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Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now
(10-10-2016, 12:54 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Okay, let's discuss you specifically. How rich and famous does Donald Trump need be for you to allow him to grab your genitals without asking?

A. He is rich and famous enough now. 
B. More rich and famous. 
C. Less rich and famous. 

Well considering Trump's a guy and I don't role that way, this scenario wouldn't even be possible. With that said, there's women I know that arent even rich that I would let "sexually assault" me because they're just hot as **** and I'm a horny dude. In fact I have been "sexually assaulted" on more than one occassion with a woman kissing me without consent. Was I outraged? No. I was surprised and moved on.
(10-10-2016, 01:48 PM)Bengalbug Wrote: I didn't say the bolder comment, just replied. 

You never had a "what i would do to her" conversation in your entire life??

I understand what he said was wrong, but I can't believe even through your teenage years you never had a dream girl

Trump's context is very different than a 'what i would do to her' conversation.  Trump was saying he can do whatever he wants to because of his celebrity, regardless of the woman's will.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-10-2016, 01:31 PM)bfine32 Wrote: The exact same way that talking shit on a bus is sexual harassment. We don't know if Trump would consent to sex with himself, so we must assume he would not. Furthermore, we do not fully know Trump's internal feelings, he may struggle with his identity and/or multiple personalities. Tell the man to harm himself could cause severe internal conflict and lead to self-mutilation. The fact that you and others ignore this is troubling.    

Have I ever seen anyone rape themselves? Nope. Have I ever seen Trump gab anyone in the genitals? Nope

So I just take both at face value: Dudes talking shit, others will make much more out of it according to their bias. 

We don't know anybodies internal feelings the only thing we can do to clue in on them is to take stock in their words and actions. Saying we don't know anybodies internal feelings so we don't have to credit what they say or do is a never ending loop were nobody is held accountable.

Paint a scenario where someone masturbates and it can be conceived as rape then maybe this can go full circle and you can prove your original point that telling someone to F themselves is advocating rape otherwise this is all bogus.

Apparently talking shit means being sexist and derogatory towards woman whether it's on a bus or whether you are watching the Olympics fantasizing about cheating on your spouse. It's all cool it's just locker room talk man. LOL

Quote:False equivalence

A common way for this fallacy to be perpetuated is one shared trait between two subjects is assumed to show equivalence, especially in order of magnitude, when equivalence is not necessarily the logical result. False equivalence is a common result when an anecdotal similarity is pointed out as equal, but the claim of equivalence doesn't bear because the similarity is based on oversimplification or ignorance of additional factors. The pattern of the fallacy is often as such: "If A is the set of c and d, and B is the set of d and e, then since they both contain d, A and B are equal". d is not required to exist in both sets; only a passing similarity is required to cause this fallacy to be able to be used.
(10-10-2016, 12:59 PM)fredtoast Wrote:
Quote:And I know plenty of women that would not allow a man to molest them just because he has money.

So what is your point.  Are you really saying  that ALL women would have no problem with Trump just kissing them without even asking first?

Oh boy... here we go with the "So are you saying all women blah blah blah". No, that's not what I'm saying

My point is that there are women out there that will allow men to "sexually assault" them knowing that they can get something from them based on their status and wealth and this is what Trump was referring to.

Quote:This goes back to what I said a few pages ago.  The guys who support Trump don't see anything wrong with what he claims he did.


What he said was wrong to say. There's no denying that. The reason people like me are defending him is because people are blowing things way out of proportion and essentially calling Trump a rapist because of something he said in a private one on one conversation even though they have no idea whether or not Trump has sexually assaulted anyone.

Quote:I have been in a lot of discussions with my make friends about women, and I can honestly say that I have never bragged about kissing a woman without even asking.  And none of my friends have either.  We have all talked about women we would like to get with, but we never say we would molest them without even asking.

Wow. So you're Jesus Christ too apparently.  Here's something for all of you Trump nay sayers to think about.

Have you ever heard a woman use the phrase "the man should make the first move"? Don't worry, I know all of you men that claim they've never been degrading towards women have never had or heard such a conversation (that's sarcasm btw). 

When a woman says she wants a man to make the first move, what is she saying? She's basically saying she wants every man that might be interested in her to sexually assault her. Yep, that's right ladies and gentlemen. Women are openly claiming they want men to sexually assault them. Why is that a problem? Because it's left up to the woman to determine whether she likes the "First move" or not, and if she doesnt? Guess what? She claims sexual assault. Women are actively encouraging "rape culture" and don't even realize it.

So guess what Fred? If youve ever made a "first move" on a woman and been rejected, you have committed sexual assault. That's right guys!!! We're all a bunch of rapists!!!! 
(10-10-2016, 02:04 PM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: Well considering Trump's a guy and I don't role that way, this scenario wouldn't even be possible. With that said, there's women I know that arent even rich that I would let "sexually assault" me because they're just hot as **** and I'm a horny dude. In fact I have been "sexually assaulted" on more than one occassion with a woman kissing me without consent. Was I outraged? No. I was surprised and moved on.

Hate to burst your bubble, but there are straight men who do roll like that for money. 

So let me rephrase, how rich and famous does Hillary Clinton need to be to grab your genitals without asking?

A. She already rich and famous enough
B. More rich and famous
C. Less rich and famous

Quote:My point is that there are women out there that will allow men to "sexually assault" them knowing that they can get something from them based on their status and wealth and this is what Trump was referring to.

What percentage of women do you think would allow Donald Trump to grab their genitals without asking?  Let's say we take a random sample of 100 women. How many would consent to Donald Trump grabbing their genitals because he is rich and famous? How many wouldn't?  How would he be able to tell the difference without asking?
(10-10-2016, 01:45 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Oh, you're just trying to have another excuse to lie about what others here said about the trump tape by making an asinine statement.

Are you going as Mike Pence for halloween?

There is no need for me to lie about what others said about Trump's comments; they (along with assumptions made about them) are here for all to read. 

I have not decided what I'm going as for Halloween; perhaps an independent thinker. Do you have a T-shirt I can borrow? 
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(10-10-2016, 04:23 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote:
Quote:Hate to burst your bubble, but there are straight men who do roll like that for money. 

There was no hubble to burst. I never said straight men don't roll that way for money. I said that I personally wouldn't.

Quote:So let me rephrase, how rich and famous does Hillary Clinton need to be to grab your genitals without asking?
I would never let Hillary grab my genitals for money because I have more dignity than that. Not everyone does though.

Quote:What percentage of women do you think would allow Donald Trump to grab their genitals without asking?  Let's say we take a random sample of 100 women. How many would consent to Donald Trump grabbing their genitals because he is rich and famous? How many wouldn't?  How would he be able to tell the difference without asking?

That's a silly question. That's like asking how many Muslims do you think are a part of ISIS. How would you know that by just guessing out of nowhere? Every situation is different and would need to be assessed based on the parameters given within each specific instance with each person. Like I said before, this is not a one size fits all argument.
(10-10-2016, 04:23 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: What percentage of women do you think would allow Donald Trump to grab their genitals without asking?  Let's say we take a random sample of 100 women. How many would consent to Donald Trump grabbing their genitals because he is rich and famous? How many wouldn't?  How would he be able to tell the difference without asking?

Depends on the context.  In a group of 100 just for fun. Not many

If they were all on the bachelor and one would end up marrying him- probably the majority.

He'll even small county music artists have to physically fight off girls at concerts.  They could literally get win any of them that they wish.  These are not billionaires.  

Most men would also succomb to rich women who will provide for them.  Sugar mommas 

It's a sad world but this is true.  People are infatuated with things of this earth and make good things great.  Idolatry Is the best word
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-10-2016, 05:08 PM)bfine32 Wrote: There is no need for me to lie about what others said about Trump's comments; they (along with assumptions made about them) are here for all to read. 

I have not decided what I'm going as for Halloween; perhaps an independent thinker. Do you have a T-shirt I can borrow? 

Not gonna lie. That was hilarious.
(10-10-2016, 05:08 PM)bfine32 Wrote: There is no need for me to lie about what others said about Trump's comments; they (along with assumptions made about them) are here for all to read. 

I have not decided what I'm going as for Halloween; perhaps an independent thinker. Do you have a T-shirt I can borrow? 

Yea, the fact that there are pages of people saying that the actions he described would constitute sexual assault and not that him saying them to another guy is sexual assault makes your comments even more odd.

But, hey, you've succeeded in getting us to not talk about how dumb it was to say that telling someone to "go f themselves" encourages rape. So, great job, Governor. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

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(10-10-2016, 05:59 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Yea, the fact that there are pages of people saying that the actions he described would constitute sexual assault and not that him saying them to another guy is sexual assault makes your comments even more odd.

But, hey, you've succeeded in getting us to not talk about how dumb it was to say that telling someone to "go f themselves" encourages rape. So, great job, Governor. 

Is that a no on the T-Shirt?

As to the rest: Infer what you will. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(10-10-2016, 06:07 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Is that a no on the T-Shirt?

As to the rest: Infer what you will. 

I will continue to infer people saying that he is describing sexual assault as people saying that he is describing sexual assault, Governor. 
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(10-10-2016, 06:54 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I will continue to infer people saying that he is describing sexual assault as people saying that he is describing sexual assault, Governor. 

Nope, you will continue  to imply he is describing sexual assault by making assumptions of against their will.

Bottom line: It was 2 dudes talking on a bus; he was describing the consent people (women) will give to (male) stars. 

Folks just are trying to make more of it than it is
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-10-2016, 07:05 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: [Image: hToghU3.jpg]

And you don't seem to understand the words "Embellishment" or "Apologize".
It's nothing more than an embellishment of his, and he apologized for his comment, so time to move forward.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-10-2016, 07:23 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Nope, you will continue  to imply he is describing sexual assault by making assumptions of against their will.

Bottom line: It was 2 dudes talking on a bus; he was describing the consent people (women) will give to (male) stars. 

Folks just are trying to make more of it than it is

Now you're changing your argument. Yikes, I suspect we're no closer to me finally getting any rationale for your rape comment. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-10-2016, 07:23 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Nope, you will continue  to imply he is describing sexual assault by making assumptions of against their will.

Bottom line: It was 2 dudes talking on a bus; he was describing the consent people (women) will give to (male) stars. 

Folks just are trying to make more of it than it is

How does one go about ***** ones self against ones own will?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-10-2016, 07:49 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: And you don't seem to understand the words "Embellishment" or "Apologize".
It's nothing more than an embellishment of his, and he apologized for his comment, so time to move forward.

I understand both. I just do not believe he was embellishing, and, as an American who respects women, I do not accept his apology, especially when it included 5 references to ISIS and claims that Bill Clinton did worse. Those who apologize do not decide when to move forward, those who were apologized to do. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

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(10-10-2016, 08:01 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Now you're changing your argument. Yikes, I suspect we're no closer to me finally getting any rationale for your rape comment. 

Argument is unchanged. Folks can infer what they want from comments. If someone views telling someone to go F*** someone, could that be inferred as advocating rape; especially if we were to make the assumption of non-consent and against ones will? So if Trump suffered from multiple personalities and was told to go F*** himself; then there you have it. What is worse; if Trump were to follow this demand, he would have to mutilate himself to comply. The fact that someone could condone this demand of self-rape and mutilation from one human to another is troubling. 

The point was to illustrate how silly folks can make comments appear depending on their bias. 

I suspect we're no closer to me finally getting that T-Shirt.  
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-10-2016, 08:09 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Argument is unchanged. Folks can infer what they want from comments. If someone views telling someone to go F*** someone, could that be inferred as advocating rape; especially if we were to make the assumption of non-consent and against ones will? So if Trump suffered from multiple personalities and was told to go F*** himself; then there you have it. What is worse; if Trump were to follow this demand, he would have to mutilate himself to comply. The fact that someone could condone this demand of self-rape and mutilation from one human to another is troubling. 

The point was to illustrate how silly folks can make comments appear depending on their bias. 

I suspect we're no closer to me finally getting that T-Shirt.  

When does the mutilation come into play?  I've been getting pretty good, consistent results, nothing is ever out of place upon completion.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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