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Hunter Biden laptop story
(10-26-2020, 03:07 PM)bfine32 Wrote: And suddenly the last thing the thread is a bout is possible wrong doing from a Democratic Candidate and/or his family.

I think a better question is do people know the difference between the news page and the opinion/ed page?  Does this matter to people?  If not, why?  The bottom line is that perception rules reality, and that is the biggest "we're all a bunch of snowflakes these days" argument of them all.

Now let's get back to this biological attack from China.
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(10-26-2020, 03:26 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I think a better question is do people know the difference between the news page and the opinion/ed page?  Does this matter to people?  If not, why?  The bottom line is that perception rules reality, and that is the biggest "we're all a bunch of snowflakes these days" argument of them all.

Now let's get back to this biological attack from China.

A better question than what?
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(10-26-2020, 03:28 PM)bfine32 Wrote: A better question than what?

You have a tendency to phrase statements in a manner which makes you seem like you are exasperatedly asking a rhetorical question.  I guess this time it only tacitly qualifies. My bad.
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FOX news in large parts dismisses the story. At this point, I feel it no longer deserves to be seen as one.

Imho, the timing of all of this (and of course the fact that it comes from Giuliani and Bannon) makes this a topic not worth much of anyone's time. I mean, it's quite apparently a last-minute smear attempt, isn't it.

And actually a cheap one. And the things Trump asserts with zero proof on a national TV debate, and all his fake outrage, is so embarrassingly cheap. The laptop from hell. The "big guy". I mean, seriously, don't just fall for that.

Release the memo.
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(10-26-2020, 03:36 PM)fredtoast Wrote: This reply is typical of the conservative crew that spend more time crying about the "liberal media" and "the squad" than they do addressing the actual issues.

My initial reply addressed the actual issue. it was one of the few that did.

Of course I didn't expect you to see the conduct from the liberals as an issue in the forum
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(10-26-2020, 03:54 PM)bfine32 Wrote: My initial reply addressed the actual issue. it was one of the few that did.

Do I get half credit for bringing up how interesting it is that Putin is siding (somewhat by default) with Biden on this one?  I mentioned that in another thread, so there is that.
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I don't think suggesting that promoting the fake Hunter Biden story is a desperation move born of the administration's failings on covid is a violation of the COC, but I know that trying to derail a thread by complaining about how everyone else posts in that thread is.
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Do you think the vision impaired repairman knew that the guy who dropped the laptops off was a Russian operative, not Hunter Biden, or do you think they just picked him knowing he could be a stooge?
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(10-26-2020, 04:09 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Do you think the vision impaired repairman knew that the guy who dropped the laptops off was a Russian operative, not Hunter Biden, or do you think they just picked him knowing he could be a stooge?

How did a Russian operative get emails that have been corroborated by at least 1 person with no denials as to their authenticity by the Biden camp? How did a Russian operative get a hold of a laptop in which Biden's lawyers wanted "back" from the repairman?
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(10-26-2020, 05:28 PM)PhilHos Wrote: How did a Russian operative get emails that have been corroborated by at least 1 person with no denials as to their authenticity by the Biden camp? How did a Russian operative get a hold of a laptop in which Biden's lawyers wanted "back" from the repairman?
Insisting that the Hunter Biden laptop is fake is a trap. So is insisting that it’s real.

The lesson of 2016 is to be even more careful with potential disinformation in 2020.

Indeed, there are good reasons to be skeptical of the theory that the laptop is a foreign plot. If a competent Russian intelligence agency went to the length of procuring hacked material, blending it with forgeries, perhaps researching a suitable surfacing locale and setup in Wilmington and surfacing the package in a human intelligence operation that required careful planning — then it’s highly likely that agency would have found, or more likely forged, files that would have actual political impact, instead of the unremarkable material revealed in the Post so far.

Nevertheless, in the likely continued absence of certainty either way, the Biden leaks deserve the full potential-disinformation treatment. This means three concrete things.

First, every individual little fact — every email, every text, every photo — must be independently verified when data is surfaced in such a suspicious way, not just one piece of information. Genuine photos, for example, could be there simply to add credibility to forged emails surfaced along with the photos — shielding a few forgeries with genuine content would be a time-tested active measures tactic.

Second, the absence of a denial by the Biden campaign or Hunter himself should not be treated as a tacit admission of authenticity. Mixing facts with forgeries has another time-tested effect: It sets a trap for the victim. If Hunter or the Biden campaign started selectively denying pieces of the reporting ostensibly from the laptop, they would give oxygen to the operation, extend its life-cycle and get entangled in a losing battle about discussing what’s fact and what’s not. Verifying large amounts of leaked files, the Democrats learned in 2016, is also hard and labor-intensive.

Finally, and hardest of all, we must resist the temptation to jump to premature conclusions on “a Russian plant” without good evidence — “classic earmarks” are not nearly enough. The Mac Shop story, and even the files, could still be genuine, no matter how unusual the setup sounds. Worse, even if a foreign intelligence service had a role in the strange saga of the Biden leaks — a scenario that remains as likely as not — then the critical enablers at several steps along the way were prominent Americans who decided to act irresponsibly, again and again, by putting party above country — and after four years of publicly discussing useful idiocy, they could no longer be unwitting.
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(10-26-2020, 05:28 PM)PhilHos Wrote: How did a Russian operative get emails that have been corroborated by at least 1 person with no denials as to their authenticity by the Biden camp? How did a Russian operative get a hold of a laptop in which Biden's lawyers wanted "back" from the repairman?

How is Trump still whiffing this badly on digging up a "Willie Horton" on Biden?
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7days 5hours 29 minutes.
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(10-26-2020, 08:30 PM)BrownAssClown Wrote: 7days 5hours 29 minutes.

Because we know scandals don't follow POTUS to the White House. 
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(10-26-2020, 05:28 PM)PhilHos Wrote: How did a Russian operative get emails that have been corroborated by at least 1 person with no denials as to their authenticity by the Biden camp? How did a Russian operative get a hold of a laptop in which Biden's lawyers wanted "back" from the repairman?

Why would the FBI call a visually impaired computer repairman for technical assistance to access the information on the hard drive they’ve had in their possession for 10 months?
Please discuss issues and not hyperbole of "the other side".

If you have nothing to contribute on the topic, go ahead and go post on . Have some class; you don't post in Cleveland.
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So many different questions.

The laptop could be a total fake.

The laptop could be legit, but some of the emails be fakes that were added.

The laptop could be legit. The emails could be legit. Yet none of them prove anything unethical or illegal on the part of the Bidens.

Or it could all be legit and contain a smoking gun that proves the Bidens are corrupt.

It still seems strange that Hunter would drop off a computer containing proof of criminal activity and never go back to get it.

And it seems strange that the guy who owned the shop would start hacking into his email account just because he never came back for the laptop.

And I am pretty certain that Biden's attorney would not ask for ti back after he found out that the shop owner no longer had it.

And, finally the timing is just too perfect. the story breaks just before the election but not far enough in advance for a full investigation to prove it is a big nothing. It is almost identical to the 2016 election when the FBI announced a development in the Hillary email investigation just 2 weeks before the election involving Huma Adedin's laptop. It caused a big blow up in the media in the final days of the campaign but ended up being nothing.
October Surprise turns out to be October Nothing.
(10-27-2020, 05:32 PM)fredtoast Wrote: So many different questions.

The laptop could be a total fake.

The laptop could be legit, but some of the emails be fakes that were added.

The laptop could be legit.  The emails could be legit.  Yet none of them prove anything unethical or illegal on the part of the Bidens.

Or it could all be legit and contain a smoking gun that proves the Bidens are corrupt.

It still seems strange that Hunter would drop off a computer containing proof of criminal activity and never go back to get it.

And it seems strange that the guy who owned the shop would start hacking into his email account just because he never came back for the laptop.

And I am pretty certain that Biden's attorney would not ask for ti back after he found out that the shop owner no longer had it.

And, finally the timing is just too perfect.  the story breaks just before the election but not far enough in advance for a full investigation to prove it is a big nothing.  It is almost identical to the 2016 election when the FBI announced a development in the Hillary email investigation just 2 weeks before the election involving Huma Adedin's laptop.  It caused a big blow up in the media in the final days of the campaign but ended up being nothing.

Anyone who follows right wing radio can answer the bolded--whoever dropped off the lap top signed a work order which was also a contract stating that if the computer were not picked up in three months, it became the property of the shop owner.

I think you are right about the timing. It was meant to be two weeks of "breaking news" with final revelation due any day--like Benghazi or Uranium one, or Giuliani's June-July claim of immanent revelations regarding Biden's corrupt dealing in the Ukraine based on documents forwarded him by Ukrainian Russian agent Derkach.

It's just CONSTANT shrill scandal from these guys, one after another.
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Well it’s settled. I won’t be voting for hunter Biden this year.
It is hilarious to watch liberals ignore or lie and say no story about the business dealings of the Biden family while Joe was VP and after his was VP in countries Obama put him in charge of is so hypocritical. Libs accused Trump of doing the same thing Tony Bobulinski just showed the world through emails (he was named in the NY Post email), texts and dates of meetings with Jim, Hunter, Joe (2 times face to face) and Walker the Biden family friend.

Just watch the 45 minute interview on Fox with Tucker Carlson in the 28th of October. The libs believed Vindman, but they want to dismiss war hero Bobulinski. He has tape on tape Walker asking him to not go forward, if so it will destroy people. He only came forward because Adam Schiff in essence called him a traitor and attacked his family name with the Russian collusion narrative used again. He asked family friend Walker to get with Biden family and make Schiff retract the story. If so, he would not go to the media or the senate. They refused and here were are.

There are a ton of questions including why the FBI sat on the Hunter Biden laptop while the Democrats were trying to impeach the POTUS because he said Biden was corrupt. Guess what, it looks like Biden is corrupt and was taking money from the Chinese and others solely based on the Biden name.

The MSM covered a lie, a Russian collusion narrative where a Russian Dossier paid for by a political opponent (HRC and the DNC) to spy on the Trump campaign and then Trump transition team. Yet, now they refuse to cover this. The media has shown oit's bias, 92% negativer coverage of Trump for 4 years. but, hey libs love it since they are baby killing morons with no moral compass.
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