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Hunter Biden laptop story
(10-28-2020, 09:57 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: It is hilarious to watch liberals ignore or lie and say no story about the business dealings of the Biden family while Joe was VP and after his was VP in countries Obama put him in charge of is so hypocritical. Libs accused Trump of doing the same thing Tony Bobulinski just showed the world through emails (he was named in the NY Post email), texts and dates of meetings with Jim, Hunter, Joe (2 times face to face) and Walker the Biden family friend.

Just watch the 45 minute interview on Fox with Tucker Carlson in the 28th of October. The libs believed Vindman, but they want to dismiss war hero Bobulinski. He has tape on tape Walker asking him to not go forward, if so it will destroy people. He only came forward because Adam Schiff in essence called him a traitor and attacked his family name with the Russian collusion narrative used again. He asked family friend Walker to get with Biden family and make Schiff retract the story. If so, he would not go to the media or the senate. They refused and here were are.

There are a ton of questions including why the FBI sat on the Hunter Biden laptop while the Democrats were trying to impeach the POTUS because he said Biden was corrupt. Guess what, it looks like Biden is corrupt and was taking money from the Chinese and others solely based on the Biden name.

The MSM covered a lie, a Russian collusion narrative where a Russian Dossier paid for by a political opponent (HRC and the DNC) to spy on the Trump campaign and then Trump transition team. Yet, now they refuse to cover this. The media has shown oit's bias, 92% negativer coverage of Trump for 4 years. but, hey libs love it since they are baby killing morons with no moral compass.


I was so shocked by that last line I forgot what most of your post said. Something something watch tucker carlson I think I read.

Yikes man. You are in deep
(10-28-2020, 09:57 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: It is hilarious to watch liberals ignore or lie and say no story about the business dealings of the Biden family while Joe was VP and after his was VP in countries Obama put him in charge of is so hypocritical. Libs accused Trump of doing the same thing Tony Bobulinski just showed the world through emails (he was named in the NY Post email), texts and dates of meetings with Jim, Hunter, Joe (2 times face to face) and Walker the Biden family friend.

Just watch the 45 minute interview on Fox with Tucker Carlson in the 28th of October. The libs believed Vindman, but they want to dismiss war hero Bobulinski. He has tape on tape Walker asking him to not go forward, if so it will destroy people. He only came forward because Adam Schiff in essence called him a traitor and attacked his family name with the Russian collusion narrative used again. He asked family friend Walker to get with Biden family and make Schiff retract the story. If so, he would not go to the media or the senate. They refused and here were are.

There are a ton of questions including why the FBI sat on the Hunter Biden laptop while the Democrats were trying to impeach the POTUS because he said Biden was corrupt. Guess what, it looks like Biden is corrupt and was taking money from the Chinese and others solely based on the Biden name.

The MSM covered a lie, a Russian collusion narrative where a Russian Dossier paid for by a political opponent (HRC and the DNC) to spy on the Trump campaign and then Trump transition team. Yet, now they refuse to cover this. The media has shown oit's bias, 92% negativer coverage of Trump for 4 years. but, hey libs love it since they are baby killing morons with no moral compass.
They last line in your post is uncalled for and unfair. There are liberals who abhor the taking of a life; although they'll try to quell the cognitive dissonance by using words such as embryo and fetus, yet support a woman's right to chose.

It also gives them an out from addressing the other countless points in your thread that are solid.

It's definitely a news story and folks are showing their hypocrisy by trying to sweep it under the rug.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-28-2020, 09:57 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: It is hilarious to watch liberals ignore or lie and say no story about the business dealings of the Biden family while Joe was VP and after his was VP in countries Obama put him in charge of is so hypocritical. Libs accused Trump of doing the same thing Tony Bobulinski just showed the world through emails (he was named in the NY Post email), texts and dates of meetings with Jim, Hunter, Joe (2 times face to face) and Walker the Biden family friend.

Just watch the 45 minute interview on Fox with Tucker Carlson in the 28th of October. The libs believed Vindman, but they want to dismiss war hero Bobulinski. He has tape on tape Walker asking him to not go forward, if so it will destroy people. He only came forward because Adam Schiff in essence called him a traitor and attacked his family name with the Russian collusion narrative used again. He asked family friend Walker to get with Biden family and make Schiff retract the story. If so, he would not go to the media or the senate. They refused and here were are.

There are a ton of questions including why the FBI sat on the Hunter Biden laptop while the Democrats were trying to impeach the POTUS because he said Biden was corrupt. Guess what, it looks like Biden is corrupt and was taking money from the Chinese and others solely based on the Biden name.

The MSM covered a lie, a Russian collusion narrative where a Russian Dossier paid for by a political opponent (HRC and the DNC) to spy on the Trump campaign and then Trump transition team. Yet, now they refuse to cover this. The media has shown oit's bias, 92% negativer coverage of Trump for 4 years. but, hey libs love it since they are baby killing morons with no moral compass.

(10-28-2020, 10:26 AM)bfine32 Wrote: They last line in your post is uncalled for and unfair. There are liberals who abhor the taking of a life; although they'll try to quell the cognitive dissonance by using words such as embryo and fetus, yet support a woman's right to chose.

It also gives them an out from addressing the other countless points in your thread that are solid.

It's definitely a news story and folks are showing their hypocrisy by trying to sweep it under the rug.

I'd ignore the last line...but to say the other "points" are "solid" is a real stretch Armstrong moment.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-28-2020, 10:26 AM)bfine32 Wrote: They last line in your post is uncalled for and unfair. There are liberals who abhor the taking of a life; although they'll try to quell the cognitive dissonance by using words such as embryo and fetus, yet support a woman's right to chose.

It also gives them an out from addressing the other countless points in your thread that are solid.

It's definitely a news story and folks are showing their hypocrisy by trying to sweep it under the rug.

Are people trying to sweep it under the rug? I see more pointing out that it's editorialized, speculative, and a bit too politically convenient to be taken at face value. 

It's news, but that goes back to me wondering if people can separate op/ed from slightly more factual stuff. 

Side rant a bit of an eye roll for another Republican cursing democrats while their party is so obsessed with Lincoln, Reagan, and Trump.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-28-2020, 10:13 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Interesting.

I was so shocked by that last line I forgot what most of your post said. Something something watch tucker carlson I think I read.

Yikes man. You are in deep

So are you able to dispute anything other than the last line?
I'm a bit mixed on this story, though I admittedly haven't followed it real real close.

-On one hand, a politician (any politician) making money off their position is about as easy to believe as it gets.
-On the other hand, I trust Rudi Guiliani about as far as I can throw him and the a-bit too-convenient timing didn't smell right.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]
(10-28-2020, 09:57 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: It is hilarious to watch liberals ignore or lie and say no story about the business dealings of the Biden family while Joe was VP and after his was VP in countries Obama put him in charge of is so hypocritical. Libs accused Trump of doing the same thing Tony Bobulinski just showed the world through emails (he was named in the NY Post email), texts and dates of meetings with Jim, Hunter, Joe (2 times face to face) and Walker the Biden family friend.

Just watch the 45 minute interview on Fox with Tucker Carlson in the 28th of October. The libs believed Vindman, but they want to dismiss war hero Bobulinski. He has tape on tape Walker asking him to not go forward, if so it will destroy people. He only came forward because Adam Schiff in essence called him a traitor and attacked his family name with the Russian collusion narrative used again. He asked family friend Walker to get with Biden family and make Schiff retract the story. If so, he would not go to the media or the senate. They refused and here were are.

That doesn't make much sense though. For one, why would they not give into this blackmail and did instead, as you say, refuse. In your narrative, Bubolinski literally offered them to bury the whole story. This witness is dubious at first glance, starting with him first having met Joe Biden once, then claiming he met him twice. What is it now? Isn't that the one major thing you should get right from the get-go? He also allegedly met with Joe Biden in secret, in a dark LA bar behind a column - yet Biden showed up with his whole security detail? He also, unrelated to meetings, used the line "we went through three years of Russia, Russia, Russia", which is clearly a politically motivated statement that has nothing to do with Biden. Also, this guy accepted an invitation from Trump to sit at the debate, yet what another great way to appear apolitical. He came out at an oddly convenient time for Trump anyway. This is not a particularly trustworthy character witness and nothing he says about Joe Biden seems to be confirmed much.

That his family does business around the world, well, that much seems true, and that much was known. All possible scrutiny coming from that is deserved. The Joe Biden involvement though, this is way too thin. A reference to a "big guy" in an email - that allegedly even gave Hunter a resounding no to his plans - is nothing to hang any serious hat on. Yeah, Bobulinski claims this was Joe Biden. But even FOX news stated that the material he provided show zero evidence of Joe Biden being involved or taking money in any way.

And that's a main difference to Vindman. What he said was supported by many people. Including Donald Trump. Who released the record of his phone call and so pretty much confirmed what Vindman stated. What was left there not to believe?

With Welker's comment, there is no visible connection to Joe Biden whatsoever.

(10-28-2020, 09:57 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: There are a ton of questions including why the FBI sat on the Hunter Biden laptop while the Democrats were trying to impeach the POTUS because he said Biden was corrupt.

That was not why he was impeached though. Trump was impeached for holding back military aid to Ukraine that got approved by Congress, allegedly (but imho, pretty solidly shown) in an attempt to blackmail them into announcing an investigation into the Bidens.

Which of course is one more point that makes me more than sceptical about this story. This is not the first attempt of Trump world to produce something here. They tried it already with the Ukrainian prosecutor that Biden allegedly removed to protect his son - even though pretty much all western governments had the same goal, for said prosecutor was widely known to be corrupt to his bone. And additionally apparently did not even investigate Burisma.

(10-28-2020, 09:57 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: The MSM covered a lie, a Russian collusion narrative where a Russian Dossier paid for by a political opponent (HRC and the DNC) to spy on the Trump campaign and then Trump transition team.

This is not even remotely what happened and even the Barr-led DOJ could not support that narrative.
The FBI "spied" on Carter Page, someone who was on their radar long before the Trump campaign and who according to team Trump (and probably indeed) hardly was involved at all into said campaign. The dossier did not start that process of surveillance of Carter Page. Nor did it start the Russia investigation. That's not according to me, it's actually also according to Devin Nunes.

(10-28-2020, 09:57 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Yet, now they refuse to cover this. The media has shown oit's bias, 92% negativer coverage of Trump for 4 years. but, hey libs love it since they are baby killing morons with no moral compass.

This is not a quality comment. Baby killing morons with no morale? Really? THAT low?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-28-2020, 09:57 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: It is hilarious to watch liberals ignore or lie and say no story about the business dealings of the Biden family while Joe was VP and after his was VP in countries Obama put him in charge of is so hypocritical. Libs accused Trump of doing the same thing Tony Bobulinski just showed the world through emails (he was named in the NY Post email), texts and dates of meetings with Jim, Hunter, Joe (2 times face to face) and Walker the Biden family friend.

Just watch the 45 minute interview on Fox with Tucker Carlson in the 28th of October. The libs believed Vindman, but they want to dismiss war hero Bobulinski. He has tape on tape Walker asking him to not go forward, if so it will destroy people. He only came forward because Adam Schiff in essence called him a traitor and attacked his family name with the Russian collusion narrative used again. He asked family friend Walker to get with Biden family and make Schiff retract the story. If so, he would not go to the media or the senate. They refused and here were are.

There are a ton of questions including why the FBI sat on the Hunter Biden laptop while the Democrats were trying to impeach the POTUS because he said Biden was corrupt. Guess what, it looks like Biden is corrupt and was taking money from the Chinese and others solely based on the Biden name.

The MSM covered a lie, a Russian collusion narrative where a Russian Dossier paid for by a political opponent (HRC and the DNC) to spy on the Trump campaign and then Trump transition team. Yet, now they refuse to cover this. The media has shown oit's bias, 92% negativer coverage of Trump for 4 years. but, hey libs love it since they are baby killing morons with no moral compass.

Even Fox says you can't believe Tucker Carlson.

Quote:Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "

She wrote: "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."

Vyskocil, an appointee of President Trump's, added, "Whether the Court frames Mr. Carlson's statements as 'exaggeration,' 'non-literal commentary,' or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same — the statements are not actionable."

Basically, a reasonable person of ordinary intelligence would never confuse Tucker Carlson's show for fact.
(10-28-2020, 11:11 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Are people trying to sweep it under the rug? I see more pointing out that it's editorialized, speculative, and a bit too politically convenient to be taken at face value. 

It's news, but that goes back to me wondering if people can separate op/ed from slightly more factual stuff. 

Side rant a bit of an eye roll for another Republican cursing democrats while their party is so obsessed with Lincoln, Reagan, and Trump.  

Were you this wary of the "Trump calling dead soldiers losers" story?
[Image: giphy.gif]
So we had 24/7 RUSSIA , RUSSIA, RUSSIA for 3 years on all major networks. All kinds of unfounded stories running non-stop. Even the supposed pee tape was not off limits. Nothing is off limits when it comes to reporting stories on Trump or his family.

Far more facts and evidence in this Biden Family scandal and crickets. Literally a complete media blackout. Absolutely crazy.

As stated in the article I will post, all you have to do is ask yourself if the same info came out about the Trump Family would this be a nothing burger? Of course not and that is the problem.

It would be 24/7, non-stop Trump and his family need to be arrested on all major news outlets and everyone of you know that is 100% true. Tony B. would be on every major news outlet for days on end. Investigations would be started. Outrage would be off the charts. Biden Family = what, who is Tony?

And people wonder why the media is not trusted anymore????
(10-28-2020, 11:54 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote:

Even Fox says you can't believe Tucker Carlson.

Basically, a reasonable person of ordinary intelligence would never confuse Tucker Carlson's show for fact.

Am I allowed to believe other people on Tuckers show or is it all just a staged lie?  

Should I only believe Don, smell my ball sac sweat Lemon?  Or should I only believe Chris, master of fake mask/lockdown outrage Cuomo?  Maybe tugin', lubin' Toobin is a legit source of unbiased and fair news?
(10-28-2020, 11:55 AM)PhilHos Wrote: Were you this wary of the "Trump calling dead soldiers losers" story?

Yes, mostly because Trump supporters volunteered the information that Trump being an un-PC d-bag was part of why he'd be a good president. 

If Biden supporters claimed Hunter being a sleazy crackhead was a reason to vote for Biden I'd be taking the piss put of thrm for this, too.

That's the fun of being a person and not a court of can draw your own conclusions and talk about stuff that is speculative and biased. Not that actual courts don't do that.
(10-28-2020, 11:57 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: So we had 24/7 RUSSIA , RUSSIA, RUSSIA for 3 years on all major networks.  All kinds of unfounded stories running non-stop.  Even the supposed pee tape was not off limits.  Nothing is off limits when it comes to reporting stories on Trump or his family.

Far more facts and evidence in this Biden Family scandal and crickets.  Literally a complete media blackout.  Absolutely crazy.

As stated in the article I will post, all you have to do is ask yourself if the same info came out about the Trump Family would this be a nothing burger?  Of course not and that is the problem.  

It would be 24/7, non-stop Trump and his family need to be arrested on all major news outlets and everyone of you know that is 100% true.  Tony B. would be on every major news outlet for days on end.  Investigations would be started.  Outrage would be off the charts.  Biden Family = what, who is Tony?

And people wonder why the media is not trusted anymore????

According to the computer repairman who notified Giuliani regarding Hunter Biden's alleged laptop, the FBI picked up the computer 10 months ago.  The FBI is accountable to the US Attorney General, Bill Barr, who as you know works for and was appointed by Trump.  Bill Barr refuses to indict Joe Biden. So you're alleging Bill Barr and Donald Trump are a part of this conspiracy to cover up the Hunter Biden story. Does that make any sense to you?
(10-28-2020, 12:04 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Am I allowed to believe other people on Tuckers show or is it all just a staged lie?  

Should I only believe Don, smell my ball sac sweat Lemon?  Or should I only believe Chris, master of fake mask/lockdown outrage Cuomo?  Maybe tugin', lubin' Toobin is a legit source of unbiased and fair news?

I think that is a question for the Fox News lawyers that argued in federal court that reasonable people of average intelligence shouldn't believe Tucker Carlson's show.
(10-28-2020, 12:27 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I think that is a question for the Fox News lawyers that argued in federal court that reasonable people of average intelligence shouldn't believe Tucker Carlson's show.

Yep. Can't have your cake and eat it too.  Once you legally declare yourself entertainment to circumvent the possible legal ramifications of what you're presenting you've crossed a bit of a Rubicon. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-28-2020, 10:48 AM)GMDino Wrote: I'd ignore the last line...but to say the other "points" are "solid" is a real stretch Armstrong moment.

It's embarrassing to see adults who have access to the Mueller report try to dismiss the Russia investigation. 

It's even more embarrassing to see people use Tucker Carlson as a source, especially after what Fox News argued in court.  
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-28-2020, 12:23 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: According to the computer repairman who notified Giuliani regarding Hunter Biden's alleged laptop, the FBI picked up the computer 10 months ago.  The FBI is accountable to the US Attorney General, Bill Barr, who as you know works for and was appointed by Trump.  Bill Barr refuses to indict Joe Biden. So you're alleging Bill Barr and Donald Trump are a part of this conspiracy to cover up the Hunter Biden story. Does that make any sense to you?

I never claimed Biden did anything illegal.

Lied?  yes.  

unethical?  yes.

Possibly set himself up to be blackmailed or have issues with negotiating foreign policy?  yes.
Soooooo..........Tony B is a flat out liar, the tape is fabricated, he is a Russian plant and all the info he provided is a made up Russian lie?

Do I have that correct?  And it's because he said it on Tuckers show?

Unless it's Trump, then it's all real and covered 24/7.
(10-28-2020, 01:06 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I never claimed Biden did anything illegal.

Lied?  yes.  

unethical?  yes.

Possibly set himself up to be blackmailed or have issues with negotiating foreign policy?  yes.

(10-28-2020, 01:10 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Soooooo..........Tony B is a flat out liar, the tape is fabricated, he is a Russian plant and all the info he provided is a made up Russian lie?

Do I have that correct?  And it's because he said it on Tuckers show?

Unless it's Trump, then it's all real and covered 24/7.

This story has been out for2-3 weeks.  Most of the early reporting on it has shown that the story is shaky at best and fraudulent at worst.

Tucker Carlson is not a good source because FOX argued in court that he is not...but that doesn't mean he never says anything true or that is guests are always lying or Russian disinformation spreaders  What it does mean is that if the actual paper that printed it couldn't get a reporter to attach their name and no further research has found strong support it then the story is not "solid" and the "facts" will be questioned.

And trying to tie it to the Steele Dossier is misdirection at best.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-28-2020, 01:19 PM)GMDino Wrote: This story has been out for2-3 weeks.  Most of the early reporting on it has shown that the story is shaky at best and fraudulent at worst.

Tucker Carlson is not a good source because FOX argued in court that he is not...but that doesn't mean he never says anything true or that is guests are always lying or Russian disinformation spreaders  What it does mean is that if the actual paper that printed it couldn't get a reporter to attach their name and no further research has found strong support it then the story is not "solid" and the "facts" will be questioned.

And trying to tie it to the Steele Dossier is misdirection at best.

All I am saying is Trump working with Russia was completely false, yet 24/7 outrage on every major network.

Is the info on Hunters laptop fake?  No one has denied it.
Is what Tony B said lies?  He is a very credible person no one is denying what he said is true.
Is the recorded phone call Tony B. has a fake?  No one is denying it.

Just because almost all major news media and social media are in the tank for Biden and trying to suppress the story does not mean the story is not credible.

Now if the media had the same standard for the Trump Russia collusion story and not writing impeachment articles about Trump before he was ever sworn in I would think differently about this.

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