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Has Trump Gone Too Far?
(08-07-2016, 04:11 PM)McC Wrote: Well, the Republicans threw the last two Presidential elections.  Not really surprising they're throwing this one.  And they have no one to blame but themselves that Trump is the candidate.  Don't run out a collection of assholes and morons against him and then act all surprised that Trump beat them.

If the Republicans ever want the WH again, they ought to try to find a decent candidate.

They also need to have some minor fundamental changes within the party. They need to collectively move to the center on social issues that effect minorities, women, and the lgbt community. And start compromising on environmental & gun related issues. They can still be more fiscally conservative while trying to empower state governments over the federal on issues though, which what should separate them from the 'socialistic dems' at the core of it all. 
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

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(08-07-2016, 05:40 PM)McC Wrote: Let me throw this out there--suppose a lot of people gravitated to Trump in the beginning, before he had the chance to bury both feet in his mouth, when the idea of an outsider had great appeal to a public sick of Washington politicians.  And suppose many of them have stuck to the idea, even though the man is a train wreck.  And suppose others are sticking with him because Hillary is just that bad.  And then suppose others are saying they're still with him but might not end up voting for him.  Maybe it makes some sense if you look at it that way.

Really, Hillary is everything he came into it claiming he was there to stand against.  But he's just too much of a colossal asshole to take advantage of what was a golden opportunity.   That's what pisses me off so much about him being such a tool.  The job was there for the taking.

Hillary should take great pride in beating the worst candidate ever.  If she was really as smart as she thinks she is, she would just say nothing until November and let him beat himself.  Ah, but her massive ego could never allow that.

I take no issue with your suppositions, all quite reasonable and easy to grasp. I am one of those that wished an outsider of merit actually existed. The closest we got to that was Bernie, who is hardly an outsider but was someone I saw as being the most genuinely passionate about policy - not politics.

As for Trump, I was repulsed by him long before this fiasco. His reality show seemed to be a good fit at best. And HRC is just another dues-paying, good ole boy politician if there ever was one. I don't underestimate her at all. The thing that both of these candidates have done for me, and hopefully everyone else, is directing my full attention on the down ballot in this election. Replacing the obstructionist incumbents up for re-election is the biggest hope I have this time around.

Once again however, on the presidential level I'm voting for the lessor of two evils instead of having a candidate that I'd be proud to support. 
Some say you can place your ear next to his, and hear the ocean ....

[Image: 6QSgU8D.gif?1]
Term limits folks, term limits. The last bill that was introduced to the Senate regarding term limits was voted down 76-24. We need a term limits issue on the National ballot. Those jaggovs will never vote to end their own freeloading on the American taxpayers.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(08-07-2016, 06:51 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Term limits folks, term limits.  The last bill that was introduced to the Senate regarding term limits was voted down 76-24.  We need a term limits issue on the National ballot.  Those jaggovs will never vote to end their own freeloading on the American taxpayers.

I never expect Congress to pass term limits on themselves. The two next best things we can possibly do is get money out of elections, and vote in people who take an active role in public service.
Some say you can place your ear next to his, and hear the ocean ....

[Image: 6QSgU8D.gif?1]
(08-07-2016, 06:51 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Term limits folks, term limits.  The last bill that was introduced to the Senate regarding term limits was voted down 76-24.  We need a term limits issue on the National ballot.  Those jaggovs will never vote to end their own freeloading on the American taxpayers.

Term limits will not accomplish anything.

We will have all of the same problems with just a higher turnover rate.
(08-07-2016, 07:05 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Term limits will not accomplish anything.

We will have all of the same problems with just a higher turnover rate.

What if we bump the percentage needed to win by 10%, each consecutive term ?
51% the first term, 61% the second....ect...

I know it would be impossible to implement such a thing, but it would be quite interesting to see them to try to garner more support over and over.
The crazier Trump gets, the better because it's going to take all sorts of crazy to go toe-to-toe with all the monstrous forces he's convinced me are coming for me.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-07-2016, 11:49 AM)CKwi88 Wrote: There's no way he wants to win the presidency in my opinion

I think there's some evidence of that.  He's not spending very much money, and even less of his own.  He doesn't appear to be building much of a ground game so critical to "turning out the vote".

He has a number of populist positions, but rather than express those rationally he goes with an over-the-top extreme take...such as instead of promoting more responsible immigration and border control, it's "build a wall and ban muslims!!!!".

Be grateful he's such a loudmouth jerk, because he otherwise probably has a winning platform (at least against Hillary).

But it will be very interesting to see if he gets crazier and more ridiculous every time the polls start to narrow...

(08-08-2016, 01:04 AM)Nately120 Wrote: The crazier Trump gets, the better because it's going to take all sorts of crazy to go toe-to-toe with all the monstrous forces he's convinced me are coming for me.
Next on the agenda is the four horsemen of the apocalypse, his golden hair is actually a halo, and he holds the sword of Uriel.

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Out of curiosity, what policies do you believe will make us "screwed" if we elect Hillary?

Don't get me wrong, I don't like her much either. But I think she'd have a wholly uneventful presidency. She's been in the inner circle for so long that she'll probably just keep calm and carry on. There isn't much in the way of her policies that would change America all that much. Which supports her platform that opposes Trump's "the sky is falling" platform.

Also....bold ideas?

The only bold ideas that Trump has had are the ones like "How do I recruit racists? By being outwardly racist!"

His tax plan is a complete joke that would bankrupt this country and his foreign policies are practically nonexistent.

I think Trump is revolutionizing the way you win the GOP nomination, but in all the absolute worst ways you can revolutionize something. He's galvanizing the stupid and hateful to come out and vote. And, turns out, there are a lot more people who vote Republican because of hate and stupidity than there are that vote due to conservatism.
(08-08-2016, 08:54 AM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: And, turns out, there are a lot more people who vote Republican because of hate and stupidity than there are that vote due to conservatism.

There are a lot more people period voting out of stupidity and hate. Its wheat things have devolved into. The seed was planted years ago when the tactic of negative campaigning became the first tactic used in every campaign.
(08-08-2016, 11:10 AM)Beaker Wrote: There are a lot more people period voting out of stupidity and hate. Its wheat things have devolved into. The seed was planted years ago when the tactic of negative campaigning became the first tactic used in every campaign.

The Dems are playing on the ignorance and fear of the populace. Before coming to work this morning I was listening to one of those daytime talk shows in the backgound (view, real, ect...) and the host was telling her audiance that all Trump has to do when he becomes President is push a red button to launch Nukes.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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Trump has jumped the shark, did one of those sweet skidding spin around turn things and jumped it again. At this point it's getting old haha.
(08-08-2016, 12:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote: The Dems are playing on the ignorance and fear of the populace. Before coming to work this morning I was listening to one of those daytime talk shows in the backgound (view, real, ect...) and the host was telling her audiance that all Trump has to do when he becomes President is push a red button to launch Nukes.

That is pretty insane, but haven't Republicans who are supposed to be more reasonable than Trump made clear their love of bombing places?  Didn't Cruz said we will see if sand glows when it's bombed and/or McCain joked to "Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran."  Hell, even Reagan flippantly joked about bombing the USSR and so on and so forth.

Actually, if Trump said the first thing he'd do as soon as his ass hit the chair in the Oval Office would be to launch nukes I'd imagine his loyal followers would cheer OR think that sort of big-mouthed insanity was "proof" that he has what it takes to (insert thing here).

I must say it is interesting that Trump has reached Goldwater-esque levels of "this guy is mentally insane, so watch out." Goldwater may have been railroaded, but it's hard to feel bad for Trump being painted as a dangerous nutbag when that seems to be his appeal.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-08-2016, 01:38 PM)Nately120 Wrote: That is pretty insane, but haven't Republicans who are supposed to be more reasonable than Trump made clear their love of bombing places?  Didn't Cruz said we will see if sand glows when it's bombed and/or McCain joked to "Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran."  Hell, even Reagan flippantly joked about bombing the USSR and so on and so forth.

Actually, if Trump said the first thing he'd do as soon as his ass hit the chair in the Oval Office would be to launch nukes I'd imagine his loyal followers would cheer OR think that sort of big-mouthed insanity was "proof" that he has what it takes to (insert thing here).

I must say it is interesting that Trump has reached Goldwater-esque levels of "this guy is mentally insane, so watch out." Goldwater may have been railroaded, but it's hard to feel bad for Trump being painted as a dangerous nutbag when that seems to be his appeal.

Saying they "love" tp bomb places might be unfair, but the rest makes sense. I think conservatives are more about "boots on the ground". Seems the dems (Obama, Hills) are all about air strikes.
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(08-08-2016, 12:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote: The Dems are playing on the ignorance and fear of the populace. Before coming to work this morning I was listening to one of those daytime talk shows in the backgound (view, real, ect...) and the host was telling her audiance that all Trump has to do when he becomes President is push a red button to launch Nukes.

I wouldn't hold the party accountable for what a talking head says. I don't think the Dems shy away from using the fear angle, but not the same way as Republicans.

In this race, you've got Clinton saying Trump's policies and glowing personality will put us at risk as he travels the globe sowing seeds of good will like 'We don't want you raping Mexicans, build us a wall' or 'Dictators like Putin are great!' That's using fear of possibilities.

Trump, and several other Republican candidates, use a more literal brand of fear. 'ISIS is in your neighborhood! We have to discriminantly bomb the crap out of the Middle East, obliterate all life in the desert because they're coming to kill your grandmother (who is already on the Obamacare hit list)!'
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-08-2016, 01:51 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Saying they "love" tp bomb places might be unfair, but the rest makes sense. I think conservatives are more about "boots on the ground". Seems the dems (Obama, Hills) are all about air strikes.

Ida know...I certainly feel some "love" in these deliveries!

Admittedly, Reagan's was a joke, Cruz is more of a deranged preacher, and McCain's was edited for extra "yucks" but promising to drop bombs on people sure sounds like a gleefully good time for the moral majority!  Truthfully, I'm just jealous that I can't buy into the left-wing utopias NOR the right-wing zeal for killing bad seems like it would be fun to be onboard with something.

(08-08-2016, 02:08 PM)Benton Wrote: Trump, and several other Republican candidates, use a more literal brand of fear. 'ISIS is in your neighborhood! We have to discriminantly bomb the crap out of the Middle East, obliterate all life in the desert because they're coming to kill your grandmother (who is already on the Obamacare hit list)!'

Agreed.  I would actually say that democrats saying to vote for Hillary OR ELSE you're signing this county's death warrant by "electing" Trump is the closest the left has come to outright "vote for our side or you'll be sorry" tactics employed by the right.
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(08-08-2016, 01:51 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Saying they "love" tp bomb places might be unfair, but the rest makes sense. I think conservatives are more about "boots on the ground". Seems the dems (Obama, Hills) are all about air strikes.

As long as they are the boots of other people and other people's kids.

I don't like the random drone strikes either...but they beat putting our kids into the meat grinder.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-08-2016, 02:08 PM)Benton Wrote: I wouldn't hold the party accountable for what a talking head says. I don't think the Dems shy away from using the fear angle, but not the same way as Republicans.

In this race, you've got Clinton saying Trump's policies and glowing personality will put us at risk as he travels the globe sowing seeds of good will like 'We don't want you raping Mexicans, build us a wall' or 'Dictators like Putin are great!' That's using fear of possibilities.

Trump, and several other Republican candidates, use a more literal brand of fear. 'ISIS is in your neighborhood! We have to discriminantly bomb the crap out of the Middle East, obliterate all life in the desert because they're coming to kill your grandmother (who is already on the Obamacare hit list)!'

So they both play on fear; it's just that the Conservative brand is more "literal". Seems unbiased enough
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(08-08-2016, 02:22 PM)bfine32 Wrote: So they both play on fear; it's just that the Conservative brand is more "literal". Seems unbiased enough

Perhaps I've just been brainwashed by the left (I'm still not voting for Clinton) but I have to admit that I'm a bit more concerned with Trump being president than I was with Gore/Kerry/McCain/Romney being president...and I've been told to fear them all!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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