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The cynical part of me understands why Trump lies about democrats and immigrants and stuff, but I can't fathom why he would say so many things that can harm or bankrupt his actual supporters.  What is the point of doing that?

It's one thing to say "Vote for me or the other guy will take your guns" but to tell people to defend their rights by going out in public and exposing themselves to a pandemic is's just baffling.

Also, it's interesting how Trump will occasionally say something so incriminating or stupid that his supporters won't believe it, but will instead immediately leap into defense mode to tell non-Trump supporters what he really meant or that it was a joke. It's quite amazing.
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(04-24-2020, 09:09 AM)GMDino Wrote: "Ad uses actors, stock footage/photos" is a story?

Anyway didn't the admin have the liabilities for these lesser masks waived so they could get more mask out?  I don't know about this particular company but that was very early on (after the six weeks of denying it was a problem).

The photos used were from social media and the story the ad told was made up. 

I'm not sure to what extent liabilities where waived or anything, but I imagine fake FDA approvals wouldn't be covered.
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(04-24-2020, 03:47 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I thought we were against censoring free speech on Facebook even if it was false?

As a Libertarian, won’t the free market sort itself out on its own?

If they say they are FDA approved, but can't prove it I'm okay with the ads coming down.
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(04-24-2020, 05:20 PM)Benton Wrote: I have friends on both sides.

When I opened my Facebook a few minutes ago, the first two posts summed up the difficult times the right are going through in making trump into a president. The first one was a post about how what he meant to say is 'you can use things to disinfect the blood, so we should find those.' the next post was 'trump was just being sarcastic.'

Someone responded to a coworker's post with this grainy, sourceless screenshot of someone saying "I am not a Trump support but he was right..." it goes on to say that Hydrogen Peroxide is used with cancer so that's how we use disinfectants in the body. Except the American Cancer Society and CDC warn against any claims from alternative medicine about using hydrogen peroxide for that purpose and warn of the dangers. 
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So I stopped watching these briefings a long time ago but I heard on the radio on the way to pick up dinner that Trump didn't even answer questions.

Maybe someone finally got to him.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-23-2020, 08:25 PM)bfine32 Wrote: This is pretty much where I'm at. The WORLD is reacting to this thing on a daily basis but folks will slam POTUS because he hasn't had every right answer at every turn.

I've noticed that.

After weeks of pressure from medical experts he finally comes out supporting social distancing measures and wearing masks, but instead of praising his leadership, the media mob just replays his refusal to wear a mask himself and posts his tweets supporting protestors of his own social distancing guidelines.

One little suggestion that if bleach kills the virus on external surfaces then maybe the doctors could find a way of injecting it into patients somehow to scour the lungs, and suddenly no one remembers how he got past the initial "Dem hoax" phase and eventually restricted travel from China--which Biden said was the right thing to do! All they want to talk about now is how he and his Fox friends had a "good feeling" about hydroxychloroquine and how a science-inclined doctor was canned for suggesting the administration put science ahead of politics and cronyism.

No one demanded that Obama have the "right answer" every time he spoke. So why is Trump held to that standard?

This is especially bad in a time of crisis, when fearful people may try who-knows-what if fed disinformation and mixed messages from the highest office in the land. How can people look to the president for leadership and clear guidance when the media keeps reporting how he made a good call and then reports how he took it back the next day.  The fake news will NEVER just report the good calls and ignore the bad.

People this man was selected by 40% of the voters. If you don't respect the man you should at least respect the office.

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I wonder how Trump and FOX "news" will walk back their push for this?

Quote:FDA issues warnings on chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine after deaths and poisonings reported

  • The agency also said it became aware of reports of “serious heart rhythm problems” in patients with the virus who were treated with the malaria drugs.
  • It said patients taking the drugs for approved reasons, including malaria or to treat autoimmune conditions like lupus, should continue taking their medicine as prescribed.

The Food and Drug Administration warned consumers Friday against taking malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19 outside a hospital or formal clinical trial setting after deaths and poisonings were reported. 

The agency said patients taking the drugs for approved reasons, including malaria or to treat autoimmune conditions like lupus, should continue taking their medicine as prescribed.

The agency also said it became aware of reports of “serious heart rhythm problems” in patients with the virus who were treated with the malaria drugs, often in combination with antibiotic azithromycin, commonly known as a Z-Pak. It also warned physicians against prescribing the drugs to treat the coronavirus outside of a hospital.

“Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine can cause abnormal heart rhythms such as QT interval prolongation and a dangerously rapid heart rate called ventricular tachycardia,” the agency wrote in the notice. “We will continue to investigate risks associated with the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for COVID-19 and communicate publicly when we have more information.”

[Image: 106462203-1585238287183gettyimages-12036...=678&h=381]
An employee checks the production of chloroquine phosphate, resumed after a 15-year break, in a pharmaceutical company in Nantong city in east China’s Jiangsu province Thursday, Feb. 27, 2020. Chloroquine phosphate, an old drug for the treatment of malaria, has shown some efficacy and acceptable safety against COVID-19 associated pneumonia in trials, according to Chinese media.
Feature China | Barcroft Media | Getty Images

The peer-reviewed Journal of the American Medical Association released a new study Friday that said researchers cut short a study testing chloroquine as a potential treatment for Covid-19 over safety concerns, citing a “primary outcome” of death. Nearly two dozen patients died and some developed irregular heart rates after taking doses of the drug daily.

The FDA’s warning was issued after JAMA shared the study results with the scientific community but before they were released to the public on Friday.

There are no proven treatments for Covid-19, which has infected more than 2.7 million people worldwide and killed at least 191,231 as of Friday morning, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. U.S. health officials say a vaccine to prevent the disease will take at least 12 to 18 months, meaning finding an effective drug treatment soon is crucial.

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are known to have serious side effects, including muscle weakness and heart arrhythmia.

Chloroquine was approved by FDA in 1949 to treat malaria. Its derivative, hydroxychloroquine, is often used by doctors to treat rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. The drugs have been touted by President Donald Trump as a potential “game changer” in the fight against the coronavirus.
Both drugs are in clinical trials examining their effectiveness in treating the Covid-19, but neither are proven treatments.

Chloroquine gained a lot of attention after a small study of 36 Covid-19 patients published March 17 in France found that most patients taking the drug cleared the coronavirus from their system a lot faster than the control group. Adding azithromycin to the mix “was significantly more efficient for virus elimination,” the researchers said. Infectious disease experts and scientists warned that the findings were not definitive.
The FDA has cleared some emergency use of the drugs, but the agency said Friday they have not been approved to prevent or treat the coronavirus.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-25-2020, 09:42 AM)GMDino Wrote: I wonder how Trump and FOX "news" will walk back their push for this?

No. He’ll call the FDA fake and an Obama holdover then threaten to disband them, but instead place one of his loyalist in charge like he has done with the. EPA and HHS.
(04-25-2020, 10:50 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: No. He’ll call the FDA fake and an Obama holdover then threaten to disband them, but instead place one of his loyalist in charge like he has done with the. EPA and HHS.

They are a deep state apparatus.  Drain the Swamp!
(04-25-2020, 09:42 AM)GMDino Wrote: I wonder how Trump and FOX "news" will walk back their push for this?

I don't get why Trump or FOX would have to push back against this. The FDA has still cleared emergency use of the drug and they are still okay with doctors prescribing to patients who come to the hospital with coronavirus symptoms. It's a prescription drug so what they are recommending seems pretty standard for any prescription drug.

There hasn't been enough research and studies done to prove and measure it's effectiveness, but of course we won't get a bonified answer on this for years. The hope is we can use it experimentally and figure out how to help people now.
[Image: Cz_eGI3UUAASnqC.jpg]
(04-26-2020, 05:57 PM)6andcounting Wrote: I don't get why Trump or FOX would have to push back against this. The FDA has still cleared emergency use of the drug and they are still okay with doctors prescribing to patients who come to the hospital with coronavirus symptoms. It's a prescription drug so what they are recommending seems pretty standard for any prescription drug.

There hasn't been enough research and studies done to prove and measure it's effectiveness, but of course we won't get a bonified answer on this for years. The hope is we can use it experimentally and figure out how to help people now.

Allow me to be more clear:  Trump and FOX pushed it as a "what have you got to lose" miracle drug...that tests have failed to support that.

So how will Trump and FOX backtrack the fact that they pushed it with no testing now that the testing is showing that they were wrong.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-24-2020, 06:45 PM)Nately120 Wrote: The cynical part of me understands why Trump lies about democrats and immigrants and stuff, but I can't fathom why he would say so many things that can harm or bankrupt his actual supporters.  What is the point of doing that?

It's one thing to say "Vote for me or the other guy will take your guns" but to tell people to defend their rights by going out in public and exposing themselves to a pandemic is's just baffling.

Also, it's interesting how Trump will occasionally say something so incriminating or stupid that his supporters won't believe it, but will instead immediately leap into defense mode to tell non-Trump supporters what he really meant or that it was a joke.  It's quite amazing.

It all falls into place if you adopt the mental health assessment of the 27 Harvard Psychologists and Psychiatrists in The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump (2017).

They broke the "Goldwater rule" to discuss the "malignant normality" of his life in dealings with business, family, and the public.  Back in 2017, they were already reading his impulsive, uninformed judgment and petty cruelty, along with the manner in which he positions himself at the center of every issue, dismissing every contradiction to satisfy his need for praise, as "malignant narcissism."

He says things which are destructive to his own allies in part because he is not looking at social consequences of behavior the way most normal people do, just as he is not able to really foresee the consequences of his foreign policy actions--except as how they might affect his electability. He is quite simply borderline psychotic, or perhaps moving back and forth between neurosis and psychosis. E.g., he pushes us to the brink of war with Iran and then "sobers up" to pull back, then pushes us there again, in a rhythm he cannot fully control by soberly assessing future consequences and constructing rational alternatives. He

He is rarely thinking in terms of coherent policy built in stages with Congressional allies, but always acting ad hoc, responding with what works in the moment--targeting Iran and the Democrats in the same gesture. Which is why he can call COV-19 a "Dem hoax" on one day and call himself a "wartime president" fighting the virus another, or affirm social distancing guidelines one day and cheer on people who protest them the next.  It's why he can call for defunding the primary international clearing house of pandemic information during a pandemic. This only makes sense from within a mindset at once praise-needy and vindictive, which exists in an eternal and intensely egotistical present, brushing aside contradictions between present and past. From "in there," it is not possible to understand, and therefore to worry about, the appearance created by firing and otherwise punishing whistleblowers--especially when he pays no price for it.

Yes, his supporters jump in and claim he was joking about injecting bleach, as if that were ok during a Coronavirus briefing while people are trying to sort out information from disinformation during a national emergency. He did not really mimic a reporter with a physical disability. He did not present Ukraine with a quid pro quo. Ordering someone to alter evidence was not criminal obstruction. All that defense protects the narcissistic worldview, deflects the kinds of challenges necessary to control Trump's bad judgment.

So the most important figure in the world now, in the sense that no individual has more potential power to combat the Coronavirus worldwide, is someone who does not recognize what he does not know, will punish anyone who points that out (especially on his own team), and is set on intervening in the judgement and policy of medical professionals with his "gut feelings." He genuinely thinks his recommendations to doctors about bleach and internal ultra violet rays are sound inferences from factual claims about how they kill the virus on external surfaces. Why shouldn't a "genius" be adding his thoughts to a Coronvirus briefing with medical professionals struggling to push back without losing their jobs.--cure very soon, gone by fall anyway, etc. etc.?

We are in this tragic situation in large part because of a "base" which has learned to read their politics through a "red good blue bad" filter, explaining away logical and professional critique of Trump's actions as "fake news" and celebrating when he insults reporters who speak truth to power. They too are unable to track the logical inconsistency and flat ignorance displayed in his national "leadership" at the moment--"Trump banned travel from China; Why can't people admit when he makes the right call?" The media mob twists what he means when he calls women "pigs."
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(04-26-2020, 06:41 PM)GMDino Wrote: Allow me to be more clear:  Trump and FOX pushed it as a "what have you got to lose" miracle drug...that tests have failed to support that.

So how will Trump and FOX backtrack the fact that they pushed it with no testing now that the testing is showing that they were wrong.

I know whenever I push a "miracle drug" my tagline will be "What do you have to lose". 
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(04-26-2020, 09:25 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I know whenever I push a "miracle drug" my tagline will be "What do you have to lose". 


Their tagline line was more of "Game Changer".
Only users lose drugs.
(04-26-2020, 09:25 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I know whenever I push a "miracle drug" my tagline will be "What do you have to lose". 

That explains your undying support of the President.

Did you enjoy the draft?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-26-2020, 10:47 PM)Forever Spinning Vinyl Wrote: No.

Their tagline line was more of "Game Changer".

But that's not what the dude I quoted said is it?

Perhaps you should be talking to him instead of me. 
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(04-27-2020, 12:03 AM)bfine32 Wrote: But that's not what the dude I quoted said is it?

Perhaps you should be talking to him instead of me. 

So the guy who claimed funds and supplies are the same three days ago is now attempting to claim a game changing drug and a miracle drug are different?

That’s some Skip Bayless level shit right there.
(04-27-2020, 12:03 AM)bfine32 Wrote: But that's not what the dude I quoted said is it?

Perhaps you should be talking to him instead of me. 

The dude didn't say Trump called it a miracle sure...he said it was Trump's miracle cure.

The dude who responded to him ignored that to spin away from his boy pushing for an untested drug that once tested is shown to not be a cure at all.  

"What have you got to lose?" Mellow
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-27-2020, 09:07 AM)GMDino Wrote: The dude didn't say Trump called it a miracle sure...he said it was Trump's miracle cure.

The dude who responded to him ignored that to spin away from his boy pushing for an untested drug that once tested is shown to not be a cure at all.  

"What have you got to lose?" Mellow

Nah, you still got that all wrong :) so Trump, of course, is in the clear now.

Before anyone can critizice Trump, everyone else has to be 100% accurate about everything under any set of viewpoints first.

--- Honestly, it's hard to fathom that. A president tells people to take untested medicine and muses about intravenuous desinfectants, and yet some people prefer talking about your alleged misstatements and rather let the Trump craziness slide than that one. Even if now allegedly there is a distinct spike in self-poisoning after these statements. Who cares, Dino might have been somewhat wrong under some narrow perspective, so let's slam him instead...
Only thing missing is someone now stating "Under Trump the world finally respects us again" and my circle of madness would be complete.
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"I have to go because the reason I'm here is for my daughters. My daughters are really sick and they can't be around your cell phones because of 5G, so they're in the car almost dying right now"

-Mother of the year telling everyone that she left her kids in the car as she talks to a crowd of dip shits who think Covid-19 is just the season flu and an excuse for Bill Gates to poison everyone... and something about cell phones?
Some reportage from a Coronavirus Lockdown Protest in Sacramento, California on April 20, 2020. Full episodes available now on Patreon at https://www.patreon...
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