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HRC thesis on Alinsky
(11-10-2016, 01:12 AM)djam Wrote: You dont hear about it much outside universities because the rest of us are already working and raising families and such, and we have no time to listen to false claims of whitey ruining the world --especially after 8 years of a horrible president ho happens to be black. We have to fix all the stuff he broke first and then we can focus back on whitey lol.

What exactly are the false claims? Was slavery a hoax? Colonialism a myth?

Obama was arguably a horrible president on par with Reagan. I am curious though, about all the stuff he "broke." What are some of the things he broke?
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(11-10-2016, 07:41 AM)xxlt Wrote: What exactly are the false claims? Was slavery a hoax? Colonialism a myth?

Obama was arguably a horrible president on par with Reagan. I am curious though, about all the stuff he "broke." What are some of the things he broke?
The White House tennis courts ?
Angela Merkel's heart, with the NSA ?

Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
(11-11-2016, 01:52 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: The White House tennis courts ?
Angela Merkel's heart, with the NSA ?

Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk

Oh, now I remember. When they put the hydraulic system and spinning rims on the presidential limo, he bounced it one time too many and broke it.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(11-11-2016, 05:51 PM)xxlt Wrote: Oh, now I remember. When they put the hydraulic system and spinning rims on the presidential limo, he bounced it one time too many and broke it.
Psst... he's not a Chicano.
But he is kinda fly, like that.

Now I'm thinking of the movie, "I'm gonna get you sucka !".
Now I'll have to watch that and maybe O.G. (Over Gold).
Poor Junebug Spade !

Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
(11-10-2016, 07:41 AM)xxlt Wrote: What exactly are the false claims? Was slavery a hoax? Colonialism a myth?

Obama was arguably a horrible president on par with Reagan. I am curious though, about all the stuff he "broke." What are some of the things he broke?

[Image: Home-Remedies-for-Crickets.jpg]
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-10-2016, 07:41 AM)xxlt Wrote: What exactly are the false claims? Was slavery a hoax? Colonialism a myth?

Obama was arguably a horrible president on par with Reagan. I am curious though, about all the stuff he "broke." What are some of the things he broke?

Its the over-emotional left and their depressing world view --its full of false claims and stretched truth. You always focus on everything bad and ignore important facts. You are so good at calling out peoples flaws but you refuse to look at anything good. Slavery is not a hoax, but its been a part of every society that ever existed, all colors, all races. Thankfully, 'whitey' and the christian based countries were among the very first to abolish slavery. Did blacks abolish slavery first? No not at all. They have had it forever and even recently. But no one says that. Why dont you talk about the slavery that other races and countries have taken part of? Why "only" America and white people specifically, and why not look at the bright side that --you know, we got rid of it a long time ago? It's not politically correct to say that is it. It's a painful truth that too many lefties dont want to accept. The ugly truth is that every society has had slaves, and we are all more alike in our flaws than a lot of people, especially people from the left, would want to admit. Thankfully though over time some good Christian based people realized how terrible it is and started getting rid of it. Slavery would've gone on a lot longer on a way larger scale without people waking up. But we DID wake up, and that is a beautiful and wonderful thing! Why not acknowledge that and see some good in it and celebrate that good? No, of course not. Some people, mainly on the left still want to see everything in color and keep old problems alive so that people can suffer all around. While others want to acknowledge it, but move on with an enlightened view and see it as an ugly part of world history. Not the folks on the left though. Not the tolerant, open-minded liberals. They want to keep it alive, and only acknowledge one group of people for their part in it, an have people punished for it even today. It's disgusting.

Colonialism, another thing of the past which has caused both good and bad, that has long been abandoned? Do you always want to blame people for things they have had no part in, and keep every painful truth in history alive while ignoring any good? For a more modern example, talk to anyone raised in South Korea about being invaded by white people. Not the best example of Colonialism, but still, we invaded and are still there today. There was no economic gain in it for America. Is that bad? Well, we went there to liberate innocent people from a terrible communist government. We only succeeded to liberate half of the country, however. South Korea is where we set up shop, helped them rebuild, taught them economics, etc. They are currently one of the most free and wealthy countries in Asia. North Korea, who we failed to liberate? One of the least free and poorest countries in the entire world. How many times has that been used as a leftist talking point? Yeah, none. The left is too dark and depressed in their thinking to acknowledge anything good.

Keep on praising people like Saul Alinski, who dedicated his Rules for Radicals book to lucifer, and basically wrote it to tell people how to overthrow governments and destroy nations from within so communism can be forced on people. Sadly for the people who share Alinsky's world view, their evil has often been defeated every time is pops back up on a large scale. History usually repeats itself. I would hate to be on the wrong side of it.
(11-12-2016, 02:34 AM)Dill Wrote: [Image: Home-Remedies-for-Crickets.jpg]

[Image: stupid-white-liberals-feeling-guilty-for...768920.png]

[Image: 6995837_orig.jpg]
(11-12-2016, 07:40 AM)djam Wrote: Its the over-emotional left and their depressing world view --its full of false claims and stretched truth. . . . .Thankfully, 'whitey' and the christian based countries were among the very first to abolish slavery. Did blacks abolish slavery first? No not at all. They have had it forever and even recently. But no one says that. Why dont you talk about the slavery that other races and countries have taken part of? Why "only" America and white people specifically, and why not look at the bright side that --you know, we got rid of it a long time ago? It's not politically correct to say that is it. It's a painful truth that too many lefties dont want to accept.

So "the blacks" did not abolish slavery but "whitey and the Christian-based countries were among the very first"?

I am not at all surprised "no one says that"--at least no one on "the left," where it is indeed politically incorrect to attribute  racial agency to cultural/historical/geographic groups of human beings.  
However, I am still surprised when people talk as if the history of world slavery, ancient and modern, is not comprehensively examined and discussed by "the left".   And which "lefties" don't want to acknowledge that legal slavery was abolished in the U.S.?  If you cannot cite one, then they exist only in the memes of right-wing groupthink.

The fact that some non-Christian non-white countries may have had some slavery has little pertinence to the fact that "Christian-based" countries established the largest (and biblically justified) slave economy in world history--until the opposition of liberals and "leftists" rolled it back.

Scholars don't examine the history of slavery to blame people. They examine it for the same reasons they examine all past institutions--so they can understand the institutions and the politics of the present. When 19th century arguments continue to circulate in 21st century politics, it is still very important to know who supported slavery, and why, and who opposed it, and why--however much certain groups would like us to forget.

Some "leftists" in the US may talk more about the history of US slavery rather than Indian or Chinese for the same reason that they talk more about US public education rather than Indian or Chinese--because it has a special pertinence to US state and national politics at any given moment. For example, the current right wing belief that government gives money to "the blacks" at the expense of hard-working whites with northern liberal politicians as their middlemen emerged with the legal/political death of slavery in 1865. It is a viewpoint perpetuated not by "the facts" but by certain social/political operatives, media, and institutions--including the Klan--over the last 150 years. It would be a good thing if more Americans knew this, but it would not better accomplish this goal to add: "and by the way, the 17th century Moghuls of Northwest India turned debtors into slaves called 'Pandavas'. Just so you know."

By positioning racial groups against one another according to their records on slavery and following that with an unabashedly ethnocentric discussion of colonialism, you have not addressed XXLT's original questions about the "false claims of whitey ruining the world" or all the "stuff" Obama supposedly "broke".  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-12-2016, 06:39 PM)Dill Wrote: So "the blacks" did not abolish slavery but "whitey and the Christian-based countries were among the very first"?

I am not at all surprised "no one says that"--at least no one on "the left," where it is indeed politically incorrect to attribute  racial agency to cultural/historical/geographic groups of human beings.  
However, I am still surprised when people talk as if the history of world slavery, ancient and modern, is not comprehensively examined and discussed by "the left".   And which "lefties" don't want to acknowledge that legal slavery was abolished in the U.S.?  If you cannot cite one, then they exist only in the memes of right-wing groupthink.

The fact that some non-Christian non-white countries may have had some slavery has little pertinence to the fact that "Christian-based" countries established the largest (and biblically justified) slave economy in world history--until the opposition of liberals and "leftists" rolled it back.

Scholars don't examine the history of slavery to blame people. They examine it for the same reasons they examine all past institutions--so they can understand the institutions and the politics of the present. When 19th century arguments continue to circulate in 21st century politics, it is still very important to know who supported slavery, and why, and who opposed it, and why--however much certain groups would like us to forget.

Some "leftists" in the US may talk more about the history of US slavery rather than Indian or Chinese for the same reason that they talk more about US public education rather than Indian or Chinese--because it has a special pertinence to US state and national politics at any given moment. For example, the current right wing belief that government gives money to "the blacks" at the expense of hard-working whites with northern liberal politicians as their middlemen emerged with the legal/political death of slavery in 1865. It is a viewpoint perpetuated not by "the facts" but by certain social/political operatives, media, and institutions--including the Klan--over the last 150 years. It would be a good thing if more Americans knew this, but it would not better accomplish this goal to add: "and by the way, the 17th century Moghuls of Northwest India turned debtors into slaves called 'Pandavas'. Just so you know."

By positioning racial groups against one another according to their records on slavery and following that with an unabashedly ethnocentric discussion of colonialism, you have not addressed XXLT's original questions about the "false claims of whitey ruining the world" or all the "stuff" Obama supposedly "broke".  

Christian based nations were the first to free slaves. Of course I'm sure you know that there were way more slaves than just black folks. Heck people every nationality has been a slave to someone at some point --even to their own countrymen. But to move on.......

So what 19th century arguments are currently in politics that make slavery such an important topic, that it some how gets pointed to the right wing as if they had anything to do with it? Give me some examples so I can better understand what you're saying. 

So where does welfare come from? You make it seem like people are mad because they think the government is forcing white people to pay for black people. Thats moronic if thats what you think lol. Nobody thinks that except the left --because they love making everything a color issue. Welfare for all races is paid for by taxes paid by everyone who pays, which is obviously especially working people, of all colors. That includes blacks. Can you prove that wrong? I mean where does the money come from, if not from tax payers? You make it sounds like some right wing conspiracy. Where are people on the right saying black people are paid for by white people? That may be or have been a kkk stance, but its not an actual conservative stance and never has been. It's just another leftist fantasy. The left is always trying to make the right look racist. It's actually a tactic thats in the book this thread is named after lol. It's funny we're in a thread about a book that you've never read, yet your mindset and world view is a victim of.......amazing to me.  

You could say that the government gives money to blacks because certain people dont think they are capable of taking care of themselves. It's definitely not the right wing who thinks that tho. They dont want ANY group to have special favors, including themselves. They think that God created all man equal regardless of color, and that every man has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Sadly for poor people, welfare doesnt lead to happiness or liberty, and its unintended consequences have been devastating to poor black and white communities across America. They have the worst education period, and really the worst of everything, and some idiots think that giving them "more" welfare and big government is going to solve it lol. It's hilarious. You want to help poor people of all colors? Leave them alone, and leave the people alone who could potentially give them opportunities to work. Liberal policies have been great at making sure everyone gets some kind of handout, but they have no idea how to create opportunities for people to work, learn and grow --unless safe spaces, trigger warnings and the violent protests going on all over the country are what you call results? Is that what you liberal run schools are teaching people to act like. In short, yes. Heck most of you leftist/statists support illegal immigration, a big time job killer for black and poor communities all over country. It has hit my area in certain industries majorly, and the locals are suffering over it. But the left makes deportation of illegal a race issue, whilst their own people suffer for why they are being let in. Its so sad that people are so stupid anymore, that their emotions defeat their logic. 

For the left it's all division, especially by class and race --not much is based on logic, but more emotion. I mean heck, Alinsky talks alllll about most of this stuff in his wonderful, horrible book Rules For Radicals --which judging by your ignorance and world view I assume you've never read. Everything has become a race issue on the left --you hear it very much all the time in liberal media. Even though poverty strikes all races. Dont get me wrong, the black communities in this country have gotten a raw deal. When the state control and welfare hit, it tore their communities apart whether people want to admit it or not. The divorce rate went through the roof, even though before all of that, the divorce rate for blacks was lower than whites. They had, at one time the strongest families in America. Now? Not so much. They have the highest rate of fatherless homes in the country now. Big difference. Great results of government run black communities lol. So then they parked a bunch of planned parenthood clinics all over the black communities --everywhere. Planned Parenthood is awesome eh? Makes you think of freedom and woman's rights doesnt it? Well, it was a brainchild of none other than Margaret Sanger, who basically wanted genocide on blacks. She figured she could abort them out of the population so they could create some kind of super race. Giving them welfare, and the women even more welfare for kicking out dad was the perfect match for her ideas too --it just took a long time to convince people that we just needed to do this stuff to 'help' blacks. Those two things have done such great wonderful things for the black community, dont you agree? So anyway, the political side who sits with ol' Margaret Sanger's genocide-based ideas and policies, are liberal democrats. Heck a lot of liberals even consider her a great educator and one of the original women's rights activists. Here are just a quick few of the many great quotes from Margaret Sanger, the mother of the leftist woman's right champion, planned parenthood:

On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born."Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people
On sterilization & racial purification:
Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization.Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.

On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in theBirth Control Review, Nov. 1921

How about this Dill, why dont you buy Rules For Radicals and read it? One of two things will happen: 1. You will realize you've been duped, and most of what you think you know is actually bullshit. Or 2. You will love it and pretty much want to take part in the overthrow of the government, so we can all finally be "equal" by force lol. 
(11-16-2016, 12:25 AM)djam Wrote: So what 19th century arguments are currently in politics that make slavery such an important topic, that it some how gets pointed to the right wing as if they had anything to do with it? Give me some examples so I can better understand what you're saying. 

So where does welfare come from? You make it seem like people are mad because they think the government is forcing white people to pay for black people. Thats moronic if thats what you think lol. Nobody thinks that except the left --because they love making everything a color issue. Welfare for all races is paid for by taxes paid by everyone who pays, which is obviously especially working people, of all colors. That includes blacks. Can you prove that wrong? I mean where does the money come from, if not from tax payers? You make it sounds like some right wing conspiracy. Where are people on the right saying black people are paid for by white people?
So DJAM, you want to know more about the history of right-wing racism, as it relates to government programs like welfare.  Let’s start back in 1866, a year after the Civil War, when Congress has set up the Freedman’s Bureau—the first government program using taxpayer money to help black people. Now check out this handbill supporting Democrat Hiester Clymer, running for Governor of PA in 1866.
[Image: 68_1.jpg]
See that hardworking white taxpayer there chopping wood and the lazy "negro"? This handbill makes two points,  1) good money is being taken from hard-working white folks and given to blacks.  And 2) the result is that “negroes” use their freedom and support for idleness.  White taxpayer money going to blacks is not only unfair but also makes blacks even lazier.

Here is the beginning of political framing of black-white politics which continues to the present. White folks money pays for black laziness.  There is no welfare yet, but when it comes in the 1930s, this frame will be applied to it by right wing conservatives.  In the late 60s, conservatives will begin a more oblique tack, claiming that welfare "hurts" blacks and Democrats who try to help blacks with taxpayer money are the real racists--not the people who DON'T want to help them. Now check my next post.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-16-2016, 12:25 AM)djam Wrote:  Where are people on the right saying black people are paid for by white people? That may be or have been a kkk stance, but its not an actual conservative stance and never has been. It's just another leftist fantasy. The left is always trying to make the right look racist.

Now let's fast-forward to the late 20th-century. I am sure you have heard of the Heritage Foundation--the flagship conservative think tank in the US. They published a very interesting book by two of their scholars in 1994 called The Bell Curve. In a nutshell, the book argues that while some blacks are smarter than some whites, blacks as a group are less intelligent than whites. And 2) because of this, social programs designed to improve their condition will not work. The intelligence gap is not due to nurture and cannot be fixed by government.

One author died before the book came out, but check out what the Southern Poverty Law Center has to say about the other.

Better yet, just read The Bell Curve for yourself.

The book has had a host of right-wing conservative imitators. Google "Bell Curve City" and you will discover two things: 1) a book by this name which explains how government housing created spoiled lazy blacks in Feruguson, and 2) a dozen right-wing conservative blogs agreeing with the book and lamenting how the government funnels white taxpayer money to lazy blacks.

The Bell Curve was not some isolated moment at the conservative, right wing Heritage foundation. It is frequently enmeshed in racist controversy, created by member scholars who argue that some non-white group is less intelligent and so underserving of taxpayer money.

Can this really surprise you?  Have you forgotten how Reagans anecdote about the non-existent welfare queen resonated among white voters in the 80s? you have never heard contemporary conservatives complain about welfare for blacks (but not for whites)? And yet you know so much about “leftists”?

For good measure, is a link to one of the many blogs by white people complaining about how their money goes to blacks.

Welfare encourages reckless procreation and is a massive transfer of wealth from whites to non-whites.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-16-2016, 12:25 AM)djam Wrote: Dont get me wrong, the black communities in this country have gotten a raw deal. When the state control and welfare hit, it tore their communities apart whether people want to admit it or not. The divorce rate went through the roof, even though before all of that, the divorce rate for blacks was lower than whites. They had, at one time the strongest families in America. Now? Not so much. They have the highest rate of fatherless homes in the country now. Big difference. Great results of government run black communities lol. So then they parked a bunch of planned parenthood clinics all over the black communities --everywhere. Planned Parenthood is awesome eh? Makes you think of freedom and woman's rights doesnt it? Well, it was a brainchild of none other than Margaret Sanger, who basically wanted genocide on blacks. She figured she could abort them out of the population so they could create some kind of super race. Giving them welfare, and the women even more welfare for kicking out dad was the perfect match for her ideas too --it just took a long time to convince people that we just needed to do this stuff to 'help' blacks. Those two things have done such great wonderful things for the black community, dont you agree? So anyway, the political side who sits with ol' Margaret Sanger's genocide-based ideas and policies, are liberal democrats. Heck a lot of liberals even consider her a great educator and one of the original women's rights activists. Here are just a quick few of the many great quotes from Margaret Sanger, the mother of the leftist woman's right champion, planned parenthood:
Sounds like you know a lot about liberals and feminism, DJAM. And you've noted my ignorance. So maybe you can help me out here. I notice right wingers like to call Sanger a eugenicist bent on sterilizing African-Americans out of existence, and as if this imagined program is representative of contemporary feminism and liberals. If that is true, then you ought to be able to name some second or third wave feminists who are also into eugenics and "genocide" against blacks. I can't think of any.

While you're at it, can you make clear how providing people housing and educational opportunity intends genocide? I wonder if you are going to accuse Martin Luther King of supporting genocide, since he was an admirer of Sanger and a strong supporter of her birth control initiatives.

And I think the main reason the right has always hated her is because she insisted on INTERRACIAL PROGRAMS to help the poor--not a good move for someone intending genocide.  But you know a lot about Sanger, right. You don't need to glean out of context quotes from anxious right wing propagandists to throw at me. You have read these primary sources yourself and can produce the full paragraphs from which the quotes are taken, right?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-17-2016, 09:47 PM)Dill Wrote: Sounds like you know a lot about liberals and feminism, DJAM. And you've noted my ignorance. So maybe you can help me out here. I notice right wingers like to call Sanger a eugenicist bent on sterilizing African-Americans out of existence, and as if this imagined program is representative of contemporary feminism and liberals. If that is true, then you ought to be able to name some second or third wave feminists who are also into eugenics and "genocide" against blacks. I can't think of any.

While you're at it, can you make clear how providing people housing and educational opportunity intends genocide? I wonder if you are going to accuse Martin Luther King of supporting genocide, since he was an admirer of Sanger and a strong supporter of her birth control initiatives.

And I think the main reason the right has always hated her is because she insisted on INTERRACIAL PROGRAMS to help the poor--not a good move for someone intending genocide.  But you know a lot about Sanger, right. You don't need to glean out of context quotes from anxious right wing propagandists to throw at me. You have read these primary sources yourself and can produce the full paragraphs from which the quotes are taken, right?

I know a lot about liberals because I was one. 

This post is very misguided and you've twisted a lot of my words. I never said that providing housing and educational opportunity (if thats what you call some of the worst schools in the world basically) is genocide. Sanger was definitely a racist who would've loved to commit genocide and basically in her own way tried to. The welfare know what. I'm tired. I started a new contract today and I'll have less time on here for a few days or a week. Heres a pretty cool youtube video however that basically explains a lot of the way I feel about your so called housing and educational opportunities...and the democrat party owning the black vote. This guy pretty much nails it. I'll respond to all the other posts over the weekend if I can.....

(11-17-2016, 08:15 PM)Dill Wrote: So DJAM, you want to know more about the history of right-wing racism, as it relates to government programs like welfare.  Let’s start back in 1866, a year after the Civil War, when Congress has set up the Freedman’s Bureau—the first government program using taxpayer money to help black people. Now check out this handbill supporting Democrat Hiester Clymer, running for Governor of PA in 1866.
[Image: 68_1.jpg]
See that hardworking white taxpayer there chopping wood and the lazy "negro"? This handbill makes two points,  1) good money is being taken from hard-working white folks and given to blacks.  And 2) the result is that “negroes” use their freedom and support for idleness.  White taxpayer money going to blacks is not only unfair but also makes blacks even lazier.

Here is the beginning of political framing of black-white politics which continues to the present. White folks money pays for black laziness.  There is no welfare yet, but when it comes in the 1930s, this frame will be applied to it by right wing conservatives.  In the late 60s, conservatives will begin a more oblique tack, claiming that welfare "hurts" blacks and Democrats who try to help blacks with taxpayer money are the real racists--not the people who DON'T want to help them. Now check my next post.

Dont forget, it was Democrats who founded the KKK. It was Republicans who free'd the slaves. It was republicans who got rid of Jim Crow. Jim Crow was a democrat idea...this idea that the dems and republicans just magically switched sides in the 60's is hilarious lol. 

and for the record, welfare has destroyed the black communities, and a while bunch of other communities. Just take a look lol. It would take some real blindness to not see its gotten worse....and the more handouts, the worse and worse it gets. You must be young or something. 
(11-18-2016, 02:19 AM)djam Wrote: I know a lot about liberals because I was one. 

This post is very misguided and you've twisted a lot of my words. I never said that providing housing and educational opportunity (if thats what you call some of the worst schools in the world basically) is genocide. Sanger was definitely a racist who would've loved to commit genocide and basically in her own way tried to. The welfare know what. I'm tired. I started a new contract today and I'll have less time on here for a few days or a week. Heres a pretty cool youtube video however that basically explains a lot of the way I feel about your so called housing and educational opportunities...and the democrat party owning the black vote. This guy pretty much nails it. I'll respond to all the other posts over the weekend if I can.....

I would be tired too.  Good luck with your new contract...  Hope it gets paid out.  Better than some could say for our potus-elect.  

Praise Jesus. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-18-2016, 02:19 AM)djam Wrote: I know a lot about liberals because I was one. 

This post is very misguided and you've twisted a lot of my words. I never said that providing housing and educational opportunity (if thats what you call some of the worst schools in the world basically) is genocide. Sanger was definitely a racist who would've loved to commit genocide and basically in her own way tried to. The welfare know what. I'm tired. I started a new contract today and I'll have less time on here for a few days or a week. Heres a pretty cool youtube video however that basically explains a lot of the way I feel about your so called housing and educational opportunities...and the democrat party owning the black vote. This guy pretty much nails it. I'll respond to all the other posts over the weekend if I can.....

That was an awesome rant against handouts. Especially the last part when he asked for "our generous contributions."

No. I'm not sending you money so you can **** off on YouTube all day. Get a job which pays the bills and then you won't need to ask me to send you money. 
(11-18-2016, 02:27 AM)djam Wrote: Dont forget, it was Democrats who founded the KKK. It was Republicans who free'd the slaves. It was republicans who got rid of Jim Crow. Jim Crow was a democrat idea...this idea that the dems and republicans just magically switched sides in the 60's is hilarious lol. 

and for the record, welfare has destroyed the black communities, and a while bunch of other communities. Just take a look lol. It would take some real blindness to not see its gotten worse....and the more handouts, the worse and worse it gets. You must be young or something. 

Sure, conservative Democrats founded the KKK, back when Republicans were liberal and progressive.

They didn't magically switch sides in the 60s. It was a gradual process set in motion by Nixon's Southern Strategy. 
Even you won't argue that today the Democrats are the conservatives and the Republicans the progressives. Or would you?

And by the way, you asked for proof that whites complain of their taxpayer dollars going to lazy blacks. You called that a "leftist fantasy." Now you've had a ton of proof right wingers have done this since the Civil War.

Are you prepared to concede this is not a leftist fantasy or do you require more proof?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-18-2016, 02:19 AM)djam Wrote: I know a lot about liberals because I was one. 

This post is very misguided and you've twisted a lot of my words. I never said that providing housing and educational opportunity (if thats what you call some of the worst schools in the world basically) is genocide. Sanger was definitely a racist who would've loved to commit genocide and basically in her own way tried to. The welfare know what. I'm tired. I started a new contract today and I'll have less time on here for a few days or a week. Heres a pretty cool youtube video however that basically explains a lot of the way I feel about your so called housing and educational opportunities...and the democrat party owning the black vote. This guy pretty much nails it. I'll respond to all the other posts over the weekend if I can.....
Who's twisting whose words? Sanger wanted welfare, housing, educational opportunities and planned parenthood for an interracial society. You say she is a racist bent on genocide and present her like poster child for "liberals."

I am not looking to hear how you feel. A ranting black person who appears not to know very much about history and agrees with you falls far short of answering the questions I put to you, after I answered yours.

I would like you to offer evidence that Sanger was a racist bent on genocide, and then provide examples of contemporary feminists, or even liberals, who are eugenicists and do the same.  No rush. Take your time.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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