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I have a strange feeling that Trump will...
...try to pass a Constitutional Amendment forcing all citizens to wear their underwear on the outside of their clothing.

He is that whacked out.
My thing is that Cruz is just as scary, Trump just makes more of a show out of it.
(03-08-2016, 03:51 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: My thing is that Cruz is just as scary, Trump just makes more of a show out of it.

How so? Cruz is far more likely to be the closest to the constitution. Curious to hear why you feel this way.
I've never trusted Cruz. The first time I saw him I thought he looked like a slime ball and as this campaign continues, the more and more it's becoming true.

His campaign telling folks Carson was withdrawing from the race to get votes
His campaign spreading rumors about Rubio
His campaign saying a vote for Rubio is a wasted vote because he's dropping or dropped out.

As for Ribio, I don't trust him either. He reminds me of the Manchurian Candidate and is robotic.

Kasich is in way over his head right now and if he becomes president, look out, he would drown.
(03-08-2016, 04:03 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: How so? Cruz is far more likely to be the closest to the constitution. Curious to hear why you feel this way.

Honestly, pretty much everything he stands for concerns me. His foreign policy positions are harmful to our relationships with the world community. His positions on civil rights, specifically same-sex marriage, are absolutely un-American. His siding with Hobby Lobby in their case on the contraceptive issue is concerning in that he supports expanding the rights of corporations to being the same as the people and taking precedence over the people. The list could go on, but I'm not going to get into that debate. This is a matter of philosophical differences.

I'm just going to say that Cruz would not adhere to the Constitution any more than the past dozen Presidents have. The only reason anyone would think that way is because he would be doing things they agreed with. Half of the things on every candidate's platform, left or right, are things the POTUS, constitutionally speaking, should stay the hell out of anyway.
(03-08-2016, 04:22 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I'm just going to say that Cruz would not adhere to the Constitution any more than the past dozen Presidents have. The only reason anyone would think that way is because he would be doing things they agreed with. Half of the things on every candidate's platform, left or right, are things the POTUS, constitutionally speaking, should stay the hell out of anyway.

I don't disagree.  His inability to work with and even be liked/respected by his own party is a huge problem.  That's true, to lesser extent, of Obama and yet he's had to use more Exec Orders and Actions to accomplish much.

Idealogue's don't make good Presidents.  Like you, I'm especially bothered that either Cruz is an idealogue or just willing to say whatever it takes to get elected.  Even worse, the guy has been positioning himself since Day 1 in the Senate for a Presidential run.  Even Obama wasn't that transparent.

(03-08-2016, 04:22 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Honestly, pretty much everything he stands for concerns me. His foreign policy positions are harmful to our relationships with the world community. His positions on civil rights, specifically same-sex marriage, are absolutely un-American. His siding with Hobby Lobby in their case on the contraceptive issue is concerning in that he supports expanding the rights of corporations to being the same as the people and taking precedence over the people. The list could go on, but I'm not going to get into that debate. This is a matter of philosophical differences.

I'm just going to say that Cruz would not adhere to the Constitution any more than the past dozen Presidents have. The only reason anyone would think that way is because he would be doing things they agreed with. Half of the things on every candidate's platform, left or right, are things the POTUS, constitutionally speaking, should stay the hell out of anyway.

Fair enough.
(03-08-2016, 04:22 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Honestly, pretty much everything he stands for concerns me. His foreign policy positions are harmful to our relationships with the world community. His positions on civil rights, specifically same-sex marriage, are absolutely un-American. His siding with Hobby Lobby in their case on the contraceptive issue is concerning in that he supports expanding the rights of corporations to being the same as the people and taking precedence over the people. The list could go on, but I'm not going to get into that debate. This is a matter of philosophical differences.

I'm just going to say that Cruz would not adhere to the Constitution any more than the past dozen Presidents have. The only reason anyone would think that way is because he would be doing things they agreed with. Half of the things on every candidate's platform, left or right, are things the POTUS, constitutionally speaking, should stay the hell out of anyway.

I don't think for one minute that what he claims to stand for is what he stands for at all. I think Trump only stands for getting elected. Period. I believe his campaign to achieve that goal is a "say anything you think they want to hear" campaign. The only concern is that, at least as far as the GOP voters, it is working. If he gets the nomination, I think we will see a complete change in his rhetoric to more of a "I'm not such a bad guy.... heck, I could almost be a liberal!!!" type campaign.
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
(03-08-2016, 03:51 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: My thing is that Cruz is just as scary, Trump just makes more of a show out of it.

I wouldn't trust Rubio to walk my dog and I wouldn't trust Bernie to cut my grass and I wouldn't trust Hillary to run a Girl Scout meeting. 

Kasich will be the Rep. nominee.  He's in it now to keep Ohio out of Trump's hands and be there to grab the nomination when they play that convention game and take the choice completely out of the people's hands.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein  singersongwriterrocknroll

(03-08-2016, 05:45 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: I don't think for one minute that what he claims to stand for is what he stands for at all. I think Trump only stands for getting elected. Period. I believe his campaign to achieve that goal is a "say anything you think they want to hear" campaign. The only concern is that, at least as far as the GOP voters, it is working. If he gets the nomination, I think we will see a complete change in his rhetoric to more of a "I'm not such a bad guy.... heck, I could almost be a liberal!!!" type campaign.

I was talking about Cruz in that post, actually. LOL

Trump, I agree with you to be honest. This is why I find him and Cruz to be just as scary. Cruz actually believes in what he is peddling from what I can tell. Trump is full of it, but if he were to actually win he would be surrounded by people that know what to do. Problem with that, he would be impotent in his role.
(03-08-2016, 05:47 PM)McC Wrote: I wouldn't trust Rubio to walk my dog and I wouldn't trust Bernie to cut my grass and I wouldn't trust Hillary to run a Girl Scout meeting.

Are most 74 year old Jewish men trustworthy when it comes to performing menial labor, or something? Ninja

(03-08-2016, 05:51 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I was talking about Cruz in that post, actually. LOL

Trump, I agree with you to be honest. This is why I find him and Cruz to be just as scary. Cruz actually believes in what he is peddling from what I can tell. Trump is full of it, but if he were to actually win he would be surrounded by people that know what to do. Problem with that, he would be impotent in his role.

That's how I see it.  Trump knows he's just putting an act, but Cruz says all the crazy things he says with total conviction.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-08-2016, 05:51 PM)Belsnickel Wrote:  Trump is full of it, but if he were to actually win he would be surrounded by people that know what to do. 

I'm not sure why I should believe Trump will surround himself with good people, rather than sycophants.  I guess he's had to be able to do that to succeed in real estate, but that's a pretty different animal.  How does picking good people to manage building a high rise translate to picking good people in economics, foreign policy, tax, etc..?

And what about his rolodex for those positions?  He has no experience in politics, and really no party.  I just don't see why I should believe Trump will pick good people and actually listen to them.

(03-08-2016, 05:58 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: I'm not sure why I should believe Trump will surround himself with good people, rather than sycophants.  I guess he's had to be able to do that to succeed in real estate, but that's a pretty different animal.  How does picking good people to manage building a high rise translate to picking good people in economics, foreign policy, tax, etc..?

And what about his rolodex for those positions?  He has no experience in politics, and really no party.  I just don't see why I should believe Trump will pick good people and actually listen to them.

Maybe I'm just being optimistic. And I should say, by no means do I think that even if Trump could pick good advisers that I would like him in office, it is a scary thought regardless. I just figure he has to have some sense when it comes to what people know about certain things. My assumption could be entirely wrong, though.
(03-08-2016, 05:57 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Are most 74 year old Jewish men trustworthy when it comes to performing menial labor, or something? Ninja

That's how I see it.  Trump knows he's just putting an act, but Cruz says all the crazy things he says with total conviction.

at least you know where he stands. I don't agree with Cruz on some things but at least knowing that helps.
(03-08-2016, 06:18 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: at least you know where he stands.  I don't agree with Cruz on some things but at least knowing that helps.

When I disagree with a guy as much as I disagree with him I don't really value 150% commitment to the stance.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-08-2016, 05:58 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: I'm not sure why I should believe Trump will surround himself with good people, rather than sycophants.  I guess he's had to be able to do that to succeed in real estate, but that's a pretty different animal.  How does picking good people to manage building a high rise translate to picking good people in economics, foreign policy, tax, etc..?

And what about his rolodex for those positions?  He has no experience in politics, and really no party.  I just don't see why I should believe Trump will pick good people and actually listen to them.

Because the man is an egomaniac.
He only wants to be president, as it is the ultimate feather for his cap.
He will do EVERYTHING in his power to be successful and insure himself to be an icon.
Trump will roll in the money after his (potential) term with speaking engagements, just like Billy Boy.

This is the only reason I do not think he will be as horrible for the country as everyone else seems to think.
The man intends on being a legend.
(03-09-2016, 12:08 AM)Rotobeast Wrote: Because the man is an egomaniac.
He only wants to be president, as it is the ultimate feather for his cap.
He will do EVERYTHING in his power to be successful and insure himself to be an icon.
Trump will roll in the money after his (potential) term with speaking engagements, just like Billy Boy.

This is the only reason I do not think he will be as horrible for the country as everyone else seems to think.
The man intends on being a legend.

Its seems you are contradictory.

If Trumps aim is to be so successful as to become an icon, isn't that a good thing? You want him to be successful right?
Similarly, if Trump was to end up "being a legend", then the only way that can happen is if ends up doing great things.
(03-09-2016, 12:08 AM)Rotobeast Wrote: Because the man is an egomaniac.
He only wants to be president, as it is the ultimate feather for his cap.
He will do EVERYTHING in his power to be successful and insure himself to be an icon.
Trump will roll in the money after his (potential) term with speaking engagements, just like Billy Boy.

This is the only reason I do not think he will be as horrible for the country as everyone else seems to think.
The man intends on being a legend.

This is what I thought initially, but Trump seems to be pretty good at trumpeting his praise and successes while labeling any criticism as being baseless criticism manufactured to make him look bad.  I recall him being booed pretty hardcore at that one debate but then spinning that into "The more booing the better, because it just shows the special interest groups here don't own me" etc..

I can see Trump being a colossal failure as a president and still managing to convince the people he wants to convince that it was a resounding success, or that he was TOO popular and had to be "forced out" by the corrupt powers that be.  Hell, Trump could pull a Palin and just get sick of being in office and/or concerned bad press was coming and he can quit and blame it on those dastardly career politicians, and so on.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-09-2016, 12:23 AM)Vlad Wrote: Its seems you are contradictory.

If Trumps aim is to be so successful as to become an icon, isn't that a good thing? You want him to be successful right?
Similarly, if Trump was to end up "being a legend", then the only way that can happen is if ends up doing great things.

Ehh, I'm pretty sure I'm complimenting the guy when I say that he has a way of manipulating things to make him appear far more legendary than he really is.  The guy has probably talked a lot of people into making some bad decisions that were presented as AMAZING and FOOL-PROOF!  It's the nature of the game.  It's just business.

Remember, the American populace is one that has been convinced drinking liquid high fructose corn syrup on a daily basis is completely normal and satisfying.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-09-2016, 12:23 AM)Vlad Wrote: Its seems you are contradictory.

If Trumps aim is to be so successful as to become an icon, isn't that a good thing? You want him to be successful right?
Similarly, if Trump was to end up "being a legend", then the only way that can happen is if ends up doing great things.

How do I contradict ?
I said I didn't think he'd be as bad as some think.
I never alluded to him failing or wanting him to do so.
Further more, I'd never want to see any president fail , unless their motives were to destroy the country. 

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