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Goodell calls Trump's comments "divisive"
It pisses me off people use the one moment of national pride to draw attention to themselves.

It pisses me off even more the reality tv show host ass clown bankruptcy king of a russian puppet is in alabama campaigning during a special election and his most impactful statement was to divide the county.
I'm tired of debating this. I can't watch today. Just let me know if any Bengals kneel. If they do I'm out.
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Expect a lot of more players to kneel today.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Shit we can't have anything nice. Now this is ALL we'll hear about. ESPN is salivating. Can't somebody on the planet stop this guy from tweeting??
(09-23-2017, 10:44 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: I get what you're trying to say. Kinda. That said, if we don't view kneeling for the anthem as disrespectful, how about burning the flag? Turning your backs on soldiers? Seems like a slippery slope to me. Why bother honoring anything anymore if nothing is sacred? I don't think there should be laws against such protests. That would be un-American. Should employers stand for it? Or allow employees to use their jobs as a platform for such protests? That's a different story, and it wouldn't violate any rights if employers decided not to stand for such behavior.

Respect for the government went out the window a long time ago. It's hard to respect a lawmaker that lobbies hard against healthcare reform while sitting in his house paid for by pharma. It's hard to respect a governing body that gives millions of tax dollars to a company so that they can automate and get rid of jobs that paid those taxes.

American lawmakers, by and large, are doing what's in their best interests. Both sides. when someone speaks out against that, they lead people into calling it in-American.

(09-23-2017, 11:03 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: We need to stop thinking of this as just them speaking out in public. They are on the job and this is a workplace decorum issue.

If the employer is ok with them acting like a bunch of fools then that's on them.

In this instance, they have. But the far right media and pro-government folks like Trump and the far right are making an issue out of it.

1. Guy doesn't like what the government does
2. Guy peacefully makes statements about it
3. Far right media freak out, badger the issue until the guy losses his job
4. People talk about it, pro-government folks call the guy unpatriotic
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What will everyone do if Joe Mixon and Adam Jones kneels for the Anthem?

(09-24-2017, 09:50 AM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: What will everyone do if Joe Mixon and Adam Jones kneels for the Anthem?


Personally don't give a damn if they're eating nachos during.
Trump is a son of a ***** who disrespects people in the military and should be fired.
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(09-24-2017, 10:11 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Trump is a son of a ***** who disrespects people in the military and should be fired.

Only those who were captured. He prefers people (like himself) who weren't captured.
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021
(09-24-2017, 08:46 AM)BonnieBengal Wrote: I'm tired of debating this. I can't watch today. Just let me know if any Bengals kneel.  If they do I'm out.

You're free to do as you like but as long as the NFL is populated by black 20-somethings you're going to have a hard time convincing yourself your team is in line with right-wing sensibilities.  Even if no members of the Bengals kneel or have knelt yet it's a stretch to think none of them are in tune with the movement.  We shall see.  

We all make our decisions though.  Personally, I still like the Beatles even after finding out that John Lennon was a homophobic woman-beater who may very well have even beat one of his friends to death because he thought he hit on him.  Ok, side rant over.  
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(09-24-2017, 09:11 AM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: Expect a lot of more players to kneel today.

And I will have further disrespect for those that do; as it proves to me why they are kneeling and it will have nothing to do with the original intent.

As I have said Trump should have addressed the matter in a more executive manner and for this I have lost a measure of respect for him. Any player that trivializes a salute the Nation to show they are mad about what he said will likewise lose a measure of respect in my book.

I will have respect for those that stand for their Nation and deal with their political ideologies in other ways.   
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Saw Ray Lewis kneeling in the London pregame. Like his murdering ass has a reason to question establishment inequality.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(09-24-2017, 10:37 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Saw Ray Lewis kneeling in the London pregame. Like his murdering ass has a reason to question establishment inequality.

Much like Trump he has to appeal to his fan-base even though he's clearly immune to their daily strife.  Anywho, Trump is baiting more players into kneeling and baiting more people into getting bent out of shape over this.  
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(09-24-2017, 10:34 AM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Just letting it be known:

Bonnie Bengal is going to check herself out with the Bengals when one of their players joins a protest which started to bring light to injustice.  That's the tipping point here. It wasn't when Adam Jones committed multiple assaults over the last several years, or when the team drafted a guy who hit a woman so hard that she had to have multiple reconstructive facial surgeries. It wasn't even over the fact that the Bengals have been so mismanaged that they've taken one of the most talented teams in the league, and turn them into a dumpster fire over the course of two years.

The final straw will be if one of the Bengals players doesn't stand for a goddamned song.

Priorities of the right. I hope at least one player does it....We'll have one less idolater in the stands.

George Iloka already tweeted against Trump amidst yesterday's activities.  Don't remember if it was in response to the president's Curry comments or his Kaepernick speech in Alabama.
(09-24-2017, 10:27 AM)bfine32 Wrote: And I will have further disrespect for those that do; as it proves to me why they are kneeling and it will have nothing to do with the original intent.

As I have said Trump should have addressed the matter in a more executive manner and for this I have lost a measure of respect for him. Any player that trivializes a salute the Nation to show they are mad about what he said will likewise lose a measure of respect in my book.

I will have respect for those that stand for their Nation and deal with their political ideologies in other ways.   

I partially agree with you on this. The protest now is going to be about Trump, and not about the issues of police brutality and race inequality that started it all. I won't lose any respect for those that protest, though. If they feel a reason to protest, then whatever.
(09-24-2017, 10:27 AM)bfine32 Wrote: And I will have further disrespect for those that do; as it proves to me why they are kneeling and it will have nothing to do with the original intent.

As I have said Trump should have addressed the matter in a more executive manner and for this I have lost a measure of respect for him. Any player that trivializes a salute the Nation to show they are mad about what he said will likewise lose a measure of respect in my book.

I will have respect for those that stand for their Nation and deal with their political ideologies in other ways.   

I somewhat agree with you.  

I think if/when there is an uptick in protests this afternoon, it will be more of a big FU to the president than anything else.  I hate his guts as much as anyone, but do not believe that disrespecting the anthem is an acceptable way of disrespecting him.  He is so far removed from the good that that flag/anthem represent that it's almost comical.  He does not deserve to be linked with it for the purpose of protest or anything else.  

The flag and anthem are symbols of national pride and self-sacrifice.  Our current president is New York tabloid dumpster trash. The flag is about men and women who have given everything to make this country what it is. Trump has never given anything for anyone other than himself. He's a walking upside down flag.  If players want to react to his childish stupidity, they should be creative and find another way that is both effective and provocative.  
(09-24-2017, 11:05 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I partially agree with you on this. The protest now is going to be about Trump, and not about the issues of police brutality and race inequality that started it all. I won't lose any respect for those that protest, though. If they feel a reason to protest, then whatever.

Just another way Trump manages to make everything about him I guess.
(09-24-2017, 11:17 AM)CKwi88 Wrote: Just another way Trump manages to make everything about him I guess.

...and I'm sure Trump is somewhere laughing at all these players he manipulated into taking a knee. As I said, my opinion on the matter hasn't changed. You can kneel if you want and I can consider you disrespecting the Nation if I want. It's just the "new kneelers" are showing have trivial they find it. 
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(09-24-2017, 09:44 AM)Benton Wrote: Respect for the government went out the window a long time ago. It's hard to respect a lawmaker that lobbies hard against healthcare reform while sitting in his house paid for by pharma. It's hard to respect a governing body that gives millions of tax dollars to a company so that they can automate and get rid of jobs that paid those taxes.

American lawmakers, by and large, are doing what's in their best interests. Both sides. when someone speaks out against that, they lead people into calling it in-American.

In this instance, they have. But the far right media and pro-government folks like Trump and the far right are making an issue out of it.

1. Guy doesn't like what the government does
2. Guy peacefully makes statements about it
3. Far right media freak out, badger the issue until the guy losses his job
4. People talk about it, pro-government folks call the guy unpatriotic

Well not being respectful during the anthem is unpatriotic and something we all learn not to do in youth sports.

I don't understand why we can't just call kaepernick or any of these other clowns a bunch of idiots. The owners do not care what happens in pregame. Even though this behavior has shown a ratings dip. This will probably be addressed in the next CBA.

In the end kaepernick is unemployed for the same reason Tebow is unemployed. Owners do not want to deal with the drama when the talent isn't there.

I hope someone is keeping tabs on these players who kneel and as soon as they become below elite they will cease to be employed.
I haven’t read the thread yet, but that comment is pathetic. I’m not a fan of the kneeling at all, but now I might be.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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