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(07-03-2020, 01:10 PM)hollodero Wrote: USA f*** yeah. This is a glaring example of American exceptionalism. You managed to make fighting an epidemic by avoiding large groups and wearing masks a divisive bipolar issue. Amazing.
And have a president who conveniently takes both sides while mostly uttering sheer fairy tales and nonsense.
And so, your covid curve shouts out sadness and utter failure for the whole world to see.
What a disaster.

And yeah, still around 40% think Trump, the lone warrior with the silent majority behind him, is doing a great job. Rampaging epidemic? Russian bountys on soldiers and the president won't take notice? Hey what the hell. GREAT job. And sure, he DID mock Biden for wearing a mask, and wasn't that just hilarious. Ha ha ha ha. Hup two three four.

I don't even know what to say. If a conservative spot on the SC or fear of AOC is really more important than to stop this debacle, please check your priorities. From the outside, it's tough to decide whether to cynically laugh or cry. Both sentiments turn overwhelming.

This is an easy thing to say from a Liberal POV. The phrase "Justice is Blind" unfortunately is BS. You give me a topic and I'll tell you how 4 of the 7 Justices will vote without knowing the merits of the case. Ask yourself what do Sandra Day O"Connor, Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts have in common. Hell, a Trump appointee (Gorsuch) is perhaps the new centralist on the court.

So in short it's easy to say: "You need to check your priorities" but you might be suprised what they should be
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(07-03-2020, 05:06 PM)bfine32 Wrote: This is an easy thing to say from a Liberal POV. The phrase "Justice is Blind" unfortunately is BS. You give me a topic and I'll tell you how 4 of the 7 Justices will vote without knowing the merits of the case. Ask yourself what do Sandra Day O"Connor, Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts have in common. Hell, a Trump appointee (Gorsuch) is perhaps the new centralist on the court.

So in short it's easy to say: "You need to check your priorities" but you might be suprised what they should be

OK, so you checked your priorities and obviously you still say that the threat of a SC with one more liberal judge (even though, yeah, they tend to nominate centralists amongst themselves to avoid a too strong leaning anyway) is more dangerous to this country than 4 more Trump years, with all tradegy they might bring in times of crisis especially.

To me - and I am not particular "liberal" in the sense you view it - that just seems like a peculiar set of priorities, but sure enough you have to know that for yourself. I might have thought that the covid disaster and ignored bountys on US soldiers might alter your and other's views on that a bit. Seems like they don't.
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(07-03-2020, 05:06 PM)bfine32 Wrote: This is an easy thing to say from a Liberal POV. The phrase "Justice is Blind" unfortunately is BS. You give me a topic and I'll tell you how 4 of the 7 Justices will vote without knowing the merits of the case. Ask yourself what do Sandra Day O"Connor, Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts have in common. Hell, a Trump appointee (Gorsuch) is perhaps the new centralist on the court.

So in short it's easy to say: "You need to check your priorities" but you might be suprised what they should be

1) I thought during the Kavanaugh hearings conservatives said it didn't matter the politics of the judge?

2)  Did you predict this one?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-03-2020, 05:20 PM)hollodero Wrote: OK, so you checked your priorities and obviously you still say that the threat of a SC with one more liberal judge (even though, yeah, they tend to nominate centralists amongst themselves to avoid a too strong leaning anyway) is more dangerous to this country than 4 more Trump years, with all tradegy they might bring in times of crisis especially.

To me - and I am not particular "liberal" in the sense you view it - that just seems like a peculiar set of priorities, but sure enough you have to know that for yourself. I might have thought that the covid disaster and ignored bountys on US soldiers might alter your and other's views on that a bit. Seems like they don't.

The rules I must follow in response to COVID are set by my Governor and employer. I wonder how many other states are like this.

Your condescension is noted. But please don't try to explain the value of the US Soldier to me. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(07-03-2020, 07:35 PM)GMDino Wrote: 1) I thought during the Kavanaugh hearings conservatives said it didn't matter the politics of the judge?

2)  Did you predict this one?

1. They were as full of shit as any politician

2. I would have; that's why I said 4. Keagan, Sotomayor, Thomas, Alito. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(07-03-2020, 08:24 PM)bfine32 Wrote: The rules I must follow in response to COVID are set by my Governor and employer. I wonder how many other states are like this.

Your condescension is noted. But please don't try to explain the value of the US Soldier to me. 

I did not try to explain anything.
Your overly sensitive response aside, it IS just imho a fact that president Trump endangers life of Americans, including soldiers. There is no condescension within that statement. It's just how it looks.
I take it you do not blame Trump for any of this though. Not for ignoring bountys, not for abysmal Covid numbers. Well, that to me is just hard to fathom.
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(07-03-2020, 09:32 PM)hollodero Wrote: I did not try to explain anything.
Your overly sensitive response aside, it IS just imho a fact that president Trump endangers life of Americans, including soldiers. There is no condescension within that statement. It's just how it looks.
I take it you do not blame Trump for any of this though. Not for ignoring bountys, not for abysmal Covid numbers. Well, that to me is just hard to fathom.

I don't blame any one person for the COVID numbers. I get that may be hard to fathom, but it's how I view it. I cannot fathom how some can say: "The POTUS could have protected us". 

I have made my thoughts on the bounties known, but how do you have undisputed truth that Trump ignored them. Because an anonymous source told the NYT?  

Of course there's condescension in your posts, but as I said: It's easy to do from the outside.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(07-03-2020, 09:45 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I don't blame any one person for the COVID numbers. I get that may be hard to fathom, but it's how I view it. I cannot fathom how some can say: "The POTUS could have protected us". 

I have made my thoughts on the bounties known, but how do you have undisputed truth that Trump ignored them. Because an anonymous source told the NYT?  

Of course there's condescension in your posts, but as I said: It's easy to do from the outside.

You might take my bewilderment for condescension. I am utterly bewildered, sure.

If president Hillary had been informed about a Russian bounty and had done nothing in response, even chatting with Putin without even mentioning it, I have serious doubts your stance would be "oh, there is no undisputed truth behind all that. Let's assume the best possible about president Hillary and stop blaming her." Nah, I'd wager you'd be just as outraged as other conservatives and hopefully everyone else really.

Same goes with Covid. At some point, it is really weird how Trump can get a pass on that by anyone. Preident Hillary wouldn't have gotten one. If president Hillary on a day with record new infections had tweeted a heavily biased poll where 90% trust her and 10% trust Fauci - yeah Trump did that - you wouldn't give her a pass. And this little anecdote just pales in comparison. Every other western country did far better. Trump could have at least looked at their concept, done what thosed leaders did, which absolutely would have been in his power, or stopped scolding his own advisors, or not mock Biden for wearing a mask, or not lied about how the situation is great, how it's not a big deal, how it miraculously will go away, how medical workers scam the state for masks, how Kung Flu is a splendid name, how bis rallies without masks are just what the country needs right now, how only the best testing in the world is responsible for the high number of cases, how an unproven drug is recommended, how we might try injecting disinfectants... nah, nothing would be forgivable for Hillary. Nor would any of these press conferences where his lies and hyperbole reach a level of absurdity that really makes a laughing stock out of your country. 

And nothing of these examples is hyperbolic. And you have to see that. That's why I'm so bewildered. If I would really just look down on you, I wouldn't be.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-03-2020, 10:10 PM)hollodero Wrote: You might take my bewilderment for condescension. I am utterly bewildered, sure.

If president Hillary had been informed about a Russian bounty and had done nothing in response, even chatting with Putin without even mentioning it, I have serious doubts your stance would be "oh, there is no undisputed truth behind all that. Let's assume the best possible about president Hillary and stop blaming her." Nah, I'd wager you'd be just as outraged as other conservatives and hopefully everyone else really.

Same goes with Covid. At some point, it is really weird how Trump can get a pass on that by anyone. Preident Hillary wouldn't have gotten one. If president Hillary on a day with record new infections had tweeted a heavily biased poll where 90% trust her and 10% trust Fauci - yeah Trump did that - you wouldn't give her a pass. And this little anecdote just pales in comparison. Every other western country did far better. Trump could have at least looked at their concept, done what thosed leaders did, which absolutely would have been in his power, or stopped scolding his own advisors, or not mock Biden for wearing a mask, or not lied about how the situation is great, how it's not a big deal, how it miraculously will go away, how medical workers scam the state for masks, how Kung Flu is a splendid name, how bis rallies without masks are just what the country needs right now, how only the best testing in the world is responsible for the high number of cases, how an unproven drug is recommended, how we might try injecting disinfectants... nah, nothing would be forgivable for Hillary. Nor would any of these press conferences where his lies and hyperbole reach a level of absurdity that really makes a laughing stock out of your country. 

And nothing of these examples is hyperbolic. And you have to see that. That's why I'm so bewildered. If I would really just look down on you, I wouldn't be.

You still didn't share the proof of where Trump knew about and ignored bounties. If you think I'd just go off on a tangent because Hills was in charge then you most likely do not know my stance on Bengahzi and how I was not as "outraged" as every other conservative.

Are you really trying to suggest Trump is getting a "pass" on COVID by "everyone"? If anything folks are trying to place extra blame on him.And you have to see that. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(07-03-2020, 10:22 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You still didn't share the proof of where Trump knew about and ignored bounties. If you think I'd just go off on a tangent because Hills was in charge then you most likely do not know my stance on Bengahzi and how I was not as "outraged" as every other conservative.

Are you really trying to suggest Trump is getting a "pass" on COVID by "everyone"? If anything folks are trying to place extra blame on him.And you have to see that. 

No, I suggest that he's getting a pass from you. And several others, sure.
Whether some others put extra undeserved blame on Trump, that seems quite irrelevant. It generally sure does happen. Doesn't change a single thing about his actual words and deeds I listed.

As for the bounty thing, it of course is not just based on "who's in charge". He probably was briefed on it and did in a best case scenario not take notice. But even if you are, as unrealistic as it seems to me, inclined to believe it was actually never in Trump's briefs, he does know about it now and still is not willing to look into it. He blames the media and calls it a hoax. All while his press secretary calls him the most informed person on the planet.
And while sure you're the former soldier and I am not, I have a hard time to find that a respectful and confident behaviour towards the people in harm's way and I dare to say that.
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(07-03-2020, 10:49 PM)hollodero Wrote: No, I suggest that he's getting a pass from you. And several others, sure.
Whether some others put extra undeserved blame on Trump, that seems quite irrelevant. It generally sure does happen. Doesn't change a single thing about his actual words and deeds I listed.

As for the bounty thing, it of course is not just based on "who's in charge". He probably was briefed on it and did in a best case scenario not take notice. But even if you are, as unrealistic as it seems to me, inclined to believe it was actually never in Trump's briefs, he does know about it now and still is not willing to look into it. He blames the media and calls it a hoax. All while his press secretary calls him the most informed person on the planet.
And while sure you're the former soldier and I am not, I have a hard time to find that a respectful and confident behaviour towards the people in harm's way and I dare to say that.

Answer this simple question and we can leave it at that,

Do you think Donald Trump is receiving more blame than he deserves or less in regards to the COVID Pandemic. 
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(07-03-2020, 11:10 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Answer this simple question and we can leave it at that,

Do you think Donald Trump is receiving more blame than he deserves or less in regards to the COVID Pandemic. 

Hmm hard to say.  I personally think people are crowding bars and not wearing masks due to their own selfishness more than Trump taking covid lightly...then again, any man who can get people to chant "lock her up" for years at a time could have done some good and gotten them to chant "wear a mask" or "masks are cool" or "doctors know more than me" or something.
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The POTUS, who said the virus would disappear, who pushed drugs that were not proven, who wanted to open the US up by Easter, who won't wear a mask, who STILL says the virus will just disappear...that POTUS deserves as much blame as can be heaped on him for his lack of leadership and lack of understanding of the problem.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-03-2020, 11:10 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Answer this simple question and we can leave it at that,

Do you think Donald Trump is receiving more blame than he deserves or less in regards to the COVID Pandemic. 

He is on TV right now leading his own event purposely disobeying guidance from every medical voice in our government...
He had sense enough to cut off the flights from China all the while being called a racist by the guy hiding in his basement.

Don't misunderstand me. My wife & I wouldn't be going to any large gathering of people till this shit ends. We wear a dam mask when we are in any stores.

But don't think for a moment that the left won't politicize this issue & any other they can to get him out of office.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-03-2020, 11:41 PM)masonbengals fan Wrote: He had sense enough to cut off the flights from China all the while being called a racist by the guy hiding in his basement.

Don't misunderstand me. My wife & I wouldn't be going to any large gathering of people till this shit ends. We wear a dam mask when we are in any stores.

But don't think for a moment that the left won't politicize this issue & any other they can to get him out of office.

He didn't though.  Thousands still came in.

And even if you give him credit for one thing...that's it.  He was still saying it was 15 people soon to be zero and had/has no plan.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-03-2020, 11:32 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: He is on TV right now leading his own event purposely disobeying guidance from every medical voice in our government...

To blame POTUS to the extreme that many do, you have to assert that folks cannot think for themselves. He's POTUS, he's not King, he's not the Divine Rule, he's not God. He's a politician that has shared his thoughts on a pandemic while mandating nothing.

This is probably going to be a hard one for you and other liberals to answer, but:

What should have POTUS mandated federally?   
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(07-03-2020, 11:10 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Answer this simple question and we can leave it at that,

Do you think Donald Trump is receiving more blame than he deserves or less in regards to the COVID Pandemic. 

My dear fellow board member, you can not quite reduce everything to this question and pretend this explains away anything or is any kind of summation of what I had to say. So no, we can not leave it at that. You can if you choose. It's your country and your conscience, sure.

To your question, Donald Trump, like every other president, gets ctitizised plenty, on any topic, and there is always some critizism that is unfair. Again, this does not mean or prove anything.
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(07-03-2020, 11:41 PM)masonbengals fan Wrote: He had sense enough to cut off the flights from China all the while being called a racist by the guy hiding in his basement.

Don't misunderstand me. My wife & I wouldn't be going to any large gathering of people till this shit ends. We wear a dam mask when we are in any stores.

But don't think for a moment that the left won't politicize this issue & any other they can to get him out of office.

And so I say to you as well, if the left does this and that does not take away from all the failures Donald Trump produced. I made a list of deeds by Donald Trump, for which only Donald Trump is responsible. This shifting away to "the left" (or "the media", usually popular too) seems like quite a cheap and cushy deflection.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-03-2020, 11:53 PM)bfine32 Wrote: To blame POTUS to the extreme that many do, you have to assert that folks cannot think for themselves. He's POTUS, he's not King, he's not the Divine Rule, he's not God. He's a politician that has shared his thoughts on a pandemic while mandating nothing.

This is probably going to be a hard one for you and other liberals to answer, but:

What should have POTUS mandated federally?   

The same thing all other western leaders mandated. Wear masks, keep social distance, shut down non-essential businesses and open back up only as soon as the numbers allow for it, etc.

Of course, next to "mandating" things there is always a role of urging people to do the right thing. Something a president also can do, aside from mandates. Trump failed in that regard as well.

Now if any governor then had said, no screw that, I do not obey these orders, I do not listen to the sensible things the WH recommends, and you as US president can do nothing about that (I do not know if that is true), then I might see a point. But fact is that Trump did, again, all the things I listed and this is not anyone else's fault.
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