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(05-15-2020, 02:12 PM)Isaac Curtis: The Real #85 Wrote: Not surprising, given the reality bubble 40% of the country seems to live in, but the level of ignorance and conspiracy theory nonsense in some posts is still disappointing to see.

I haven't seen one word of concern for those who would be (forced?) to work the stadium for a game with fans, even if they are spread out. Folks working the gates, concessions, ushers, and such? What choice do they have?

Even with spread out fans, you are still going to get cheek by jowl at the gates, bathrooms, and concessions. Having games with bars & restaurants open (where people will congregate to watch them) will be problematic enough. Actual fans at games is insane.

Many people believe the severity of the outbreak in Italy & Spain was greatly worsened because of a Champions League match played between Atalanta (northern Italy) and Valencia (Spain) in early spring/late winter. Atalanta is a fairy small city that does not host CL games often, so a high percentage of the town either came to the match, or gathered to watch it. Unbeknownst to many at the time, COVID was already out in northern Italy. Everyone gathered, including Valencia's treveling fans. A month later Italy (northern Italy in particular) had the worst COVID outbreak in the world and Spain was a close second.

Let's try not to repeat that, yes?

Comparisons to the flu (for which there is a vaccine) are idiotic. COVID has killed more Americans in two months than any war save WWI (which it will pass soon), WWII, and the Civil War. And that is WITH severe social distancing restrictions. It would be 10x worse without them. COVID was the leading cause of death in the USA in April. Obviously, this fluctuates a bit, and deaths are undercounted somewhat, but it is right there with heart disease (1,774 dearhs per day) and cancer (1,641). In April, COVID reported deaths were 58,705. Or 1,957 day.

Flu deaths per month? In 2017-18, we lost 61,000 people in a year to the flu. 5,083 per month. With no social distancing.COVID is much deadlier (10x) even with distancing.

But sure, it is all some media delivered, deep state plot, happening in every country in the world at the same time, all out to make Mango Unchained look bad. Yeesh.

And the amazing thing is cancer, heart diseases, and all other deaths from anything but Covid-19 are almost completely gone. Isn't that great!  

Check out the National Center for Health Statistics division of vital statistics.

Here's a little tidbit from it.

Should “COVID-19” be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?

COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is 
assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based 
on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic 
conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part 
II. (See attached Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths)

Did you catch the part about, "assumed they had it." 

Oh and by the way the hospital gets more money for Covid-19 deaths. Why wouldn't they listed every death they can as Covid-19? 
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7

(05-15-2020, 01:21 PM)Nately120 Wrote: There is a 90 page covid thread in the politics and religion section.  You should go in there and clean house like a professional wrestler after the hot tag.

I'd love to. Not to argue with folks but open some eyes to the truth. The virus stinks and yes it has killed people unfortunately. But to shut down a whole country over it is ridiculous. 

BTW I've tried to get into that section but I don't have the password and quite frankly I think it's silly to have to use one. If you're a member of the board shouldn't that be enough?
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7

(05-15-2020, 12:52 PM)Mer Wrote: I'm sorry if I offended you. The bottom line is the Man upstairs already knows how long you'll be on this Earth. No mask, vaccine, quarantine, or anything for that matter is going to change it. If people want to self quarantine that's great. I hope it helps them feel safe but for the rest of the country that would rather go on with life and choose to not live in fear we should have the same right. To each his own.

Oh, okay. I gotcha.
(05-15-2020, 02:57 PM)Mer Wrote: Oh and by the way the hospital gets more money for Covid-19 deaths. 

No they don't.  They may get more to treat COVID patients, but they get nothing extra by putting COVID as the cause of death for theones that die.

The problem with people like you is that you just hear what you want to hear.
(05-15-2020, 01:30 PM)bengalfan74 Wrote: The 1969 Hong Kong flu killed over 100,000 in the U.S. but didn't even put a dent in Woodstock,

Hong Kong Flu killed about 100,000 in US over 18 moth period from summer of '68 through winter of '69-'70.

Covid 19 has killed almost 90,000 in US just four months.

yeah, they are exactly the same.

(05-15-2020, 05:29 PM)fredtoast Wrote: No they don't.  They may get more to treat COVID patients, but they get nothing extra by putting COVID as the cause of death for theones that die.

The problem with people like you is that you just hear what you want to hear.

Ok. I'll play your game. So they get more money for treating Covid patients. So, again, why wouldn't they list as many patients as possible as Covid if they get more money? Heart disease, Cancer, COPD? NO!! Covid -19 !!!"Yes your heart was already failing, your cancer has spread, or you haven't been able to breath because you smoked for 50 years but Covid killed you or was what made you sick to start with." No Covid symptoms? But you tested positive.  And you don't think that would raise the covid death numbers? Come on Fred I've been on this board reading your "reality" posts for 5 years. Do you really think the numbers aren't inflated? 
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7

(05-15-2020, 05:39 PM)Mer Wrote: Ok. I'll play your game. So they get more money for treating Covid patients. So, again, why wouldn't they list as many patients as possible as Covid if they get more money? Heart disease, Cancer, COPD? NO!! Covid -19 !!!"Yes your heart was already failing, your cancer has spread, or you haven't been able to breath because you smoked for 50 years but Covid killed you or was what made you sick to start with." No Covid symptoms? But you tested positive.  And you don't think that would raise the covid death numbers? Come on Fred I've been on this board reading your "reality" posts for 5 years. Do you really think the numbers aren't inflated? 

Tread carefully, complaining about companies misusing capitalistic incentives is the first step towards communism. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-15-2020, 08:10 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Ida know.  Much like pants I only wear a mask outside my house because i dont want to be hassled by the man or upset anyone. 

After my traumatic childhood im practically shameless. 

Same here. Got abused for 15 years...
(05-15-2020, 06:02 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Tread carefully, complaining about companies misusing capitalistic incentives is the first step towards communism. 

Unfortunately humans, including myself, will always get all they can. If there's a loop hole that could increase revenue significantly of course they're going to exploit it. 
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7

(05-15-2020, 05:39 PM)Mer Wrote: Ok. I'll play your game. So they get more money for treating Covid patients. So, again, why wouldn't they list as many patients as possible as Covid if they get more money? 

Because they could be sued for malpractice and have to pay millions of dollars in damages if they put down a fake diagnosis and were treating a person for the wrong thing just to get more money.

You can't just make stuff up on a medical chart without risking losing your license..  The patient would have to be suffering from Covid symptoms or test positive for it in order for the doctor to list them as a covid patient. 
I cant wait to have grandchildren to tell them how gramps(me) had to survive this apocalyptic pandemic and survived it in the end. Gonna be fun. Joe
(05-15-2020, 06:07 PM)Mer Wrote: Unfortunately humans, including myself, will always get all they can. If there's a loop hole that could increase revenue significantly of course they're going to exploit it. 

Just because you are a crook who would lie to make more money that does not mean all doctors are.

Many of them are concerned about keeping their license and not getting sued for malpractice.
(05-15-2020, 05:34 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Hong Kong Flu killed about 100,000 in US over 18 moth period from summer of '68 through winter of '69-'70.

Covid 19 has killed almost 90,000 in US just four months.

yeah, they are exactly the same.


This is a free country. If I want to go to a game or somewhere for my entertainment and I want to do it without a mask, I will.. This is where people are confused. They cant just make up new laws every other day. That's why we have constitutional rights.. Just like they whine about unemployment but than offer people 100% of there pay and an extra 600$ a week when they were only making 300$ a week to begin with.. Thars incentive to keep working? I'm positive millions got fired on purpose. This whole thing has set our Country back and we may never see it back to totally normal in our lifetimes... Something is very wrong with the whole thing IMHO...No one should be forced to inconvenience themselves over someone else's thoughts, beliefs, or opinions on something..
(05-15-2020, 06:09 PM)Bengalitis Wrote: I cant wait to have grandchildren to tell them how gramps(me) had to survive this apocalyptic pandemic and survived it in the end. Gonna be fun. Joe

how do you know you are going to survive?
(05-15-2020, 06:08 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Because they could be sued for malpractice and have to pay millions of dollars in damages if they put down a fake diagnosis and were treating a person for the wrong thing just to get more money.

You can't just make stuff up on a medical chart without risking losing your license..  The patient would have to be suffering from Covid symptoms or test positive for it in order for the doctor to list them as a covid patient. 

You missed my point. Say you broke your arm and while there they test you for Covid-19 and it returns positive. How is reporting that malpractice if it's true? 
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7

(05-15-2020, 06:11 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Just because you are a crook who would lie to make more money that does not mean all doctors are.

Many of them are concerned about keeping their license and not getting sued for malpractice.

Ouch Fred! Why so harsh? I'm trying to have a mature conversation here and you call me a crook? Not cool.

Actually I'm the opposite. Besides my normal job I own a house rental business. My taxes and insurance increase every year which I could use as an excuse to increase the rent (its even written in the lease that could happen). I've always eaten the increased cost until the current tenant moves out.
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7

(05-15-2020, 06:07 PM)Mer Wrote: Unfortunately humans, including myself, will always get all they can. If there's a loop hole that could increase revenue significantly of course they're going to exploit it. 

You're starting to sound a lot like those crazy people who put down President Trump.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-15-2020, 06:11 PM)Tony Wrote:  I'm positive millions got fired on purpose.  

You can't draw unemployment if you get fired for cause.

And you can't stay on unemployment when your job is available again.

Pretty much everyone who ever had a job knows this.
(05-15-2020, 06:15 PM)Mer Wrote: Ouch Fred! Why so harsh? I'm trying to have a mature conversation here and you call me a crook? Not cool.

You were the one who admitted you would falsify medical records to try and get more money.  And you claimed everyone was juts like you.  So you were basically saying I was a crook too.

I was just pointing out that not everyone was like that.
(05-15-2020, 03:04 PM)Mer Wrote: BTW I've tried to get into that section but I don't have the password and quite frankly I think it's silly to have to use one. If you're a member of the board shouldn't that be enough?
I think it's listed under the heading for the forum.  It's been awhile since I've been on there but I'm 99.9% sure the password is ENTER in all caps.

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