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Hunter Biden Trial Begins
But how can this happen in a crooked system where Biden and the democrats call all the shots and have the judiciary under their thumb?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-11-2024, 01:11 PM)hollodero Wrote: But how can this happen in a crooked system where Biden and the democrats call all the shots and have the judiciary under their thumb?

You are so NAIVE my friend. The verdict you heard is just more proof that the DOJ has been weaponized.

Obviously Biden will claim to accept the verdict to deflect from criticism of his DOJ,

but once he wins the rigged election he will immediately pardon his son and use dictatorial power to silence critics.

And the trial itself is a distraction from the head of the Biden crime family's actual crimes, which the DOJ is hiding. 

I'm not the only one who can see thru all these Dem ruses.  OPEN YOUR EYES, AMERICA!!
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(06-11-2024, 12:19 PM)pally Wrote: Guilty on all counts

I admit, I thought hung jury even though evidence was overwhelming. Biden is fighting for more secure penalties for gun charges including falsifying a federal gun application (Hunter's crime). Let's see once appeals are exhausted if HB serves the possible 25 years (any of it) or is fined $750K (anywhere close) before we say justice is blind.
When will he be sentenced? I think Trump judge announced it same day he was convicted.

This is the least of the charges Hunter faces from future tax evasion to lying to Congress. If elected, I hope Trump pardons him, unless of course Biden lied, and he pardons him after saying over and over again he would not.

I know Democrats are concerned RNC is paying for Trump lawyers. It appears Jill Biden's trips back and forth to Paris for her stepson will be paid by the DNC. Also saw HB's legal bills have exceeded 3 million and counting. Who is paying those bills as Hunter is broke.
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Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-11-2024, 01:11 PM)hollodero Wrote: But how can this happen in a crooked system where Biden and the democrats call all the shots and have the judiciary under their thumb?

Either you are not the brightest bulb or bury and ignore the facts surrounding the HB case.

Weiss attempted to give HB a plea deal, dropping gun charges to misdemeanors and tax evasion case no jail time. It was the judge who put an end to it, Biden's DOJ special counsel went a step further offering Hunter immunity for any past crimes for life.

So yes, Biden did have the DOJ under his thumb, he didn't have the judge under his thumb or 2 brave whistleblowers who blew up the tax case forcing Weiss to act.
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Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
Sentencing is at least 120 days away which puts it mid October. 120 days post convicton is standard for federal cases

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

America would truly heal if Trump pardons Hunter Biden.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-11-2024, 03:15 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Either you are not the brightest bulb

Yeah love you too.

(06-11-2024, 03:15 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Weiss attempted to give HB a plea deal, dropping gun charges to misdemeanors and tax evasion case no jail time. It was the judge who put an end to it, Biden's DOJ special counsel went a step further offering Hunter immunity for any past crimes for life.

So yes, Biden did have the DOJ under his thumb, he didn't have the judge under his thumb or 2 brave whistleblowers who blew up the tax case forcing Weiss to act.

I stated at the time that this looks weird to me as well. Taking it as proof how Democrats have the whole judiciary under their thumb is still a step too far for me. If that were so, they would have found a way to let Hunter off the hook completely, eg. by just not investigating/presenting all the facts or just looking for a corrupt judge, as you allege happened in the Trump case.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-11-2024, 03:39 PM)Nately120 Wrote: America would truly heal if Trump pardons Hunter Biden.

Joe Biden will if there is jail time involved, and honestly, I would not blame him.
(06-11-2024, 01:11 PM)hollodero Wrote: But how can this happen in a crooked system where Biden and the democrats call all the shots and have the judiciary under their thumb?

Biden's team would be more than happy to sacrifice Hunter to attempt to distract from the claims that Trump is being persecuted.  In any event, sentencing is what matters at the end of the day.  Hunter isn't ever applying for a job, so his criminal record won't affect him one bit.  If he doesn't receive a custodial sentence, and I'm betting rather heavily that will be the case, his conviction doesn't mean much other than for the Dem's optics.

(06-11-2024, 05:37 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Biden's team would be more than happy to sacrifice Hunter to attempt to distract from the claims that Trump is being persecuted.  In any event, sentencing is what matters at the end of the day.  Hunter isn't ever applying for a job, so his criminal record won't affect him one bit.  If he doesn't receive a custodial sentence, and I'm betting rather heavily that will be the case, his conviction doesn't mean much other than for the Dem's optics.

I have to say, while it's not totally out of the box it still is a tad too conspirational for me to buy into that. For one, it's the man's son and I don't consider Biden to be that cold and cynical. Also, you make it sound as if Team Biden pulls all the strings in all the dates and trials, and I just don't have enough reason to believe that.

I will however await the sentencings before possibly reevaluating.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-11-2024, 06:48 PM)hollodero Wrote: I have to say, while it's not totally out of the box it still is a tad too conspirational for me to buy into that. For one, it's the man's son and I don't consider Biden to be that cold and cynical. Also, you make it sound as if Team Biden pulls all the strings in all the dates and trials, and I just don't have enough reason to believe that.

I will however await the sentencings before possibly reevaluating.

I don't think they pull the strings in the sense that they caused this to happen.  But they certainly could have prevented it form happening and chose not to.  An interesting side story to this trial is the number of people who swore in public that the laptop was 100% fake despite it being totally genuine.  You really don't hear a lot about that outside of the Fox echosphere.

(06-11-2024, 07:55 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I don't think they pull the strings in the sense that they caused this to happen.  But they certainly could have prevented it form happening and chose not to.  An interesting side story to this trial is the number of people who swore in public that the laptop was 100% fake despite it being totally genuine.  You really don't hear a lot about that outside of the Fox echosphere.

The mainstream media with their "Leftist, elitist" attitude would never come out and admit that they were wrong. That would leave the door open to the fact that they have been knowingly presenting wrong information to support a political agenda.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(06-11-2024, 07:55 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I don't think they pull the strings in the sense that they caused this to happen.  But they certainly could have prevented it form happening and chose not to.  An interesting side story to this trial is the number of people who swore in public that the laptop was 100% fake despite it being totally genuine.  You really don't hear a lot about that outside of the Fox echosphere.

Probably the way they went about it.

Rudy Giuliani just got his mug shot taken in another election rigging related case. He is a scumbag. He was also involved with a lot of bullshit in Ukraine.

If they put it out there in a legitimate manner instead of trying to use it as an October surprise as a desperate attempt to prop up a badly failing president. There wouldn’t have been so much doubt.

By trying to manipulate the public they screwed themselves.
(06-11-2024, 07:55 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I don't think they pull the strings in the sense that they caused this to happen.  But they certainly could have prevented it form happening and chose not to.

Well, so there's theoretical influence, they just chose to stand down and rather not use it to intervene or prevent things. If so, I hardly see that as their fault.

(06-11-2024, 07:55 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: An interesting side story to this trial is the number of people who swore in public that the laptop was 100% fake despite it being totally genuine.  You really don't hear a lot about that outside of the Fox echosphere.

Yeah, that is the big one, the one big issue where the FOX sphere got it right and the conventional media got it dead wrong. It sure is legit to bring that up. Then again, imho it gets overemphazised a little by now. This one winner followed a whole lot of losers, stories ran by Giuliani, Bannon et al. that were hyperbolic exaggerations, blatant misinformation or total fabrications. These folks have lost all credibility way before this whole laptop story arose and hence there's a certain limit to the blame I want to lay on those that dismissed the story. I for one did too and can not really blame myself for it either.

As for those swearing people themselves, I will have to refresh my memory, but not today.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-11-2024, 03:21 PM)pally Wrote: Sentencing is at least 120 days away which puts it mid October.  120 days post convicton is standard for federal cases

I am not sure there is 4 month + window for a sentence, but I do know this felony probation is not recommended, if judge refuse to jail Hunter, she is required by law to state her reasons. Also, 97% of first-time offenders of this felony go to jail for a minimum of 15 months.

Let's see how this plays out for the POTUS to see if he gets special treatment for being the son of a rich man and POTUS.
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Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-11-2024, 08:43 PM)holloder Wrote: Yeah, that is the big one, the one big issue where the FOX sphere got it right and the conventional media got it dead wrong. It sure is legit to bring that up. Then again, imho it gets overemphazised a little by now. This one winner followed a whole lot of losers, stories ran by Giuliani, Bannon et al. that were hyperbolic exaggerations, blatant misinformation or total fabrications. These folks have lost all credibility way before this whole laptop story arose and hence there's a certain limit to the blame I want to lay on those that dismissed the story. I for one did too and can not really blame myself for it either.

As for those swearing people themselves, I will have to refresh my memory, but not today.

Please tell us what Rudy and Bannon did to influence an election. It was the timing of the letter from the 51 Hunter's laptop was disinformation in time for Joe Biden to tell Trump he was wrong at an October debate, weeks before the election.

Who goy Trump Russian collusion right? Only Fox and every other major network got it wrong.

I guess you miss the pattern also that includes members of the DOJ, current and former spreading disinformation about Trump when he became POTUS and while a candidate. Fox got it right, everyone in the liberal and mainstream media got it wrong. The same F.B.I failed to correct the laptop was Russian disinformation. They knew as they had the laptop in 2018 and had it verified in 2019 as 100% Hunter's.

As far as Rudy and Bannon, there are others like John Soloman and GOP committees who are very confident Hunter Biden bribed Chinese energy companies and used his dad (influence peddling) to get paid millions of dollars. The investigation continues and Joe Biden has lied about his involvement every step of the way. He said no member of his family received money from China on a debate stage, a lie as Hunter admitted it in open court. Joe Biden said he had no contact with any of Hunter's business associates, once against text messages from the laptop, emails prove Joe Biden lied.

Liberals get all worked up when the feel Trump tells a lie yet bury their head in the sand when facts emerge that point to Joe Biden being a crook. 

I would argue Biden's use of the DOJ to stop any investigation beyond Hunter Biden tax evasion cases shows political influence by the DOJ. The whistleblowers coming forward caused any attempts to prosecute Hunter Biden, Weiss had no intent of filing charges, just a sweet plea deal with life-time immunity was originally offered.

Lots of evidence our DOJ pattern is one of political persecution against Trump and associates, and none against Joe Biden and associates. Justice is blind, if you are a leader of the Democratic Party.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
Joe Biden said he 2023 his son did nothing wrong. He also said HUNTER IS THE SMARTEST MAN I KNOW!!!!

But biggest issue is the voters know Joe Biden knew Hunter's laptop was not altered as HB's attorney was given the info from the laptop in 2018. F.B.I. verified in 2019 it was not altered, and agent testified to laptop not being compromised.

Joe Biden lied and so did 51 former intelligence and DOJ officials.

It appears the next step for the laptop will be the trial in California and also Congress wants to see it for their investigation as well.

The DOJ also has criminal perjury charges submitted for Jim and Hunter Biden based on the laptop and false testimony under oath to Congress.

Biden 2023 interview where he says his son 'did nothing wrong' resurfaces after guilty verdict
Hunter Biden was convicted Tuesday of lying on a federal form when asked about past drug use while trying to purchase a firearm

Click for rest of the article.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
Do you think Joe was there when Hunter lied on the form? Unlike Trump who falsified the documents himself.

Do you think Joe knew the details of an FBI investigation that took place in 2018? Do you think Trumps DOJ could have pursued charges or announced an investigation as soon as they found out the laptop was real? Or do you think it was best to leak the story to the newspaper weeks before an election?
Oh for Pete’s sake….Hunter Biden is a 54 year old man. He his long past the age where his parents are responsible for his actions. But he is damned lucky to have parents that are still around to love and support him

That bloody lap top is your holy grail isn’t. All your hopes and dreams of a Joe Biden crime spree ride on it. Get over it…if that laptop was going to amount to anything it would have already happened.

And those 51 national security people voiced an OPINION based on public information of the time. Their conclusion may be erroneous but it was not “lying”

We. Are not really sure what these “perjury” charges are based on but knowing what has already come out of this so-called investigation it’s probably just another of their much ado about nothing rhetoric

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.


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