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Eight Years Of..
(10-21-2020, 10:16 AM)michaelsean Wrote: It would not be the end of the world for me.  Democrats are like my wife.  I want them to get what they want so they will just shut the f*** up for five minutes.  

Maybe it's the same in reverse and I just don't notice it as much, but God I can't stand listening to them anymore.  With some exceptions.

That is my huge silver lining if/when Trump loses.  Finally the media will put a lid on it and stop ripping the country apart for at least four years.  If it goes back to the same ole same ole of the Obama years, then so be it.  At the end of the day, this country deserves the leaders they elect, and if the leftist platform is what people want, then that is what they get.

Luckily, I live in God's country so I am isolated from it to an extent.  As much as Obama was disliked, we weren't miserable when Obama was president.  People just worked like always and life went on.  If Biden wins, people will be upset around here, but I promise you will not see rioting and looting in the deep red portions of the state.  If Trump pulls this out, then look out if you live in the big city. 

Lastly, people have very short memories and they forget that there was a reason Trump got elected in the first place.  The "America First" mentality was a massive breath of fresh air for many millions of people after Obama, and it will be again after Pelosi, Harris, and Biden.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-21-2020, 12:45 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Ya, I'm definitely going to have to disagree on that one.  Stelter, Cuomo, Lemon, Mika and Joe.  No way Fox is crazier and it's not even close.

I don't know all of these women and gentlemen, but sure those of them I know have their questionable side. But nothing comes close to being as numb, completely unreflected partisan propaganda than what a Judge Jeanine or a Sean Hannity, and how all these people are called, are doing. That just completely rolled over for Trump like no one on CNN ever did for anyone. You can see these as biased statements all you want, but I am also not rooted in all of that permanent partisan bickering - I am an outsider, after all, so I claim at least some objectivity. And of course many CNN et al. commentators try to hammer home a deep rejection of Donald Trump, but at least they usually have some facts straight and don't just claim wild conspiratorial guesses or mere opinions ("the best president we ever had") like undisputable truths.

What FOX does is simply embarrassing. And so is Trump. In combination, I guess I never quite saw something as embarrassing as these times Donald Trump calls into FOX news, rambling on in completely incoherent thoughts and sentences and have these minions sing his praises when faced with all this nonsensical ignorance and vulgarity. This is without honor and yeah, I put a Joe Scarborough with all his quirks way beyond any of this when it comes to some journalistic integrity.

I know you disagree on this, I just wish that you would at times just... get real for a second, I guess. Ah, well.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-21-2020, 11:16 AM)fredtoast Wrote: The fact that Russia interfered with the last election has been proven.  There is nothing fake about that claim.

The fact that the Trump campaign personnel met with Russian spies at Trump Tower and then lied their asses off about it has been proven.  there is nothing fake about that.

The fact that multiple Trump campaign personnel and Trumps personal lawyer were convicted of federal crimes for lying to authorities and/or violating campaign regulations regulations is true.  There is nothing fake about that.

The final report from Meuller said they could not conclusively prove Trump colluded with the Russians, but it did not say he did not either.  There is nothing fake about that.

JFC! You are a lawyer and have no idea what a fact is. None of any of this shit you posted is a fact. Just because you read or heard some half-ass politically biased hack of a reporter or “expert” repeat something on CNN or MSNBC doesn’t make it a fact.

Hilarious how you gloss over the fact that the whole Russian Collusion story was concocted by the Hillary Clinton Campaign. But I guess that since you didn’t see that during your daily “facts finding” session on CNN or MSNBC you would t know that.

That and your inability to distinguish the difference in charges levied against Trump campaign members and his “personal” Pos lawyer for other shit not related to Russian collusion is actually rather comical given your profession.

What’s not fake is Hunter Biden’s laptop...his signature. His emails...the pictures on the laptop...the FBI paperwork for retrieving the laptop.

But hey Russia, Russia, Russia..!
(10-22-2020, 03:15 AM)Stonyhands Wrote: JFC!  You are a lawyer and have no idea what a fact is.  None of any of this shit you posted is a fact.  Just because you read or heard some half-ass politically biased hack of a reporter or “expert” repeat something on CNN or MSNBC doesn’t make it a fact.  

Hilarious how you gloss over the fact that the whole Russian Collusion story was concocted by the Hillary Clinton Campaign.  But I guess that since you didn’t see that during your daily “facts finding” session on CNN or MSNBC you would t know that.  

That and your inability to distinguish the difference in charges levied against Trump campaign members and his “personal” Pos lawyer for other shit not related to Russian collusion is actually rather comical given your profession.  

What’s not fake is Hunter Biden’s laptop...his signature.  His emails...the pictures on the laptop...the FBI paperwork for retrieving the laptop.  

But hey Russia, Russia, Russia..!

Mueller's Report Shows All The Ways Russia Interfered In 2016 Presidential Election
Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election Volume I of II
G.O.P.-Led Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russia

Senate panel backs assessment that Russia interfered in 2016


As a side note I don't think Hunter Biden has a chance of getting elected this year now.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-22-2020, 02:58 AM)hollodero Wrote: I don't know all of these women and gentlemen, but sure those of them I know have their questionable side. But nothing comes close to being as numb, completely unreflected partisan propaganda than what a Judge Jeanine or a Sean Hannity, and how all these people are called, are doing. That just completely rolled over for Trump like no one on CNN ever did for anyone. You can see these as biased statements all you want, but I am also not rooted in all of that permanent partisan bickering - I am an outsider, after all, so I claim at least some objectivity. And of course many CNN et al. commentators try to hammer home a deep rejection of Donald Trump, but at least they usually have some facts straight and don't just claim wild conspiratorial guesses or mere opinions ("the best president we ever had") like undisputable truths.

What FOX does is simply embarrassing. And so is Trump. In combination, I guess I never quite saw something as embarrassing as these times Donald Trump calls into FOX news, rambling on in completely incoherent thoughts and sentences and have these minions sing his praises when faced with all this nonsensical ignorance and vulgarity. This is without honor and yeah, I put a Joe Scarborough with all his quirks way beyond any of this when it comes to some journalistic integrity.

I know you disagree on this, I just wish that you would at times just... get real for a second, I guess. Ah, well.
You are telling me to get real while also saying you don't even know of or have seen some of the people I have listed.  They are every bit as bad or worse than FOX.  They act hysterical.  Trump is going to destroy the Country, literally.  Hysterics.  

Cuomo the complete and utter mask hypocrite.  Did you catch the letter Cuomo's own building sent him about refusing to wear a mask and threatening him with a fine?  This is the same guy who thinks you are evil trash for not wearing a mask.

Straight facts like saying the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation?  Straight facts like Schiff, with zero knowledge or evidence stating on national TV that Hunter's laptop was Russian propaganda?  I'm not saying FOX doesn't do this also, but to say FOX is far worse than the rest of the Left MSM is just disingenuous.

You mean completely rolled over for Biden and Harris?  Where is the coverage or questions of the laptop fiasco?  Any tough questions at all or of anything for Biden or Harris?  The MSM completely cover for them.  They cover them while they take almost zero questions and certainly no tough questions.  Harris went at least 42 days with not talking to the press.  Unprecedented.  Biden keeps hiding.

"Like no one on CNN ever did for anyone?"  Are you serious?  You have got to be trolling at this point.  They have been rolled over for Biden and Harris for months.
Guess we don't have to wait...

Interesting that at least one of the "questions" the four GOP members had was already public information.

Quote:House Republicans Investigate Biden Use Of Chartered Amtrak Train

House Republicans on Wednesday alleged the Biden campaign disrupted Amtrak service and caused financial strain on the quasi-public corporation with its use of a chartered train for a Midwest campaign swing earlier this month.

In a letter to Amtrak President and CEO William Flynn, four GOP lawmakers on the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials expressed concerns the trip “redirected Amtrak’s scarce resources during a time of record losses, employee layoffs, and service cuts during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The letter points to Amtrak guidelines that chartered trains “must generate sufficient financial benefit for Amtrak to justify the Amtrak resources and assets” in order to operate regular train services “safely, punctually, and efficiently.”

The lawmakers question Flynn on the cost of the trip and whether it resulted in service disruptions, whether the Biden campaign received a “financial discount” or “special treatment,” and what the background is of campaigns chartering Amtrak trains.

The lawmakers also allege the Biden campaign “declined to disclose what it paid to use Amtrak’s resources,” though a recent FEC filing reveals the train was leased on Sept. 28 for $265,000.

Biden campaign spokesperson Matt Hill noted “anyone can charter a train with Amtrak” in a statement to Forbes, adding, “Last time we checked, no one can charter the White House South Lawn for a political convention,” a reference to President Trump’s address to the GOP Convention in August.

Hill referred to the letter as a “political stunt” that House Republicans are “wasting time” on, urging them to “stop ignoring Donald Trump's blatant abuses of taxpayer money and government resources.”
Forbes has reached out to Amtrak for comment.

Chartering Amtrak trains for “whistle-stop tours” has a storied history in American presidential races that includes some recent campaigns, according to Amtrak. Republican presidents George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford all used trains during their campaigns, as did Democrat Bill Clinton.

2.1 million. That’s how many miles Biden said he has traveled on Amtrak. During his decades-long career in the Senate, Biden was well-known for commuting by Amtrak from his home in Delaware to Washington, D.C.

“The Build Back Better Express Tour was about more than my love for trains — it was about meeting folks along the way and discussing how we can make their lives better,” Biden tweeted Wednesday.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-22-2020, 02:58 AM)hollodero Wrote: I don't know all of these women and gentlemen, but sure those of them I know have their questionable side. But nothing comes close to being as numb, completely unreflected partisan propaganda than what a Judge Jeanine or a Sean Hannity, and how all these people are called, are doing. That just completely rolled over for Trump like no one on CNN ever did for anyone. You can see these as biased statements all you want, but I am also not rooted in all of that permanent partisan bickering - I am an outsider, after all, so I claim at least some objectivity. And of course many CNN et al. commentators try to hammer home a deep rejection of Donald Trump, but at least they usually have some facts straight and don't just claim wild conspiratorial guesses or mere opinions ("the best president we ever had") like undisputable truths.

What FOX does is simply embarrassing. And so is Trump. In combination, I guess I never quite saw something as embarrassing as these times Donald Trump calls into FOX news, rambling on in completely incoherent thoughts and sentences and have these minions sing his praises when faced with all this nonsensical ignorance and vulgarity. This is without honor and yeah, I put a Joe Scarborough with all his quirks way beyond any of this when it comes to some journalistic integrity.

I know you disagree on this, I just wish that you would at times just... get real for a second, I guess. Ah, well.

Sean Hannity is a complete ass.  From what I've seen Don Lemon is easily his equal.  Several years ago I'd absolutely agree with you, Fox was several cuts above anyone else in this regard.  Now?  I think MSNBC is on par and CNN has definitely narrowed the gap.
(10-22-2020, 03:15 AM)Stonyhands Wrote: Hilarious how you gloss over the fact that the whole Russian Collusion story was concocted by the Hillary Clinton Campaign.  But I guess that since you didn’t see that during your daily “facts finding” session on CNN or MSNBC you would t know that.  

It was no concocted by the Hillary campaign.  It was initiated based on comments that Trump foreign affairs advisor George Papadopoulos  made to an Australian diplomat on May 10, 2016 and to Greek Foreign Minister on May 26 about Russians being in possession of Hillary Clinton emails that could be used to help Trump in the upcoming election.

What proof do you have that Hillary forced him to make these statements?

Then on June 9 High level members of the Trump campaign Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort met with a contengint of Russians including former Russian intelligence officer Ike Kaveladze

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting.  He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans. On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton and that he was conducting opposition research. When the New York Times was about to report on email exchanges between Goldstone and Trump Jr., Trump Jr. himself admitted that Goldstone had stated in an email to him that the Russian government was involved and that the purpose of the meeting was to get "dirt on Clinton" and that the meeting concerned a "Russian effort to aid the (Trump) campaign."  In early July 2017, it was reported that President Donald Trump himself drafted Trump Jr.'s initial misleading statement.  The report was later confirmed by the president's attorneys

What proof do you have the Hillary forced them to do any of this?
(10-22-2020, 10:27 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: You are telling me to get real while also saying you don't even know of or have seen some of the people I have listed.  They are every bit as bad or worse than FOX.  They act hysterical.  Trump is going to destroy the Country, literally.  Hysterics.

I knew some of them, which was sufficient. Please forgive me for not knowing every American news anchor out there.

As for the hysteria aspect, I have a hard time condemning journalists for that, for I am in constant and utter bewilderment also. I don't need any anchor to bring me in this state, I just need Trump. The things Trump says or tweets or does leave me stunned. He lies about a pandemic, he calls Fauci an idiot, he mocks mask wearing, he calls the media the enemy of the people, he retweets a wild conspiracy that Bin Laden wasn't actually killed, he claims a dire deep state plot to commit voter fraud by the millions... and he does all that and this list is so long, and it leaves me equally stunned that anyone would not be alarmed and perplexed by this constant stream of absurdity alone. Never mind the authoritarian words and deeds and a bunch of other stuff, it's just the tip of an iceberg really. When I say "get real", I mainly mean acknowledge that this stuff is just objectively whacky, and so is this totally unrestricted praise of Trump despite all that happening on FOX.

But yeah, I will not defend all aspects of "MSM", for I find them all very dubious.

(10-22-2020, 10:27 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Cuomo the complete and utter mask hypocrite.  Did you catch the letter Cuomo's own building sent him about refusing to wear a mask and threatening him with a fine?  This is the same guy who thinks you are evil trash for not wearing a mask.

I'm sure "evil trash" is not quite an honest description. I support the message to wear masks, no matter which anchor's the messenger. As for this whole Cuomo saga, I heard there is something, but I really did not care about finding out more. For it really is not that important.

Because, even if Cuomo were a piece of trash and you could prove that, it wouldn't change the larger point. So let's say he is.

(10-22-2020, 10:27 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Straight facts like saying the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation?  Straight facts like Schiff, with zero knowledge or evidence stating on national TV that Hunter's laptop was Russian propaganda?

Yeah apparently the laptop was not deemed Russian propaganda. Heard that on the MSM.
As for Schiff, he is a politician, I would expect him to try a spin or to even to lie. In this case I'd rather see him giving a somewhat generalized and different answer to avoid the specific point, as all politicians do. But say he lied. In response Trump claimed he is sick and "ought to be put away" and investigated and "something should happen with him". I find that way more troubling.  

Especially since Trump lies all the time, about everything, matters large and small. It seems either hypocritical or a severe case of projection to want to put others away for lieing.

As for CNN? They did not report it originated from the Kremlin. They reported what you said.
Btw. where are the FOX reports on Trump's secret China bank account? Ah well.

(10-22-2020, 10:27 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: You mean completely rolled over for Biden and Harris?  Where is the coverage or questions of the laptop fiasco?  Any tough questions at all or of anything for Biden or Harris?  The MSM completely cover for them.  They cover them while they take almost zero questions and certainly no tough questions.  Harris went at least 42 days with not talking to the press.  Unprecedented.  Biden keeps hiding.

I don't know what you mean. I've seen Harris on TV recently, and I don't even watch that much TV. She was on the Maddow show. Also, she had a debate. Biden had a town hall. And I don't even investigate any further (for I don't care about Biden's or Harris' schedule), your point is already moot.

As for the laptop story, I reserve my judgment on that until I have a better idea of what to make out of that. This still is largely sourced on the untrustworthy duo of Giuliani and Bannon and even FOX and many at the Post had severe issues with its credibility, and the story itself is rather absurd. It might be a bunch of nothing or indeed manufactured or a last minute smear, and in that case they rightfully don't cover it prominently.

If it turns out to be substantial, then that's something else. As of now, I can't say.

(10-22-2020, 10:27 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: "Like no one on CNN ever did for anyone?"  Are you serious?  You have got to be trolling at this point.  They have been rolled over for Biden and Harris for months.

Just imagine Biden telling Anderson Cooper or whomever that we need to take out the families of terrorists or that he fell in love with Kim or that he is a perfect human specimen and very young (which Trump verbatim said) or that one of their moderators had blood come out of her whatever or, I mean, this could go on for thousands of pages, pick your poison. You think Mr. Anderson would just be all smiles and call him the greatest candidate ever?
There would be consternation. They wouldn't just pretend to not have noticed any absurdity. THAT is the difference I alluded to. (Amongst other things.)

That all those MSM really root for Biden to win, that I do not doubt. They have "rolled over". But imho that's mainly because Biden does not as Trump does.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-22-2020, 12:18 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Sean Hannity is a complete ass.  From what I've seen Don Lemon is easily his equal.  Several years ago I'd absolutely agree with you, Fox was several cuts above anyone else in this regard.  Now?  I think MSNBC is on par and CNN has definitely narrowed the gap.

I don't know much about Don Lemon, but preparing for what I thought to be a dismissive response I watched some clips on youtube. Can't be too dismissive after that. I then additionally learned that he mused on air about supernatural reasons for a disappeared airplane, which is just an amazingly crazy thing to do as a news anchor. So OK.

I still think there is a major difference, as in I can't imagine Don Lemon blindly supporting Donald Trump if he were he same man except that for whatever bizarre reason he had run for the Democrats with a liberal agenda. I think he would not have overlooked quite that much about this man so willingly and sang his praises so blatantly as those on FOX do despite everything.

Aside from that, no major MSM defense from my side.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-22-2020, 07:54 PM)hollodero Wrote: I don't know much about Don Lemon, but preparing for what I thought to be a dismissive response I watched some clips on youtube. Can't be too dismissive after that. I then additionally learned that he mused on air about supernatural reasons for a disappeared airplane, which is just an amazingly crazy thing to do as a news anchor. So OK.

I still think there is a major difference, as in I can't imagine Don Lemon blindly supporting Donald Trump if he were he same man except that for whatever bizarre reason he had run for the Democrats with a liberal agenda. I think he would not have overlooked quite that much about this man so willingly and sang his praises so blatantly as those on FOX do despite everything.

Aside from that, no major MSM defense from my side.

I've mentioned this before, but John Stewart made an extremely accurate observation recently.  He was doing a tour with Dave Chappelle and during an interview about it he commented on how the media took Trump's attacks personally and really lost their credibility and professionalism in their zeal to return the favor.  I've stated several times that Trump has exposed a lot of ugliness in our society from both his supporters and his detractors.  I suspect it was always there bubbling under the surface, but it's definitely in plain view now.
(10-22-2020, 08:08 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I've mentioned this before, but John Stewart made an extremely accurate observation recently.  He was doing a tour with Dave Chappelle and during an interview about it he commented on how the media took Trump's attacks personally and really lost their credibility and professionalism in their zeal to return the favor.  I've stated several times that Trump has exposed a lot of ugliness in our society from both his supporters and his detractors.  I suspect it was always there bubbling under the surface, but it's definitely in plain view now.

I agree.  Just like there are lots of nice innocent kids who never act violent until they are bullied.

A bully has that effect on people.
(10-22-2020, 08:11 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I agree.  Just like there are lots of nice innocent kids who never act violent until they are bullied.

A bully has that effect on people.

I have sympathy for that kind of person.  Right up until they become what they purport to despise (see Hawk from Cobra Kai xD ).  It also doesn't absolve them of their personal responsibility.  We all have free will and how you choose to exercise that is up to you (obviously).  Blaming the inappropriate actions of others for your own inappropriate actions is what elementary age children do.
(10-22-2020, 08:08 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I've mentioned this before, but John Stewart made an extremely accurate observation recently.  He was doing a tour with Dave Chappelle and during an interview about it he commented on how the media took Trump's attacks personally and really lost their credibility and professionalism in their zeal to return the favor.  I've stated several times that Trump has exposed a lot of ugliness in our society from both his supporters and his detractors.  I suspect it was always there bubbling under the surface, but it's definitely in plain view now.

Trump has exposed a number of folks both here and Nationally.

I said it 4 years ago: We will speed the next 4 years what we have proposed to hate for the last 8 and this forum has proven that in spades.

Everyone in this forum who attacks folks personally always use the reasoning of "well he does it too and it's terrible" 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-22-2020, 08:16 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I have sympathy for that kind of person.  Right up until they become what they purport to despise (see Hawk from Cobra Kai xD ).  It also doesn't absolve them of their personal responsibility.  We all have free will and how you choose to exercise that is up to you (obviously).  Blaming the inappropriate actions of others for your own inappropriate actions is what elementary age children do.

Looking at cause and effect is what adults do.  If a child does not misbehave or act violent until bullied then the bully is usually blamed.

Why do you think we have such a strong anti-bullying emphasis is schools these days?

How do you feel about "stand your ground" laws?  It is bad to shoot someone, so should people be required to run away from an aggressor instead of defending themselves?  If they do defend themselves instead of running away are they just as bad as the aggressor?
Wait so people who stand up to bullies are ok...until they stand up to the bully?

Weird world.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-22-2020, 08:08 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I've mentioned this before, but John Stewart made an extremely accurate observation recently.  He was doing a tour with Dave Chappelle and during an interview about it he commented on how the media took Trump's attacks personally and really lost their credibility and professionalism in their zeal to return the favor.  I've stated several times that Trump has exposed a lot of ugliness in our society from both his supporters and his detractors.  I suspect it was always there bubbling under the surface, but it's definitely in plain view now.

Yeah. I agree.

It's what I mean when I say a person like Trump brings out the worst in people. Which often gets painted as blaming Trump for the faults of others, e.g. bad journalistic standards or bad posts or whatever. That's not my intention. It's just what happens when a person clearly appeals to the worst impulses and most destructive cynicisms in people. Which imho is what Trump does very effectively, and very darkly. Dragging everything down.

Which, of course, is one reason why I tend to side with the detractors and am not neutral in my evaluations. Major blind spots implied.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-22-2020, 12:14 PM)GMDino Wrote: Guess we don't have to wait...

Interesting that at least one of the "questions" the four GOP members had was already public information.

And this is why the general public is (mostly) sick of hearing about politics. 'biden took a train, he's a horrible person!'
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-22-2020, 08:40 PM)GMDino Wrote: Wait so people who stand up to bullies are ok...until they stand up to the bully?

Weird world.

Incorrect interpretation of the point actually being made.
(10-22-2020, 07:54 PM)hollodero Wrote: I don't know much about Don Lemon, but preparing for what I thought to be a dismissive response I watched some clips on youtube. Can't be too dismissive after that. I then additionally learned that he mused on air about supernatural reasons for a disappeared airplane, which is just an amazingly crazy thing to do as a news anchor. So OK.

I still think there is a major difference, as in I can't imagine Don Lemon blindly supporting Donald Trump if he were he same man except that for whatever bizarre reason he had run for the Democrats with a liberal agenda. I think he would not have overlooked quite that much about this man so willingly and sang his praises so blatantly as those on FOX do despite everything.

Aside from that, no major MSM defense from my side.

And then there is this from Lemon:

‘At such time, Mr. Lemon, who was wearing a pair of shorts, sandals, and a t-shirt, put his hand down the front of his own shorts, and vigorously rubbed his genitalia, removed his hand and shoved his index and middle fingers into Plaintiff’s mustache under Plaintiff’s nose.’

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