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Hunter Biden Trial Begins
Nothing is funnier to me than a self declared good christian enjoying his schadenfreude publicly.

Nobody is going to vote for Hunter then ?

And suddenly being a convicted felon is not sexy anymore ?

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(06-12-2024, 01:22 AM)pally Wrote: Oh for Pete’s sake….Hunter Biden is a 54 year old man.  He his long past the age where his parents are responsible for his actions.  But he is damned lucky to have parents that are still around to love and support him

That bloody lap top is your holy grail isn’t.  All your hopes and dreams of a Joe Biden crime spree ride on it.  Get over it…if that laptop was going to amount to anything it would have already happened.

I love watching you kids move the goal posts in real time.  The lap top is fake leads to the lap top is deliberate disinformation to if you think the laptop is real you're a conspiracy theorist to the lap top may be real, to the laptop is real but it's not a big deal, to the lap top is real and it means nothing.  Sounds a lot like a certain claim about a certain virus being a lab leak.

Quote:And those 51 national security people voiced an OPINION based on public information of the time.  Their conclusion may be erroneous but it was not “lying”

Nah, I think it's very clear they were lying intentionally for whatever reason applied to the individual.  You can't get something that objectively easy to fact check 100% wrong by accident.  They lied, the media propped up their lies and the Dems manufactured those lies.  To claim otherwise just makes you look foolish.

Quote:We. Are not really sure what these “perjury” charges are based on but knowing what has already come out of this so-called investigation it’s probably just another of their much ado about nothing rhetoric

Like the lap top is fake and covid wasn't a lab leak? 

“But the laptop” is the response anytime MAGA can’t come up with anything else. It’s like it holds all the world’s secrets. Well newsflash, it doesn’t.

That laptop hasn’t done anything but show Hunter Biden was an idiot when he was addicted.

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-12-2024, 12:31 PM)pally Wrote: “But the laptop” is the response anytime MAGA can’t come up with anything else. It’s like it holds all the world’s secrets.  Well newsflash, it doesn’t.

That laptop hasn’t done anything but show Hunter Biden was an idiot when he was addicted.

Oh, I think it's done much more than that.  It's shown the willingness of the Democratic party to create outright fabrications, to find those willing to repeat and swear by those fabrications, to have the media run with those fabrications and to viscously attack anyone who dares dispute those fabrications.

Not a good look going into a major election year.

(06-12-2024, 12:38 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Oh, I think it's done much more than that.  It's shown the willingness of the Democratic party to create outright fabrications, to find those willing to repeat and swear by those fabrications, to have the media run with those fabrications and to viscously attack anyone who dares dispute those fabrications.

Not a good look going into a major election year.

Then: The entirety of the left (obviously including our betters in the media) through a megaphone: Russian disinformation!

Now: Get over it.
(06-12-2024, 12:38 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Oh, I think it's done much more than that.  It's shown the willingness of the Democratic party to create outright fabrications, to find those willing to repeat and swear by those fabrications, to have the media run with those fabrications and to viscously attack anyone who dares dispute those fabrications.

Not a good look going into a major election year.

that is bullcrap and you knnow it.  That laptop had Rudy Guiliani's handling all over it and you don't think people would be suspicious

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(06-12-2024, 12:04 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Joe Biden said he 2023 his son did nothing wrong. He also said HUNTER IS THE SMARTEST MAN I KNOW!!!!

He said that about him being the smartest, ok I did not know that, also I don't really care. It's his son, should he call him a dumbass? About him stating Hunter did nothing wrong, that probably amounts to a falsehood or, if he knew better at that time, a lie. No objection from me here, I put it as a minus in Joe Biden's column too.

(06-12-2024, 12:04 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: But biggest issue is the voters know Joe Biden knew Hunter's laptop was not altered as HB's attorney was given the info from the laptop in 2018. F.B.I. verified in 2019 it was not altered, and agent testified to laptop not being compromised.

Joe Biden lied and so did 51 former intelligence and DOJ officials.

It appears the next step for the laptop will be the trial in California and also Congress wants to see it for their investigation as well.

The DOJ also has criminal perjury charges submitted for Jim and Hunter Biden based on the laptop and false testimony under oath to Congress.

The corrupt DOJ did that? How very corrupt of them.

Now to just present my overall view, for starters here's the one thing that does not fit into you narrative at all: It's how the FBI basically handed the win to Trump on a silver platter by announcing a reopening of Hillary's case a few days before the 2016 election. Which, no matter the politics or whom it helps, probably was seen as a huge error internally. I can perfectly understand why they would do everything in their power to avoid a repeat of that blunder. So yeah, they had zero intentions of coming out and confirm they have a laptop of Hunter Biden before the 2020 election, they do not quite know what it amounts to, but it's investigated - possibly getting involved in another election yet again. I would not have done that if I were them. And there's no obligation to inform the public about any ongoing investigation, none whatsoever. Trump benefitted from that, since his campaign also was under investigation before the 2016 election and the FBI chose to keep that under wraps too. According to your own standards, that must be seen as election interference on behalf of Trump - I don't see it that way, not here nor in the Hunter laptop case.

Also, there's still nothing on that laptop that clearly incriminates Joe Biden. That is the piece that is still missing, you still do not have it, all you have is speculation about Joe's involvement. So yep I don't think the FBI acted wrongfully or corruptly in that case.
And just to be clear once more: If Joe Biden is ever clearly incriminated, he should be impeached, indicted and tried without hesitation, same goes for anyone that helped him conceal his guilt.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-11-2024, 07:55 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: An interesting side story to this trial is the number of people who swore in public that the laptop was 100% fake despite it being totally genuine.  You really don't hear a lot about that outside of the Fox echosphere.

So, my annswer yesterday was a bit off-topic maybe (I was tired), but could you give me a pointer on where to look for that? I did not find anyone swearing in public that it was fake who must have known better at the time. For sure many people who would not know one way or another claimed with authority it was fake, and not to completely excuse it, that is mainly because Giuliani and co. wrongfully cried fould a thousand times before and no one could possible take anything he said seriously at the time (and now).
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-12-2024, 01:14 PM)StoneTheCrow Wrote: Then: The entirety of the left (obviously including our betters in the media) through a megaphone: Russian disinformation!

Now: Get over it.

3, 2, 1.....

(06-12-2024, 01:18 PM)pally Wrote: that is bullcrap and you knnow it.  That laptop had Rudy Guiliani's handling all over it and you don't think people would be suspicious

No, it's 100% accurate, and you're doing it again right now.  Who handled it has no bearing as to its veracity.  Using your logic the NYC Trump case should have been thrown out, or never filed, because a convicted perjurer was the primary witness.

(06-12-2024, 02:39 PM)hollodero Wrote: So, my annswer yesterday was a bit off-topic maybe (I was tired), but could you give me a pointer on where to look for that? I did not find anyone swearing in public that it was fake who must have known better at the time. For sure many people who would not know one way or another claimed with authority it was fake, and not to completely excuse it, that is mainly because Giuliani and co. wrongfully cried fould a thousand times before and no one could possible take anything he said seriously at the time (and now).

I'll post links as I know you'll read them.  if one comes up as behind a paywall let me know and I'll repost and archive link.

They should be read in order, btw.

(06-12-2024, 03:10 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: 3, 2, 1.....

No, it's 100% accurate, and you're doing it again right now.  Who handled it has no bearing as to its veracity.  Using your logic the NYC Trump case should have been thrown out, or never filed, because a convicted perjurer was the primary witness.

I'll post links as I know you'll read them.  if one comes up as behind a paywall let me know and I'll repost and archive link.

They should be read in order, btw.

How about don’t associate with people spreading Russian disinformation and your hit job leaked to the press weeks before an election won’t be viewed as Russian disinformation?
(06-12-2024, 05:52 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: How about don’t associate with people spreading Russian disinformation and your hit job leaked to the press weeks before an election won’t be viewed as Russian disinformation?

Guilty by association? Wow, I bet the black community loves this opinion.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-12-2024, 05:52 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: How about don’t associate with people spreading Russian disinformation and your hit job leaked to the press weeks before an election won’t be viewed as Russian disinformation?

A 100% true story, by definition, cannot be a "hit job."

(06-12-2024, 05:52 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: How about don’t associate with people spreading Russian disinformation and your hit job leaked to the press weeks before an election won’t be viewed as Russian disinformation?


(06-12-2024, 03:10 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I'll post links as I know you'll read them.  if one comes up as behind a paywall let me know and I'll repost and archive link.

Yeah I knew about that one. I think the headline is a tad misleading, these 51 people did not make a definite statement, but rather made this infamous "it has the earmarks of Russian disinformation" claim. And I can not really disagree with that statement, it had these earmarks. It sure still was an error of judgment and I will not try to defend them from that accusation. Whether bias and a political preference played a part, well I don't know, my guess would be that it did and that sure deserves critizism too. But they did not exactly swear it was false, they stated clearly that they do not know that for a fact and "just" expressed their strong scepticism - and well, the information came from Rudy and imho that alone was reason enough to be deeply sceptical.

Also, Mr. Ratcliffe disagreed with the assessment, which was news to me. A curious thing is how the FBI allegedly investigated the possibility of a Russian disinformation campaign, which is indeed weird. But maybe possible at this point.

(06-12-2024, 03:10 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote:

I have to admit I didn't learn much from this article, aside from the fact that Mr. Smirnov can not be seen as a reliable source and hence information from him has to be seen as tainted and that Russian misinformation campaings are ongoing. Assumptions I would see as justified. It sure touches on social media suppressing the WaPo article on the laptop, which was a wrong decision, possibly justifiable by what they were led to believe at this point. Or it's because they are all evil, which they sure are. Also, Mr. Blinken's role sure is curious. But no one swore publicly it was misinformation while knowing it was not.

(06-12-2024, 03:10 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote:

OK, that one I actually only could read through the HTML code (weird that the Times does not realize one can do that, but whatever). So I might have overlooked things. But it seems the only one who claimed with authority that this was in fact a Russian ploy was Biden himself, citing the 51 officials who never made this definite claim and actually explicitly said they could not state it as fact. So it remains that as far as I can tell there's still no one, except Biden, that came close to swearing publicly that the laptop story was fake.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-12-2024, 07:21 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: Guilty by association? Wow, I bet the black community loves this opinion.

(06-12-2024, 07:30 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: A 100% true story, by definition, cannot be a "hit job."

Can you guys acknowledge the presidents top lawyer was running around with Russian assets? Do the partisan blinders allow you to do that?
(06-12-2024, 08:22 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Can you guys acknowledge the presidents top lawyer was running around with Russian assets? Do the partisan blinders allow you to do that?

Joe Biden rolled with the KKK Cyclops, right?

But that is at least one link in the chain closer than DJT...

Where is your outrage?!?

Oh, I know...
I wouldn’t rule out that a lot of what was going on was meant to damage Ukraines reputation as well.

Russia’s invasion sure would have gone a lot smoother if trumps team was more successful selling the fabricated evil Ukraine Biden corruption connection.

The Trump team was either pawns of Putin or complicit.
(06-12-2024, 08:29 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: I wouldn’t rule out that a lot of what was going on was meant to damage Ukraines reputation as well.

Russia’s invasion sure would have gone a lot smoother if trumps team was more successful selling the fabricated evil Ukraine Biden corruption connection.

The Trump team was either pawns of Putin or complicit.

[Image: giphy.gif]
(06-12-2024, 07:57 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: Wow.


I sleep good at night. You guys supporting the traitors? Idk

“Rudy Giuliani had been served with the notice of his indictment in connection with an alleged conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results in Arizona.”
(06-12-2024, 08:33 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: [Image: giphy.gif]

Works with Russian assets. Tries to over turn our countries democratic election.

Gets your full support….

Pitiful and disgusting

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