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Has Trump Gone Too Far?
I was all about Trump's bold ideas, not giving in to political correctness, and his bold ideas to get this country back to being great, and the polls showed that a lot of people were in the same boat as me.

Now, it seems like he's falling in the polls and he might be scaring some people off.

Is his recent falling from grace because he just went too far with his bold ideas and tried to change too much? Is he scaring off the people who were even into his bold ideas?

We're screwed if Hillary gets elected, but is Trump setting her up for the win by going crazy with his ideas for change? Did he go too far?
(08-07-2016, 10:00 AM)BFritz21 Wrote:  his bold ideas to get this country back to being great,

Remember when the Obama's were crucified for suggesting that the UNited States was not the greatest?

No, I don't guess you do.
BTW trump is looking bad because he is running against a legitimate qualified candidate instead of the clowns in the Republican primaries.
Honestly, it isn't his policies that really scare people off. Anyone with any understanding of our government's functions knows that just about anything he wants to do would be extremely difficult to muster through Congress. Some of his ideas are a little too authoritarian for people to really buy into. You do hit on something that is turning people off, though, his anti-PC attitude.

He can go as far as he wants and there are some people that will stick with him and support him 100%. Those people aren't necessarily the people the GOP likes to admit are a part of their base. Trump has given them more prominence, though, and that has caused a lot of the party to recognize that in order to save the party, they need to save the country from Trump. This is just what I have heard from several die hard Republicans. Trump is not good for the country or their party, some even labeling him as a demagogue.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
At the GOP convention Trump stayed focused on national security and very specific criticisms directly at Clinton. He got a big boost in the polls.

Since the convention he has spent most of his time criticizing everyone but Clinton, and stopped talking about national security despite more attacks across Europe.
[Image: Cz_eGI3UUAASnqC.jpg]
(08-07-2016, 10:46 AM)6andcounting Wrote: At the GOP convention Trump stayed focused on national security and very specific criticisms directly at Clinton. He got a big boost in the polls.

Since the convention he has spent most of his time criticizing everyone but Clinton, and stopped talking about national security despite more attacks across Europe.
Hilldog wrote him another check.

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maybe his "make America hate again" slogan wasn't the best way to bring together a majority?

but seriously, that was the concern of many on the Republican side. The primary is basically a popularity contest. People have fun with picking on the candidates. Sometimes that elevates an idiot, sometimes it kills the chances of a good candidate (like the constant yeahhh! Scream looping last election). But when we get into the actual election, people take it seriously. And its hard to take a tax evader who has filed for bankruptcy seriously when he talks about creating jobs while he outsourced jobs to other countries. Its hard to take him seriously when he talks about closing borders and then brings over cheap immigrant labor. Its hard to take a guy seriously when he talks about security, then asks why we can't just nuke people.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I would have thought Trump would have rolled it back a little bit after winning the primary.

There's no way he wants to win the presidency in my opinion, but at the same time he wants it to be a close loss so he can just say it's rigged and then go back to running his business with all sorts of new book deals, paid TV appearances, exclusive interviews, and reality TV deals being known as "The man who held an entire election cycle hostage."

But at the rate he's going he's setting himself up for an embarrassing landslide defeat.
(08-07-2016, 10:51 AM)Rotobeast Wrote: Hilldog wrote him another check.

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Not sure that a check is necessary.

Me and my tin foil hat are convinced that Trump is working with the Clintons to get Hillary elected.

They're buds, IMO. ThumbsUp
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
I think a telling factor is how the parties support their nominee:

Every time Trump has a misstep the party condemns it

Every time Clinton is shown to has committed another unhanded action the party rallies around her.

IMO the GOP is going to lose the election because they stand on their principles as a party; while the Dems will cruise into the White House. The only hope the GOP has is to sell out to Trump and his antics.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-07-2016, 12:12 PM)bfine32 Wrote: IMO the GOP is going to lose the election because they stand on their principles as a party; while the Dems will cruise into the White House. The only hope the GOP has is to sell out to Trump and his antics.

The GOP will be better off in the future if they denounce Trump.  If they give him their full support and he wins he will embarrass the party.

He seriously does not care if what he says is even close to the truth becaus so far the people backing him have not cared.  But this will be a disaster if he gets elected and tries to govern that way.
(08-07-2016, 12:30 PM)fredtoast Wrote: The GOP will be better off in the future if they denounce Trump.  If they give him their full support and he wins he will embarrass the party.

You don't think Clinton has been an embarrassment for the Dems?

I agree with what you say. They are in a tough spot.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-07-2016, 10:20 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Remember when the Obama's were crucified for suggesting that the UNited States was not the greatest?

No, I don't guess you do.

And Obama is what made America not great (or even further from great).  Thanks for pointing it out so I didn't have to.

(08-07-2016, 10:21 AM)fredtoast Wrote: BTW trump is looking bad because he is running against a legitimate qualified candidate instead of the clowns in the Republican primaries.


Typical Fred will support his ideas and candidates no matter how wrong they are!  

Hillary's a proven liar, responsible for four deaths in Bengazi, accepted money from some really shady countries, including ones that support terrorists, has a horrible overall foreign policy record, and the list goes on and on!
(08-07-2016, 01:51 PM)BFritz21 Wrote:  

Typical Fred will support his ideas and candidates no matter how wrong they are!  

Hillary's a proven liar, responsible for four deaths in Bengazi, accepted money from some really shady countries, including ones that support terrorists, has a horrible overall foreign policy record, and the list goes on and on!

Multiple bi-partisan investigations have cleard Hillary of any respnsibility for the deaths in Benghazi.  

Hillary Clinton has never taken money from any countries that support terrorism.  Those funds went to a charitable foundation that does not enrich Hillary in any way.

You have no clue what you are talking about.
(08-07-2016, 01:51 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: And Obama is what made America not great (or even further from great).  Thanks for pointing it out so I didn't have to.

Things are better now than when Obama took office.
I would gladly take a 3rd term of Obama over either of the current candidates.

Many of my Republican friends are starting to share that sentiment as well. They sure as hell don't want another Clinton in the White House, and they are smart enough to know that not only is Trump not a conservative, but he actually much more liberal than Hillary is. 

The choice actually blows, but someone has to win. Although I'll probably cringe when casting the vote, I will be voting Hillary. As shady as she is, and as much baggage as she will bring with least she's not a complete joke of a candidate who has zero experience in in the world of politics. 
Trump has no chance. There are plenty fox news and infowars fanatics that will support him at all costs. But that isnt enough.

There is only like 3 black people, a couple mexicans, 1 muslim, and 5% of women that will vote for him.

This reminds me of the British idiots i saw that said they voted for Brexit but didnt really want it to happen. Making Trump the nominee was/is a total party embarrassment. I guess people thought it would be cool to vote for Trump. And now there is no chance their party wins the white house.
Well, the Republicans threw the last two Presidential elections. Not really surprising they're throwing this one. And they have no one to blame but themselves that Trump is the candidate. Don't run out a collection of assholes and morons against him and then act all surprised that Trump beat them.

If the Republicans ever want the WH again, they ought to try to find a decent candidate.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein  singersongwriterrocknroll

(08-07-2016, 02:22 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: I would gladly take a 3rd term of Obama over either of the current candidates.

Many of my Republican friends are starting to share that sentiment as well. They sure as hell don't want another Clinton in the White House, and they are smart enough to know that not only is Trump not a conservative, but he actually much more liberal than Hillary is. 

The choice actually blows, but someone has to win. Although I'll probably cringe when casting the vote, I will be voting Hillary. As shady as she is, and as much baggage as she will bring with least she's not a complete joke of a candidate who has zero experience in in the world of politics. 

I tend to agree with those who say Hillary will be much of what a third Obama term would have been like, with the possible exception of being a little more progressive. Especially if she holds true to the Sanders' policies she claims to have adopted. My biggest concern with her is the regime change tendencies she has shown, especially with what happened in Libya and the current Syrian situation. There's probably a Nobel Peace prize out there for whomever creates a way to quell the Middle Eastern dumpster fire without creating more enemies than we can keep up with ....

The Trump phenomenon is one of life's great mysteries to me, with him being obnoxious, misogynistic, and champion of hatred in general since the day he occurred on the 'scene'. The support that he has garnered to this point concerns me as much as anything.
Some say you can place your ear next to his, and hear the ocean ....

[Image: 6QSgU8D.gif?1]
(08-07-2016, 04:29 PM)wildcats forever Wrote: I tend to agree with those who say Hillary will be much of what a third Obama term would have been like, with the possible exception of being a little more progressive. Especially if she holds true to the Sanders' policies she claims to have adopted. My biggest concern with her is the regime change tendencies she has shown, especially with what happened in Libya and the current Syrian situation. There's probably a Nobel Peace prize out there for whomever creates a way to quell the Middle Eastern dumpster fire without creating more enemies than we can keep up with ....

The Trump phenomenon is one of life's great mysteries to me, with him being obnoxious, misogynistic, and champion of hatred in general since the day he occurred on the 'scene'. The support that he has garnered to this point concerns me as much as anything.

Let me throw this out there--suppose a lot of people gravitated to Trump in the beginning, before he had the chance to bury both feet in his mouth, when the idea of an outsider had great appeal to a public sick of Washington politicians.  And suppose many of them have stuck to the idea, even though the man is a train wreck.  And suppose others are sticking with him because Hillary is just that bad.  And then suppose others are saying they're still with him but might not end up voting for him.  Maybe it makes some sense if you look at it that way.

Really, Hillary is everything he came into it claiming he was there to stand against.  But he's just too much of a colossal asshole to take advantage of what was a golden opportunity.   That's what pisses me off so much about him being such a tool.  The job was there for the taking.

Hillary should take great pride in beating the worst candidate ever.  If she was really as smart as she thinks she is, she would just say nothing until November and let him beat himself.  Ah, but her massive ego could never allow that.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein  singersongwriterrocknroll

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