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Ireland becomes first country to legalize gay marriage via pop vote
(05-26-2015, 01:10 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Ugh.....  We will see, it will be a pain here if they do....   I wish they would stop forcing their lifestyle on us.   They wanna change a law just vote on it.   Not cry to the courts.   Problem is they don't wanna move into Alabama ... They just wanna tell them what to do from New York .

Are they forcing you to get married?

Also, if laws are unconstitutional, they should be overturned, especially laws that allow the government to regulate your life. That's Libertarianism 101.
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(05-26-2015, 01:12 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Why are you swearing?  Is your vocabulary not good enough you have to swear?

Why are you crying again? You're an adult. You should be able to see someone write the word "shit" without getting wetfaced over it.

[Image: oyb7yuz66nd81.jpg]

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(05-26-2015, 07:19 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Are they forcing you to get married?

Also, if laws are unconstitutional, they should be overturned, especially laws that allow the government to regulate your life. That's Libertarianism 101.

It's not about me being forced to gay marry. It's just that people here don't want it and it will just stir up a lot of hassle and traffic will be worse than it is already. That's what I mean by hassle.

And I would alright if we overturned every regulation that regulates my life. Problem is that we won't ...
(05-26-2015, 08:29 AM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Why are you crying again?  You're an adult.  You should be able to see someone write the word "shit" without getting wetfaced over it.

What are you talking about..... I just asked why you have to resort to the lowest form of vocabulary. It's up to you to choose how ignorant you sound by swearing.
(05-26-2015, 10:14 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: It's not about me being forced to gay marry.   It's just that people here don't want it and it will just stir up a lot of hassle and traffic will be worse than it is already.   That's what I mean by hassle.  

And I would alright if we overturned every regulation that regulates my life.   Problem is that we won't ...

People down your way had the same argument about 50-60yrs ago when it came to civil rights for other minorities and took the SCOTUS to intervene. I wish the folk down that way would just come around on their own and then the SCOTUS wouldn't have to intervene.
(05-26-2015, 10:16 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: What are you talking about..... I just asked why you have to resort to the lowest form of vocabulary.   It's up to you to choose how ignorant you sound by swearing.

Sure...I'll take sounding ignorant by swearing. No big deal. If you get so butthurt over some curse words that you feel the need to make a big deal out of it, so be it. At least I'm able to correctly read a post. If you could do the same, this exchange would not be happening. I guess we're both ignorant....just in different ways.

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(05-26-2015, 01:12 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Why are you swearing?  Is your vocabulary not good enough you have to swear?

Stop trying to regulate other's speech. Last time I checked this is America and Johnny is free to use any word he chooses. You'll never take our FREEDOOOOOMMMM!!!!
(05-26-2015, 10:14 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: And I would alright if we overturned every regulation that regulates my life.   Problem is that we won't ...

How about every regulation that protects your life? Against those, too? Should the private sector get to decide whether people should be allowed to, say, drive drunk?

I've also noticed you think that homosexuals are trying to "force" their lifestyle on you. May I ask how?
(05-26-2015, 10:14 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: It's not about me being forced to gay marry.   It's just that people here don't want it and it will just stir up a lot of hassle and traffic will be worse than it is already.   That's what I mean by hassle.  

And I would alright if we overturned every regulation that regulates my life.   Problem is that we won't ...

But they don't have to get gay married, so if they don't want it they are fine!
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-23-2015, 09:17 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: No I am not....  And if they do then there wil be news laws drawn up.   If a state doesn't want it then they will make it hard on them .   Florida was doing gay marriage because of some court case and loads of counties refused to do them....  

Besides this whole fight for/against gay marriage has nothing to do with marriage or "marriage equality"   It has everything to do with tearing down the family and making everything a community thing.   They can go get married by anyone who will marry them....  Then write up contracts and partnerships for everything else.  So if they can do all this already then why are they trying to rewrite marriage?  The only reason is to lower traditional marriage to where any combination is ok.    Forgetting the fact that's marriage is for 1 sole purpose.... To have a family.  

Yeah it's great Ireland can gay marry now.   They can have at it ....  

I bet in the end certain language will need adjusted in the state bills.   or they will say that marriage is a state issue not a federal issue.

1. I don't know what you mean by making everything a community thing.
2. Same sex marriage isn't legal or recognized in all 50 states so "they" can't get married anywhere thy like.
3. Traditional marriage?  Traditional by what standard?
4. Are you implying the only reason to marry is to procreate?  You don't need to be married to procreate. Do you only show up to have sex and then you leave because that is the "sole" purpose of marriage?
5. If a gay couple marries how does that infringe upon your civil rights?
6. Other cultures and religions have marriages so Christianity doesn't have a monopoly on the idea. Name one reason other than religion why you should decide who can't marry each other. Again, last time I checked this was the Land of the Free and denying others equal treatment under the law is un-American.
7. The only people who oppose same sex marriages, that I'm aware of, are conservative Christians based upon their religious views. In essence they are trying to legislate their religious beliefs upon others. Then they complain they are being persecuted for their religious beliefs when they aren't allowed to persecute gays based upon their religious beliefs. They complain about freedom of religion, but only if it applies to their religion  They don't even see the irony.
(05-26-2015, 10:20 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: People down your way had the same argument about 50-60yrs ago when it came to civil rights for other minorities and took the SCOTUS to intervene.  I wish the folk down that way would just come around on their own and then the SCOTUS wouldn't have to intervene.

Blacks rights and gay rights are not even remotely the same thing. First off the whole concept of "rights" is often misdefined. To give someone regulation to provide for small group you have to take away rights from everyone not in that minority.

Basically it's still slavery. Which I thought we outlawed that.... We didn't government slavery is in high gear. I bet when old school slavery was first in gear they called it commerce... So no one cared. Well now they are calling it "rights"

We all have the same rights until regulation takes away from us.

And as far as "people down my way" there are no native floridians lol. We are all northern transplants. I just don't wanna deal with the hassle of having to pass by numerous articles of how this gay can't be married because the county said no.

Look I know this is the end all be all issue for most of you. But to me it's so not important, we have so many other issues that are ahead of dudes marrying in Alabama. If your gay in a state they don't have marriage and that's important to you then move.

2 years ago obama didn't even want gay marriage. And hey he has a pen and a phone . Why doesn't he just lord over us and sign an ex order. He does it for everything else. The reason he doesn't is because of he does then Dems lose next set of elections.
(05-26-2015, 01:53 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: How about every regulation that protects your life? Against those, too? Should the private sector get to decide whether people should be allowed to, say, drive drunk?

I've also noticed you think that homosexuals are trying to "force" their lifestyle on you. May I ask how?

A law vs drunk driving is not what I am talking about .... How about hiring guidelines.... Not having to the right to refuse anyone service.... Etc.

Where did I say gays were "forcing" anything on me?
(05-26-2015, 02:34 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: But they don't have to get gay married, so if they don't want it they are fine!

Many feel it's an erosion of the family unit. The belief is that a child needs a mother and a father... Not a father and another father pretending to be a mother. Or vice versa.... Mom's aren't good fathers. They do their best but it's not the same.

I shared the op Ed awhile back from that girl who was raised by 2 moms and she didn't know what she missed out on until she saw her kids with her husband. Good example and a first hand look at someone in that expierence.

As far as me and dealing with it here .... Like I said I just think we have bigger fish to fry. Not to take away from your cause here.... I know this is one of your soapbox issues.
(05-26-2015, 03:29 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: 1. I don't know what you mean by making everything a community thing.
2. Same sex marriage isn't legal or recognized in all 50 states so "they" can't get married anywhere thy like.
3. Traditional marriage?  Traditional by what standard?
4. Are you implying the only reason to marry is to procreate?  You don't need to be married to procreate. Do you only show up to have sex and then you leave because that is the "sole" purpose of marriage?
5. If a gay couple marries how does that infringe upon your civil rights?
6. Other cultures and religions have marriages so Christianity doesn't have a monopoly on the idea. Name one reason other than religion why you should decide who can't marry each other. Again, last time I checked this was the Land of the Free and denying others equal treatment under the law is un-American.
7. The only people who oppose same sex marriages, that I'm aware of, are conservative Christians based upon their religious views. In essence they are trying to legislate their religious beliefs upon others. Then they complain they are being persecuted for their religious beliefs when they aren't allowed to persecute gays based upon their religious beliefs. They complain about freedom of religion, but only if it applies to their religion  They don't even see the irony.

I am just gonna address the last one. My other posts can sort the rest.

It's not a religious opposition it's a gov marriage opposition. Just get the gov out of marriage then they can gay marry all they want. Call it whatever they wish.

Ofc my religion says this is wrong... But that's not my opposition. If you wanna gay marry and go to hell then that's on you. We are all responsible for our own salvation.
(05-26-2015, 03:55 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I am just gonna address the last one.   My other posts can sort the rest.  

It's not a religious opposition it's a gov marriage opposition.   Just get the gov out of marriage then they can gay marry all they want.   Call it whatever they wish.    

Ofc my religion says this is wrong... But that's not my opposition.  If you wanna gay marry and go to hell then that's on you.  We are all responsible for our own salvation.

So who would recognize the legality of the "marriage"? There ARE legal ramifications of marriage. Would you just be willing to accept any two people who said "We are married"?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-26-2015, 03:55 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I am just gonna address the last one.   My other posts can sort the rest.  

It's not a religious opposition it's a gov marriage opposition.   Just get the gov out of marriage then they can gay marry all they want.   Call it whatever they wish.    

Ofc my religion says this is wrong... But that's not my opposition.  If you wanna gay marry and go to hell then that's on you.  We are all responsible for our own salvation.

Those laws are based upon the religious views of the politicians. Read any Huckabee thread for confirmation.
(05-26-2015, 03:47 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: A law vs drunk driving is not what I am talking about ....  How about hiring guidelines....  Not having to the right to refuse anyone service....  Etc.  

Where did I say gays were "forcing" anything on me?

Basically you agree with RP that we didn't need the civil right act then.

Quote:There are things that people were concerned about that were unintended consequences [of the Civil Rights Act], for example, people who believe very fervently in people having equal protection under the law, and are against segregation and all that, still worried about the loss of property rights…for example, I can’t have a cigar bar any more, and you say, “well, that has nothing to do with race” — the idea of whether or not you control your property, it also tells you, come in here I want to know the calorie count on that, and the calorie Nazis come in here and tell me. […] The point is that its not all about that. It’s not all about race relations, it’s about controlling property, ultimately.

Your "property" is more important than "equal rights" for ALL citizens of the US.

Got it.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-26-2015, 04:02 PM)GMDino Wrote: So who would recognize the legality of the "marriage"?  There ARE legal ramifications of marriage.  Would you just be willing to accept any two people who said "We are married"?

Well first off.... Marriage is only for the family and community. Traditionally speaking. Gov just got in to prevent interracial marriage.

A contract written by an attorney would be fine. Like a partnership. Then you could spell out whatever you needed legally. That's no differnt than a marriage certificate from the gov.

As far as ceremony goes ... That's a religious thing. So see hour church or have whoever do whatever if your not religious.
(05-26-2015, 03:47 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: A law vs drunk driving is not what I am talking about ....  How about hiring guidelines....  Not having to the right to refuse anyone service....  Etc.  

Where did I say gays were "forcing" anything on me?

Post #39
(05-26-2015, 04:04 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Those laws are based upon the religious views of the politicians. Read any Huckabee thread for confirmation.

Lol huckabee. Sorry I don't need to read about a progressive. Ofc he would say that he is a Teddy Roosevelt progressive

He wants regulation to "protect" you from yourself

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