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Cuomo's seat getting warmer?
I think it's indisputable how Dems are held at higher standards. Not really much to debate given what we know. I guess in my absence you haven't taken notice
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(08-10-2021, 04:38 PM)jj22 Wrote: I think it's indisputable how Dems are held at higher standards. Not really much to debate given what we know. I guess in my absence you haven't taken notice

If it's indisputable then you should have little trouble making a iron clad argument in that regard.
I could if I wanted to but we've already discussed this issue in detail in the past. Maybe you forgot. I'll stick around and as these things come up as they surely will, I will again start to point them out.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(08-10-2021, 04:41 PM)jj22 Wrote: I could if I wanted to but we've already discussed this issue in detail in the past. Maybe you forgot. I'll stick around and as these things come up as they surely will, I will again start to point them out.

Well, you didn't do especially well in that regard today, but hope springs eternal.
I don't get why you act like you don't remember this discussion? Doesn't bode well for future discussions since you clearly have closed your mind to the topic and are ignoring that this has been discussed with plenty examples already. I'm not starting the debate over. We see Cuomo as the most recent example. Which you've spun yourself in circles trying to excuse and show how somehow it is different then the Trumps, Gaetz, Kavanaughs of the GOP, while proving my point). I've been messaged that it's been discussed and folks remember. That is enough for me to know you are just.... I'm actually not sure what you are doing or why you act as though you've forgotten.

To those who have welcomed me back. Thanks for holding it down. I'm here to see if those who found no fault with Trump continue with the same energy for Biden.

Interested to see if there has been criticism over Hunter selling his art. (So much for Capitalisms). I'm sure there isn't since it's not like he got a government job making millions of tax payers because his dad is POTUS.

I'm happy to be back.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(08-10-2021, 06:00 PM)jj22 Wrote: I don't get why you act like you don't remember this discussion? Doesn't bode well for future discussions since you clearly have closed your mind to the topic and are ignoring that this has been discussed with plenty examples already. I'm not starting the debate over.

If you want me to remember a previous discussion on this topic you'll have to be more specific than referring to it as "this conversation".

Quote:We see Cuomo as the most recent example. Which you've spun yourself in circles trying to excuse and show how somehow it is different then the Trumps, Gaetz, Kavanaughs of the GOP, while proving my point).

I haven't spun myself into anything.  I posted the factual differences, you have countered with absolutely nothing.  You are proving a point, just not the one you think you're proving.

Quote:I've been messaged that it's been discussed and folks remember. That is enough for me to know you are just.... I'm actually not sure what you are doing or why you act as though you've forgotten.

Ahaha, who am I to argue with such ironclad proof?  Hilarious

Quote:To those who have welcomed me back. Thanks for holding it down. I'm here to see if those who found no fault with Trump continue with the same energy for Biden.

Who found no fault with Trump?

Quote:Interested to see if there has been criticism over Hunter selling his art. (So much for Capitalisms). I'm sure there isn't since it's not like he got a government job making millions of tax payers because his dad is POTUS.

I don't believe the topic has been discussed, but feel free to look so you can reinforce your preconceptions.

Quote:I'm happy to be back.

Yeah, odd that you appeared just after GM slithered his way back in here.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Anybody know where I can buy tickets for that Trump and O’reilly cross country tour?
(08-10-2021, 10:53 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Anybody know where I can buy tickets for that Trump and O’reilly cross country tour?

What do either of them have to do with Cuomo being a serial sexual harasser? 
(08-10-2021, 11:00 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: What do either of them have to do with Cuomo being a serial sexual harasser? 

Shared interests on Facebook.
(08-10-2021, 06:22 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: If you want me to remember a previous discussion on this topic you'll have to be more specific than referring to it as "this conversation".

So he can't he just refer to your "posting history."

Elevation of standards here?  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-10-2021, 04:16 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: A few flaws in your comparison with Gaetz.  Cuomo did not resign, nor where there many calls for him to do so, until after the AG's report came out substantiating the allegations.  As the investigation into Gaetz has not concluded your comparison is thus a poor one.  If that investigation is concluded and also substantiates the allegation, and Gaetz is not pressured to resign as Cuomo was, then you'll have a point.  As for Trump, you got it right, the allegations were from before his election.  I could counter with the woman who accused Clinton of raping her and how she wasn't believed at all, nor where there any serious calls from the Dems to investigate those claims.

In essence, you're trying to hold your side up as paragons of virtue when in reality they didn't do a damn thing until irrefutable proof was provided.  Both parties are corrupt opportunists who will protect their own.  But if it makes you feel better to be on the side of the "good guys" then who am I to shatter your illusionary comfort?

JJ was not holding up any side as "paragons of virtue." You are injecting this hyperbole yourself. 
He was speaking of the different parties standards of accountability for their politicians.

Paula Jones accused Clinton of harassment before his first election, but RWM payoffs to troopers "confirming" the story tainted it; Jennifer Flowers also claimed an affair with Bill. Not "harassment," but Hillary and Bill came on tv together to address the scandal, which almost tanked his candidacy. 

The Clinton rape allegation, like the Lewinsky affair, only became public AFTER Clinton was elected the second time. Given the difficulties created by Jones and Flowers, there is no reason to suppose he would have been elected, had the public known of these more serious stories.

In contrast, Trump's numerous allegations of harassment and rape, plus the Hollywood Access tape and his porn star scandal ALL came to light BEFORE his election. That supports JJ's "less accountability" thesis, since it didn't matter to Republicans then and still doesn't. While Bill is now a pariah, Trump still runs the Republican party. And who thinks Bill's reputation didn't hurt the Hillary among Democrats? So no, Clinton is no counter Trump. "Both sides" don't elect P-grabbers.

How many count as "many"? Cuomo, who has resigned, faced calls to resign from Schumer and Gillibrand and a mass of House Democrats as early as March this year, long before any investigation was concluded.

If the charges against Gaetz are substantiated, he'll be in jail on statutory rape, among other things. That will take care of his "resignation." 

The the contrast here is to Al Franken, who was out for far less and long before. 

Were the "opportunist" Dems "protecting their own" then? 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Cuomo is a hoot with his excuses...I never meant to sexually harass women, it just happens that this society decided that powerful white guys touching women against their will became taboo sometime in the past few decades and no one had the courtesy to inform me of that.

It's bad enough that our country is getting all #metoo and woke and PC on us, but to not even attempt to brief and reeducate sleazy powerful white dudes is just....well, that one is on you, society.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-12-2021, 09:46 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Cuomo is a hoot with his excuses...I never meant to sexually harass women, it just happens that this society decided that powerful white guys touching women against their will became taboo sometime in the past few decades and no one had the courtesy to inform me of that.

It's bad enough that our country is getting all #metoo and woke and PC on us, but to not even attempt to brief and reeducate sleazy powerful white dudes is just....well, that one is on you, society.

My 100% Italian mother said it was a shame they go after Democrats and not people like Trump to force them to resign.

I said I agree.

She said she bets some of the women made it up anyway.

I told her I'm sure because I've never met an older Italian man with any kind of power who treated women so badly.  Ninja

That was sarcasm.  She didn't like it.  Smirk

More to your post this isn't us looking back at something from the 1800's through the lens of today's society.  This is recent stuff.  He can't feign "I didn't know".  He knew.  

And him resigning is the right thing to do but I don't think for a minute he is remorseful or thinks he did anything wrong.  At least he did the right thing.  Too many do not.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
I'm not saying I have ABSOLUTE PROOF democrats hold people to a higher standard, but Seth Myers and Steven Colbert were ragging on Cuomo and the liberal audience booed them with as much vigor as they did for DeSantis and others of that ilk. Colbert even pointed out that Biden called Cuomo out and joked that Biden thinks touching women is wrong and it's all about creepily sniffing their hair.

Anywho, If Trump and Giuliani can go from democrats/rinos to being GOP standards I wouldn't rule out Cuomo.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-12-2021, 09:46 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Cuomo is a hoot with his excuses...I never meant to sexually harass women, it just happens that this society decided that powerful white guys touching women against their will became taboo sometime in the past few decades and no one had the courtesy to inform me of that.

It's bad enough that our country is getting all #metoo and woke and PC on us, but to not even attempt to brief and reeducate sleazy powerful white dudes is just....well, that one is on you, society.

Nately, Nately, Nately.  

What NY state needs now is healing. Not more division!

The party needs to move on now and not dwell on the past.  Wink
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-25-2021, 11:42 AM)Nately120 Wrote: What if he runs as a republican?  Can you imagine a legacy bag of crap democrat from NYC with sexual misconduct allegations who caused actual deaths through his self centered lies getting the nod for the GOP????

Well, I half-jokingly but fully-cynically mentioned this 13 months ago...but Cuomo is hitting phase 1 of the plan by taking shots at cancel culture...
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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