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Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now

Its starts at :33 second mark where it "admits" what he did.

Carry on.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-08-2016, 10:49 AM)GMDino Wrote: Dude said what he DID to a woman...

That is not a problem with the "What Would Jesus Do?" crowd.

Apparently they all have no problem with treating married women this way.  They see the REAL problem as the people who complain that groping  women is not PC.  They want to go back to thr good old days when this type of behavior was "OKEY DOKE"
(10-08-2016, 10:46 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Audio you say. As to the surprise you got me, I said the word; however, it was not in response to Trump's words or Hill's actions; as I thought that was what we were discussing. My surprise was that someone on this MB said Bill's actions do not matter and no, I was not feigning, I was genuinely surprised someone would take that stance.

What Clinton "actions" are you referring to?  He had a consensual relationship with an intern. He didn't get away with it. He was impeached.
He didn't ditch a woman he was married to--twice, as did Trump and his two big boosters, Giulliani and Gingrich.

Why should this now affect anyone's assessment of Hillary's competence and leadership?
Until we get a video of Hillary talking about bonking guys and what you can grab if you are famous, there is just going to be no
equivalence between her and Trump for two groups that matter:

1) The undecideds, the people on the fence who, before yesterday, could still have swung the election in Trump's favor.

2) The Christian Right, including Mormons, who were already holding their nose and supporting Trump for "the party" or because they Donald might nominate the right Supreme Court judges. Waving Bill's "actions" in front of them won't work. They names and reputations are not staked to Clinton.
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(10-08-2016, 12:22 PM)fredtoast Wrote: That is not a problem with the "What Would Jesus Do?" crowd.

Apparently they all have no problem with treating married women this way.  They see the REAL problem as the people who complain that groping  women is not PC.  They want to go back to thr good old days when this type of behavior was "OKEY DOKE"

Well, it is going to be a problem for the "What would Jesus Do?" crowd, Fred. They may by anti-feminist and limit women to traditional roles, but they
will not condone men bragging about groping and infidelity. For them the good old days were back when people could not swear in public and there
was no nudity in the media and divorce meant shame. People like Trump had no chance of becoming their community leaders.

I think you may be confusing crowds here. Trump's core supporters are primarily nationalists, and white nationalists at that. Hence the tremendous response to proposals like the wall and a Muslim ban.

Others may attach themselves to Trump for various reasons, like hatred of Hillary, or concerns about Supreme Court nominees, but many of these are only barely attached. We are seeing them break away now. (As I am writing this, Hugh Hewitt just announced he has withdrawn his support for Trump.)

One more, Carly Fiorina just called for Trump to step down as I am closing this message.
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(10-08-2016, 12:22 PM)fredtoast Wrote: That is not a problem with the "What Would Jesus Do?" crowd.

Apparently they all have no problem with treating married women this way.  They see the REAL problem as the people who complain that groping  women is not PC.  They want to go back to thr good old days when this type of behavior was "OKEY DOKE"

He said he tried to get with it and got shut down; nothing more. We don't even know if Trump knew she was married at the time.

But you are correct: The "What would Jesus Do' folks know it is not their place to judge. We leave that to the hypocrits.
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Honestly don't think think that Hewitt or Fiorina mean that much in the scheme of things. Trump is still holding up well in Ohio without Kasich. If Kasich got on board Hillary would lose here rather easily I would guess.
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(10-08-2016, 12:25 PM)Dill Wrote: 1) What Clinton "actions" are you referring to?  He had a consensual relationship with an intern. He didn't get away with it. He was impeached.
He didn't ditch a woman he was married to--twice, as did Trump and his two big boosters, Giulliani and Gingrich.

2) Why should this now affect anyone's assessment of Hillary's competence and leadership?
Until we get a video of Hillary talking about bonking guys and what you can grab if you are famous, there is just going to be no
equivalence between her and Trump for two groups that matter:

1) It appears you answered your own question, but left out his lying about the affair and a couple others. If you want to compare what Trump did when he was not in the rhelm of politics with the actions of a sitting President; then I have to question your objectivity

2) Perhaps she just emailed someone about her relationship(s).
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(10-08-2016, 01:05 PM)bfine32 Wrote: He said he tried to get with it and got shut down; nothing more. We don't even know if Trump knew she was married at the time.

But you are correct: The "What would Jesus Do' folks know it is not their place to judge. We leave that to the hypocrits.

He said...on the video..."I admit it".

Quit lying just to defend your boy.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-08-2016, 01:07 PM)Goalpost Wrote: Honestly don't think think that Hewitt or Fiorina mean that much in the scheme of things. Trump is still holding up well in Ohio without Kasich. If Kasich got on board Hillary would lose here rather easily I would guess.

I hope an annoucement is made today that Trump has agreed to step down and replaced by another conservative, but I refuse to fuel the fire that we talk so negitively about.

Dude was on a bus talking to another dude and trying to impress him with the lifestyle he can live. When Trump got off the bus and met the lady, he was very respectful. The guy doing the interview was a creep and should be the object of distain.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-08-2016, 01:15 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I hope an annoucement is made today that Trump has agreed to step down and replaced by another conservative, but I refuse to fuel the fire that we talk so negitively about.

Dude was on a bus talking to another dude and trying to impress him with the lifestyle he can live. When Trump got off the bus and met the lady, he was very respectful. The guy doing the interview was a creep and should be the object of distain.

Wow.  That's a lot of assumption there.

So Trump *isn't* a hit with the ladies.  The best?

He was lying just to impress some television guy?


Or he meant it:

Quote:Unknown: "She used to be great, she's still very beautiful."

Trump: "I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it. I did try and [fornicate with] her, she was married."
Unknown: "That's huge news there."
Trump: "No, no, Nancy. No this was [inaudible] and I moved on her very heavily in fact I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said I'll show you where they have some nice furniture. I moved on her like a *****. I couldn't get there and she was married. Then all-of-a-sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look."
Bush: "Your girl's hot as shit. In the purple."
Multiple voices: "Whoah. Yes. Whoah."
Bush: "Yes. The Donald has scored. Whoah my man."
Trump: "Look at you. You are a *****."
Bush: "You gotta get the thumbs up."
Trump: "Maybe it's a different one."
Bush: "It better not be the publicist. No, it's, it's her."
Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Bush: "Whatever you want."

Trump: "Grab them by the *****. You can do anything."
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-07-2016, 09:11 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: [video=facebook][/video]

Meh, still nothing compared to what Hillary did for that child rapist..  Yet, she has the gaul to hammer Trump for acting "in-PC"?  Please, we all have males that we know in our families, our extended family, our circle of friends, even ourselves if we are old enough, that remember being able to speak like Trump, and 90% of everyone had no problem with it.  

The time has come, to put the PC police to bed and allow folks to speak their actual minds again.  
At least then there was constructive conversation on the topics, at the moment of speech.  Rather than today, where most people (if they are being truly honest) have a public persona, and a private one.


(10-07-2016, 10:14 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Seems like a lot of self-righteous in the house. Any male that hasn't objectified a woman with a pal in what you thought was a private conversation raise your hand.

WTS, this is not a good look and I can see the GOP going into spin mode Let's hope they bring in Allen West.

LMAO at Hills being appalled by such talk.

(10-07-2016, 11:40 PM)bfine32 Wrote: They do not exonerate Trump. I just found it surprising dude said Bill's actions didn't matter if he did not announce he was running for President. I missed the part where Trump said he was running for President in the vid provided.

I further find it hilarious that Hills is going to feign outrage of the objectification of women. Like I said: what Trump said does not look good. but I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say I've never talked about what I would do with a woman with a pal in what I thought was a private conversation. 

(10-08-2016, 12:18 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Not sure where I said I was surprised (feigned or otherwise), but I do understand saying "I didn't say that" is frowned upon once someone says you said it.

If telling someone else what I would do with an attractive female without first wooing her and buying her a nice steak dinner is describing an sexual assault, then guilty as charged.

Trump was a playboy in those days and most likely talked up his game to someone he thought was awe struck. But it is what it is and the self-righteous will say "I never". 

(10-08-2016, 12:59 AM)bfine32 Wrote: It is funny. But its not just from the left (this thread not withstanding) it is from the right as well.

Trump has done something that no candidate or President has done in recent memory; he has united the far left with the far right. 

Dude was on a private bus in a Hollywood environment and was talking with another dude about women. Folks thinking they can identify what is wrong with the system readily feed it. 

(10-08-2016, 01:18 AM)bfine32 Wrote: No need to break it down as it really isn't too difficult to understand.

Was Trump running for President (or any public office) 11 years ago when he made those private comments on that bus?

If you don't think the actions of the prospective Presidential family should factor into the discussion of the election, then that's your choice; however, it may surprise you to discover that they do. 

(10-08-2016, 10:46 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Audio you say. As to the surprise you got me, I said the word; however, it was not in response to Trump's words or Hill's actions; as I thought that was what we were discussing. My surprise was that someone on this MB said Bill's actions do not matter and no, I was not feigning, I was genuinely surprised someone would take that stance.

Dude said what he would do or has done to a woman (EDIT because gotca)  and they would like it; although you have never said this to a buddy in private I have. This is not me or him stating they would or have sexually assault (against his or her will) anyone, but that makes a stronger talking point.

(10-08-2016, 01:05 PM)bfine32 Wrote: He said he tried to get with it and got shut down; nothing more. We don't even know if Trump knew she was married at the time.

But you are correct: The "What would Jesus Do' folks know it is not their place to judge. We leave that to the hypocrits.

Quick note: on the video he says, twice, that she was married.  He knew.  Moving on...

(10-08-2016, 01:15 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I hope an annoucement is made today that Trump has agreed to step down and replaced by another conservative, but I refuse to fuel the fire that we talk so negitively about.

Dude was on a bus talking to another dude and trying to impress him with the lifestyle he can live. When Trump got off the bus and met the lady, he was very respectful. The guy doing the interview was a creep and should be the object of distain.

Do we have a rape culture in the US?

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-08-2016, 01:11 PM)bfine32 Wrote: 1) It appears you answered your own question, but left out his lying about the affair and a couple others. If you want to compare what Trump did when he was not in the rhelm of politics with the actions of a sitting President; then I have to question your objectivity

2) Perhaps she just emailed someone about her relationship(s).
Ok, add that he "lied" about the consensual affair. No one thinks what he did was great. He was punished for it. I repeat, he is not running for president right now.

So no way Hillary should be blamed for what Bill did, and no way Trump should get a pass because Bill misbehaved AND WAS PUNISHED for it.

Further, people may have consensual affairs without demeaning women as a group and certainly without assaulting them.
The implication of the Trump video is that he was PROUD of ASSAULTING women who were not consenting. This would matter if he were not running for president, and now that he is, it matters more.

Finally, the video was not a one off, something that came totally out of the blue and took everyone by surprise. From the beginning of his campaign Trump has spoken of women in horribly demeaning terms we have never heard from a presidential candidate. Enough women from his past have stepped forward to establish a long-term pattern of abuse, and his manner of handling the accusations has only lent credence to them ("Check out her porn video").  He has surrounded himself with core advisers of similar history--known for philandering, broken marriages, spouse abuse, and world-class sexual harassment suits. Likely they see no difference between consent and assault either. But a majority of Democratic and Republican women see this distinction very clearly.

I grant none of this is problematic for the core Trump supporter. But the majority of the country does not approve, including a sizeable number of principled conservatives. While core Trump supporters continue their bafflement at his plummeting polls ("Geez, everybody cheats and assaults sometime; and after 10 years who cares?"), all those bridges built by the RNC are now burning. 

The damage now goes way beyond the election, to the core principles of the Republican party, dividing its constituents, probably permanently.
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(10-08-2016, 01:36 PM)GMDino Wrote: Do we have a rape culture in the US?


Think of it this way, Dino. What we used to call rape is now "honesty" and "transparency."  A rapist doesn't fall for all that PC crap about respecting women.  He shows what he feels.  He is not one thing in private and another in public. He is what he is and you know what you get. Not like these politicians who calculate everything they do and say.  So refreshing.

Same thing for all those other types of PC, which used to be called "civil rights."  We can be honest now and violate them too without the PC police breathing down our necks.  
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(10-08-2016, 03:40 PM)Dill Wrote: Think of it this way, Dino. What we used to call rape is now "honesty" and "transparency."  A rapist doesn't fall for all that PC crap about respecting women.  He shows what he feels.  He is not one thing in private and another in public. He is what he is and you know what you get. Not like these politicians who calculate everything they do and say.  So refreshing.

Same thing for all those other types of PC, which used to be called "civil rights."  We can be honest now and violate them too without the PC police breathing down our necks.  

PC does not equal civil rights  Hilarious sorry. 
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(10-08-2016, 03:50 PM)Aquapod770 Wrote: PC does not equal civil rights  Hilarious sorry. 
Legally there is no equation, but in the minds of many Trump supporters there is.

That's why they cry "PC" when the Constitution prohibits immigration policies based upon religion.
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(10-08-2016, 03:40 PM)Dill Wrote: Think of it this way, Dino. What we used to call rape is now "honesty" and "transparency."  A rapist doesn't fall for all that PC crap about respecting women.  He shows what he feels.  He is not one thing in private and another in public. He is what he is and you know what you get. Not like these politicians who calculate everything they do and say.  So refreshing.

Same thing for all those other types of PC, which used to be called "civil rights."  We can be honest now and violate them too without the PC police breathing down our necks.  
This is just on troll level.

Now we are equating what Trump said he did to rape. You mitigate Clinton taking advantage of his intern by saying it was consensual but accuse Trump of sexual harassment and rape; although, he has not said; nor been accused by someone with knowledge of the situation of doing anything against their will.

Trump bragged about his relationship(s) with women on a bus in a private conversation 11 years ago in what he thought was a private conversation. These comments were braggadocios and in poor taste and done outside the realm of politics and political correctness. As I have said I hope he steps down today but to see the reaction from both the left and right is absolutely hilarious. I hope they are pleased with the environment they fuel. 
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Didn't read through this thread (though I may go back and do so), but I just wanted to say that there's no defending Donald Trump for these comments.

What I do find laughable, however, are those Hillary supporters who think this is a big deal. Do you honestly think Trump supporters are going to stop supporting him because of this? Yeah, this MIGHT sway some Independents who were leaning towards Trump towards Hillary or Johnson, but, honestly, I don't believe there are many (if any) independents who haven't already made up their minds and nothing short of murder will change it.
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(10-08-2016, 01:15 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I hope an annoucement is made today that Trump has agreed to step down and replaced by another conservative, but I refuse to fuel the fire that we talk so negitively about.

Dude was on a bus talking to another dude and trying to impress him with the lifestyle he can live. When Trump got off the bus and met the lady, he was very respectful. The guy doing the interview was a creep and should be the object of distain.

Oh for heaven's sake. So Trump is all good, but the reporter is indeed a disgusting creep?

Don't you get a headache when you have to violate your own brain like that.
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(10-08-2016, 04:50 PM)PhilHos Wrote: Didn't read through this thread (though I may go back and do so), but I just wanted to say that there's no defending Donald Trump for these comments.

What I do find laughable, however, are those Hillary supporters who think this is a big deal. Do you honestly think Trump supporters are going to stop supporting him because of this? Yeah, this MIGHT sway some Independents who were leaning towards Trump towards Hillary or Johnson, but, honestly, I don't believe there are many (if any) independents who haven't already made up their minds and nothing short of murder will change it.

I think if they were sane, well reasoned, sensible people it would sway his supporters.

From what I have seen and read most are none of those.

Although I *have* seen a few people say they cannot vote for him now.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
What do you know, Trump is scum. If only we could have seen this before and we could have had a better representation of conservative individuals LOL Eat shit GOP and lie in the bed you made off of indirect racism and sexism. Trump is the culmination of years of toxicity boiling under the surface of such a disgusting platform.
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