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(05-07-2020, 01:48 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: The story is about a guiding document that was compiled by the CDC so that state/local governments and businesses all over the country would have information to help them make decisions about opening back up. It's not about Trump making the decision to reopen, it is about refusing to provide valuable information to help others make the decisions they need to make.

If there's one thing we can all agree on it is that Trump doesn't care about information unless:

a) He thinks of it himself
b) Someone "very important" tells him
c) Someone calls him sir and cries while telling him.*

He doesn't read OR listen...he just wants to make the decisions.

* That person must be a "very big guy".
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-07-2020, 01:45 PM)Goalpost Wrote: I thought it was settled that the governors were in charge of opening things up.  Next week Trump will be in charge of toilet flushing until he isn't and then will be blamed later for toilet flushing.  I mean that's what you call an exclusive.

There are those that are going to look for fault in everything Trump does. For instance (if memory serves) the forum member who posted the article slammed Trump earlier in this thread for listening to his CDC over the WHO. In this move he appears to not what to regulate what states do.  It does appear that his taskforce, of which the Chief of the CDC is a member, has released more vague guidelines; thereby, allowing states more flexibility.
Hell my state Governor is being applauded and protested for his state level decision and I disagree with his politics. But I support him 100% in this and think he's wanting to do what's best for the economy and its people. It's a delicate balance and there's going to be folks that find fault in any decision that is made; because there is no 100% "correct" answer. So all answers can have holes shot nin them.    
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(05-07-2020, 12:57 PM)BengalHawk62 Wrote: All my Trumpity Trump fans are posting this all over Facebook, You Tube keeps taking the video down, etc etc etc. My question is if this Dr. Fauci is so evil, why are they still supporting Trump if he’s Trump head hauncho during these times?  What am I missing?

Until you can hold two contradictory conspiracy theories in your head at the same time,

there will be no room for you on the Trump band wagon.

It's simple to add up. 

"They" want to inflate the numbers to panic you so they can introduce ever more strict government control of daily lives, just like "they" have always wanted, especially under Obama. The medical establishment is with "them" (has been since the link between autism and vaccination was revealed) but rogue scientists are blowing the whistle.

+ Trump wants the numbers down and the fear over so people will vote him back in in November.

+ Hillary, Bill Gates and China

+Dem and RINO governors attack our freedom by trying to follow Trump's WH guidelines for re-opening.

= support Trump and protest the governors following his guidelines and agreeing with his medical task force appointees.
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(05-07-2020, 01:45 PM)Goalpost Wrote: I thought it was settled that the governors were in charge of opening things up.  Next week Trump will be in charge of toilet flushing until he isn't and then will be blamed later for toilet flushing.  I mean that's what you call an exclusive.

Since this is a football site let me put this in football terms.

Each NFL team is in charge of clearing their players to return to play after suffering a concussion in accordance with the NFL’ concussion policy. Instead of 32 teams having 32 different policies.

The CDC’s recommendations are like the NFL’s return to play from concussion policy so there aren’t 50 different policies on returning to work during a pandemic. The lack of such recommendations is like the NFL telling all 32 NFL owners to come up with their own concussion policies because what’s right for Jerry Jones in Dallas may not be right for Mike Brown in Cincinnati.
(05-07-2020, 02:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote: There are those that are going to look for fault in everything Trump does. For instance (if memory serves) the forum member who posted the article slammed Trump earlier in this thread for listening to his CDC over the WHO. In this move he appears to not what to regulate what states do.  It does appear that his taskforce, of which the Chief of the CDC is a member, has released more vague guidelines; thereby, allowing states more flexibility.
Hell my state Governor is being applauded and protested for his state level decision and I disagree with his politics. But I support him 100% in this and think he's wanting to do what's best for the economy and its people. It's a delicate balance and there's going to be folks that find fault in any decision that is made; because there is no 100% "correct" answer. So all answers can have holes shot nin them.    

Oh, I’d like you to show me that.
(05-07-2020, 01:48 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: The story is about a guiding document that was compiled by the CDC so that state/local governments and businesses all over the country would have information to help them make decisions about opening back up. It's not about Trump making the decision to reopen, it is about refusing to provide valuable information to help others make the decisions they need to make.

Matt earns the coveted thumbs up reaction for being exactly right.
(05-07-2020, 12:57 PM)BengalHawk62 Wrote: All my Trumpity Trump fans are posting this all over Facebook, You Tube keeps taking the video down, etc etc etc. My question is if this Dr. Fauci is so evil, why are they still supporting Trump if he’s Trump head hauncho during these times?  What am I missing?

I'm not sure how a credit score would have prevented her 96 witnesses from testifying in court and a gag order doesn't prevent you from hiring a lawyer.

You don't need to be a scientist or in the medical profession to recognize that lady is crazy for cocoa puffs within 5 minutes of that video.
I always wanted to wonder what its like being Barry Sanders. I'm a average white guy athletically as a 42 year old I felt that today maintaining social distance at Sam's club
(05-07-2020, 03:46 PM)Bengalfan4life27c Wrote: I always wanted to wonder what its like being Barry Sanders. I'm a average white guy athletically as a 42 year old I felt that today maintaining social distance at Sam's club

Head on a swivel....
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021
(04-23-2020, 07:32 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Ignored the WHO's advice to mitigate the spread of disease issued 1/31/2020 until mid-March.  Just one example.

Relied exclusively on a faulty CDC test instead contracting with commercial tests until mid-March.  Just two examples.

Disbanding the NSC's Pandemic Response Team responsible for coordinating a federal response and eliminating CDC positions within China to monitor emerging diseases?  Just three and four examples.

Pushing an unproven drug combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin against medical advice with can result in fatal arrhythmias.  Example five.

Putting people in charge of positions of importance with little to no experience or credentials because they married his daughter or contributed to his campaign.  Example six.

(05-07-2020, 03:06 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Oh, I’d like you to show me that.
Seems you weren't such a fan of trump relying on the CDC  in that post; yet, applauded the WHO which originally said masks were useless.
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(05-07-2020, 02:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote: There are those that are going to look for fault in everything Trump does. For instance (if memory serves) the forum member who posted the article slammed Trump earlier in this thread for listening to his CDC over the WHO. In this move he appears to not what to regulate what states do.  It does appear that his taskforce, of which the Chief of the CDC is a member, has released more vague guidelines; thereby, allowing states more flexibility.

Hell my state Governor is being applauded and protested for his state level decision and I disagree with his politics. But I support him 100% in this and think he's wanting to do what's best for the economy and its people. It's a delicate balance and there's going to be folks that find fault in any decision that is made; because there is no 100% "correct" answer. So all answers can have holes shot nin them.    

(04-23-2020, 07:32 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Ignored the WHO's advice to mitigate the spread of disease issued 1/31/2020 until mid-March.  Just one example.

Relied exclusively on a faulty CDC test instead contracting with commercial tests until mid-March.  Just two examples.

Disbanding the NSC's Pandemic Response Team responsible for coordinating a federal response and eliminating CDC positions within China to monitor emerging diseases?  Just three and four examples.

Pushing an unproven drug combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin against medical advice with can result in fatal arrhythmias.  Example five.

Putting people in charge of positions of importance with little to no experience or credentials because they married his daughter or contributed to his campaign.  Example six.

This is a good example of why I have you're BS on ignore.  Because you just make shit up.

It is an easily verifiable FACT the CDC coronavirus test was a failure. The CDC didn't tell Trump not to approve commercial coronavirus tests that were already available and being used in other countries around the globe.  The CDC doesn't have that type of authority. Neither does the FDA.  The WHO doesn't have a damn thing to do with this topic as they never told the Trump administration which tests to use or not use.  So clearly I never slammed Trump for "listening to his own CDC over the WHO."  That is a lie and you're a damn liar.

Now guess which tests the White House uses to test Trump? 

Quote:The White House is continuing to use the rapid Abbott Labs test, which provide results in about 15 minutes.

(04-23-2020, 02:44 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: LabCorp uses a coronavirus test manufactured by Abbott Labs. They were using that test in China in January. Abbott Labs didn’t get emergency use authorization for their test in the US from the FDA until mid-March after discovering the false positive problem with the CDC test. At which point they needed to produce and ship the test in the US. Because Abbott’s manufacturing plant in China doesn’t export that test to the US.

Ironically, one of the commercial test which was used in China as early as January that the Trump administration failed to approve until mid-March.
Republicans believe in free marketplace right? Im in favor of Dewine. why not let any Ohioan or American for that matter pay 75 dollars to take the test.

Quote:NFL outlines protocols for teams to reopen facilities amid novel coronavirus pandemic
Roger Goodell: Dictator In Chief.  Complete over reach.  Doesn't Roger understand the owner's should decide when to open their facilities?  Not someone sitting in their Park Avenue office in Manhattan. The conditions in Texas are different than the conditions in Ohio which are different than Missouri.  Typical NY liberals thinking they can dictate to the rest of the country.
(05-07-2020, 07:20 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: This is a good example of why I have you're BS on ignore.  Because you just make shit up.

It is an easily verifiable FACT the CDC coronavirus test was a failure. The CDC didn't tell Trump not to approve commercial coronavirus tests that were already available and being used in other countries around the globe.  The CDC doesn't have that type of authority. Neither does the FDA.  The WHO doesn't have a damn thing to do with this topic as they never told the Trump administration which tests to use or not use.  So clearly I never slammed Trump for "listening to his own CDC over the WHO."  That is a lie and you're a damn liar.

Now guess which tests the White House uses to test Trump? 

Ironically, one of the commercial test which was used in China as early as January that the Trump administration failed to approve until mid-March.

You're doing a poor job of putting it on ignore.

But in the post I quoted you clearly slammed Trump for not listening to the WHO while simultaneously slamming him for listening to the CDC.

Let's not try to narrow the scope.

Not sure how I can be a liar when I clearly shared your exact post.  But Monday morning QBs are the best. 
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(05-07-2020, 08:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You're doing a poor job of putting it on ignore.

But in the post I quoted you clearly slammed Trump for not listening to the WHO while simultaneously slamming him for listening to the CDC.

Let's not try to narrow the scope.

Not sure how I can be a liar when I clearly shared your exact post.  But Monday morning QBs are the best. 

This is stupid. Your claim was that he “slammed Trump” “ for listening to his CDC over the WHO”.

You quoted a post where he gave two separate examples of things Trump did that put lives in jeopardy. The first was ignoring WHO advice on mitigation and the 2nd was only relying on the CDC’s test.

That by no means constitutes “listening to the CDC over the WHO”, especially given the fact that they’re referencing two different things: mitigation steps and tests.

FFS, what does shit like this achieve?
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(05-07-2020, 08:47 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: This is stupid. Your claim was that he “slammed Trump” “  for listening to his CDC over the WHO”.

You quoted a post where he gave two separate examples of things Trump did that put lives in jeopardy. The first was ignoring WHO advice on mitigation and the 2nd was only relying on the CDC’s test.

That by no means constitutes “listening to the CDC over the WHO”, especially given the fact that they’re referencing two different things: mitigation steps and tests.

FFS, what does shit like this achieve?
Exactly. He slammed Trump for relying on the CDC 's testing; yet slammed him later for not pimping their national guidelines. 

I also pointed to where he condemned Trump for not following WHO guidance. When they said masks didn't matter.

So yeah, that illustrates a propensity to side with the WHO over the CDC. Conceded he didn't actually say "He chose WHO over CDC" .

As to what it accomplishes: It points to those that give 2 shits about truth when the alternative is to make Trump look bad. I gave a well-reasoned response to dude's claims about folks pointing to everything negative that Trump does. But we had to pick up on that one small tidbit.

FFS, what does shit like that achieve? 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(05-07-2020, 09:05 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Exactly. He slammed Trump for relying on the CDC 's testing; yet slammed him later for not pimping their national guidelines. 

I also pointed to where he condemned Trump for not following WHO guidance. When they said masks didn't matter.

So yeah, that illustrates a propensity to side with the WHO over the CDC. Conceded he didn't actually say "He chose WHO over CDC" .

As to what it accomplishes: It points to those that give 2 shits about truth when the alternative is to make Trump look bad. I gave a well-reasoned response to dude's claims about folks pointing to everything negative that Trump does. But we had to pick up on that one small tidbit.

This is completely different than your incorrect claim that he ignored one over the other, completely misrepresents what he said, and presents false contradictions that do not exist.

Quote:FFS, what does shit like that achieve? 

I hoped that having someone state the obvious to you would deter you from continuing to behave the way that you are.

Oh well, I'll just ignore it and hope others do too.
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(05-07-2020, 09:28 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: This is completely different than your incorrect claim that he ignored one over the other, completely misrepresents what he said, and presents false contradictions that do not exist.

I hoped that having someone state the obvious to you would deter you from continuing to behave the way that you are.

Oh well, I'll just ignore it and hope others do too.

I never said he ignored anything. I did say his statements seemed to prefer one over the other

Just pointed out the goal never changes "to make POTUS look bad", yet the reasons why often contradict themselves. 

Ignore away. Many do best in group think or at its base, Munchhausen trilemma
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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Pennsylvania woman jailed for refusing to quarantine after positive coronavirus test, officials say

County Solicitor Richard Perhacs said the woman, who was unidentified at her Saturday court hearing, attended a party, did some banking and had her vehicle repaired after she tested positive. As a result,

27 people are now in quarantine after coming in contact with her or someone who was in contact with her.
(05-07-2020, 11:48 PM)Dill Wrote: Pennsylvania woman jailed for refusing to quarantine after positive coronavirus test, officials say

County Solicitor Richard Perhacs said the woman, who was unidentified at her Saturday court hearing, attended a party, did some banking and had her vehicle repaired after she tested positive. As a result, 27 people are now in quarantine after coming in contact with her or someone who was in contact with her.

Why is she unidentified? I need to know who this piece of human garbage is. Retribution and what not.
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