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Denmark bans face veil: Incompatible with Danish values
(02-08-2018, 03:44 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: STFU with this crap.  Because I can't provide an inane apocryphal story to buttress my assertion I am wrong?  I need point out nothing more than the experience of every woman who comes of age in Saudi Arabia or any other such country.  If you feel comfortable advocating for the continued subjugation of women I have no ameliorating words for you.   

Perhaps instead of just attacking me for doing research to prove you wrong you could post an article that proves every woman who wears a hijab is doing it because she is forced to by a man.

I realize that you believe your opinion never needs anything to prove it is true, but personal opinions usually don't carry a lot of weight in serious debates.

I am not disputing that some women are forced to wear a hijab just like some Christian women are forbidden from wearing pants.  I just don't think we should make make laws forbidding women from wearing a veil or a dress.
(02-09-2018, 02:51 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Perhaps instead of just attacking me for doing research to prove you wrong you could post an article that proves every woman who wears a hijab is doing it because she is forced to by a man.

I realize that you believe your opinion never needs anything to prove it is true, but personal opinions usually don't carry a lot of weight in serious debates.

I am not disputing that some women are forced to wear a hijab just like some Christian women are forbidden from wearing pants.  I just don't think we should make make laws forbidding women from wearing a veil or a dress.

We have one of those in a parents group I belong to.  She's an older lady (retired) with two adopted daughters.  Former teacher.  Always wears a skirt, never pants.  I just chalked it up to women of a certain age.  

Turns out it's part of her religion.  And she made a stink because our dress code for chaperones calls for tan or black pants.  Apparently she had never chaperoned and complained she wasn't allowed to wear pants and it was against her religion and she wouldn't do it.  (Did I mention she complains about a LOT of things?) 

We're an easy going group and calmly explained that a black skirt would be fine...especially since some of the ladies wear them anyway.  Or shorts.  

I think some people just like to complain.  Or finds a reason to complain.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
So I've read through the thread and the arguments have become kind of a " I don't like you so I'm going to argue with you no matter what you say..."

Any way It's pretty simple guys. We live in a country in which you can practice whatever religion you wish including it's customs, as long as it's not hurting others or infringing on others rights.

Wearing a veil does neither of those.

It's really that simple guys. I'm not religious and I'm not fearful of retribution and nor should anyone wearing a veil... that's the beauty of this country.
(02-09-2018, 02:44 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Before I waste any more time discussing this I think I need to make sure I understand your position.

Are you saying that it should be against the law to wear a veil and anyone who disagrees with that supports the oppression of women?

You should be able to answer this question without having to ask.  Simply find a post in which I say we should ban this in the US.  I'll continue to, correctly, point out that the intention of the burqa is to subjugate women but admitting that, much like a battered woman who decides to say with her abuser, it's a personal choice.

(02-09-2018, 02:51 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Perhaps instead of just attacking me for doing research to prove you wrong you could post an article that proves every woman who wears a hijab is doing it because she is forced to by a man.

I sure will, as soon as I make that argument.

Quote:I realize that you believe your opinion never needs anything to prove it is true, but personal opinions usually don't carry a lot of weight in serious debates.

You're adorable.  I'm sure this special brand of smarminess has earned your clients extra years of incarceration.   Smirk

Quote:I am not disputing that some women are forced to wear a hijab just like some Christian women are forbidden from wearing pants.  I just don't think we should make make laws forbidding women from wearing a veil or a dress.

Cool, keep arguing against a position I never took.  ThumbsUp
(02-09-2018, 10:11 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Cool, keep arguing against a position I never took.  ThumbsUp

Okay, just so I make sure I get this right.

When I said this.....

(02-07-2018, 11:34 PM)fredtoast Wrote: No woman should be forced to wear a veil or burqua.

But at the same time there should never be a law against it.  It is the total opposit of the freedom our country stands for.

And you responded with this......

(02-07-2018, 11:47 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: The women are forced to wear them.  I know, you'll claim it's a choice, just like it's a choice for a battered woman to remain with her husband.  When you're raised in a culture that demands female subjugation, counts women as less than men, forces women to obey their husband, punishes dissension with ostracism at best, physical punishment to death at worst and teaches that failure to follow these rules means eternal damnation, choosing the not follow these rules isn't really a choice.  You're quite the feminist though, well done!

You were 100% agreeing with me?

Also just so I am clear. Do you agree that there are some Muslim women who wear the burqua/hijab that are not doing it because of intimidation from men?

Sometimes it is difficult for me to understand why you would insult me for taking the same position as you.

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