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ICE Raids
(07-24-2019, 05:37 PM)bfine32 Wrote: 1. Suppose I mis-remembered the violent forced takeover in Oregon. I thought they occupied a deserted place in the middle of nowhere. 

2. Thanks

3. He is breaking the law, he's had his day in court, and the decision was made that he should be deported. You can paint it how you will and apply your POV to it, but some believe we are a Nation of Laws

4. I've said many times: I give 2 shit's about a wall and I have no idea what it has to do with the subject at hand. You also have to understand that many feel those trying to immigrate legally shouldn't have to get in line behind people who illegally jumped in front of them. 

The site was empty at the time, but that doesn't change the fact that they took it over and held it by force. That's violence. They also vandalized the site by digging up roads and parking lots with government property, removing pipes, shitting all over the place, removing electronic equipment, making trenches, and leaving lots of trash. They also stole computers and cash. One of the guys tried to drive through a police barricade.

Yet... you defended their actions then and continue to do so here, reserving charged language for a man who may or may not have entered the country illegally. That really says all that needs to be said on this topic. I don't know what can be gained by discussing illegal immigration with someone who believes domestic terrorism is noble and crossing the border makes you worthy of scorn. 
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(07-24-2019, 07:10 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: The site was empty at the time, but that doesn't change the fact that they took it over and held it by force. That's violence. They also vandalized the site by digging up roads and parking lots with government property, removing pipes, shitting all over the place, removing electronic equipment, making trenches, and leaving lots of trash. They also stole computers and cash. One of the guys tried to drive through a police barricade.

Yet... you defended their actions then and continue to do so here, reserving charged language for a man who may or may not have entered the country illegally. That really says all that needs to be said on this topic. I don't know what can be gained by discussing illegal immigration with someone who believes domestic terrorism is noble and crossing the border makes you worthy of scorn. 
So we agree the occupation was not violent. Nor were they violent toward anyone. Ok they were vandals (2 funny). My point is simply pointing to the hypocrisy. I guarantee you called Oregon terrorism from the moment they peacefully occupied.

These lies coming from our resident troll identifier. We can revisit the Oregon thread and I guarantee you I clearly stated they should be arrested. If refusing to label something as terrorism that isn't terrorism categorized as defending then guilty as charged. But stop with the lies and hypocrisy. 
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(07-24-2019, 07:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote: So we agree the occupation was not violent. 

Responding to me specifically referring to an armed occupation as "violent" with this is trolling. Just so we're sure what trolling is.

Quote:Nor were they violent toward anyone. Ok they were vandals (2 funny). 

You're now dismissing vandalization noted by the federal government which included destruction of property and defecation as "2funny". This too is trolling. 

I only have myself to blame for engaging you in good faith.
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(07-24-2019, 11:42 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Responding to me specifically referring to an armed occupation as "violent" with this is trolling. Just so we're sure what trolling is.

You're now dismissing vandalization noted by the federal government which included destruction of property and defecation as "2funny". This too is trolling. 

I only have myself to blame for engaging you in good faith.

I think we both understand what trolling is. You stated the Oregon occupation was terrorism and not civil disobedience because of violence and you made this assertion of terrorism the minute they occupied. So we can settle this with the answer of one simple question: Did the Oregon folk occupy violently?

I didn't dismiss vandalization and freely said we can call them vandals. I just laughed at the straw grasping and goal post adjusting. 

I agree you only have yourself to blame but it has zero to do with me or your "good faith". You lied about my stance on the Oregon occupiers but yet you claim you're the one operating in "good faith". What's your definition of a troll again?
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Quote:Immigration Officials Snatch 9-Year-Old U.S. Citizen Heading To School, Hold Her For 2 Days
“I was scared. I was completely by myself,” says sobbing fourth-grader.

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A 9-year-old American citizen on her way to school was apprehended by U.S. immigration officials and detained for some 32 hours before she was released back to her family. Federal officials said later that the girl, who was carrying a U.S. passport card with her, gave “inconsistent information.”

I was scared. I didn’t have my mom or my brother. I was completely by myself,” Julia Isabel Amparo Medina told NBC-7 TV in San Diego.
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Medina, her 14-year-old brother and two friends were being driven to school by the friends’ mom from their home in Tijuana to San Ysidro last Monday. Thousands of people travel through the Tijuana-San Ysidro crossing daily for school or work.

When traffic slowed to a crawl, the mom told the children to walk across the border so they wouldn’t be late. An official detained Medina, saying she didn’t look like the photo on her passport card.

They finally released her Tuesday evening about 32 hours later. U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in a statement that the girl, whom they confirmed is an American citizen, “provided inconsistent information during her inspection,” which they didn’t elaborate. She was taken into custody so officers could “perform due diligence in confirming her identity and citizenship,” according to the statement.

Officials had no explanation for why the process took 32 hours or why the 9-year-old was in custody the entire time. 

Medina’s brother, who is also a U.S. citizen, said officials initially accused him of human trafficking and demanded he sign a paper saying that his sister was really his cousin.

“He was told that he would be taken to jail and they were going to charge him for human trafficking and sex trafficking,” Julia’s mom, Thelma Galaxia, told NBC.

Immigration agents’ shocking actions against citizens are being challenged in an ACLU lawsuit filed last month against CPB on behalf of two American women. They were stopped in a store in their Montana town by an immigration official because they were speaking Spanish. Both women were born in the U.S. As the agent demanded their identification, one of the women videotaped the encounter on her phone.

“Ma’am the reason I asked you for your ID is I came in here and I saw you guys are speaking Spanish, which is very unheard of up here,” the agent said on camera. The ACLU is arguing the agent had no probable cause to detain the women.

Better check him for tats, right?   Probably MS-13.   Right?  Whatever
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-30-2019, 03:54 PM)GMDino Wrote:

Better check him for tats, right?   Probably MS-13.   Right?  Whatever

Human/Sex trafficking is no joke and happens hourly at the US-Mexico border.

I'm glad they checked. If the girls story wasn't consistent, then they have every reason to suspect something "odd". They deal with this stuff quite often so it's normal for their "red flags" to go off. And it's easy to question their methods in hindsight. I would rather they get one wrong now and then and catch as many as they can than ignore it because of silly protocols they have to follow.
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(07-30-2019, 04:20 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Human/Sex trafficking is no joke and happens hourly at the US-Mexico border.

I'm glad they checked. If the girls story wasn't consistent, then they have every reason to suspect something "odd". They deal with this stuff quite often so it's normal for their "red flags" to go off. And it's easy to question their methods in hindsight. I would rather they get one wrong now and then and catch as many as they can than ignore it because of silly protocols they have to follow.

...for 32 hours.  When she had the proper paperwork.

Are we sure she wasn't MS-13?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-30-2019, 04:38 PM)GMDino Wrote: ...for 32 hours.  When she had the proper paperwork.

Are we sure she wasn't MS-13?

Yea forgot to say in my original post that was a bit odd, but I'm not sure of their policies/procedures for these things and neither are you.
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(07-30-2019, 04:49 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Yea forgot to say in my original post that was a bit odd, but I'm not sure of their policies/procedures for these things and neither are you.

Bit "odd".

9 year old in custody for 32 hours with papers.

Bit "odd".
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-30-2019, 04:54 PM)GMDino Wrote: Bit "odd".

9 year old in custody for 32 hours with papers.

Bit "odd".

Do you agree that papers can be faked?  So stop acting like it's never happened before.
Once they were certain of her status, she was released.

If you don't like how it all went down, then maybe you should thank the actual illegals that cause the problems like this.
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Yes there is a crisis at the border; I don't think anyone is denying that. Of course that has nothing to do with ICE raids, and usually nothing to do with ICE entirely. But if we can blame everything on ICE maybe more people will want to blow them up.
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(07-30-2019, 05:28 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Yes there is a crisis at the border; I don't think anyone is denying that. Of course that has nothing to do with ICE raids, and usually nothing to do with ICE entirely. But if we can blame everything on ICE maybe more people will want to blow them up.

Or if we can point out that the blanket way ICE is "rounding up illegals" is also "rounding up legals" we can maybe stop with the fear mongering.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-30-2019, 05:20 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Do you agree that papers can be faked?  So stop acting like it's never happened before.
Once they were certain of her status, she was released.

If you don't like how it all went down, then maybe you should thank the actual illegals that cause the problems like this.

9 years old.  32 hours.  

With papers.

But as long as DJT can make people afraid of gangs I guess it was worth it.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-30-2019, 05:41 PM)GMDino Wrote: Or if we can point out that the blanket way ICE is "rounding up illegals" is also "rounding up legals" we can maybe stop with the fear mongering.

So it was ICE that rounded up this girl? I thought it was Customs and Border Patrol. 

Believe me the last think the Left wants to do is stop the fear mongering. They want you to be very afraid of a government organization, so much so, that you'd consider blowing the up (both literally and figuratively). They want folks to be ignorant. 
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(07-30-2019, 05:41 PM)GMDino Wrote: Or if we can point out that the blanket way ICE is "rounding up illegals" is also "rounding up legals" we can maybe stop with the fear mongering.

(07-30-2019, 05:48 PM)bfine32 Wrote: So it was ICE that rounded up this girl? I thought it was Customs and Border Patrol. 

Believe me the last think the Left wants to do is stop the fear mongering. They want you to be very afraid of a government organization, so much so, that you'd consider blowing the up (both literally and figuratively). They want folks to be ignorant. 

That's a page right out of Trump's handbook.  "Believe me" and say the other side is doing what you (universal) are doing.  Brilliant.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-30-2019, 06:01 PM)GMDino Wrote: That's a page right out of Trump's handbook.  "Believe me" and say the other side is doing what you (universal) are doing.  Brilliant.

I don't know whose handbook it is, but i know BS when i see it. Just like the link you provided and trying to associate it with ICE. Do you know why you and others want to do that? I do and anyone who can see plainly does as well.

who wrote the handbook that says: I can accuse you of anything but when you suggest I'm doing the exact same thing i'm bitching aboutit doesn't count? 
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(07-30-2019, 06:06 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I don't know whose handbook it is, but i know BS when i see it. Just like the link you provided and trying to associate it with ICE. Do you know why you and others want to do that? I do and anyone who can see plainly does as well.

Earlier I suggested that the ICE raids would be picking up people not set for deportation.

Then I shared not one but two stories of American citizens picked up and detained by our government.

You make the connection.

(07-30-2019, 06:06 PM)bfine32 Wrote: who wrote the handbook that says: I can accuse you of anything but when you suggest I'm doing the exact same thing i'm bitching aboutit doesn't count? 

The "conservatives" on the board have been edgy and fiesty all day. I guess three weeks of denying and defending the racist stuff DJT says has started to get to them and their lashing out?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-31-2019, 12:02 AM)GMDino Wrote: Earlier I suggested that the ICE raids would be picking up people not set for deportation.

Then I shared not one but two stories of American citizens picked up and detained by our government.

You make the connection.

The "conservatives" on the board have been edgy and fiesty all day.  I guess three weeks of denying and defending the racist stuff DJT says has started to get to them and their lashing out?

I appreciate you admitting neither story you posted had anything to do with ICE and did absolutely nothing to support your suggestion.

The rest is just wash, rinse, repeat. 
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(07-31-2019, 12:13 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I appreciate you admitting neither story you posted had anything to do with ICE and did absolutely nothing to support your suggestion.

The rest is just wash, rinse, repeat. 

So you appreciate me "admitting" something I never said in the first place when I posted the two stories?

"wash, rinse, repeat"
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-31-2019, 12:33 AM)GMDino Wrote: So you appreciate me "admitting" something I never said in the first place when I posted the two stories?

"wash, rinse, repeat"

I sure do. Because in your explanation of your postings you used the term "our government" instead of ICE. So your "never saying" is as close as we're going to get to  your admitting the stories have nothing to do with ICE, much less the raids.
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