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Does God exist?
(07-27-2022, 10:51 PM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: Bingo. As I've constantly said, religion is inherently good, but once people use it to their advantage, then it can be used for evil.

Oh shut up. It's disgusting how, "American Christianity," has distorted the universal truths and morals taught in actual Christianity, with this crap.

This is what CHRISTIANS believe. This is what is taught in the CHRISTIAN BIBLE.

So that means that a Buddhist Monk in Tibet, who has devoted his entire life to nature, good causes, prays every day to his own God, etc., DOESN'T know truth and how things really are, just because he doesn't believe in Jesus? Yeah, FOH with that.

One that does not believe in our God can still know truth and still behave/be a better person than any Christian. Look how many non-Americans, Christian or otherwise (though I'm highlighting the non-Christians in this case), have been SIGNIFICANTLY more-useful and beneficial to the planet and to others, than the vast majority of the Bible Thumpers that live on a farm all day in the Southern US and do nothing but shoot guns and collect government cheques/pension.

You should all be sent to a deserted island and live by your distortions of the Bible and we'll see how many of you last even a week, before you start fighting, bickering or worse.

"The guy who invented firearms isn't evil, just the gun that he created is."

FOH with that too.

I'm not saying that, "God is/isn't evil," but if you don't see the massive hypocrisy in the statement you wrote, then nobody can help you in your delusions.

If all humans are created in God's image, but humans have the potential to be evil, then surely God himself can have the potential to be evil too, right?

You can't argue that, but I will laugh at how you will attempt to spin this.

when you start off telling someone to shut up its hard to take you serious cause thats whats kids do on the playground. 

but for the heck of it i will try to help you anyway cause i think every body has potenal. if i bring kids into the world and i teach them right and give them all the info they need and when they grow up, they do bad stuff, does that make me bad. of course not bud, it means there rebelling and choosing the wrong path. thats on them not me. 

this ant that hard. its actually pretty simple. you either believe in god and accept salvation through Jesus or you deal the consequinces. its your choice and i pray you pick the right path.
(07-28-2022, 10:20 PM)guyofthetiger Wrote: For a guy so smart, you don't even know what sin is. It is separation from God. So how does He create it? Also, calling God having an evil nature is wrong. Satan has the evil nature. God loves mankind so much that He allows weeds within the harvest because his other option would be to end the world.

amen buddy.

i havent seen him get a single thing right about religion yet. people like that talk all fancy and they give into there own ego instead of submitting to God. hopefully he can look in the mirror and realize theres a much higher power than him. lots of people need to do that. 

people want to mock and slander God and dont realize what a dangerous game there playing.
(07-29-2022, 04:40 PM)Tiger Blood Wrote: people want to mock and slander God and dont realize what a dangerous game there playing.


I have a better chance of getting killed by Daniel Radcliff than being smote by sky daddy. 
(07-29-2022, 04:59 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: SMITE ME O MIGHTY SMITER!!!

I have a better chance of getting killed by Daniel Radcliff than being smote by sky daddy. 

you sound really mad at God. i can literal see it in your words.
(07-29-2022, 05:03 PM)Tiger Blood Wrote: you sound really mad at God. i can literal see it in your words.

I tend not to spend emotions on people's imaginary friends.

Hail Satan.
(07-29-2022, 05:12 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: I tend not to spend emotions on people's imaginary friends.

Hail Satan.

literal every thing you say about God is loaded in emotion. theres a reason for that
(07-29-2022, 05:17 PM)Tiger Blood Wrote: literal every thing you say about God is loaded in emotion. theres a reason for that

If that's how you read it, and it helps you sleep at night, be my guest to project your emotions on my posts.

Meanwhile, I'll keep grinning like a Chesire Cat and repeating 'Hail Satan'.
(07-29-2022, 05:45 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: If that's how you read it, and it helps you sleep at night, be my guest to project your emotions on my posts.

Meanwhile, I'll keep grinning like a Chesire Cat and repeating 'Hail Satan'.

<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
(07-29-2022, 06:34 PM)Tiger Blood Wrote: <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Hail Satan.
To me organized religion is like Coke and Star Wars....really popular, but I don't really get the appeal. On the plus side, I'm not going to burn in eternal torment for not drinking Coke or watching Star Wars.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I apologize for posters compromising their relationship to God by posting things they truly know are not of God. In other words, I hope that I didn't cause someone to say something they will regret later in life or when facing death. I did it myself in the past when I was immature and not really able to comprehend this amazing world.
Who Dey!  Tiger
(07-29-2022, 04:59 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: SMITE ME O MIGHTY SMITER!!!

I have a better chance of getting killed by Daniel Radcliff than being smote by sky daddy. 

You despise Trump because of the way he acts?? But then you emulate him?? And FYI, it's not just in this thread. 
That's so effing whack!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-29-2022, 07:37 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: You despise Trump because of the way he acts?? But then you emulate him?? And FYI, it's not just in this thread. 
That's so effing whack!

The only perfect person is Jesus, c'mon man.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-29-2022, 07:37 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: You despise Trump because of the way he acts?? But then you emulate him?? And FYI, it's not just in this thread. 
That's so effing whack!

What in the actual **** are you on about?

I've never once cheated on my wife, ****** a child, gone bankrupt multiple times, ****** over an entire country to deepen my pockets, or acted like a Christian to get idiots to vote for me.

The only thing I have in common with Trump is I tell it like I see it, but even that has a major difference - I'm not bat shit insane.

Hail Satan.
(07-29-2022, 07:54 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: What in the actual **** are you on about?

I've never once cheated on my wife, ****** a child, gone bankrupt multiple times, ****** over an entire country to deepen my pockets, or acted like a Christian to get idiots to vote for me.

The only thing I have in common with Trump is I tell it like I see it, but even that has a major difference - I'm not bat shit insane.

Hail Satan.

I'm on the Trump plan of embracing Christianity, in the sense that as soon as the 26th woman accuses me of sexual misconduct I'll make the change.  Holy crap....DeShaun Watson 2024!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-29-2022, 08:02 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I'm on the Trump plan of embracing Christianity, in the sense that as soon as the 26th woman accuses me of sexual misconduct I'll make the change.  Holy crap....DeShaun Watson 2024!

Don't forget to hold your Bible upside down after you use the police to pepper spray a bunch of unarmed protestors and a pastor so you can get your photo op in. Just like Jesus teaches.
(07-29-2022, 07:54 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: What in the actual **** are you on about?

I've never once cheated on my wife, ****** a child, gone bankrupt multiple times, ****** over an entire country to deepen my pockets, or acted like a Christian to get idiots to vote for me.

The only thing I have in common with Trump is I tell it like I see it, but even that has a major difference - I'm not bat shit insane.

Hail Satan.

But you certainly didn't have a problem picking on Brad and making the comment he hit his head on the dashboard. 
Then there is the constant belittling/name calling/bullying of anyone that doesn't share your same set of beliefs, and some of the outrageous comments you make while doing so, and apparently i'm not the only one that thinks you come across as Angry alot. 

So yea, you are quite similar.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-29-2022, 04:34 PM)Tiger Blood Wrote: when you start off telling someone to shut up its hard to take you serious cause thats whats kids do on the playground. 

but for the heck of it i will try to help you anyway cause i think every body has potenal. if i bring kids into the world and i teach them right and give them all the info they need and when they grow up, they do bad stuff, does that make me bad. of course not bud, it means there rebelling and choosing the wrong path. thats on them not me. 

this ant that hard. its actually pretty simple. you either believe in god and accept salvation through Jesus or you deal the consequinces. its your choice and i pray you pick the right path.

I'm Catholic; I'm on a MUCH better path than any American, "Christian," can EVER be, when it comes to religion, especially since I actually know the Bible and I don't just parrot random verses with 0 context or grasp of what is being said, to puff myself up and, "look smart."

But I can also separate my faith from other, practical and tangible things in life that have 0 to do with religion, something, "American Christians," seem to be unable to do, unless it suits their wants and needs.

Debating you is like debating a wall that talks back, somehow; I know where I fit in the world and an super comfortable in my mind, skin and with how I conduct my life, especially since I don't commit any crimes, I knowingly don't do anything immoral and I treat the entire world with tolerance and respect, until I get to know what they're up to and bad actors/fake people cause me to lose my patience and tolerance VERY fast.

And you're one of them.

Do yourself a favour: read Proverbs. Grasp each and every bit of morality and life lessons (that are apt to today's modern world, of course) that are in those pages and then maybe, MAYBE you will have a shred of understanding at how I conduct myself and my mindset.

BTW, you never answered my question and the, "bringing kids into the world," bit is a false equivalency; "I taught them well and right and blah blah."

But did you? You taught them how YOU feel is right, but if what YOU feel is right, is going against nature, natural and physical law, societal and moral laws, etc., etc., then you DID lead them down a stray path, because you (not you specifically) are so ignorant to the truth and how things actually are, your mindset and POV are distorted and ****** up.

Nice trying to spin that, but you did a terrible job because, not only did you not give the correct answer, your answer just shows the hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness that you have showed in all of your posts.

And don't throw, "well I taught them via the Bible and the word and all that crap." Ok, so you're saying that the book you put SO much stock, SO much faith and SO much belief in, is flawed, just like other humans?

Paradoxes. Hypocrisy. Until you, "Christian Americans," realise that your entire lives are just 1 big oxymoron, when you base it on your, "faith," you will continue to be treated the way you are.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
[Image: Truck_1_0_1_.png]
(07-29-2022, 08:45 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: But you certainly didn't have a problem picking on Brad and making the comment he hit his head on the dashboard. 
Then there is the constant belittling/name calling/bullying of anyone that doesn't share your same set of beliefs, and some of the outrageous comments you make while doing so, and apparently i'm not the only one that thinks you come across as Angry alot. 

So yea, you are quite similar.

Oh so as long as you don't like the person, suddenly picking on the handicapped is taboo? Meanwhile your cult was foaming at the mouth to kiss the ass of Trump when he did that shit. Miss me with your faux outrage - you don't get to have your cake and eat it, too.

As far as the belittling beliefs - I actually don't. I've said multiple times I'm all for the good religion can do for a person. I'll continue to look down on those who believe that their world view is the only correct one and who try and use their religion to put themselves on a pedestal while ignoring the tenants of their own faith. You'll notice I haven't mocked Truck or Bengalzona despite them saying they are of the Christian faith - because they're not trying to ram it down societies collective throats.

You may see anger - that's your prerogative. I can tell you - wholeheartedly - that I don't give a good god damn enough about anyone here to get mad at them or really even their nonsense posts about religion. But topics come up, I drop my opinion - either on the topic or an individual post - and anything past that is for the lulz. 

That's why we're all here, isn't it? To pass the time, have some discussions, get some laughs? If you can't find the humor in all of this - even the serious stuff - you need to touch some grass. Hug a neighbor. Pet a dog. Lighten up, is my point.

If I offend you - or anyone, for that matter - that's your/their problem. Best I can do is say 'meh'.

Hail Satan.
(07-29-2022, 09:50 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Oh so as long as you don't like the person, suddenly picking on the handicapped is taboo? Meanwhile your cult was foaming at the mouth to kiss the ass of Trump when he did that shit. Miss me with your faux outrage - you don't get to have your cake and eat it, too.

My Cult?
Picking on Handicaps? I thought it was tasteless when Trump did it. IDGAF what your reason was, it was just as tasteless.
I don't kiss the ass of Trump. 

If a better candidate comes along, i'll be first in line to vote for them. So take your cultish faux outrage and shove it up your Trump behaving ass.

I vote Republican because i place higher importance on their policies over the Democrats. 

(07-29-2022, 09:50 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: As far as the belittling beliefs - I actually don't. I've said multiple times I'm all for the good religion can do for a person. I'll continue to look down on those who believe that their world view is the only correct one and who try and use their religion to put themselves on a pedestal while ignoring the tenants of their own faith. You'll notice I haven't mocked Truck or Bengalzona despite them saying they are of the Christian faith - because they're not trying to ram it down societies collective throats.

Like Trump does to those that don't step in line.

(07-29-2022, 09:50 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: You may see anger - that's your prerogative. I can tell you - wholeheartedly - that I don't give a good god damn enough about anyone here to get mad at them or really even their nonsense posts about religion. But topics come up, I drop my opinion - either on the topic or an individual post - and anything past that is for the lulz. 

Your words/wording come across as angry, insulting and lulz intended for a certain crowd. Like Trumps..
It's not just religious posts where you insult people, it's one of the first reactions to someone's post that you don't like.
(07-29-2022, 09:50 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: That's why we're all here, isn't it? To pass the time, have some discussions, get some laughs? If you can't find the humor in all of this - even the serious stuff - you need to touch some grass. Hug a neighbor. Pet a dog. Lighten up, is my point.

If I offend you - or anyone, for that matter - that's your/their problem. Best I can do is say 'meh'.

Hail Satan.

I don't think it's me that needs to "lighten up", do i run around always insulting people cause they have different views?
btw, other than Bankruptcy, Trump also denies everything you denied and worships in the Church of Self. 
Are you sure you aren't Trump Jr?
if the ego fits right??
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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