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Could RFK Jr step in for Biden?
(06-29-2024, 12:48 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I am not sure at this late stage they can switch out Biden and have any shot at beating Trump.

The only shot they have is Michelle Obama, at this point. She has the name recognition, and most folks haven't much info on her positions. They could tailor policy to make her a competitor.

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(06-29-2024, 10:17 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: Yeah, but Trump exceeds them all.

No doubt Trump is up there, but. I think Obama has the bigger ego. It is why after being gone for almost 8 years; he was the first former President in my lifetime to insert himself in politics after he served his 2 terms.

He still inserts himself. Neither Bush did, Clinton did but only after HRC ran. Bill Clinton never talked badly about George Bush when he was POTUS for 8 years. 
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Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-29-2024, 10:56 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: The only shot they have is Michelle Obama,  at this point. She has the name recognition, and most folks haven't much info on her positions. They could tailor policy to make her a competitor.

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Does she want it? Do you think Kamala Harris would just step aside?

The other issue I mentioned is the money. They can't transfer Biden's 200 million in the bank to another candidate. Michelle would need to raise a ton of money. The other thing is Obama's legacy would take a huge hit if Michelle ran but lost.

But I do agree, all things equal she would be the best shot at beating Trump if she was ready to campaign 7 days a week for 4 months.
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Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-29-2024, 10:32 PM)KillerGoose Wrote: I agree. I feel like the one thing that both sides can agree on is that Trump has a massive ego. To say that Obama was more egotistical is a strange take to me.

As I just mentioned, Obama is the first former POTUS to insert himself into a future election in public. Why? His ego won't allow him to sit down and shut up and let the new leaders lead.
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Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-30-2024, 02:35 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: As I just mentioned, Obama is the first former POTUS to insert himself into a future election in public. Why? His ego won't allow him to sit down and shut up and let the new leaders lead.

He is far from the first president to campaign for his party’s candidate after his term. Virtually every single one has done so

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-30-2024, 02:44 AM)pally Wrote: He is far from the first president to campaign for his party’s candidate after his term.  Virtually every single one has done so

Please name any Republican who went on the campaign trail and did speeches. I want to see your virtual every single one list with them out there on the trail.

Did Bush Sr.? Dd Bush Jr.?

Did Reagan?

Yes, if they are asked to. But they are often not asked because they were unpopular when they left office:

Richard Nixon - was a pariah. Not asked.

Gerald Ford - Half-termer who lost in 1976, after pardoning Nixon. Non factor later.

Jimmy Carter - one-termer plagued with horrible economy. Likely not asked by Clinton.

Ronald Reagan - Popular, but incapacitated by Alzheimer’s at the end of his term.

G.H.W. Bush - Unpopular one-termer, but still campaigned for his sons in 2000, 2004 and 2016.

Bill Clinton - campaigned for his wife and Obama in 2008 and again for Obama in 2012 and for his wife in 2016.

George W. Bush - terrible popularity, but briefly came out of his hole for his brother’s campaign in 2016.

Barack Obama - sees the threat that Trump represents, and is supporting Hillary Clinton, who supported him after her tough loss to him in 2008.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-30-2024, 12:57 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Please name any Republican who went on the campaign trail and did speeches. I want to see your virtual every single one list with them out there on the trail.

Did Bush Sr.? Dd Bush Jr.?

Did Reagan?

Yes, if they are asked to. But they are often not asked because they were unpopular when they left office:

Richard Nixon - was a pariah. Not asked.

Gerald Ford - Half-termer who lost in 1976, after pardoning Nixon. Non factor later.

Jimmy Carter - one-termer plagued with horrible economy. Likely not asked by Clinton.

Ronald Reagan - Popular, but incapacitated by Alzheimer’s at the end of his term.

G.H.W. Bush - Unpopular one-termer, but still campaigned for his sons in 2000, 2004 and 2016.

Bill Clinton - campaigned for his wife and Obama in 2008 and again for Obama in 2012 and for his wife in 2016.

George W. Bush - terrible popularity, but briefly came out of his hole for his brother’s campaign in 2016.

Barack Obama - sees the threat that Trump represents, and is supporting Hillary Clinton, who supported him after her tough loss to him in 2008.

you just listed every president for the last 40 years and except for Nixon all participated in the campaigns of the successor candidate(s).  Even Regan made several  speeches for Bush before the election.  Clinton also made appearances for Gore and Bush campaigned for McCain, including announcing his endorsement on the White House lawn.   Bush hates Trump  which is what kept him on the sidelines. Jimmy Carter has been involved with every Democratic campaign until his health failed.  Ford was involved in the 1980 campaign

We can go further back, Truman campaigned for Stevenson, Kennedy and Johnson.  Eisenhower campaigned for Nixon in 1960, his health was failing by 1968 but he publically endorsed him.

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-30-2024, 05:49 PM)pally Wrote: you just listed every president for the last 40 years and except for Nixon all participated in the campaigns of the successor candidate(s).  Even Regan made several  speeches for Bush before the election.  Clinton also made appearances for Gore and Bush campaigned for McCain, including announcing his endorsement on the White House lawn.   Bush hates Trump  which is what kept him on the sidelines. Jimmy Carter has been involved with every Democratic campaign until his health failed.  Ford was involved in the 1980 campaign

We can go further back, Truman campaigned for Stevenson, Kennedy and Johnson.  Eisenhower campaigned for Nixon in 1960, his health was failing by 1968 but he publically endorsed him.

No former POTUS has attempted to be the figure head of their party and broker deals like Obama. Obama is still out on the campaign trail; He went all in on Joe Biden just yesterday after the debate. What happens if Joe drops out now? He makes the king maker look like an idiot for endorsing a candidate with dementia.

I know you would vote for a deceased Joe Biden and so would your far-left friends, but Independents are watching the fiasco and are not amused the liberal media, former POTUS and many others attempted to get a broken product over the finish line.

What does it say about Obama's judgement touting Joe Biden is great, just had a bad night.

If the invoke the 26th amendment, then Kamala finishes Biden's term. I believe Johnson takes over the vote for a tie in the Senate if Kamala becomes president.

But, if Joe is not ousted, major issues with his campaign money and also state deadlines to get on the ballot.

In other words, iy gets very messy very quickly.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
so now you've gone from Obama just being the only President to campaign and when that was shown to be incorrect you change that narrative to him being the party's leader.

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-30-2024, 02:32 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Does she want it? Do you think Kamala Harris would just step aside?

The other issue I mentioned is the money. They can't transfer Biden's 200 million in the bank to another candidate. Michelle would need to raise a ton of money. The other thing is Obama's legacy would take a huge hit if Michelle ran but lost.

But I do agree, all things equal she would be the best shot at beating Trump if she was ready to campaign 7 days a week for 4 months.

Kamala Harris wouldn't stand a chance in November's election, and everyone in the Democratic Party knows it. That's why they've continued to prop Biden up this long.

As far as the money, I'm not 100% certain, but I think Biden could at least donate that back to the party. The national party would then donate to the new candidate and then to the state parties. The state parties donate to the candidate and to county parties. Then, the county parties donate to the candidate. To my knowledge, that is still a legal process. If not, there's always the (alleged) Householder route of funneling it down through about 100 non-profits with each entity contributing to the candidate and the next non-profit in line.

Other than those tactics, the Obama's have a ton of money already. I'm also sure her husband and Oprah would be huge fundraisers for her.

I feel she's got a shot, as Trump would never step on the debate stage with her. She is intelligent and has 10 times the charisma of Biden. I feel she could even get conservative women to secretly cross party lines to vote for the first woman president. I think she is their only shot. Anyone else, and it's a Trump victory. Trump has the Libertarian Party only supporting their candidate in blue states, and rumor is he's calling on Ben Carson for VP to secure more black votes. I also think RFK will pull more from the Democratic candidate. That being said, I think it'd still be less than a 2% win margin by either candidate.

Full Disclosure: I don't support a damn soul that has been put forward for president.
Our country is better than this, and we shouldn't stand for subpar choices that have been set before us.

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(06-29-2024, 10:56 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: The only shot they have is Michelle Obama,  at this point. She has the name recognition, and most folks haven't much info on her positions. They could tailor policy to make her a competitor.

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I know politicians are all about deals, friendships, and connections... but jeeze. That would mean the last 3 elections they would run our 42nd President's Wife, 44th President's VP, and 44th President's Wife. (Running all three times against our reality TV 45th President, because we are in the dumbest timeline.)

That just seems extra-incestuous even by politician standards.

I'm not a normal voter by any means, but I just feel gross voting for anyone with close relation to someone who has already been President. It feels way too much like supporting oligarchy. Same reason why I would never vote for a Bush or Kennedy.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
(07-01-2024, 12:44 AM)Rotobeast Wrote: Trump has the Libertarian Party only supporting their candidate in blue states, and rumor is he's calling on Ben Carson for VP to secure more black votes. 

Love the Ben Carson pick if it comes through. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I like a lot of picks.

My favorite is Tulsi Gabbard, the Carson and then JD Vance
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Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats

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