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Hitting closer to home--Reported this week, first case of Coronavirus in Indiana, PA.

Also, our renter has been laid off. She is a Nigerian national, with an 8 year old daughter.
Going to be some interesting complications there.

Hope she can get unemployment insurance because she insists on paying rent anyway.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-27-2020, 02:51 PM)Dill Wrote: Hitting closer to home--Reported this week, first case of Coronavirus in Indiana, PA.

Also, our renter has been laid off. She is a Nigerian national, with an 8 year old daughter.
Going to be some interesting complications there.

Hope she can get unemployment insurance because she insists on paying rent anyway.

Assuming she's here legally, I'm sure she's fine to get unemployment.  

Anything I've ever heard of Nigerians is they are among the most industrious people on the planet.  Very much like our stereotype of Asians as far as education and work goes.   
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-27-2020, 03:03 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Assuming she's here legally, I'm sure she's fine to get unemployment.  

Anything I've ever heard of Nigerians is they are among the most industrious people on the planet.  Very much like our stereotype of Asians as far as education and work goes.   

That's my impression so far.  She is the best renter I have ever had. Always pays on time. Clean apartment.

Whatever it is they teach people in Shithole countries, we need some of that.

Yes, she is here legally. Just earned a Masters Degree in Public something at IUP.
Not sure about the unemployment. If they send her back they don't have to pay her, right?  America first! Sad
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I don't think anyone has posted this yet. The disinformative Trump appears to be more trusted than an institution identified simply as "News Media." If the media reports Trump's disinformation, do millions of people consider the MSM the less trustworthy source? Astonishing but possible.

Coronavirus Response: Hospitals Rated Best, News Media Worst

Trump's 60% approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus is higher than his 49% overall job rating, meaning that a substantial percentage of Americans approve of his handling of the current health crisis while disapproving of his performance more generally.

Only on the news media's handling of the coronavirus are Democrats more approving than Republicans -- 61% vs. 25%, respectively. Gallup has consistently found that Democrats have more confidence than Republicans in mass media.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-27-2020, 12:07 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Yeah, this is walking realllllllly close to that fascism line.
(03-27-2020, 12:34 PM)GMDino Wrote: But is anyone surprised?  
Not the first time Trump (or his people) have said such a thing.
But "it's just Trump being Trump" or "Trump as a right to defend himself" or "the lamestream media makes up fake news" or, or or....

(03-27-2020, 12:02 PM)holloder Wrote: Freedom of speech!
...means Alex Jones is totally safe, but showing clips of Trump saying things is unacceptable.

Of course I'd expect anyone who celebrates all freedom of speech fighters from Rush to Sean to be utterly outraged about that particular attempt to undercut the principle.

I heard "both sides do it."

As Trump’s Poll Numbers Rise, Media Begin Censoring Press Conferences :Media continue to make their coverage choices based on whether they believe it will harm or help Trump.

The political media have been working extremely hard to craft a narrative that the spread of the coronavirus was essentially the fault of the man they had blamed for all other ills in recent years. How could the people not accept that narrative, particularly considering that most everyone in the media was pushing it? . . .

In response, the media were angry and depressed and began blaming his press conferences. Their theory seemed to be that the more Americans saw Trump, unfiltered, they liked him and the more Americans saw the behavior of the media, they didn’t like it. This flies in the face of what many in the media assumed for years. They pushed for daily White House press conferences so that they could have the opportunity to be on camera and pressure the Trump administration. Now that they had daily press briefings with the president, no less, they weren’t happy. It was a weird response for a group of people whose ostensible job is to simply report the news of the day....

The media that was able to push impeachment while the coronavirus spread throughout the world, that claimed concerns about it were racist, and that attempts to control its spread were xenophobic, now wants even more control over the message. Their plan to keep Americans in the dark about what the country’s top political and medical officials say unless it is filtered through a group of people who botched the 2016 campaign, the Russia collusion narrative, and the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing is a demonstration of something very dangerous.

They don’t want to report the news. They want to control it. That is damaging and destructive to their own already hurting reputations but, more importantly, to public health itself.

Ms. Ziegler seems to be arguing that media efforts to block, edit or correct disinformation are a kind of arrogant censorship.

Nevertheless, her observation seems correct that people are responding more positively to angry Trump rambles than to media undercutting his authority.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-27-2020, 03:55 PM)Dill Wrote: I heard "both sides do it."

As Trump’s Poll Numbers Rise, Media Begin Censoring Press Conferences :Media continue to make their coverage choices based on whether they believe it will harm or help Trump.

The political media have been working extremely hard to craft a narrative that the spread of the coronavirus was essentially the fault of the man they had blamed for all other ills in recent years. How could the people not accept that narrative, particularly considering that most everyone in the media was pushing it? . . .

In response, the media were angry and depressed and began blaming his press conferences. Their theory seemed to be that the more Americans saw Trump, unfiltered, they liked him and the more Americans saw the behavior of the media, they didn’t like it. This flies in the face of what many in the media assumed for years. They pushed for daily White House press conferences so that they could have the opportunity to be on camera and pressure the Trump administration. Now that they had daily press briefings with the president, no less, they weren’t happy. It was a weird response for a group of people whose ostensible job is to simply report the news of the day....

The media that was able to push impeachment while the coronavirus spread throughout the world, that claimed concerns about it were racist, and that attempts to control its spread were xenophobic, now wants even more control over the message. Their plan to keep Americans in the dark about what the country’s top political and medical officials say unless it is filtered through a group of people who botched the 2016 campaign, the Russia collusion narrative, and the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing is a demonstration of something very dangerous.

They don’t want to report the news. They want to control it. That is damaging and destructive to their own already hurting reputations but, more importantly, to public health itself.

Ms. Ziegler seems to be arguing that media efforts to block, edit or correct disinformation are a kind of arrogant censorship.

Nevertheless, her observation seems correct that people are responding more positively to angry Trump rambles than to media undercutting his authority.

It's amazing to me how many people swallow his lies day in and day out.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-27-2020, 03:19 PM)Dill Wrote: That's my impression so far.  She is the best renter I have ever had. Always pays on time. Clean apartment.

Whatever it is they teach people in Shithole countries, we need some of that.

Yes, she is here legally. Just earned a Masters Degree in Public something at IUP.
Not sure about the unemployment. If they send her back they don't have to pay her, right?  America first! Sad

If she's here on a work visa then she could risk deportation, but I don't know enough about the specifics of the situation or the law. If she is a permanent resident, though, then she should be fine.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-26-2020, 10:39 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: OMG, the WHO didn’t tweet it couldn’t be spread from human to human. The WHO tweeted China reported there was no evidence of person to person spread.

No evidence of something doesn’t mean it can’t happen. Especially in the first 1-2 months of a novel virus.

To dumb it down for the Fox News audience, there is no evidence Hillary Clinton is guilty of anything even though y’all know she is guilty of everything.

If there's no evidence it can be spread human-to-human, then of course countries will be ill prepared when it turns out it's highly contagious. The problem is - as GMD pointed out - there was ample evidence at that point in time it was contagious. WHO - a highly credible institution in this situation - announced Chinese propaganda that misled the world.

But now it WHO is complain countries didn't prepare quick enough. 
[Image: Cz_eGI3UUAASnqC.jpg]
This one is rich, to me:

What could be the delay?

Oh, yeah...
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
Also, people need to stop ruining the parks, for me. I wanted to go fish the Rapidan next week and if SNP closes because of these assholes, I'll be pissed.

Quote:Two days before he cursed a supervisor and quit the National Park Service job he loved, Dustin Stone arrived to work in a foul mood. A decision by Interior Secretary David Bernhardt to keep national park sites open despite the coronavirus outbreak left him angry and in disbelief.

The virus hasn’t reached Skagway, a tiny town on the Alaskan panhandle where Stone lives and worked at the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park. But if it does, he said, it could be a disaster. “I’ve lived here year-round through eight flu seasons, and I’ve seen how quickly an infection can spread,” he said. “When one of us gets sick, most of us get sick.” There’s no full-time doctor and no hospital in Skagway. A single community health clinic has a registered nurse and assistants.

When it became clear that Klondike Gold Rush would not be among the few sites allowed to close, and would continue hiring seasonal workers from the Lower 48 to come to Skagway for the spring and summer rush of visitors, Stone snapped. He barked a few choice words and stormed out.

As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention prepared to issue new guidance Thursday about how visitors should behave at more than 300 park sites that remain open, park employees expressed anger and fears about the spread of infection.

After thousands poured into Grand Canyon National Park last weekend, the park’s supervisor submitted a request to close it, according to a staffer at the park who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of being fired. One park ranger had 600 “close contacts” with visitors in a single day at Bright Angel Trail, the staffer said.

The request was approved by the region that oversees Grand Canyon and supported by both the Navajo Nation and Coconino County, the park staffer said.

“The Navajo Nation is fighting an outbreak of Covid-19 on the Navajo Indian Reservation ... in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah,” the nation’s president, Jonathan Nez, wrote in a letter to Interior and the Park Service on Tuesday. “We write to request an emergency closure of Grand Canyon National Park.”

I get a yearly pass to federal recreation lands because I spend a lot of time on them. I think everyone should enjoy their beauty and spend more time on these lands to appreciate the splendor of this nation. But seriously, folks, stop being idiots.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-27-2020, 09:35 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: This one is rich, to me:

<bGeneral Motors MUST immediately open their stupidly abandoned Lordstown plant in Ohio, or some other plant, and START MAKING VENTILATORS, NOW!!!!!!

What could be the delay?

Oh, yeah...

“I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators,” [Trump] said, a reference to New York, where Gov. Andrew Cuomo has appealed for federal help in obtaining them. “You go into major hospitals sometimes, and they’ll have two ventilators. And now all of a sudden they’re saying, ‘Can we order 30,000 ventilators?’”

Democrats running hospitals Lol.  If they didn't need so many ventilators before, then how can it be they'll need so many just because of an epidemic? 

I'm guessing if hospitals double the number, go to four or even six ventilators, they'll be fine.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
So President Petty Thinskin didn't have any Democrats at the bill signing?

What a, what's the phrase  Hmm, oh yeah..."pretentious d***". Mellow
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-27-2020, 07:02 PM)6andcounting Wrote: If there's no evidence it can be spread human-to-human, then of course countries will be ill prepared when it turns out it's highly contagious. The problem is - as GMD pointed out - there was ample evidence at that point in time it was contagious. WHO - a highly credible institution in this situation - announced Chinese propaganda that misled the world.

But now it WHO is complain countries didn't prepare quick enough. 

A cluster of cases was first reported on 12/31/19. On 1/12/2020, or 2 days before the tweet you posted from Fox News, there were a total of 41 cases and one death.

On the same day the WHO also tweeted . . .

So . . .

1. Always a concern

2. Needs further investigation

So 15 days and approximately 40 cases into the coronavirus timeline the WHO tweeted what China told them. With the caveat human to human transmission is always a concern and further study is needed to confirm. Especially when we know coronavirus caused SARs and MERs.

Now, understand Fox News and Lou Dobbs are just trying to blame the WHO for Trump’s lack of action. After the WHO declared this was a pandemic Trump was still claiming they were wrong based upon a hunch.

In conclusion, that was a f’n tweet.

This . . .

is a 156 page WHO guidebook on how to prepare and respond to an epidemic or pandemic respiratory illness.

Now if you were a public health official tasked with preparing for a potential epidemic or a pandemic, would you base your preparation on one tweet?


If you had even the tiniest bit of common sense you would follow a guidebook on how to prepare for an pandemic and not a tweet based upon 15 days and 41 cases on information.

If someone believes countries didn’t prepare for a pandemic based upon that tweet then they’re probably the same people panic buying toilet paper.
(03-27-2020, 09:35 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: This one is rich, to me:

What could be the delay?

Oh, yeah...

Why can’t Trump get one of his sweat shops in Bangladesh to start making masks instead his Trump branded suits?
(03-27-2020, 09:43 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Also, people need to stop ruining the parks, for me. I wanted to go fish the Rapidan next week and if SNP closes because of these assholes, I'll be pissed.

I get a yearly pass to federal recreation lands because I spend a lot of time on them. I think everyone should enjoy their beauty and spend more time on these lands to appreciate the splendor of this nation. But seriously, folks, stop being idiots.

What assholes? There are more visitors because people aren’t working. They’re basically following your advice.

The park workers are concerned about their health because of the increased contact with the public. I don’t believe that is a unreasonable concern.
(03-27-2020, 10:08 PM)Dill Wrote: “I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators,” [Trump] said, a reference to New York, where Gov. Andrew Cuomo has appealed for federal help in obtaining them. “You go into major hospitals sometimes, and they’ll have two ventilators. And now all of a sudden they’re saying, ‘Can we order 30,000 ventilators?’”

Democrats running hospitals Lol.  If they didn't need so many ventilators before, then how can it be they'll need so many just because of an epidemic? 

I'm guessing if hospitals double the number, go to four or even six ventilators, they'll be fine.

Yeah, the Idiot-in-Chief didn’t believe the WHO numbers, either
(03-28-2020, 12:44 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: A cluster of cases was first reported on 12/31/19. On 1/12/2020, or 2 days before the tweet you posted from Fox News, there were a total of 41 cases and one death.

On the same day the WHO also tweeted . . .

So . . .

1. Always a concern

2. Needs further investigation

So 15 days and approximately 40 cases into the coronavirus timeline the WHO tweeted what China told them. With the caveat human to human transmission is always a concern and further study is needed to confirm. Especially when we know coronavirus caused SARs and MERs.

Now, understand Fox News and Lou Dobbs are just trying to blame the WHO for Trump’s lack of action. After the WHO declared this was a pandemic Trump was still claiming they were wrong based upon a hunch.

In conclusion, that was a f’n tweet.

This . . .

is a 156 page WHO guidebook on how to prepare and respond to an epidemic or pandemic respiratory illness.

Now if you were a public health official tasked with preparing for a potential epidemic or a pandemic, would you base your preparation on one tweet?


If you had even the tiniest bit of common sense you would follow a guidebook on how to prepare for an pandemic and not a tweet based upon 15 days and 41 cases on information.

If someone believes countries didn’t prepare for a pandemic based upon that tweet then they’re probably the same people panic buying toilet paper.

Well now if that tweet was from a guy whose hunches were "mostly right" in his own estimation, I'd have to consider that. LOL.

Jus' kiddn'  Breech.

Actually, I want to publicly thank you for sorting out all this WHO disinformation.

Clearly WHO didn't just pass on Chicom propaganda. They provided a cautious and professional (if shorthand) assessment, perfectly correct at the time, and they were alertly "considering the source" as they did. 

I think you also make an important distinction between people actually tasked with public health policy in every country and some average joe following twitter.  Public health officials are not going to look at a tweet say--"Yo--ok. Safe for now."  They were everyone of them all already up to their necks in protocol by Dec. 31, communicating with doctors, monitoring maps, checking capacity.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I am amazed that people think it’s the presidents fault this has happened. I wouldn’t care who was/is in office, this is unprecedented. Also, all politicians lie, not just the current one.

I am not defending Trump, but when was the last time a president had to deal with a crisis like this? 1918? I think trump and DeWine are trying to balance freedom and safety, and it’s impossible, just get it over with and shut it down for 2-3 weeks, cleArly we don’t listen to the social distancing if You venture out.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-27-2020, 07:02 PM)6andcounting Wrote: If there's no evidence it can be spread human-to-human, then of course countries will be ill prepared when it turns out it's highly contagious. The problem is - as GMD pointed out - there was ample evidence at that point in time it was contagious. WHO - a highly credible institution in this situation - announced Chinese propaganda that misled the world.

But now it WHO is complain countries didn't prepare quick enough. 

10 days later . . .

Thank you for your transparency, China.
(03-28-2020, 01:44 AM)Bengalbug Wrote: I am amazed that people think it’s the presidents fault this has happened. I wouldn’t care who was/is in office, this is unprecedented. Also, all politicians lie, not just the current one.

I am not defending Trump, but when was the last time a president had to deal with a crisis like this? 1918? I think trump and DeWine are trying to balance freedom and safety, and it’s impossible, just get it over with and shut it down for 2-3 weeks, cleArly we don’t listen to the social distancing if You venture out.

No one blames Trump for Covid-19. People blame Trump for Trump’s reaction to Covid-19 such as claiming it is the Democrats next hoax. Claiming the WHO’s epidemiological data was wrong based upon a hunch. Denying it was a pandemic. Disbanding the pandemic reaction team. Eliminating the CDC position in China to monitor and report these sorts of outbreaks to our government then complaining China won’t allow CDC officials into their country to monitor and report on this outbreak. Not providing clear guidance to the states during the outbreak. Not providing federal assistance to the states during the outbreak. For providing false or misleading information to the public. For discouraging testing to artificially reduce numbers as not to hurt his chance at re-election. For publicly admitting he would rather Americans on a cruise ship stay at sea rather than return to quarantine because they would increase our case numbers. For caring more about the economy than the people who create the economy.

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