141 confirmed cases in 14 days. Emphasis on confirmed because the actual number is undoubtedly higher because if you aren’t sick enough to be admitted you aren’t sick enough to be tested. 141 cases doesn’t sound like much, but our cases have double every two days. If they continue doubling at that rate there will be over 16,000 cases in just a month. That got your attention? So should we self quarantine when there are 141 cases or when there are over 16,000 cases?

Just wondering what your opinion is now?
I always thought that the apparent mortality rate was significant. Seems to be around the 2% range in industrialized areas. This is a serious outbreak.

I don't like the politicizing going on at the moment, either Trump's snide remarks or the endless media Trump Shitstorm. Totally unnecessary. Our so-called leadership, political and business, need to get and stay on the same page. I don't give a rats ass about who was right or wrong when. I want great ideas implemented
Go Benton Panthers!!
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(03-18-2020, 02:05 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: A lot has changed. Trump has gone from this is a media driven hoax to make him look bad to he thought it was a pandemic before it was a pandemic even though he had a hunch the World Health Organization’s numbers were wrong. In France, the number of cases doubles every 3 days. Here in Georgia we have went from 2 cases to 141 confirmed cases in 14 days. Emphasis on confirmed because the actual number is undoubtedly higher because if you aren’t sick enough to be admitted you aren’t sick enough to be tested. 141 cases doesn’t sound like much, but our cases have double every two days. If they continue doubling at that rate there will be over 16,000 cases in just a month. That got your attention?  So should we self quarantine when there are 141 cases or when there are over 16,000 cases?

Just wondering what your opinion is now?

If he's the typical Republican, he'll get back to you after tomorrow's radio show hosts tell him where he stands on this issue.

The one thing that I'll remember from the Trump era is that this is the era where people are proud to show off how ignorant they are. "You all are under the influence of propaganda but I got the real truth" is pretty rampant in their circles.
Only users lose drugs.
Yesterday I had a discussion with three of our employees who not only all voted for Trump but will happily do it again because he's a republican.  That's it.  They barely know a fact let alone any kind of in depth understanding of him, his "policies" or this virus.

After that I was faced with this from a friend on FB.  He best represents what I see every day from Trump supporters.  He is F. I am G and everyone else is friends of his that I do not know. Thank Jebus.

[Image: f1.jpg]
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They are willfully ignorant to even the basics because "Trump".

It's sad and scary.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-18-2020, 08:57 AM)GMDino Wrote: Yesterday I had a discussion with three of our employees who not only all voted for Trump but will happily do it again because he's a republican.  That's it.  They barely know a fact let alone any kind of in depth understanding of him, his "policies" or this virus.

After that I was faced with this from a friend on FB.  He best represents what I see every day from Trump supporters.  He is F. I am G and everyone else is friends of his that I do not know. Thank Jebus.

[Image: f1.jpg]
[Image: f2.jpg]
[Image: f3.jpg]

They are willfully ignorant to even the basics because "Trump".

It's sad and scary.

“It’s a common cold” is almost a verbatim quote of Rush Limbaugh.

The same people who complain about the lame stream media reporting fake news quote Rush Limbaugh’s deliberately misleading information while dismissing the information from the director of the National Institute of Allegy and Infectious Disease because the New York Times reported it and Trump says they’re fake news.
Looks like s. Korea has weathered this very well, ending up with a .7 % mortality rate. That's still much much higher than anything the world has encountered in the past 100+ years.
Also to shed a little light. You can't contract it multiple times. If that were the case then a vaccine is pointless.
Go Benton Panthers!!
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(03-18-2020, 09:49 AM)SladeX Wrote: Looks like s. Korea has weathered this very well, ending up with a .7 % mortality rate. That's still much much higher than anything the world has encountered in the past 100+ years.
Also to shed a little light. You can't contract it multiple times. If that were the case then a vaccine is pointless.

Link on the recurrance?

I've been curious about this because I'm hearing different things.
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