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Quote:President Donald Trump said Monday that he is taking a malaria drug to protect against the new coronavirus, despite warnings from his own government that it should only be administered for COVID-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

Trump told reporters he has been taking the drug, hydroxychloroquine, and a zinc supplement daily “for about a week and a half now.” Trump spent weeks pushing the drug as a potential cure or prophylaxis for COVID-19 against the cautionary advice of many of his administration's top medical professionals. The drug has the potential to cause significant side effects in some patients and has not been shown to combat the new coronavirus.

Trump said his doctor did not recommend the drug to him, but he requested it from the White House physician.

"I started taking it, because I think it’s good," Trump said. "I’ve heard a lot of good stories.”
There is no evidence to support the use of hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis for Covid-19.  I feel sorry for his physician.  He destroys everyone's integrity around him.

Trump attacked Fox News for the station not being irresponsible and warning their viewers that taking hydroxychloroquine without reason can be dangerous.

He praised Roger Ailes while attacking the network. The late Ailes resigned as CEO of Fox News right before his death after over 20 women who had worked for Fox accused him of sexual harassment, including Gretchen Carlson and Megan Kelley. Immediately after he resigned from Fox with a $40m exit payment, he joined the Trump campaign.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Typical liberal attack. You guys fail to see that the president is just two steps ahead. He's going to be sitting around malaria free when it makes a comeback because all those diseased rats spread it. No black plagues in the white house, just orange victories.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-18-2020, 08:31 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote:

There is no evidence to support the use of hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis for Covid-19.  I feel sorry for his physician.  He destroys everyone's integrity around him.

The release from the WH Dr does not say DJT is using the medicine.

He may just be that drunk guy in a bar who has to one up everyone.  That said I told my wife last night that if he's pushed he'll probably snort a line of it on television just to prove a point to the "losers and haters".
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Look, I understand this is a meme, but it is misleading. And I thought misleading Covid-19 information was a no no around here.

(05-18-2020, 08:04 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Keep on telling yourselves that the mask you're wearing is keeping you safe..

[Image: attachment.php?aid=806]

The mask at the bottom is a procedure or surgical mask. It doesn’t prevent the wearer from getting sick. It prevents the wearer from from coughing, sneezing, or breathing their nasty ass germs on everyone around them.

The current Trump administration guideline coming from the CDC headed by Trump appointee Dr. Robert Redfield is for the general public to wear some sort of face covering while out in public to reduce the spread of Covid-19 by asymptomatic patients. It’s basically the CDC telling you to cover your mouth and nose just like your mom did when you were a kid and had a cold.

(05-18-2020, 11:01 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: That's a really ironic picture you posted there..  I seem to remember the esteemed Dr. Fauci saying that masks do not prevent the spread of the virus.  But, I digress from your onslaught against anyone who sees things differently than you.  Mellow

No, Fauci did not say masks do not prevent the spread of the virus. I don’t think you meant to intentionally lie. I just think the Trump administration has done a piss poor job of explaining the recommendations so people understand them.

So in an interview on March 8th when there was a total of 541 cases of Covid-19 in the US, Fauci said “right now” people don’t need to wear mask and mask don’t provide “perfect” protection. He also said when you think masks think healthcare providers. We wear fit tested N95 masks to prevent us from being infected with Covid-19, not procedure/surgical masks. Because procedure/surgical masks reduce the chance of me getting my germs on the patient, but don’t prevent the patient from getting me sick.

In short, masks are like tools. They have different purposes so you pick the right tool for the right job.

Less than a month after Fauci’s interview on April 3rd when the number of Covid-19 cases increased from 541 to 283K, Trump announced the CDC’s recommendation. A recommendation that will help reduce the asymptomatic spread of Covid-19 and will ultimately help us get back to normal quicker. Which is what we all want, right? If conservatives keep putting this false information in each other’s heads it’s actually counterproductive to our goals of opening up the economy and getting back to normal. Although a secondary concern to the economy for conservatives, following the recommendations could actually save lives. Although I’ve been told by a conservative on this message board that 30-60K people die each year from the flu and no one cares so maybe conservatives don’t care.

So enough of this shit already.
Telling people to wear masks is the biggest line of commie horseshit propaganda since "cover your sneeze, please!"
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Our boss took off yesterday to meet with some customers in the south.  On the way he calls and tells me that one of our competitors had a salesman was having cold like symptoms and tested positive, and that he was with one of our customers who got tested positive also.  That customer was with OUR salesman over the weekend who was supposed to meet the boss today.  Boss sent him home to get tested despite his protesting that he was with the guy outside and "not close to him".  And our guy was at his mother's over the weekend after that too.  

It can spread that fast.

And I'd bet any of your salaries that none of them wore a mask at all, but it is North Carolina so I'm not sure what their "suggestions" are.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-19-2020, 09:27 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Look, I understand this is a meme, but it is misleading. And I thought misleading Covid-19 information was a no no around here.

Yeah, well, disinformation is the norm from some.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(05-19-2020, 09:11 AM)GMDino Wrote: The release from the WH Dr does not say DJT is using the medicine.

He may just be that drunk guy in a bar who has to one up everyone.  That said I told my wife last night that if he's pushed he'll probably snort a line of it on television just to prove a point to the "losers and haters".

That is one of the oddest memorandums I’ve ever read. First, the WH physician would need Trump’s authorization to discuss his treatment with the WH press secretary otherwise it’s a violation of HIPAA. Second, why in the F is the WH physician writing a memo about Trump’s medical care to the WH press secretary?

Is this guy commuting career harikari because he can’t take this shit any more? Or he just wants his peers and the public at large to know he doesn’t practice the oppositeof evidence based medicine despite whatever lies Trump tells the public? Or he feels it’s his duty to tell the truth and not be a party to a shame treatment that could potentially harm or even kill others? Or maybe he just wants people to know he’s not that f’n stupid to do what Trump claims?
Again moved from the memes and jokes thread to discuss this here instead of there . . .

(05-19-2020, 10:28 AM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Look, I posted a meme that made me chuckle, and I get a swarm of negativity.  I make reference that the "expert" that everyone trusts said masks aren't a failsafe option.  I get another swarm response of skepticism and negativity.  I point out exactly when the expert said what he said, I get a swarm of people wanting to move the goal posts.

You falsely claimed Fauci said masks do stop the spread of the virus. That’s not true. You were corrected because you didn’t point out “exactly” what he said. You still seem to be confused on the different types of masks and why they are used and when. Do you need me to explain it again?

Quote:Look, nobody is saying that you shouldn't wear a mask if it makes you feel safer.  I'm just saying that you're likely not as safe as you might want to believe by wearing one.  However, there is no reason that one single opinion that differs from all of y'all in yours, is any reason to try to hold a massive group intervention, like "quick, someone just threw a lit match into the hay barn!" LOL   

Benton, I can empathize with your situation.  Been tough dealing with staying away from my parents during all of this, too.  

Wearing a mask or a face covering in public isn’t about making yourself feel safe. It has nothing to do with living in fear.

It’s about not giving your germs to someone else. Period. That’s the point of this entire mind control conspiracy. It’s basically the same thing as your mom telling you to cover your mouth when you were coughing so you don’t get the rest of the family sick. Except instead of covering your mouth and nose with your hand, you’re using a bandana, scarf, mask, or some other face covering instead.

It’s about having just a little bit of consideration for others. I’m not wearing a mask in public to make me feel safe. I’m wearing a mask in public in case one of my patients gave Covid-19 to me and I’m an asymptomatic carrier unwittingly infecting you, your wife, your kids, your parents, your grandparents, etc. If I wear a mask in public it might prevent me from infecting you and your family and potentially dying.

Wearing a mask or face covering has zero to do with my feelings. That’s not my opinion. That’s a public health recommendation so we can get back to normal as soon as possible with the least amount of morbidity, mortality, and financial damage to individuals, and the economy as a whole.

When I’m at work and taking care of patients with suspected or confirmed Covid-19, I wear a fit tested N95 mask which is specifically designed to prevent me ( the wearer) from getting sick. Again, that isn’t to make me feel safe. It is to prevent me from getting infected and in turn infecting others (patients and fellow healthcare workers.). But, also to maintain staffing levels so we can continue to provide healthcare instead of out of work due to illness.
(05-19-2020, 02:24 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote:  When I’m at work and taking care of patients with suspected or confirmed Covid-19, I wear a fit tested N95 mask which is specifically designed to prevent me ( the wearer) from getting sick. Again, that isn’t to make me feel safe. It is to prevent me from getting infected and in turn infecting others (patients and fellow healthcare workers.). But, also to maintain staffing levels so we can continue to provide healthcare instead of out of work due to illness.

Of course.  It's not designed to make you feel safe, it's designed make you actually safe.

Dealing with medical patients in a clinical environment calls for a higher level of containment than out in the environment.  I went and saw my family physician about a week ago, regularly scheduled checkup.  He, along with all of the staff, were wearing masks.  Not the type that you are describing, but the standard style clinical masks.  After the visit, he even took it down, while out in the hall.  

You must be a lot closer to risk than they feel they are.  My provider is part of the UNC healthcare system, and I'm pretty sure that they don't skirt any established guidelines or recommended precautions.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(05-19-2020, 02:35 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Of course.  It's not designed to make you feel safe, it's designed make you actually safe.

Dealing with medical patients in a clinical environment calls for a higher level of containment than out in the environment.  I went and saw my family physician about a week ago, regularly scheduled checkup.  He, along with all of the staff, were wearing masks.  Not the type that you are describing, but the standard style clinical masks.  After the visit, he even took it down, while out in the hall.  

You must be a lot closer to risk than they feel they are.  My provider is part of the UNC healthcare system, and I'm pretty sure that they don't skirt any established guidelines or recommended precautions.

You'd be surprised. I have seen UVA healthcare workers skirting the guidelines, plenty.

Here is a good read on all of this:

Quote:Standard Precautions assume that every person is potentially infected or colonized with a pathogen that could be transmitted in the healthcare setting Elements of Standard Precautions that apply to patients with respiratory infections, including COVID-19, are summarized below. Attention should be paid to training and proper donning (putting on), doffing (taking off), and disposal of any PPE. This document does not emphasize all aspects of Standard Precautions (e.g., injection safety) that are required for all patient care; the full description is provided in the Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings.

HCP (see Section 5 for measures for non-HCP visitors) who enter the room of a patient with known or suspected COVID-19 should adhere to Standard Precautions and use a respirator (or facemask if a respirator is not available), gown, gloves, and eye protection. When available, respirators (instead of facemasks) are preferred; they should be prioritized for situations where respiratory protection is most important and the care of patients with pathogens requiring Airborne Precautions (e.g., tuberculosis, measles, varicella). Information about the recommended duration of Transmission-Based Precautions is available in the Interim Guidance for Discontinuation of Transmission-Based Precautions and Disposition of Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19

So here you can see the CDC's guidelines are that all patient care be conducted under the assumption that the patient is infected with COVID-19 and as such, N95 respirators are preferred, but a mask should be worn if not. Now, the problem is that supplies aren't the greatest for this stuff, so some places they may be prioritized for certain areas in the network, etc.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
Trump:"We're going after Virginia, with your crazy governor, we're going after Virginia. They want to take your Second Amendment. You know that, right? You'll have nobody guarding your potatoes."

VA governor Northam: "Mr. President — our potatoes are fine. And as the only medical doctor among our nation's governors, I suggest you stop taking hydroxychloroquine."
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-19-2020, 02:35 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Of course.  It's not designed to make you feel safe, it's designed make you actually safe.

Dealing with medical patients in a clinical environment calls for a higher level of containment than out in the environment.  I went and saw my family physician about a week ago, regularly scheduled checkup.  He, along with all of the staff, were wearing masks.  Not the type that you are describing, but the standard style clinical masks.  After the visit, he even took it down, while out in the hall.  

You must be a lot closer to risk than they feel they are.  My provider is part of the UNC healthcare system, and I'm pretty sure that they don't skirt any established guidelines or recommended precautions.

The CDC’s recommendations to wear a face covering while in public are the same for both of us for the same reasons.

I don’t wear a N95 masks out in public. I only wear it at work. (But, I still wear procedure masks at work depending upon the situation.) The one I wear in public will not prevent me from inhaling the novel coronavirus, but it will reduce the spread of respiratory droplets to others through breathing, coughing and sneezing. It also prevents me from coughing or sneezing on my hand then contaminating the things I touch with my respiratory droplets which could contain the virus.

I just went to the grocery store this week and while there I watched a couple put several packages of cold cuts back on the shelves. If they coughed or sneezed on their hands then those packages are contaminated and could get others sick. A face covering could prevent something like that from happening. Which means less sick people which means we get through this faster.

I don’t want people to lose their job, apartment, savings, or not be able to pay their bills or buy groceries almost as much as I don’t want people to get sick, but not as much as I don’t want people to die.

We’ve done a poor job of educating people on why people should follow the recommendations.
(05-19-2020, 03:23 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: So here you can see the CDC's guidelines are that all patient care be conducted under the assumption that the patient is infected with COVID-19 and as such, N95 respirators are preferred, but a mask should be worn if not. Now, the problem is that supplies aren't the greatest for this stuff, so some places they may be prioritized for certain areas in the network, etc.

Nail on the head there.

Our pandemic response institutions were total shambles when Trump took office, just like our military.

Cupboards were bare, especially in blue states, but Trump has refilled them starting from scratch, scraping up supplies wherever he could find them. Federal gov was forced to bid against states for supplies, that's the mess Obama left us.

Also, he is not making the rest of the country pay for Dem mismanagement of blue states. True leaders set priorities and communicate them clearly.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-19-2020, 04:28 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: The CDC’s recommendations to wear a face covering while in public are the same for both of us for the same reasons.

I don’t wear a N95 masks out in public. I only wear it at work. (But, I still wear procedure masks at work depending upon the situation.) The one I wear in public will not prevent me from inhaling the novel coronavirus, but it will reduce the spread of respiratory droplets to others through breathing, coughing and sneezing. It also prevents me from coughing or sneezing on my hand then contaminating the things I touch with my respiratory droplets which could contain the virus.

I just went to the grocery store this week and while there I watched a couple put several packages of cold cuts back on the shelves. If they coughed or sneezed on their hands then those packages are contaminated and could get others sick. A face covering could prevent something like that from happening. Which means less sick people which means we get through this faster.

I don’t want people to lose their job, apartment, savings, or not be able to pay their bills or buy groceries almost as much as I don’t want people to get sick, but not as much as I don’t want people to die.

We’ve done a poor job of educating people on why people should follow the recommendations.

We're all going to die.  I always seem to be shopping at the same exact time as one of those who like to pick up, scrutinize every single meat package on the shelf, prior to making their "final decision".  That is a peeve of mine, even in times of non-crisis.  Makes me want to shout in my sternest, most booming voice that I can muster, "Why must you, put your grimy hands on every effing package on the damn shelf??".
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(05-19-2020, 04:30 PM)Dill Wrote: Nail on the head there.

Our pandemic response institutions were total shambles when Trump took office, just like our military.

Cupboards were bare, especially in blue states, but Trump has refilled them starting from scratch, scraping up supplies wherever he could find them. Federal gov was forced to bid against states for supplies, that's the mess Obama left us.

Also, he is not making the rest of the country pay for Dem mismanagement of blue states. True leaders set priorities and communicate them clearly.

While Trump has bitched about GM retooling factories to manufacture ventilators, I’ve noticed Trump’s sweat shops are still pumpin’ out MAGA shirts and hats instead of much needed PPE.
(05-19-2020, 04:58 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: We're all going to die.  I always seem to be shopping at the same exact time as one of those who like to pick up, scrutinize every single meat package on the shelf, prior to making their "final decision".  That is a peeve of mine, even in times of non-crisis.  Makes me want to shout in my sternest, most booming voice that I can muster, "Why must you, put your grimy hands on every effing package on the damn shelf??".

That’s an example of how them wearing a mask might prevent you from getting infected. Or worse, bringing it home to your family.
Kansas congressman and senate candidate Roger Marshall claimed that he and his family are taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative. Marshall, a doctor, is facing a tough primary as he is being attacked by the right for not being as conservative as his opponent, Kris Kobach, the former Kansas sec of state known for his rampant Trump support and hardline stances against immigrants.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-19-2020, 05:21 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Kansas congressman and senate candidate Roger Marshall claimed that he and his family are taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative. Marshall, a doctor, is facing a tough primary as he is being attacked by the right for not being as conservative as his opponent, Kris Kobach, the former Kansas sec of state known for his rampant Trump support and hardline stances against immigrants.

He'll have a tough time trying to unseat Kobach.  Not sure what all the uproar about the use of HCQ is all about.  I heard a physician on the radio saying how he's prescribed it to patients for other reasons, for over 40 years, without a single incident of a patient needing hospitalization as a result of taking the HCQ as prescribed.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23

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